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May 8 2017

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look with caution to -

 look at

War crimes and "sons of hate": STUPRI-DI-GUERRA

When you read this page it is worth to notice that this file appeared seriously "hacked" - swelling from 250kb to 504kb! - and becoming for many times QUITE IMPOSSIBLE to save in a "proper" presentation. Even during the very actual correction a lot of impromptu, useless "tags" appear, wasting its layout and even damaging its text.

The present file should continually be faced with the English new file renamed Fake-mysterious assaulters against biological targets: on its old bilingual page - Italian and English - and with its previous name Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets can be read as chapter on the Appendix of the current edition of the book: It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction

This site and the book do NOT be a fount of notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different subjects coming from different sources and shared by different Authors: one another to be read time by time, or better to be CONSULTED even for learning,
The need to specify meanings and keys of reading introduces in EVERY file in the site methodological and/or instructing/founding additions: a rigorous methodological specification suggests to consider as valid information - in decreasing order:
  1. the concretely documentable observations of FACTS and OBJECTS
  2. in default of objects concreteness their shape shown with images (*)
  3. personal instinctive - not thought of - testimonies
  4. spontaneous, unprepared, not re-read first hand writings,
  5. movies and voice recorded data
  6. direct media news - not descriptive essays
  7. and - far behind, in the last position - the "Masters"
(*) Consequently in the site every image should also be a link to the place it comes from and - as for every other link -  constantly watched and up-to-dated.
  1.  "Oral" reports can be videotaped and/or voice recorded, since if only transcribed or reported by a third person lose their primary characteristic of sure faithfulness.
  2. Together with "deeds" and "things" as protagonists, the written first-hand impromptu testimonies do be a foundation of this whole work.
  3. In-order-to avoid futile debates on the AUTHENTICITY of the FIRST-HAND reports, should be considered an assertion coming from the professional experience: to bring up serious traumatic recalls it is easier to write than to speak.
  4. We do not "grade" suffering nor abuses: every harm is subjectively worth and should be worthy cared. But our aim is hightly share the less common harms and the evilest abuses: this page commits its main space to experiments, structured abuses,  military and spy drill perpetrated on children.

Please do not copy or re-use without permission.
All rights reserved. All Content © unless otherwise noted.

Listing is not necessarily endorsement.
This listing is not meant to be comprehensive.

Any way if this site and every inner files are Copyright, moreover they hold subjects not only serious as much also dangerous: then we warn to copy and paste without asking ourselves and without quoting their REAL SOURCE. In fact such mishap happened more than once besides also awkwardly and/or into awkward sites.

To save files more often damaged they are also on PDF version, ready to be also printed on PAPER.
And also, to complete and to more widely share this argument, paper readers people can find another - although not yet upgraded file of this site - at page 307 on the book From children of YESTERDAY to adults of TOMORROW . regarding partial translation of written testimonies and real family's photo album - on Consapevolezza e Memoria as chapter 5: . Whole files of the site regarding "children" , and method to explain Memory, Medicine, and Development will become chapters of new thematic booklets published as up-dates of the pertaining Italian book - Bambini di ieri = adulti di oggi. Adulti di oggi -> adulti di domani

It'ìs Abuse NOT Science fiction / Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza
Cover page of It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction
This powerful, more puzzling creative modification of the Goya's Sleep of reason - marked by the official Copyright - here is used as book cover's image,  and explained by the Designer: Andrzej (Andrew) Suda: should look just like many of the events described by the victims: they exist, are bothersome, and we don’t know exactly WHY they are there but they are there…

About the Book This book not only documents the case of Andrzej Suda, it is also filled with documentation from the worlds most influential documented cases of psychological abuse, electronic harassment, organized stalking and mind control. Some cases include Rauni Leena Kilde MD., Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Kathy Sullivan, David Larson, and many others... Please support the truth with the purchase of our book. This will document many technologies and mind control weapons that have been kept hidden from the mainstream public. Over 600 pages of action packed TRUTH
The 2005 book It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction required to be UP DATED, to share the consequent novelties. Further this principal book will be printed on a real new edition to wholly gather its changes: but for the time being with the previous title integrated by the words UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS - the Association launched a supplementary book - supplementary but authoritative and self-sufficient not only for propose simple improvement, rather mostly to share new important TESTIMONIES. This file is its 2 chapter; any way excerpts of this page can be already reached also as file on another Web site and as chapter 15 on the derived book - From children of YESTERDAY to adults of TOMORROW .


The book previously published at present needs to be modified. It's Abuse NOT Science fiction published on July 14 2005 shortly became OUT OF DATE. So it required somehow to be renewed and settled to present the consequent novelties coming from readers comments, from new deeds and MOSTLY on present-day flash-back disclosures - to note that for some victims it is easier to write than to speak.
UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS of It's Abuse NOT Science fiction = Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza for the time being is supplementary book, supplementary but matching also by itself not only for propose simple improvement, rather to share some new particular important FIRST HAND documents: on book as chapter 2

To a better use of the site:

This site and the derived books do NOT be a fount of notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different subjects: one another to be read time by time, or better to be CONSULTED even for learning. And so this Web site will always be maintained under speedy and diligently revised construction: to be found on Aggiornamenti e Indici for up-dates and disclaimers: more easy: English Up-dates, For book and illustrated indexes go to: Libro/Book, Pagine Fuori Testo Introduttive; to general information go at Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin.
Leading book: It'ìs Abuse NOT Science fiction / Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza
Supplement: Up-to-date Dossiers

Cortina libri TorinoVia Ormea 69 10125 Torino (ITALY) ,
Phone: 0039 0116507074 / 00390116505228
Fax: 00390116502900


il faut garder sa liberte' d'esprit et croire que DANS LA NATURE L'ABSURDE
History will have to record that the Greatest Tragedy of this period of Social Transition was NOT the strident clamor of the Bad People, but the APPALLING SILENCE of the good people.
Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate (???)
Is it ABUSE and NOT Science Fiction (???)
Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad
The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding
The risk is to sliding into a culture of resentment. such logic leds to the creation of a culture of resentment, whose only solution was to do away with the "other".

The fact is, the culture of resentment – pertaining to slave morality - is extremely diffuse. Too surely convinced suspicions, strict persecutory belief, blatant victimization: are they a protection or rather the mainstream ways to be

Skepticism? Disbelief? Are they science and awareness or facets of another SUPERSTITION?
However: What to partake with slaves? Furthermore a true duty for health caring doctors does to have the possibility to promote their deliverance.
Who do be "slaves"? What is the Slave morality?

Irrational of "mass psychology" or more precisely: allowed sadism?
What do I have in common with all this?  Without any mystifying call to “eradicate their presumed irrational a doctor can communicate, exchange information and feelings to can promote a true “liberation” - of whom wishes it.

Slave morality? What have I got in common with slaves? But what is a slave?  How many facets has the concept – or rather the condition- of being a slave? Slave morality and\or Power morality?
Aren’t they the two faces of the same “im-potent” medal, considering Power with a capital P not as ability to do something - as its French-Latin ethimology "potére"="pouvoir" verb and noun - but only as a synonym of imposition if not of abuse over fellow human beings?


The endeavor of this whole work will make known the most of what came on our awareness, but it is basic also to focus on WHO can be the involved people
  • who better informed - as victim or witness - can give more and deeper data and can correct our misunderstanding
  • who - already aware of these deeds - can take part on researches watching for new references and acting to broadly share the matter
  • who becomes aware of this for the first time but is willing to know more
  • who doesn't decline but admits to prefer not to be involved
  • who openly affirms to be too much moved and better agree other topics
  • who too much occupied on other fields, could seem as indifferent but not on purpose  
This people is in sum up almost easy and rewarding, but how more hard and perplexing is to be involved in troublesome situations regarding dissenting people! Even less difficult with true "enemies" than with
  • who doesn't declare a lack of interest, but in a belittling if not mocking way
  • who - on the contrary - states and broadly shares nonsensical "opinions" and abstruse dogmatic "ideologies"
  • who generalizes vague statements based on a personal narrow experience
  • who as real "victim" of a precise mishap makes him/herself as the unique, absolute "spokesperson" of every kind of sufferers, as champion fighting against a believed "Absolute Evil"
  • who - on the other side - thinks that some not usual deeds, even current occurrences are only a variety of fairy tales or of science fiction movies
  • who - perhaps the WORSE - commits even the worse abuses as living beings were toys or characters of a laughing tale: not for wickedness, not for bad purposes whilst for "curiosity and stupidity", for dull indifference.

Crucial advice: never do mix-up differences with similarities.

The awareness of information presented and endorsed, quoted sites and publications and names and Institutions come preferably from DIRECT EXPERIENCE and surveys; merely sometimes we admit data from others suggestion. Besides on a so tangled field every particular should be continually revised: every suggestion must be thanked even if also faced with CAUTION.
Therefore in other words does again and again be stated that the aims of this effort are NOT to supply dataAGITATE against the more evil and sinister workings of human cruelty: within it stays not only “theory” but “FACTS”, and such conflict aims at not only to "theory" since to open or underground fight.
So it is to be forever stated that this work does NOT be a mere fount of second hand notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different original details: one another to be known time by time, on CONSULTING for learning and not only. We hope to can be enough cautious to select only sure ones: but we solicit everyone to send us every comment or - moreover - criticism. To secure this informing aim, the Web site and moreover its founding quoted links will always be maintained under speedy and diligently revised re-construction, also and perhaps mostly helped by directly . Without any malevolence we thank also defamatory arguments which any way can stimulate to more competently deeming about. The main aim of our work and then of our site is to hold and suggest the maximum possible of awareness THE MORE with not so common place references.
Therefore if the whole work's aim is primarily to share data and knowledge the most timely and largely, this purpose is widely obtained by our largest submission of LINKS. But our source not only profits by published scripts and articles: instead sets up the most on direct observations and experimentations as well on collected and confirmed FIRST-HAND documentation. In sum up we prefer to keep away from general questions for going instead on PRIVATE facts and precise objects documentation.
The title itself of Association and of its site should be read as pointing more on behalf of victims, than to  recognize the instruments for harming and culprits: any way hoping to offer and consolidate this knowledge to the most possible wide extent of people. But such a large share of damages and testimonies even if similar does not mean that this endorses a complete TRUTH.
Similarities do not be flattened into a bunch of carelessly assorted differences: how damaging confusion can mix-up similarities narrow sighted as equalities! All quoted sites and publications and testimonies, persons and Institutions are endorsed coming from direct advices as well as from alert surveys. But this is a tangled field to be continually revised: each suggestion must be thanked even if also should be faced WITH RESERVATION, but also if it looks to be openly and immediately DISPROVED and discussed. (Look in DUBBI e DISCUSSIONE on Testimonianze e dubbi)

We don't like "stars" nor "heroes", besides we strongly reject subjective THEORIES usurping the value of precise objective actual OBSERVATIONS. As well we deny every invite to simplify and coerce different deeds and different causes into an unified bunch, needlessly assuming very ancient and/or biased Authors' quotations to reinforce personal presumption:
Occam's razor (sometimes spelled Ockham's razor) is a principle attributed to the 14th-century English logician and Franciscan friar , William of Ockham. The principle states that the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis  or theory. The principle is often expressed in Latin as the lex parsimoniae ("law of parsimony" or "law of succinctness"): "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem", roughly translated as "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity". An alternative version "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" translates "plurality should not be posited without necessity".
Karl Popper  argues that a preference for simple theories need not appeal to practical or aesthetic considerations.

