september 27 2016 up-datesABUSE patterns: ENCYCLOPEDIC synopsis and references May 2016: Un’accurata diagnosi differenziale: banco di prova per il VERO medico November 20: Moderno giuramnto di Ippocrate with an added Greek quotation New add:"Pedopornography and economics" at /badlinks.htm, /help-europe.htm, /aiutoinfanzia.htm August 2014: refined bibliography and text of Teorie della Cospirazione July 2014 links on Highlights of Changes from DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5 PTSD: National Center for PTSD May 2014: on Moderno giuramento di Ippocrate DSM-5 official presentation added and also on: Malattie rare in offerta speciale Microchips impiantati nel corpo umano, ... altre sopraffazini e violazioni, Metilfenidato e Siindrome da Deficit di Attenzione e Iperattività (ADHD), Malattie rare in offerta speciale, Fake-mysteries on biological targets, Moderno giuramento di Ippocrate besides Links di organizzazioni e iniziative protettive / to protect links April 29 2014 : Statuto substantually changed On-line the Italian translation of the book Regina Louf - Silenzio! Qui si uccidono bambini! At November 6 2013 The file previously named Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets should now became an English new file renamed Fake-mysterious assaulters against biological targets: From February till September: Many adds added and links checked Home page At February 2013 modified some links and rext on: "caso Belga" A Polish quote added on "caso Suda". Up-dated: Stop Gang Stalking - Another terrible form of Assault and Degradation, Links di organizzazioni e iniziative protettive / to protect link, Microwave Mind Control: modern torture and control mechanism eliminating Human Rights and Privacy New significant links added on some files as this below: Reopen Dutroux Playlist creata da JaneBurgermeister | 22 video he Guilt-free Soldier and METILFENIDATO E SINDROME DA DEFICIT DI ATTENZIONE E IPERATTIVITA'ADHD) At 28-10-2012 new links and explanations on:Links di organizzazioni e iniziative protettive / to protect link, Microwave Mind Control: modern torture and control mechanism eliminating Human Rights and Privacy Files up-dated to corrct links coming from renewed Portals as La Stampa and Reopen Dutroux Playlist creata da JaneBurgermeister | 22 video Importante aggiunta/definizione in The Guilt-free Soldier e in METILFENIDATO E SINDROME DA DEFICIT DI ATTENZIONE E IPERATTIVITA' (ADHD) Recuperato e corretto: Esperimenti su bambine/ie il molto più danneggiato: Opinion or accusation? Presentazione dello Statuto e dei Principi dell'Associazione In Links e citazioni su segnali di pericolo e in Segnalazioni di allarme internazionali VIDEO Laser Powerful Green Laser Pointer Review Burning Test DSM-5 Malattie rare in offerta speciale STUPRI-DI-GUERRA: i figli dell'odio Important suggestion added on The Guilt-free Soldier e in METILFENIDATO E SINDROME DA DEFICIT DI ATTENZIONE E IPERATTIVITA' (ADHD) Opinion or accusation? as well Esperimenti-su-bambine/i recovered, mended and renewed Better settled the file PRESENTAZIONE DELLO STATUTO E DEI PRINCIPI DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE New links on Links Europei contro la Pedofilia, il Settarismo e gli Abusi Strutturati e/o Rituali Testimonianze del caso Belga... e non solo Suda fotodoc: renewed ...Altre sopraffazioni e violazioni / Overpowers and violences Mandatory declassification review Presentazione dello Statuto e dei Principi dell'Associazione Links e citazioni su segnali di pericolo and Segnalazioni di allarme internazionali updated with VIDEOs and links regarding Laser pointers - Powerful Green Laser Pointer Review Burning Test An Italian Glossary added on Links di organizzazioni e iniziative protettive / to protect link and important videos at beginnng of Esperimenti su bambine/i files added : MIND-WEAPON ...altre sopraffazioni e violazioni / Overpowers and violences In Italian: STUPRI DI GUERRA follow up on Pseudo misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici and significant adds on Alle Donne e agli Uomini, vittime, bersagli o targeted individuals di attività persecutoria includente l'uso di armi ad alta tecnologia Artist/Designer Andrzej (Andrew) Suda's case Artist Andrzej (Andrew) Suda: Presentation / Presentazione come artista Suda: original recovered documents Andrzej Suda's DOCUMENTATION / DOCUMENTAZUINE the WHOLE site is about to be revised. up-dated Synopsis for ritual abuses, Bask flashbacks, Memory recover