It is to say that we search personally the knowledge of facts; we ask any direct advice or at least suggestion given by personal interlocutors. But "first hand" does not mean a simple definition: our basic aim is to work with precise PERSONS sincerely witnessing facts or asking for  PERSONAL help only if not confused with personal resentment.
The risk is to sliding into a culture of resentment. Such logic leds to the creation of a culture of resentment, whose only solution was to do away with the "other".  The fact is, the culture of resentment – pertaining to slave morality - is extremely diffuse. Too surely convinced suspicions, strict persecutory belief, blatant victimization: are they a protection or rather the mainstream ways to be duped? Skepticism? Disbelief? Are they science and awareness or facets of another SUPERSTITION?

What to partake with slaves?
Hippocratic health-caring doctors have the possibility to promote their deliverance.

to be on the look-out like the lynx, whose excellent sight sees through the darkness

Sleeping reason breeds monsters and monsters? Then it is compelling to WATCH, to WATCH. to WATCH. Ever should be rejected not documented mere asserptions, even together with not enough probed oneself's own feelings. DOUBTS sustaining to MIND and WIDE RANGE AWARENESS must be ever foremost GUIDES.

Sleeping reason breeds monsters

Cuando los hombres no oyen el grito de la razón, todo se vuelven visiones ...
but the "alchemic" lynx shouldn't be considered only as a sleeper's dreaming "vision": Goya warns us to be on the look-out like the lynx, whose excellent sight sees through the darkness, for when asleep we cannot defend ourselves...

Fantasy DISOWNED by reason breeds impossible monsters? When instead together they mother Arts and source of their!
Who and how gets fantasy to be DISOWNED by reason?  How and when to watch and to protect?

Statement of meaning

Even written after It's Abuse NOT Science fiction first edition, a page parallel with this one - even less documented - can be already reached as file on another Web site but also printed as chapter 15 on the derived English book - From children of YESTERDAY to adults of TOMORROW. a site and book regarding not abusive misdeeds since very normal children development and further evolutions of humankind.
To consider the "human" side of this topic it is proper to begin from the origin - consolidated by general knowledge on showing preliminary excerpts of scientific teaching references. To found the basics of this whole matter should be straight recognized the numberless ways of the "fourth dimension" of human life: moving from childhood towards obliged passages of development, and later performing along a course leading to every kind of evolutions, a course surely very plural: not only ever toward Utopian
On the other hand the personal "fourth dimension" does never consider as ending nor being lost: it continues to exist into an everlasting presence as memory; a function which either succeeds in becoming conscious and meaningful - also for settling to health past misfortune - or too often sending "repressed" towards an "unconscious" it also by itself once more damaging.
Talking on regard of such matters, an interlocutor gave us a good opportunity to undermine a possible operational - and then seriously misleading - misunderstanding. On reading emotively the texts on the files/chapters Delgado & Skinner, Totem and Taboo revisited: awful and fertile rise of new superstitions etc. he believed that a precise evil-will and purposes are acting whensover to damage the normal children's development and rearing. But unfortunately - we repeat: UNFORTUNATELY - the widespread share of faulty ways to rear children doesn't pertain ever and by itself to a deliberate active program: unfortunately since a wicked demeanor could be struggled on a parallel, adverse open fight.
The worldwide parental behavior mirrors instead a NORMAL Gauss curve: at which extremes are - here - the "very good" ones with their good Masters and - there - the wicked ones triggered by evil Masters. But so actually in the large middle of the curve there is a bulk of passive lay-people: selfish, idle, superstitious, adults not really grown, bad lived infancies, people lacking or removing founding experiences. To summarize: a bulf of "bad parents" are persons lacking of INTEGRITY it is to say - in the proper meaning of the term - castrated of parental instinct.
A priority intent of this file/chapter is to remark how faulty too often does mean "being against": notwithstanding - copied and pasted from a foreign newspaper - a page already present on the old version of this book as chapter 16, in this new as 17 bis - underlines and confirms a "bad master" living portrait: this paper displays a personal interview sharing the main goals of a particular worse negative protagonist, one of the few directly named as enemy on site(s) and books. So Psychocivilization and its discontents lets the interviewed "bad Master" put on his own words his wicked program: to psychocivilize and mind-control the humankind. His assumptions let to confirm some real different deeds: to go on the lot of discoveries gathered on the Association dossiers - and this was a real surprise - let us aware of the SCATTERED diffusion of offensive unexpected tools; what he said and projected is not a boast but actual and effective regarding varied scenarios of great, dramatic matters: Science, Technology, Medicine, Politics, Weaponry....
The files and the endorsed links more open to such intriguing question need repeated changments not to avoid the tangled and potentially duping field of Medical practice, Pharmaceutical factories and human experimentations - for example look at the site diles mal.htm#statistiche_falsificabili and at superstition.htm#sexual mutilations). Related to the argument - how to change artificially nature and will - is the new add on the file Delgado & Skinner improved with significant videos references. On regard should be watched and broadly shared this You Tube movie putting questions rather than their answers, to carry a fundamental message of intent.
Some links as just YouTube ones endorse comments and present other related links, some links change and more often than improved are erased for real matters or for impromptu pretexts but every attempt to discuss content, to change factual data with hypothetical “opinions” has to be refused in an incontestable way, by giving examples of a listing of repeatedly checked and corrected data, with caution which presupposes a lasting time of YEARS to wait till assertions can be justified. To be totally sure before to publish, we do not present a large number of more or less serious – if not very serious – euphemistically termed harms, of which notwithstanding we can be or have been direct or indirect witnesses: till the complete certainty we exclude to describe them neither in the book, nor in the site nor in the continuous updating of its ever renewed links. Every piece of data, always punctiliously collected and catalogued, waits for further confirmation, or when it is too fateful not to can be openly shared.
Repeating: the foremost engagement of this whole work is to choose what to publish, avoiding bare subjective description or - worse - FAKE misconception. If what is real is rational has to be considered as one of our "key words", what is proved and documented is real as it is: then nothing into this work has to be interpreted. Therefore again and again the content of every reference has to be widely confirmed by some sure FIRST HAND supported testimonies and documents. Affirmation and suggestion are thoroughly to be checked and authenticated before share them as "Truth": on the contrary false accusations can vilify the knowledge of some really sinful situation happened not on Science Fiction not as Urban Legend hoaxes when for example many international and historical testimonies demonstrate some quite unbelievable methods adopted and crimes complied "using" families to be a wicked ground for improving Secret Societies and fostering new and new accomplices.
Therefore all this is not adequate to read only on a static book: the real relevance of such lively, not dogmatic definite knowledge cannot be stated as “theoretical symbols”: al this is in a constant state of flux and successive sites and books must therefore act as reflective witnesses to this ever-changing information.
This site is continually in bilateral touch with many sources of information, and alike continually up-dated on many files relating to many subjects and FACTS; and it is also well placed on the Search Engines by impressing key words. Time by time everyone can find the searched subject or reach the more cogent subjective problems on picking the term in the main Search Engines or on going in the site itself to focus, handle and open its real main wealth: the huge lot of links. And on reverse every one can - and this is - propose other arguments and/or present unresolved problems. Surely in a field really so tangled every data will be continually revised with more and more attention: every suggestion must be thanked.
Besides - perhaps more unfortunately - we find ourselves at times reluctantly constrained not to ignore but to fight against the empty objections and... idle chatter of those who approach these pages believing them to be the fruit of mere “opinions”; to stall – with trouble and also with apprehension – those who - faced with an “abnormal situation” - shoot haphazardly without technical preparation and with unprovable accusations. Recent debates and receipt of new information gave the opportunity to refine another significant file both in Italian and in English, but also opened the view on a lot of serious causes of misleading interpretation which could have risked to cheat the basics of the whole Association's work and purposes. For this reason we can publish only anomalies which are truly clearly definable, only data and/or testimonies and/or shared stories if reliable in the long term.
Not only for these motives but for many more important warranties our knowledge far exceeds what here recorded: only more than a tenth of the documentation in our possession has been - and can be - published. A large number of more or less serious – if not very serious euphemistically termed - “harms”, of which we can be or have been direct or indirect witnesses, couldn't be presented, neither in the book, nor in the site or in the continuous updating of the latter.  In some files the demonstrative pictures are to be considered at first; but it is more to be strictly notified that between every one of the described or depicted facts there was a gap of years: look at the exact dates exactly noticed in the web files even if written after the book published. On the whole site the text is burdened by a lot of pictures not ornamental but fitting to improve the very content: or better some shared images often not only point to documents but are as themselves real proofs.

Objects and facts as witnesses confused with hypothetical meaningless symbols?

To use certifying words to denote precise facts of rigorous proofs or go back to unqualified terms - such as "levitation" - pertaining as a rule to a "mystical" vocabulary? and so hinting at indemonstrable forces? Here it is mandatory to explain again the argument with a -  bitter - consideration: some texts and pictures, links and quotations share worthful, truthful, documenting deeds; then for these cases it is urgent to point out strong and loud against whichever misunderstanding encouraging to believe that they have a whichever - troublesome - other "meaning"as not concrete "facts" since tale-telling words, decorative illustrations, not expounded symbols... Exchanging - indications has to be reached and considered often confronting the book with the Web site - this leading and the book only following - continually in touch with many sources of information, and so alike continually up-dated. The true “facts” and the information here collected are not immutable even if absolutely faced with reserved CAUTION. Besides thigher-quality directions but also even towards the more evil human cruelty. since the aim of this site and deriving books is NOT to supply facts purely for the sake of curiosity, but to AGITATE and fightagainst evil and sinister workings of human cruelty and to disclose wicked obtuseness: within the site and books lie therefore not only “theory” but “FACTS” and real - not abstract - conflicts. Then unfortunately also the Web site itself has to deplore different kinds of damages: being informed that some files are often "burglarized" into not fitting sites, for avoiding every kind of interferences and resulting harms every no more trustful page were taken away and cleaned out from the index. As other consequences related to and COINCIDING with particular circumstances, site and single files - as recently seriously this one - are mishandled if not canceled. Just the present file was damaged more than once, also by more disturbing damages which violate the text itself in a subtle manner, by - at some degree - a presumed harmful "deed" impinges the very meaning of phrases or - worse - of precise links or factual dates which send to sure synchronizations.


Our METHOD is not to debate only by "words", but to document: for preference with FIRST HAND data or even better with substantial "objects" sharing in their shape the very traces of what happened. These arguments have their highlightening on dedicated and often renewed files
  1. the ones introducing human cases
  2. the others explaining deeds by presenting objects.
Victims from "targets" to "testimonies", till even to fighting "team mates"?
"Objects" themselves as "witnesses"?
  • ESPERIMENTI SU BAMBINE/I with many poignant FIRST HAND texts and pertinent images has to be considered as an introducing paradigmatic depiction of extreme personal situations: the "structured abuses" of children either for sex, for military training and for medical experimentation. This so conflicting subject is "protect" also on a file on more firm
Expressed and presented in the typical terminology of an article normally fof a specialistic journal, the file NUOVISSIME TECNOLOGIE? ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES? TECHNOLOGIES AVANCEES? SPITZENTECHNOLOGIEN? and the derivative book/chapter New Technologies precise and damaging? in fact in its cautious way can clarify and not obfuscate the origins and consequences of  “pseudo-anomalous” facts. it should then be considered with special attention: within it holdsParadigm of the whole system of the site/book an incontrovertible document regarding – and /or maybe at least for the moment –the ONLY existing proof also technically examined , displays a “mysterious damage” of an everyday object in a normal house
But as the latter also the present file/chapter have questions rather than affermations as title; and a series of questions rather than their answers carries their fundamental message of intent: as soon as we receive some even conflicting answers we put them on-line. Usually it requires repeatedly checked and corrected technical data, with a firm caution presupposing a waiting time of YEARS before each assertion can be justified. The pointed out selection of photos and CAD's researches on regard of damaged objects try to visually explain the main aim of the whole work: to prepare scientific data for recognizing the efficient cause of these or every other damage. Unfortunately this assumption does as a rule be mistaken and/or mishandled: every attempt to discuss their content, exchanging the factual dates presented with hypothetical “opinions” has to be refused; so it becomes alike pressing to correct and reprove customary not fitting comments regarding the meaning of pictures and first hand texts of  the whole site
The file NUOVISSIME TECNOLOGIE? ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES? TECHNOLOGIES AVANCEES? SPITZENTECHNOLOGIEN? and the derived book/chapter New Technologies precise and damaging?, as paradigm of the whole system of the site/book, should be considered with special attention: within it holds an incontrovertible document as regarding – and /or maybe at least for the moment – the ONLY existing proof, in which “mysterious damage” to everyday objects in a normal house are studied with precise documentation not only made public but also technically examined. But as the latter also the present file/chapter have questions rather than affermations as titles; and a series of questions rather than their answers carries their fundamental message of intent: as soon as we receive some answer - no matter if conflicting - we put them on-line. Usually it requires repeatedly checked and corrected technical data, with a firm caution presupposing a waiting time of YEARS before each assertions can be really justified. The pointed out selection of photos and CAD's researches on regard of damaged objects try to visually explain the main aim of the whole work: to prepare scientific data for recognizing the efficient cause of damage. Unfortunately this assumption risks often to be mistaken and/or mishandled: every attempt to discuss contents, exchange factual data with hypothetical “opinions” has to be refused; so it becomes alike pressing to correct and reprove customary not fitting comments regarding the meaning of pictures and first hand texts of  the whole site. Real testimonies displaying terrible flash-backs of RELIVED past suffering gave the very first input to organize this whole work. DIRECT witnessing and urgency to care victims became the first purpose from which arose Association and its publications.

Question marks and exclamation marks… Devices or artificial objects to mistreat people suffering for unusual harm

Opinion or accusation?
Strange artificial objects or militar devices to mistreat and injure people suffering for unusual harms?
Among the experiences that gave raise to the Association the potency and miniaturization achieved by technologies based on the utilization of “energies” and their widespread realization resulted unexpected, even more so the checking of the ease to use and disseminate tools derived from them. On the other hand elements pell-mell that cannot be proved, old fashioned data, faulty and not previously documented memory give rise to abnormal equivocations, when introducing confused description of instead very real injuries, without specifying the "hows" and the contextual "whens".In fact how both real weapons and commercial products of very large and common usableness turn out to have been available till long time: but considered without any wariness, or on the contrary with exaggerate dogmatic mistrust! Examples of potentially useful but, in effect, unreliable and self-devaluating information abound. Instead a deliberately collective lack of knowledge laughs at or mythicizes as fairy stories the long since realized concrete possibilities supplied by wave physics, nanotechnologies etc.: even cultured people still think of them as only future possibilities and\or play about with them as parapsychogical mysteries, when not Science fictionProsecuting Attorney on an Official Judgment labeled - in the year 2000! - microchips illegally implanted as:
belonging to sci-fi literature
In fact there is still a majority of non-believers even when confronted by manifest evidence, supported by thorough documentation of banal artificial gadgets, commercial products and commercial sold through the normal channels of whatsoever "goods". In effect all this has been more than feasible for many years: such as to allow the production and management of concrete applications that can either deliberately be used as true weapons, or escape control in the hands of the sorcerer’s apprentices.

What has this to do with SCIENCE FICTION if now almost every one can use or even build his\her own piece of Star Wars paraphernalia???
Just to give an explanatory instance, there are sites of the web for production and sale of improper weapons: advertised as cheap ordinary objects, to be furnished with internal links leading to … purchase forms. When everyone can own and use without difficulties every kind of effective uncommon weaponry, every one can own and use terribly performing engines even sold at a very low price pretending to be for not harming uses: for amusement, for chasing rats, for sending away birds...: not only for ... obviously military drills or for harming secretively chosen people.

Directed energy weapons as sci-fi hypotheses or even desirable or deprecate future possibilities?
What can one do? To make broadly and precisely known all this, documenting  on studies and research and not only on testimonies, this would be a great step forward in better professional skills, and as a consequence in protecting us all. But it is also required to avoid overlooking information about more general, indirect also mediatic warnings, either cited as news or confuted for the incongruity of their contents. Such tries to be the style and method of this site/book - as for example shares the in-progress updating file Segnalazioni di Allarme: Internazionali where links, citations of danger signals, new data drawn preferably from personal experiences and actual facts analysis, and where first hand documents - many victims can describe more by writings than by talks - will be published on the web just as they arrive.  This long and updateable listing of warnings, cited as they are, aims to offer descriptions and advice on how many practical scientific by-products objectified by sophisticated technologies have reached levels of potentiality and feasibility much above a normal, mental, logically acceptable representation. In effect all this has been more than feasible for many years: such as to allow the production and management of concrete applications that can either deliberately be used as true weapons, or escape control in the hands of the sorcerer’s apprentices. Any way this detailed listing, highly partial and not merely illustrative, put forward on the website and in the book, DOES NOT aim at being a request of explicit forbidding, but intends to stigmatize and underline the intrinsic dangerousness of NEW TECHNOLOGIES when employed with overtly injurious intents by expert and determined hands, as well as point out the dangerous effects by irresponsible and amateur hands when using them for banal aim, or even for mere entertainment or silly curiosity. In effect all this has been more than feasible for many years: such as to allow the production and management of concrete applications that can either deliberately be used as true weapons, or escape control in the hands of the sorcerer’s apprentices. Any way this detailed listing, highly partial and not merely illustrative, put forward on the website and in the book, DOES NOT aim at being a request of explicit forbidding, but intends to stigmatize and underline the intrinsic dangerousness of NEW TECHNOLOGIES when employed with overtly injurious intents by expert and determined hands, as well as point out the dangerous effects by irresponsible and amateur hands when using them for banal aim, or even for mere entertainment or silly curiosity.
It is not a question of science fiction: on Segnalazioni di Allarme: Internazionali a series of anomalies, when not explicit actions aimed at injuring are listed according to situations and international locations. It is essential to know their serious generalized danger either when placed in the hands of ill-intentioned people or even merely in those of sorcerer’s apprentices: at any way succeeding in reaching damages of great effectiveness under underestimated impunity. Quite often these objects of general consumption are sold under the false definition of “harmless” when they not absolutely so: for instance, reliable evidence reports that an outgoing ultrasound frequency - say from 30.000 hz to 65.000 hz with 15 seconds interval emission - is, to say the least, extremely troublesome.
More troublesome if not disquieting is the apparently funny Audio Spotlight ... beam sound to your listener... and preserve the quiet [of others]. Holosonics' Audio Spotlight® 'Speaks' Directly to Consumers as Part of Court TV Ad Campaign Directional Sound System Creates a "Mystery Whisperer" to Grab Shopper's Attention SCIENCE FICTION.