and screen memories Links added on Mandatory Declassification review Covert Operations Testimonianze e dubbi / Testimony and Doubts, e in The Guilt-free Soldier e in Le armi a Enegia diretta Significnt links added: Mandatory Declassification review Covert Operations Testimonianze e dubbi / Testimony and Doubts, e in The Guilt-free Soldier e in Le armi a Enegia diretta International new links on Testimonianze del 'Caso BELGA' ... e non solo e soprttutto a ESPERIMENTI SU BAMBINE /I e anche in Links Europei contro la Pedofilia, il Settarismo e gli Abusi Strutturati e/o Rituali New corrections and completion Termografie e rivelazioni and Stop Gang Stalking - Another terrible form of Assault and Degradation To in-earnest notify the links: Termografie e rivelazioni e Traduzioni_ e_trascritti Rebuilded the "guest" file of Dott.Roberto Topino Sorry only in Italian: Alle Donne e agli Uomini, vittime, bersagli o targeted individuals di attività persecutoria includente l'uso di armi ad alta tecnologia Refreshed: Testimony and Doubts and Acknowledgement and thanks Refreshed prezzo.htm and Psychocivilization and its discontents Now with English translation Testimonianze di un ingegnere informatico / Testimony of an informatics engineer New notes coming from Food and Drug Administration: Malattie rare in offerta speciale Novelties regarding fear feeling and PTDS and also EMEA Malattie rare in offerta speciale Important significant novelties on the ever raising Microchips impiantati nel corpo umano Always renewed: Presentazione e diffide / Press release New Italian testimonies to add: ROBERTO TOPINO.seconda-parte.htm Dott.ROBERTO TOPINO.htm Testimonianze di un ingegnere informatico PDF files
STOA-Parlamento.Europeo Sirus.Project U.S._intellingence_and_security Possible_influence-on_subject_FOIA.pdf LEGGE.HR3200.pdf Armi ad Energia diretta Caso Suda: file originale Suda fotodoc LarsonReport-Edit Note:
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other form and can be freely circulated under two conditions:
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meglio: da uno dei libri da questo derivati -
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COMPLETI pdf possono senza
limitazioni venir SCARICATI e stampati a proprie spese dall'utente. /
From another site people can make free
download of pdf files
and also of COMPLETE books - sorry - only in Italian
in pdf scaricabili/ pdf
la cartella
clinica è terapeutica.Dare ai ricordi una seconda vita? Consapevolezza
e memoria
Medicina: scienza applicata e multidisciplinare: Emozioni, istinti, ricordi, contraddizioni libri scaricabili in rete / pdf of complete books Infanzia:un-mestiere-difficilissimo Copertina libro Infanzia Consapevolezza e Memoria This
site does NOT
a periodical
aim is to can share data and
knowledge the most timely and
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as source scripts and articles, but trying to be founded the most on FIRST-HAND
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The present site does NOT provide only bare INFORMATION, but its
contribution should be used as a thematic digital ENCYCLOPEDIA
where to look up the subjects of opportune noteworthy interest.
THIS FILE IS CONTINUALLY RENEWED AND IMPROVED to timely summarize the incoming innovation of the site: as well new added files or erased ones. Any way every time necessary and sometimes with only short comments, a LIST of up-dated files will be notified: the more recent at the top, no matter if English, bilingual or only Italian ones. The list will hold factual improvement of content but also of stylistic redress, any way not which regarding mere corrections to adjust broken links. ![]()
do not copy
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Listing is not necessarily endorsement. This listing is not meant to be comprehensive. Any way his site and every inner files are Copyright; moreover the ones which subjects are not only serious as much also dangerous: we warn every one to copy and paste without asking ourselves - moreover without quoting our REAL SOURCE - as happened more than once besides also awkwardly and/or into awkward sites. RENEWED
IMPROVED to summarize the
incoming innovation of
the site: as well new added files
or erased
ones. Any way every time necessary and without any comment a LIST of
up-dated files will be notified.
share the whole series
and not only the ultimate changes does display and evidence how much
the site has to be continually remaked.