Question marks like exclamation marks? Deliberate lack of knowledge - “belonging to sci-fi literature” - etc.?
In spite of big impending dangers – not so deceitful after all – several examples send back to sensational disavowals of the fact that already several years ago there was an at present almost risible - look at the diffusion of every kind of cell.-phones and tablets - written evidence:
without any doubt that within five years these technologies would cause fundamental changes in the way to operate in firms and in the people’s way of life.
How is that possible when anybody can nowadays and since several years use everywhere and every time cell phones and more sophisticated gadgets? Did not used Archimedes method of exhustion with arrays of mirrors in 200 B.C. in Syracuse against the fleet of the Roman invaders?
"Non-lethal" Weapons? Micro-waves or simply white phosphorus?
With the maximum of caution we ever choose only documents probing FACTS, avoiding the more every not already published sure interpretation regarding causes or -  worse - reponsabilities. So just at present when this matter has been highlighted by media we publish this notice regarding the - well known and from longtime USED - white phosphorus. Recent stories from Air Force Times reveal a "new" weapon to be used by our military?
We aknowledge the readers if maybe one could have confused us with other sites where - and with Authors who - in an irresponsible way, as shared in this thereunder quotation, which dare to impute hypothetical responsibility on claiming the fault of an - hypothetical - "new" technology, instead to evidence only the fact itself, instead to up-date the real knowledge,
How does one burn a body beyond recognition and leave the clothing intact and not even singed? If this is the result of some new microwave technology, is it really non-lethal, or can it be used in some other non-disclosed application? Instead when an official statement notifies:

White phosphorus is not banned by any treaty to which the United States is a signatory. Smokes and obscurants comprise a category of materials that are not used militarily as direct chemical agents. The United States retains its ability to employ incendiaries to hold high-priority military targets at risk in a manner consistent with the principle of proportionality that governs the use of all weapons under existing law. The use of white phosphorus or fuel air explosives are not prohibited or restricted by Protocol II of the Certain Conventional Weapons Convention (CCWC), the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects.

On the contrary should straightforwardly avoided every confusion with those who impute every odd phenomenon to hypothetical new technologies not in order to establish facts, but to supply evidence to their own ideas by hypothetical accusations, enticing secondary incredulity leading to minimize if not to ridicule even reliable information. Our usual endeavor does NO OPT for designate target: to search and share a sure present or past COMPLETE TRUTH is an aim too much pretentious, an aim leading to preconceived notions. The effectual aim is rather focused to find and hold the most large amount of knowledge to be widespread and wide used. Dynamic an    d  precise and opportune awareness should be enabled by continual basic adds and conceptual revision: far from a so often almost mainstream exaggerate dogmatic mistrust and confusion. An offer which means to watch over dangers and if possible to denounce openly dangerous people regards only a better potential protection, not - as STATED - supposed ideological accuses. We acknowledge the readers if maybe one could have confused us with sites where and with Authors who - in an irresponsible way dare to impute hypothetical responsibility on claiming the fault of a - hypothetical - "new" technology, instead to evidence only the fact itself.Mostly when such a position is made public and displayed with arrogance violently denouncing for example electromagnetic weapons as "special cause of all possible iniquities".With the maximum of caution we ever choose only documents probing FACTS, avoiding the more every not already published sure interpretation regarding causes or -  worse - responsabilities. That is why for instance –  warranted by a piece of news appeared on the media in an official declaration - we can point out for example as a cause of dangerous misunderstandings the "material" which has been long known and USED as white phosphorus"energy"

Gaza burn victims exhibit possible signs of white phosphorous wounds By Amira Hass
Gaza burn victims exhibit possible signs of white phosphorous wounds By GAZA - Palestinian doctors at a number of hospitals in the Gaza Strip informed foreign medical experts allowed into the area over the past two weeks that they were witnessing an unexpected deterioration in the condition of their burn victims. They described the same phenomenon: Two weeks after being injured, the burn victims seemed to be getting worse, requiring skin grafts abroad. In other instances, internal tissue was also destroyed. "When the phosphorus comes in contact with living tissue it causes its damage by 'eating' away at it. Characteristics of a phosphorus wound are: chemical burns accompanied by extreme pain, damage to tissue ... the phosphorus may seep into the body and damage internal organs. In the long run, kidney failure and the spread of infection are characteristic ... In conclusion: a wound by an ordinance containing explosive phosphorus is inherently dangerous and has the potential to cause serious damage to tissue. A document entitled "Exposure to White Phosphorus," prepared by Medical Field Operations HQ and sent from the Health Ministry notes that
most of the data on phosphorus wounds stems from animal testing and accidents. Exposure to white phosphorus is highly poisonous, according to many lab experiments. Burns covering a small area of the body, 12-15 percent in lab animals and less than 10 percent in humans, may be lethal as a result of its effects, mostly on the liver, heart and kidneys

Related articles: Gazans say IDF troops ignored white flags and shot at them

Old data: videos and/or site of YouTube can however ever timely inform by their so exact references and mostly inquiriesMicro-wave technology has been around for years and it is well known that it can be deadly if focused into a beam. Has it already been used? Ask yourself: How does one burn a body beyond recognition and leave the clothing intact and not even singed? If this is the result of some new microwave technology, is it really non-lethal, or can it be used in some other non-disclosed application? Non-lethal Energy Weapons? (Quotation from articles of March 2001) Micro-wave technology is well known that it can be deadly if focused into a beam (?)

.... How does one burn a body beyond recognition and leave the clothing intact and not even singed? Look at photos: links 1 e 2 (Gulf War) [ How???: using white phosphorus - nicknamed by soldiers: Willy Pete

Explanation and purposes: "slavery"

what to prtake with slaves? Who do be "slaves"? What is the Slave morality? Irrational of "mass psychology" or more precisely: allowed sadism? What do I have in common with all this? Without any mystifying call to “eradicate their presumed What to partake with slaves? Furthermore doctors have the possibility to promote their deliverance.
But what is a slave? How many facets has the concept – or rather the condition- of being a slave?
Slave morality and\or Power morality? Aren’t they the two faces of the same “im-potent” medal, considering Power with a capital P not as ability to do something - as its French-Latin ethimology "potére"="pouvoir" verb and noun but only as a synonym of imposition if not of overcome and abuse over fellow human beings? On this subject one can quote a wide long-standing bibliography, but we limit ourselves to mention two films dealing with politics besides with POWER/IMPOSITION:
  • Il caimano  (The caiman) by Nanni Moretti, casting Silvio Orlando, Margherita Buy, Jasmina Trinca, Nanni Moretti, Giulio Montaldo, 112 min. Italy, 2006 ( 24.3.2006)
  • Il divo by Paolo Sorrentino with Toni Servillo in the leading role. Sorrentino reads Giulio Andreotti’s figure  in a grotesque key, making real and surreal coincide. The history of Italy seen through the life and the career of a single man: Giulio Andreotti. Dramatic, 110 min. Lucky Red, Italy 2008 (28.5.2008).
  • to be confronted to this excerpt from a basic personal testimony:
  • A testimony on the other face of the Power that can entice so many. This kind of Power is enormously costly: the cost of life and freedom for yourself and your family. For, once you accept to become part of this world, of these organizations, the price to pay is:  You can neither defend yourself nor your family. All is granted them and you cannot deny anything either to people of your rank or to your superiors. In substance you are at their service. What does that mean? It means that you are deprived of dignity and freedom. You become no more no less than an overpaid slave. A slave always ready to satisfy the organization desires, whatever they are, legal and illegal. A slave hasn’t got the chance to defend even the family because it belongs to the organization. A slave can ask for great advantages for the family, no doubt about that, but should the family be attacked by the organization, he\she has no possibility to defend it. Even more, if required, the slave must grant the possibility to act against it. Even if not an accomplish or an executioner, you shall get to know crimes finalised either to fulfil the organization aims or to make you a subject of blackmailing. You must promptly answer their call, you must submit to any possible request. You shall live in fear of making an error, conscious that penalty for such an error shall be of the most atrocious kind. Every day you shall live in terror of the phone ringing, or of someone turning up in your office to demand the nth obscene request you must obey; for no doubt you have some power, but someone is always above you.

    Explanation and purposes: "development towards evil and worsened evil"
    Not always to describe development and evolutionary patterns of humankind hints towards agreeable matters, in fact "human evolutive patterns" can also advance towards evil and worsened evil: then so also ogres exist and not only as fairy tales characters. So it is compelling to think not only about "support" and "direction" as meaning of the arrow on the Italian title page of the below quoted bilingual site and Italian book - Bambini di IERI=adulti di oggi.Adulti di oggi->adulti di DOMANI - but also to recognize and to eventually oppose its bad side as possible third shared message: "against". Obviously here one can touch distressing subjects so open to question: just for such so important matter this bitter controversial file/chapter is presented in both languages and on two sites and books: the titles themselves: Opinioni, fatti, accuse? and Opinion, fact, complaint and controversia - as well as this one Opinion or accusation?  and method - specifies that the real design and aims does be to refute any risk of misuse.
    Castrated of parental instinct? Developmental advances or passive dependency? Such argument is largely deployed on the only Italian file of another site and related book at chapter 3, Imbroglio è il contrario di sviluppo, the more by the quote accompanying and explaining the title - To coil/embroil reflects to involve: it is to say the contrary of to develop - but here one can enlist and consolidate some of its - there only implicit - meanings, to begin from assumptions basic and then more at risk to mislead towards a worse series of consecutive misunderstanding. Studying the history of brutality and “special” criminals of past times could enable us to better understand those of the present: but it is surely easier  to stun the masses with abhorrence and commotion, with gossip, impromptu supposition, tabloid journalism. This sensationalism which ignores history involves itself in the ephemeral present, favouring and “packaging” every time they happen shocking new stories in order to feed the collective “pseudo-caring” - or better sadism - of the masses.
    It is too easy and so almost commonplace a strong sense of CONTRO/AGAINST "guilty" rather than a paying of attention to “victims”; “against” being an exaggeration - which takes in the naïve - of current events and so straightforward to be soon forgotten and replaced by others. Then implying  to better precise these quotes on behalf of required answers owing to current controversies - giving thus the name of the parallel file of another site: controversia.htm. We wish also to make reference to the simpler title given on the same subject on this site: Opinions or accusations? drawing attention to the URL /method_engl.htm indicating clearly the methodology used - not elitist, not exclusive but general and concrete. Our endeavor does NO OPT for designate target: it is more than sure that to search and share a sure TRUTH is an aim too much pretentious and so our endeavor doesn't be on behalf of such a source of preconceived notion. But this means also that it rather should find and hold the most large amount of knowledge to be widespread and wide used: an offer which means notwithstanding a better potential ways to "thrive" or at least to unblock more functionl ways of protection. Although a source of even terrible risks is to mistake the real knowledge of REAL FACTS, to mislead inner body's occurences and feelings switching towards believed dynamics as coming from external world: however the foremost engagement of this whole work is never to choose; but if for us is mandatory either to avoid bare subjective description or - worse - to accept impressive misconception drawing to hoax, also our directive is never to be surprised and denying every circumstance.

    Real is rational, but "rational" by itself doesn't means ever "true"

    Real is ever "what it is" but not always - or better too often - what seems "rational" does not be real. Then why and how here this quote? Which place has here this most famed excerpt from Hegel's reference?

    The place of a "key word": what can be observed, proved and documented is real AS IT IS and therefore it has not to be interpreted.
    Je ne suis pas d'accord avec ce que vous dites, mais je defendrai jusqu'à la mort votre droit à le dire I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
    Ch. 7: Helvetius: The Contradiction, p. 199; because of quote marks around the original publication of these words, they are often attributed to Voltaire, though Hall was not actually quoting him but summarizing his attitude with the expression. The statement was widely popularized when misattributed to Voltaire as a Quotable Quote in Reader's Digest (June 1934), but in response to the misattribution, Hall had been quoted in Saturday Review (11 May 1935), p. 13, as stating: I did not mean to imply that Voltaire used these words verbatim and should be surprised if they are found in any of his works. They are rather a paraphrase of Voltaire's words in the Essay on Tolerance
    Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too.
    The phrase was invented by this later author as an epitome of his attitude. It comes from The Friends of Voltaire, written by Evelyn Beatrice Hall and published in 1906 under the pseudonym Stephen G. Tallentyre. Hall said that she paraphrased Voltaire's words in his Treatise on Toleration, which includes such thoughts as:
    Not only is it extremely cruel to persecute in this brief life those who do not think the way we do, but I do not know if it might be too presumptuous to declare their eternal damnation.
    But if as a rule this sentence sounds right, such a proposal should NOT be accepted when more or less unfair "opinions" are displayed, instead of DOCUMENTS and real DEEDS having their factual place. This file/chapter - as well the parallel file Opinion, fact, complaint present on another book as chapter 15- tries to explain the meaning to openly have shared this "lack of tolerance". In fact the knowledge of this file/chapter completes the whole site/book - It's Abuse NOT Science fiction - and also is worthy to  precise Opinioni, fatti, accuse and Opinion, fact, complaint. On both books chapters shared examples, quotations - and more... are to be considered a better support to understand the real meaning of the whole underlying proposal. The different naming of URLs explains and settles and integrates the utter purpose of both files and sites/books: controversia alludes to content and occasion, method furthermore on reporting also additional politic topics establishes argumenting patterns of way to work.
    Therefore if this work doesn't be a static gather of documentation and description, it requests to develop its knowledge by other people's asks and doubts and testimony: so it can become an open windows on largest scenarios, in a continually in progress communication based more on observed changing sight of FACTS than on an interchange of WORDS. So this means to wish a serious and profitable support of sure, authenticated, scientifically probed shared knowledge, but it is necessary to add again an explanatory codicil here to highlight the fundamental principles which underlie the approach to this work, in order to avoid at the outset not criticism – which is welcomed! – but misunderstandings and ambiguities.
    Any way even  if these basics are founded on a philosophic upbringing, the background of this work pertains to and comes from a very factual field: its aim is less to explain, to propose, to point out but the more to act when possible to protect and to care, to build and rebuild: surely NOT to accuse. This not in the name of a something as a "charitable goodness": as much as for a real critical attention to consider PROPORTION at disposal of the means and their - presumed -  outcomes, of the presumed causes and the presumed consequences. This is also persistently and repeatedly brought to readers attention in every other file/chapter; it lends itself being presented as typical of the main point of view, or better still the methodological approach on which this work is realized. Its primary aim is not to discuss presumed opinions in ideological way, nor MUCH LESS to throw out at random hypothetical accusations: but rather to work in such a way that each assertion could be constituted as a document able to be corroborated and enhanced. Utterly only a document itself, which can clearly signal factual data could develop into information fruitful for further, better observations, as well for further doubts
    and for further searches. In this way it becomes an “open window” not to offer explanations but merely DESCRIPTIONS, documented and elucidated in iconographic and incontrovertible way, since also confirmed by checkable renewed sources and authoritative even - or better: for preference - first hand data.
    Well-documented historical events resemble terrible facts of the present: for example that of the 15th century Gilles de Rais and the hundreds of children raped and killed by him alongside the troops he chose and supplied to Joan of Arc. But instead how easy it is to be CONTRO on the immdiate! How easy to focus on every single case in an exclusive and sensationalist manner, creating an almost fairy-tale villain of the presumed guilty! How many successive Bluebeards have there been, committing absolutely similar crimes, yet – and here they differ from Gilles de Rais e Dutroux - in full impunity? And on the contrary how many, maybe innocent, have been charged with witchcraft, put to death or, more currently been monsters making headline news in unredeemable ways?
    While how many other authentic “monsters” live and have lived – well and long – quiet and honoured lives?

    The most banal solutions are put forward by confused and ill-informed interviewers and appeals to generic better feelings (!!!) do not so much hush the deafening silence as revive and give incentive to the repressed sadistic instinct to express itself through the lynchmob – perhaps not always ideological. Choices of the facile and populist road, important reports made public in a slipshod and imprecise way, risk the nullifying of the otherwise serious and difficult process of documentation , of testing evidence; thus seriously damaging time and time again the actual victim. There is no need to believe in finding in every case (pseudo) heroes to whom evil submits and has been submitted to, or who pit themselves against evil; interior lack of well-being together with a sense of widespread injustice makes a collective risk of a feeling of inferiority/dependence a reality. In response to such feelings grows the desire to seek for absolutes – in which to believe and guides on which to rely on. The and the trust in a guide becomes absolutes are however unilateral exclusive and excluding with the inevitable malevolence and discord. The - presumed – good citizens face each other on either side of opposing views instead of collaborating; and it is in this climate of confusion that the slave morality tends to prevail, with the taking up of hostile positions if not “appeals” to lynch the presumed guilty instead of supporting and listening to the real victim with precise witness and solidarity. Experience – gradual over the years and of clinical concreteness – in the field of “reliving” previous childhood trauma started the Associazione and remains today as foundation of an important part of its work. However this interest has had to take on a wider aspect in as much as it has found itself faced with numerous other testimonies – internationally – from adults who are suddenly afflicted with suffering: unexpected and “strange” as those who have undergone unusual abuses. Here it has found itself ascertaining and verifying how – on a planetary scale. now as in the past – the abuse of children is part of the infinite mass of well differentiated abuse of every genre carried out between human beings – mental abuse, physical (and sexual) and also economical and technological. Studying the history of brutality and “special” criminals of past times could enable us to better understand those of the present: but is it not easier instead to stun the masses with abhorrence and commotion, with gossip, impromptu supposition, tabloid journalism? This sensationalism which ignores history involves itself in the ephemeral present, favouring and “packaging” every time they happen shocking news stories in order to feed the collective “pseudo-caring” - or better sadism  - of the masses.

    Why and how REAL IS RATIONAL? Why here this quote? Which place has here the most famed excerpt from Hegel's reference?

    The place of a "key word": what can be observed, proved and documented is real AS IT IS and therefore it has not to be interpreted. In fact not always to describe children' life hints towards agreeable matters: in fact ogres exist and not only as fairy tales characters. So it is compelling to think not only about "support" and "direction" of the arrow on the title page, but also to recognize - to can fight - the "against" bad side. Obviously here one can touch distressing subjects so open to question: just for such so important matter this bitter controversial file/chapter is presented in both languages and on two sites and books: the titles themselves: Opinioni, fatti, accuse Opinion, fact, complaint and controversia - as well as method - specifies that the real design and aims does be to refute any risk of misunderstanding.
    As another "key word" Sleeping reason breeding monsters accompanies many files in this site and the slightly modified world-famous Goya's table gives impact to the cover of the book It's Abuse NOT Science fiction, and as well another phrase what do I have in common with slaves, often cited in this site, stays at the base of the principal proposals of our research. But like to resolve a pronounced amnesia not only the unsaid should be unveiled but furthermore also bare words as themselves should be too often rejected: to know and discern how the false can hide underneath. Thus to be a victim is not an indubitable certificate of merit: to be or to have been a victim does not mean a personal characteristic of someone but merely that to this someone have happened or are happening damaging things. Unfortunately if to be or to have been “victims”  does not mean to be heroes, even more “unfortunately” to be “heroes” does not automatically indicate integrity: on the contrary victims and heroes are often categories in which “slaves” typically are placed, those who - however they are – confuse the internal with the external, who live and believe to live within a system that does not stem from themselves but comes from the other/others: a people not only seeking dependence, but approval, consideration, admiration, seduction, dogma, belonging to, guide, prescription, predominance till seeing all this thereafter to switch on offense and PERSECUTION.
    Munch: Nietzsche portraitWith almost embarrassment and fear of being taken as “negationists”, or as followers of  Nietzsche or - very worse - Spengler we have cited the above aphorism about the outpouring of polemic and argument directed also at victims as well at their true or false helpers or defenders. It is instead our conviction that “slave morality” and “superman” are two sides of the same coin and of the same category, like that of the masses and the "refined minds". The emotional flattening of servile condescension and admiring exaltation or execration are two moments of the same... neurosis if not psychosis or of the same perversion... But even if highs and lows of myth-making and intense sentimentalism only take place occasionally it is ALWAYS SADISM and can produce or permit disastrous consequences. Without fear of offending anyone, as soon as new data or new answers make necessary adds this file continues to show our disassociation and opposition to all the clamor of hypothetical attribution and of “looking for monsters”, and stands against the sea of conspiracy theorists – in good or bad faith – without importance as to whether it is formed of victims or of intriguers.

    "Neurosis", "perversions", "psychosis": we are shy to use terms which – we repeat UNFORTUNATELY – look as offensive and not accepted by many of those who suffer from them. It is not a question of “eradicating the irrationality of the masses” as asserted in a bizarre statement discussed heatedly elsewhere, but to understand that if there has not been a TRUE development from infancy to adulthood – in all its subsequent stages – then one endangers to believe in a artificial if not fraudulent recovery of the lost phases: mostly to divert on admiring ideas of “something” much more “grandiose”. To belong on a group, to follow preconceptions, common ideas, dogma, certainties of every genre, to long for serenity at any cost or disownment, to be keen of the idea of superman or the super-criminal on which one places ones' existential emptiness…: all this is not “irrationality” but symptoms of illness, either personal or - to be realistic - even more precisely sociological.
    The - presumed – good citizens face each other on either side of opposing views instead of collaborating; and it is in this climate of confusion that the slave morality tends to prevail, with the taking up of hostile positions if not “appeals” to lynch the presumed guilty instead of supporting and listening to the real victim with precise witness and solidarity. Experience – gradual over the years and of clinical concreteness – in the field of  “reliving” previous childhood trauma started the Associazione and remains today as foundation of an important part of its work. Here it has found itself ascertaining and verifying how – on a planetary scale. now as in the past – the abuse of children is part of the infinite mass of well differentiated abuse of every genre carried out between human beings – mental abuse, physical (and sexual) and also economical and technological.