sentences as a
on Presentazione
e diffide
/ Press releaseLOBOTOMY
Refreshed and updated files: a crucial suggestion and demand: EMAIL LISTS URGENTLY NEEDED! e soprattutto Links di organizzazioni e iniziative protettive / to protect links ESPERIMENTI SU BAMBINE/I Presentazione e diffide / Press release To note
how many times this file
has up-dated:
Microchips impiantati nel corpo umano A new file straniero ospitato Stop Gang Stalking - Another terrible form of Assault and Degradation A
crucial add: a surgical
photo of an implant removed on Microchips
nel corpo umano
Renewed and improved Fake-mysteries on biological targets Imags and data added on Microchips impiantati nel corpo umano Correct for a better presentation Fake-mysteries on biological targets The links presented below are so DECISIVE to need a largest and fixed share: on Association site an Official answering letter and its attachment become a new International guest page - Mandatory declassification review - to be more broadly shared on some other - the more read - files which then are to be up-dated and improved. U.S._intellingence_and_security Possible_influence-on_subject_FOIA.pdf LEGGE.HR3200.pdf From another site people can make free download of pdf files of COMPLETE books - sorry - only in Italian Consapevolezza
e Memoria
Copertina libro Infanzia Infanzia:un-mestiere-difficilissimo and also of separate files/chapters: Improved: Malattie rare in offerta speciale Fake mysteries on biological targets and here below the novelties of the site: METILFENIDATO E SINDROME DA DEFICIT DI ATTENZIONE E IPERATTIVITA' (ADHD) with a new quotation regarding adults' suggestion proneneess ESPERIMENTI SU BAMBINE/I and Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million both up-graded by quotation and comments from data related to the site of Johnny Gosch Foundation On the file Testimonianze del caso belga... e non solo are mended the no more active links besides added crucial quatations regarding the new Les parents Russo : « Ne nous demandez pas de pardonner », the same add is posted also on the other inner files regarding Belgian children rapes To better share the argument of and real family's photo album, parts of files of this site regarding "children" will become chapters of new thematic booklets to be published as up-dates of the Italian book - pertaining to another site - Bambini di ieri = adulti di oggi. Adulti di oggi -> adulti di domani A very IMPORTANT introducting file - Presentazione e diffide/Press-release gives preliminary explanation TO BE READ AHEAD OF EVERY OTHER PAGE, also since integrated with the continually under construction aphorisms on its coming together different perspectives sets up a synthetic key introduction of the whole matter. An Italian quotation added to: Malattie rare in offerta speciale and on Metilfenidato e Siindrome da Deficit di Attenzione e Iperattività (ADHD) another Italian new entry Armi vecchie e nuove, dall'uranio impoverito all'informazione impoverita Important - Italian - quotes added on Cinque libri legati da un unico filo Rebuilt the damged htlm code of ... altre sopraffazioni e violazioni Delgado&Skinner improved by mendend links besides a Delgado portrait Revised and increased A macabre tale of medical arrogance Microchips impiantati nel corpo umano Malattie rare in offerta speciale with a new quotation explaining: Ghostwriting and Physician Payment Sunshine Act The introduction of the Next conference after J.Rieseman Conference of August 15 2009 explains and validates the whole subject of the file Bask-flash-baks The
presentation of a newest book - no mattter if regarding a whole
analysis of only a single case - helps the conceptualization of "method"
on Opinion or
Some files - Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million, ESPERIMENTI SU BAMBINE/I - file and - do very improved by the presentation - received from a mail - of a new reasearch-book The Franklin Scandal, by Nick Bryant, New more easy to be read choice of fonts improves : so the "first hand texts" result more legible and the whole more easy to be print. Added improvements - in Italian and ragarding Italian deeds - on the file Fake-mysteries on biological targets at the radioactivity sub-chapter besides the whole file became adapted to be print on paper as novelties leaflet to follow the already printed books. New links and mended broken ones on: Dal sito dell'Ingegner Giuseppe Muratori: 'NUOVO' WORLD INTELLIGENCE FOUNDATION The sub-chapter #organizzazioni protettive of Links di organizzazioni e iniziative protettive / to protect links did improve by a warning mail against Wikipedia blacklisting some helping sites. A thoroughly revision of file formatting; explanation and examples regarding Taser and previously added links on Links e citazioni su segnali di pericolo at number 10 of linked list. Some links mended or cut off - see explanations as at as presentation and .html source on Metilfenidato e deficit di attenzione e iperattività and previously on Segnalazioni di allarme: internazionali Links fixed, little mends on the list of inner links, an explaining add - LASER as acronym - on Links e citazioni su segnali di pericolo Here below can begin the list of the day by day substantially revised files the more recent at the top: some up-dated only for no more fitting links and mended from little faults, but new adds to be cared are on Microchips inpiantati nel corpo umano look at televideoPagina scientifico-medica - Tesla Opinioni o peggio: accuse? Renewed
with many new links
Psychocivilization and its discontents Only
changed as shape -
for a better
fitting use - are the
presentation pages just also as this one:
italiana. scientifica e giuridica, contro gli abusi mentali, fisici e
tecnologici - Home page.Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons It's Abuse NOT Science fiction: Libro/Book Aggiornamenti e indici Modificazioni e novità Metilfenidato
Sindrome da Deficit di Attenzione e Iperattività (ADHD)
Malattie rare in offerta speciale But
also for us
to be too
spread on Search Engines could get awkwardness. As
the matter of
fact unfortunately
we could be on reverse
that some our files have
been "burglarized" by not
authorized web sites and endorsed into
fitting and mixed with subjects not fitting with our aims: if not even
conflicting with their real meaning.
Since the severe
and dangerous
field of our researches and testimonies, we became obliged to
every trickery to mix our endeavor with anything else, and then to take
off from
our site every
file which could be an allurement to
day and night, but
this is wondrous strange!
as a
stranger give it welcome
There are more things in heaven and earth, There are other prospectives and other stabilized cultures, there are other realities to be assumed, and other things in heaven and earth to consider. On this file a new add guides towards the ancient Eastern knoledge. We
should notify again and again that the site - as a
whole or on
single files
- sometimes has to be reviewed since DAMAGED.
and quotations are
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