    Titles do not prevail to CONTENT

    In fact not in a personal private form rather - then: worse unfortunatly - more often the most banal solutions are put forward by confused and ill-informed interviewers; appeals to generic "good feelings" (!!!) do not so much hush the deafening silence as instead unfold and give incentive to the repressed sadistic instinct: expressing itself through the lynch-mob – perhaps not always merely ideological. Choices of the facile and populist road, important reports made public in a slipshod and imprecise way etc. risk the nullifying of the otherwise serious and difficult process of documentation, of testing evidence: thus seriously damaging again and again the actual victim.

    There is no need to believe in (pseudo) heroes struggling against evil: on the contrary an interior lack of well-being, together with a sense of widespread injustice, makes the risk to increase and validate feelings of inferiority/dependence as a fixed reality. But it is in response to such feelings that grows the desire to seek for absolutes – in which to believe in - and guides on which to rely on. The absolutes are however unilateral and the trust in a guide becomes exclusive and excluding with the inevitable malevolence and discord. The - presumed – good citizens face each other on either side of opposing views instead of collaborating; and it is in this climate of confusion that the slave morality tends to prevail, with the taking up of hostile positions if not “appeals” to lynch the presumed guilty less difficult than to support and listen the real victims with precise witness and solidarity. This proposal should not undervalue and discard who wherever and at any age suffers for inexplicable "disorders". It is not necessary any accord to the banal parameters of a banal “culture of slavery”: just a real  experience – gradual over the years and of clinical concreteness – in the field of “reliving” previous childhood trauma, started this site and task built to offer an address to whom seek for a better - neither mainstream nor "counter information" - knowledge, but also for finding a place where confirm and validate and exchange "strange experiences". But this knowledge resulted in a wider and wider aspects facing with numerous other international testimonies: not only by to relive past childhood harms and undergone unusual abuses, but also by adults suddenly afflicted with suffering unexpected and absolutely not customary. Ascertained and verified on a planetary scale, now as in the past, the abuse of children revealed to be part of an infinite mass of differentiated abuse of every genre – mental abuse, physical (and sexual) and also economical and technological - carried out on human beings by other wicked human beings; a lot of odd evil actions maybe on return financed (?) by the “business” of films using minors with an unheard sexual as much as also not only sexual cruelty and violence.
    Resulting problems and responsibilities are therefore enormous: they require a secure connection and a solid and effective collaboration amongst those diverse realities, favoring everywhere and in whatever way the exchange of different experiences above all based on the impartial and un-programmed hearing of victims of every age, on the accurately selected credibility of each one: of each child now, but also of whoever, for however many years after, manifests through reliving the then “violated child”. Actual children, grown-up reliving their abused childhood, adults suffering for very "mysterious" harms become so allowed to heal from violation conserved within the interior, like a “cancer” which should have continued to impede the person from living a normal life: then so allowed to speak they can develop into faithful witness on regard of those experiences, no more at risk to be mistaken as mere "delusions". Unfortunately there is again and again the strong sense of CONTRO/ AGAINST "guilty" rather than real care of “victims”, whilst it is so far easy to appeal to impromptu, immediate “higher sentiments” in favor of a single “victim” or to refer to single and contingent “monsters” in order to hit the headlines. In a cascade of worsening, caution and doubts are coursed for encouraging discord and disorganization amongst those who seek or believe to act in good faith. But this carries on more and more worse consequences: at first instigating and fostering paranoid fantasies in the victims themselves locks them in a vicious circle where the reliability as witness questioned becomes make faithless. But vicious circles don't stop: screaming “higher sentiments” and/or appeals against "monsters" allure to protagonism a lot of idle people victims of very scanty damages or willing to appear as "heroic helper", if not a lot of fake victims when even of disguised perpetrators. To consider also that who wishes to join victims and their – also presumed and so-calling - defenders are often only exhibitionists seeking attention by calling public with clamorous appeals; but ever these clamorous campaigns, time after time demonizing single event and single nations, tend to forget them soon after and substituting with others. In fact working too often and too many in this field are those who propose and agitate along one single line of thought: taking up positions and “appeals” they are proud to incite the “lynching” of the presumed guilty, instead of giving solidarity and sustenance to the real victims: then victims real or fake or real or fake helpers and accusers considering from one aspect only the facts relevant to themselves, clash and thus unload their tensions in petty vindications. For example many “authoritative experts” consider in exclusivity only one restricted sector: in the combating of paedophilia, only one aspect of sexuality involving minors; other "defenders" who opposes the more generalized abuse of innocent citizens as “guinea pigs” don't recognize who tries to act against believed colluders of "bad medicine" or against “weapons of energy”. In sum up whoever wish to work in these important fields risks to finds himself branching off in a mass of separate groupings: in addition tending to confuse science, technology and the bad use of these with subjective conclusions passed off as absolutes. Individual groups acting more or less in good faith attack with disparaging campaigns the “competitors” and with appeals to the “cleansing of public conscience” promote – uselessly? – requests for signatures for eventual – and in their turn criminal – proposals for laws promoting "to geld" etc. In place of a serious and patient search for the truth and real PROTECTION of the victims, damage on damage, cruelty on cruelty widen more and more the wild circle of wickedness. Hoew easy is to prefer fatuous, ephemeral, gossipy, demonstrative susceptibilities and/or resentment to hinder real, deep, responsible INDIGNATION!

    Opinions or worse: accusations? Controversy?

    the creation of a culture of resentment, whose only solution was to do away with the "other". The fact is, the culture of resentment – pertaining to slave morality - is extremely diffuse. It is in the air everywhere, without being theorised. It grows and feeds on itself by the forces of inertia – it has no need of advertising or publicity.
    Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad.- James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, May 13, 1798<>The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding. - Justice Louis Brandeis, 1928

    We would eagerly keep a strict distance from counter information, alternative culturesHigh Politics, and/or worse through grosser ignorance of Highest Finance – build hypotheses, basically mythical “certainties” inherent with pseudo–sure reasons about the guilty “perpetrators” of their trouble. To simply ridicule as laughable narrow-minded's self-sufficiency is not a logical way to think or to do: mean persons often try "to promote" themselves taking a - selfish - advantage from personal mishaps, laying the blame on presumed "assured" knowledge of Affairs of State. Any way these pseudo-sure "knowledge" - the more if selfish, poor and constrained and fixed and unilateral - drags behind shared assumptions of great world plots, conspiracy theories set up by “perpetrators” who they consider not only generically hostile and malign but also a direct cause of their suffering. Not only do we keep our distance but we are above all in direct cause of their own private open opposition to anything which cannot be factually proved: in particular if this causes sect-like ideological groupings. Any grouping exclusively focussed on fighting a “common enemy” is basically structured like a sect, meaning like a non-homogenous entity united exclusively to incorporate individuals and entities coming from very different situations.They are united not through any sense of real cooperating community but by a blind hostility. United because they are only against a common enemy: real or more or less hypothetical but however characterised to be beyond any effective opposition other than symbolic action.
    Titles should prevail over the content? Should the not yet known be mislead with "Occult" as opposite of “cultured”? Should what is considered by mainstream culture as "odd" be mistaken with parapsychological knowing or Devilish mystery - "D" capital - or coming from UFOs? The Association, website and book, define themselves as actively “against mental abuse” as well as against “physical and technological”: it is worthy to take this opportunity to stigmatise the possibility of PROPAGANDA, or the diffusion, also involuntarily, of disinformation via a mental mechanism to superficialize knowledge of the ways in which titles and sentimental yells manage to prevail over descriptive content, in which occasional emotionalism over working learning. More generally, called to give evidence, we have to answer with a dry series of comments or better have to ask everyone and ourselves a series of questions - rhetorical because we already know the possible answers. For many years now strident, flag-waving repetitive and resonant copies of testimonials of suffering victims have circulated - even if at times denied – and the victims regroup in Associations and Discussion Forums: but over-numerous to be all faithful and too often litigious to be efficient. One asks what is the geo-political provenance of this cultural mass, willing to transmit alarms: does unfortunately be an hidden decoy deviating attention towards an unequivocal enemy a series of things rendered as unrecognisable collusions? In the hands of the wizards of communication - like the worst political machination of the whole series of “pseudo-certainties”, “pseudo-causalities” – stand fake certainties if not the absolute attribution of “guilt”. Screaming propaganda indicates Nations, populations, organisations etc. as the indiscutable sites of absolute evil: does one not instead ask why and how only this news circulates? Is there an underlying real reason orx is it not more simply and logically because in some countries rather than others EXISTS still(?) a RELATIVE freedom of speech and of the press? CIA as the bogeyman for children, Belgium as a corrupt nation home to wicked paedophile murderers; Scandinavia as the place where one is tortured from birth? Does no-one ask if it is logical that the rest of the world is a kind of Paradise? Does one really ask what happens and has happened? Is it not that Americans, Scandinavians, Belgians have still (?) a certain freedom of speech and of the press? What do the direct witnesses say with documents, photos, surveys of place etc.? What is revealed?
    Sided by the introductory file/chapter Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin this file\chapter presents the preliminaries of a study and research METHOD aiming at concrete actions and moreover at a precise disavowal to not being confused our work wirh unconvincing, "simple" chatty rumors. For example David Icke - "tells" - in fact "tells" as being "novels" - some excerpts of serious deeds, presented on a fair style -  indeed "novel-like"! - which mixes reality and fantasy in an apparent not-fiction, or worse: spreading on purpose some truth and some damaging data promoting a lot of fake-assured misinterpretations.
    Chicken or eggs? Which is the first problem?
    Or better: has to be preminent the will to persecute the culprit instead to consider his victim? Or then: will the victims be harmed again and again?
    ...victims (lay people) have a tendency to forget about the patient (very often a victim) and to concentrate on the source of evil (whatever it is in our beliefs)
    Such irresponsible words express very clearly one of the utter difficulty to prevent damages and harms, to care and to promote a real justice: in sum up to can positively help real suffering people, to ascertain true ones from fake plaintive of worse from wolves in sheep’s clothing - and/or to positevely act in real behalf of whom is really needing help.

    On the contrary, thoroughly prepared from decades, the purposes of book(s), site(s) and related researches at present can broadly share a deep awareness by actual present observations, but also coming from more or less easy or painful testimonies of past times and occurrences. Besides to consider that just from painful memories also arises a concrete possibility to open a new general understanding: a knowledge giving the possibility, beyond the real practicability to care and mend, also to protect, and even - if convenient - to officially denounce but surely only when well prepared by getting facts, matters, situations on an assured KNOWLEDGE. Any way this whole work has the task to document but else to learn by matching asks: both previous awareness and other people's assumption and doubts can open towards a serious and profitable exchange of sure, authenticated, scientifically worthly to be probed intelligence. Of course from "external world" some real damages occur: but to fight them "bare hands" is a very disproportionate struggle, disproportionate even if not surely defeating. In fact the indispensable and ever lasting and ever prepared to WATCH has continually to protect for avoiding against unfortunately COMMON traps: not inconsistent but very serious since pushing to engage in inadequate conflicts not considering proportion between - real or presumed - forces and effects. In fact a source of even terrible risks does to mistake hoaxes with the real knowledge of REAL FACTS, as well to mislead inner body's occurrences and feelings switched towards believed dynamics coming from external world.
    Thus not only should stop to describe every not enough precise and specified data: on the contrary it is mandatory to avoid every inference regarding not well supported occurrences, every boasting battles against too much "high" High Powers as against a wide "common sense", against unknowable, hidden enemies as against the unawareness of lay-people. Such a fight can put forward with some hope to succeed merely if pointing out and warning against them in a way the most precise, seriously studied, accurate defined: yet AVOIDING bare words or pitiful moaning one can fight To recognize the reality of "human external world", its connections, oppositions, changeable alliances is difficult even for inside trained people: how awful consequences could bring about to misunderstand facts with "opinions" and "feelings", and the "master way" to confuse "friends" with "enemies" and vice versa! How much fallacious is the forthcoming when deceptive naivety or obtuseness assure to be aware of who are the culprits and their plans to act! how", "when" and "where"! Unfortunately we find ourselves at times reluctantly constrained not to ignore but to fight against empty objections and ... idle chatter of those who approach these pages believing them to be the fruit of mere “opinions”! How to warn – with trouble and also with apprehension – those who, faced with “abnormal situations” shoot haphazardly without preparation and with unprovable accusations. It is for this reason that we WILL publish only anomalies and memories which are truly clearly definable, and not any data and/or testimonial and/or shared story even if reliable in the long term. Any grouping exclusively focussed on fighting a “common enemy” is basically structured like a sect, meaning like a non-homogenous entity united exclusively to incorporate individuals and entities with very different situations united not through any sense of real cooperating community but by a blind hostility towards a homogenous enemy. United because they are against a common target: real or more or less hypothetical but however characterized to be beyond any effective opposition other than symbolic action.

    Of “vital” importance? Naivety falling into superstitious gullibility and so open to foster “sect-like” organizations? Or even "derelict" persons ready to be involved in "Cult-like" groups?

    Sects or similar “cliques” offer support and consolation to frail people in search of a pseudo “happiness”, to sick people who aspires to the indifference of a confined “serenity”: not for nothing Delgado himself wrote a book entitled La Felicidad, rather than only express his ferocious principles in his research into a Psychocivilized Society. Or else they welcome and “console” the more desperate victims mourning over their fate. Real mishaps or real and documented suffering are so collectively and indiscriminately given at general attention: not as proper afflictions but as ACCUSATIONS against the hypothetical common perpetrators. From this step where can we arrive: see The first humanitarian war in history: Hitler and the Sudetenlanders. Hitler and Sudetenlanders? A postponed terrible World War? One more year as gift to advantage Nazism? (Definitely any subject alluding to conspiracy, international plots, secret history and underground politics allures a morbid fascination for a lot of naive or aggressive or blatant people. Merely on searching books or videos checking these words an hotchpotch of assorted titles floods: even a lot of titles - near hundred! - not only racist but considering Hitler himself in various strange connection with Anglo-American powers.)
    So built persecutory supporting groups have not to be confused with those focused instead on a very real COOPERATION, as happens for example in many associations of people ill from a particular pathology: their combined efforts being focused to better study their diseases and therefore better help doctors themselves.

    When private individual "victims" complain for haphazard harms to be held and consoled, how harmful results such customary confusion! little querulous people's private lamentation being maximized with the sure consequence of a minimization of the biggest collective happening and collective crimes as slaughters, lagers, wars!
    Of vital importance? How damaging can similar heterogeneous groups become also towards their own members! How many lay themselves open to the sneaking in of the true persecutors – the “wolves in sheep's clothing” – sects, cults, gangs, agents provocateurs, false victims, true - and just for this really sick and badly suffering - mads …: in every case real danger and certainly discredit! To act without knowledge of causes and with crass sermonizing, in disdainful ignorance, to engage oneself against hypothetical and elusive “enemies” instead of alleviate and/or avoid the real suffering and damage?
    <The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding... Don't be men of zeal without understanding almost a clinical definition of paranoia? After all not only true delusional mads can endanger, every intimate psychic disorder as a good fostering ground of vulnerability enacts against the whole public well-being.

    Neurosis absorbs anguish as a sponge
    Neurosis absorbs anguish as a sponge.It is convenient, it gets as a mighty mummy.

    Even mild Neurosis as personal, intimate disorder affects private freedom and impairsit gets as a sponge helping to absorb anguish... Neurosis itself is personal but affects a great deal of people, and then, when collective, this lessened existence could become everywhere a fertile ground fitting to foster superstitions: taboo as are duping prohibitions, but also compelling orders with even more RAGE and CRAZE.
    So, often with inconsistent reason, whichever impromptu sharing a "neurotic concern" can become widespread; but also whoever tricky arrogant can enter in this so open pathway towards an indirect mind-control. Imposed as a new Totem, every bogus fear thus at first menaces proclaiming - hypothetic - forthcoming damages, and then offers pseudo-guarantees if the "mind-controlled" people follows so established hoaxes or even so accepted swindles.

    Advanced technologies: Real does rational? Vital importance?

    Here we wish to send out a message and a caution of vital importance...Therefore the lot of discoveries so gathered - and this was a real surprise -  got we aware that the SCATTERED diffusion of a lot of offensive tools resulted almost sure: as the matter of fact everyone can buy without difficulties every kind of actual weaponry, every one can buy often terrible and performing engines even at a very low price. On the height of damage many of such engines are sold for not harming uses: for amusement, for chasing rats, for sending away birds...: not only for ... obviously military drills or for harming chosen people...
    But the foremost engagement of this whole work is never to choose; but if for us is mandatory either to avoid bare subjective description or - worse - to accept even if impressive FAKE misconception, also our directive is never to be surprised and denying every circumstance. Damaging and even serious harming actions can be performed with engines which can be produced as very real and even commercial tools, which can be bought even by everyone, even with banal order forms in Internet. These powerful and deceitful "energies" are surely NOT something as ghosts' tricks, or science fiction Star Wars Engines: they are realities which could be managed by everyone, also or mostly by not ever ethical persons, but it is deceitful to "cry wolf" without giving any "how", "when" and "where" - look on Fake-mysteries on biological targets.Personal cases offer first hand authenticated files: the Authors of these files/chapters share their data with a solid documentation. After the book published the Suda Case with its FIRST HAND collected exact DOCUMENTS - "corrected" since the previous version had a serious error in the title, completed by the original series of illustrated documents to be seen or downloaded; and supported by another renewed file presenting personal pictures and a sample of artist's portfolio: Artist Suda: Presentation. Besides on regard of this case Segnalazione di allarme: internazionali is improved by an article - quoted also in Links di organizzazioni e iniziative protettetive, and detailed in Artist/designer Andrzej Suda case - implying how children kidnapping and emigrants' misleading could be "political" NOT only "criminal" facts. Just referring to a real case of implanted abusive microchips it is possible to read a whole seriuos technical expertise on a pdf file and his experience explained by other data - mails etc.  - in a new file LarsonReport.htm. Particularly the medical field (together with Civil Rights one) is very dangerously tangled and quarrelsome: look mainly at "historic" and "scientific" novelties - unfortunately often only in Italian since coming from Italian Organizations and/or Italian media - on Pagina scientifico-medica, on Malattie rare in offerta speciale noteworthy at lobotomia and at Metilfenidato e sindrome da deficit di attenzione e iperattività (on the two last files it is to be mostly noticed the specification - also in English - regarding the use of DSM-IV). But a totally renewed - step by step advancing very FIRST HAND - powerful documentation is rising and at once published on line on Esperimenti su bambine/i. This document regards a precise, in progress testimony of the splitting of multiple personalities: this pages are exactly what spontaneously wrote the person, thus its ITALIAN should not to be translated to preserve its genuineness. This testimony is so  probatory to have to be held in many placements: on other files of the site - Segnalazione di allarme internazionali and on Testimonianze e dubbi and even on The guilt-free soldier very improved by this internal link - then also on another site/book regarding not “harmful facts” but a better consciousness till the children’s raising Today’s adults = children of YESTERDAY, Adults of today -> adults of TOMORROW). Any way the international scenery of the Segnalazione di allarme internazionali file can be improved time by time by ever more "international" advices coming from personal interviews, personal mails or verified information from media: even a crime-movie fiction (produced by Italian RAI Fiction) - The Chinese wife - tells a story to be meditated since very alike to real facts happened to real persons. Any way sometimes doesn't be despised something coming from apparently simple fiction: if It's Abuse NOT Science fiction what does tell the trailer of the fiction/movie The chinese wife? Is totally a crime-fiction the description of implanted microchips on immigrants' body? a story of a criminal tycoon "protected" instead of normally sued, of a criminal international tycoon so powerful to hinder investigators also on committing other crimes?
    Can perhaps this story allude to real facts growing up and develop on a enormously spread international scenery? individual concentration and attention; but - as told in this Italian writing:

    Instead need to tell you that I was alarmed the other day when I received, from two sources, Brice/Sue's announcement about the new project Brice/Sue wants to do, by getting a bunch of mind-control survivors to send her information about their histories.Icke, by the way, allegedly has been putting information out claiming that mind-control survivors were actually abducted or whatever by human-sized lizard-ET's. This, if true, is of great concern to me because the lizard-men/et crap was used as a hypnotic screen memory with high-level MC survivors so they would not be able to see the faces of the people who really abducted and harmed them. You can't prosecute or expose what you can't see clearly enough to remember. Anyway, if he is writing and presenting such materials, then in my opinion, he ought to be run out of the US on a rail, tarred and feathered. If he's not presenting such materials, then the information given me was blatant disinformation, and I will think otherwise of him when I am convinced it is so.

    Opinions or statements of facts and/or data?

    It is typical of the planning of the whole of our activity to signalize concrete facts, news and information in the most precise way, drawn from original sources and not derived from second-hand materials, constantly verified through intersected and contextualized validations and comparisons; in other words we must confirm that our firm intention is NOT to suggest hypotheses, NOT to expound our views but to construe our work as a source of information and linkable data. Therefore from the point of view of exposing and documenting we consider that the possibility of using means of communication others than mere verbal language cannot be renounced; as in talking we avail ourselves of inflexions, tones and gestures, so even in writing integrating diverse languages - the most obvious being the visual one - can make communication and documentation more incisive and less debatable: in fact data and information matched with illustrations to justify them, are less likely to be confused with for sheer opinions,mere hypothesis or chatter. Our task is continually in progress; then we strongly need to be continually better and widely informed from others' experiences: may for review or at least for comments? Through our long, patient, personalized work we contacted some so-called mind control websites' owners, so-called mind-control''s and other harmful misdeeds' victims..., some persons so-called interested etc. etc. ... What we - unwilling - learnt? That there are a lot, an unbearable lot, of “chatters” very proud to CHAT on regard of Big Games, a lot of not believable silly and unaware people, unaware also that every “word” can be followed and used - if not covertly siggested - by the other field and so able to become a trail towards danger: in fact we discovered to have met also really not reliable ones. Wolves disguised as lambs, true willing betrayers... but any way a lot of unaware naive unconscious effective betrayers... Furthermore and above all we emphatically maintain that we do not allude to any “motive”, much less to a “guilty” party or hypothesise are the “harms”, or “damage”, or “anomalies”, unless dealing with accusations proved in court (see for example the file/chapter Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Millions). We do NOT work on searching the “already known”, it is to say every time if possible we do NOT try to quote something published: on the contrary we search to have and display FIRST HAND documentation and/or direct data from original sources – it is to say: producers etc. - . So we are usually rather far from reporters and magazines. Our Association – scientific, professionally medical and if possible juridical -  has instead a demanding and direct IN CHARGE many real persons really suffering and really in – sometimes – extreme danger: a very tiring and sickening task, a big part of our endeavor was to recognize, avoid or... quarrel against the above described hidden, disguised menaces.
    Chicken or eggs? Which is the first problem?

    ...Victims (lay people) have a tendency to forget about the patient (very often a victim) and to concentrate on the source of evil (whatever it is in our beliefs). Such irresponsible words express very clearly one of the utter difficulty to prevent damages and harms, to care and to promote a real justice: in sum up to can positively help real suffering people, to ascertain true ones from fake plaintive of worse from wolves in sheep’s clothing - and/or to positevely act in real behalf of whom is really needing help.
    Self restraint identified with Top PowerAt February 2005 - media published as a new this sentence: state government panel in Oregon has barred a psychiatrist from practicing medicine because he talked to his patients about the new world order, saying such discussions could cause "emotional duress".... The controversy began in 2002, when Wittkopp, in an interview with the board's investigative committee, defended his use of  reality testing on patients. The report states that to help some patients, Wittkopp gave them information on the New World Order which he considers an international effort to establish world government and a world economic system and a world religion. As you noticed not only me but also Eleanor sent you the aforementioned article. Why? Because is about the subject that touches us personally. The whole issue reminds me CHICKEN OR EGG WAS FIRST problem. We (me and Eleanor) come from the opposite side than you. Both sides have ONE THING IN COMMON - we care, we see the problem and try to find a solution. You, as a professional, think about the patient first. Me, Eleanor and other victims (lay people) have a tendency to forget about the patient (very often a victim) and to concentrate on the source of evil (whatever it is in our beliefs).To get an almost direct answer to such way to think, one can use a real data as a critical exemple.

    Bilderberg Group and lobotomy

    On the contrary, thoroughly prepared from decades, the purposes of book(s), site(s) and related researches at present can broadly share a deep awareness by actual present observations, but also coming from more or less easy or painful testimonies of past times and occurrences. Besides to consider that just from painful memories also arises a concrete possibility to open a new general understanding: a knowledge giving the possibility, beyond the real practicability to care and mend, also to protect, and even - if convenient - to officially denounce but surely only when well prepared by getting facts, matters, situations on an assured KNOWLEDGE. Any way this whole work has the task to document but else to learn by matching asks: both previous awareness and other people's assumption and doubts can open towards a serious and profitable exchange of sure, authenticated, scientifically worthly to be probed intelligence. Of course from "external world" some real damages occur: but to fight them "bare hands" is a very disproportionate struggle, disproportionate even if not surely defeating. In fact the indispensable and ever lasting and ever prepared to WATCH has continually to protect for avoiding against unfortunately COMMON traps: not inconsistent but very serious since pushing to engage in inadequate conflicts not considering proportion between - real or presumed - forces and effects. In fact a source of even terrible risks does to mistake hoaxes with the real knowledge of REAL FACTS, as well to mislead inner body's occurrences and feelings switched towards believed dynamics coming from external world.
    Thus not only should stop to describe every not enough precise and specified data: on the contrary it is mandatory to avoid every inference regarding not well supported occurrences, every boasting battles against too much "high" High Powers as against a wide "common sense", against unknowable, hidden enemies as against the unawareness of lay-people. Such a fight can put forward with some hope to succeed merely if pointing out and warning against them in a way the most precise, seriously studied, accurate defined: yet AVOIDING bare words or pitiful moaning one can fight on an acceptable level. To recognize the reality of "human external world", its connections, oppositions, changeable alliances is difficult even for inside trained people: how awful consequences could bring about to misunderstand facts with "opinions" and "feelings", and the "master way" to confuse "friends" with "enemies" and vice versa! How much fallacious is the forthcoming when deceptive naivety or obtuseness assure to be aware of who are the culprits and their plans to act! How is deceitful to "cry wolf" without giving any "how", "when" and "where"! Unfortunately we find ourselves at times reluctantly constrained not to ignore but to fight against empty objections and ... idle chatter of those who approach these pages believing them to be the fruit of mere “opinions”! How to warn – with trouble and also with apprehension – those who, faced with “abnormal situations” shoot haphazardly without preparation and with unprovable accusations. It is for this reason that we WILL publish only anomalies and memories which are truly clearly definable, and not any data and/or testimonial and/or shared story even if reliable in the long term. Any grouping exclusively focussed on fighting a “common enemy” is basically structured like a sect, meaning like a non-homogenous entity united exclusively to incorporate individuals and entities with very different situations united not through any sense of real cooperating community but by a blind hostility towards a homogenous enemy. United because they are against a common target: real or more or less hypothetical but however characterized to be beyond any effective opposition other than symbolic action.
    So built persecutory supporting groups have not to be confused with those focused instead on a very real COOPERATION, as happens for example in many associations of people ill from a particular pathology: their combined efforts being focused to better study their diseases and therefore better help doctors themselves. Of “vital” importance?
    Naivety falling into superstitious gullibility and so open to foster “sect-like” organizations? Or even "derelict" persons ready to be involved in "Cult-like" groups?
    Sects or similar “cliques” offer support and consolation to frail people in search of a pseudo “happiness”, to sick people who aspires to the indifference of a confined “serenity”: not for nothing Delgado himself wrote a book entitled La Felicidad, rather than only express his ferocious principles in his research into a Psychocivilized Society. Or else they welcome and “console” the more desperate victims mourning over their fate. Real mishaps or real and documented suffering are so collectively and indiscriminately given at general attention: not as proper afflictions but as ACCUSATIONS against the hypothetical common perpetrators. From this step where can we arrive: see The first humanitarian war in history: Hitler and the Sudetenlanders.
    Hitler and Sudetenlanders? A postponed terrible World War?
    One more year as gift to advantage Nazism?

    Definitely any subject alluding to conspiracy, international plots, secret history and underground politics allures a morbid fascination for a lot of naive or aggressive or blatant people. Merely on searching books or videos checking these words an hotchpotch of assorted titles floods: even a lot of titles - near hundred! - not only racist but considering Hitler himself in various strange connection with Anglo-American powers.) For choosing a widespread subject too much considered "puzzling" and "wicked" it is to be noticed and just evidenced here, that two data alluding to Bilderberg Group and to lobotomy and Nobel price can give the opportunity to explain the methodological basics of our way to work supported by other more incisive explanations and questions recently published. Regarding the hypothetical New world order and weaponry, from other sites and lists notice two different cases to improve internal links on Segnalazione di allarme internazionali: Italia and pubblicazioni which endorses also a NEW mighty message with many links (for asks and doubts go to the linked source). Data and disclaimers regarding weaponry are also recently posted on Links e citazioni su segnali di pericolo: armi and lesivi, besides the new apport on libera vendita.

    Of “vital” importance? Why “sect-like” or even "Cult-like"?

    The Clash of Civilizations?: The Debateby Samuel P. Huntington
    Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order
    by Robert Kagan

    IT IS TIME to stop pretending that Europeans and Americans share a common view of the world, or even that they occupy the same world
    An hypothetic New World Order?
    On September 1990 George H.W.Bush called for a New World Order... Pertaining to whom?
    The summary The snake's head on Beppe Grillo's Blog looks to a part of the portrait of this enormous power.
    Shadow Government? Self-restraint identified with top power?
    (TheWorld Economic Forum (WEF) is a Geneva-based foundation whose annual meeting of top business leaders, national political leaders (presidents, prime ministers and others), and selected intellectuals and journalists is usually held in Davos, Switzerland. There are also regional meetings throughout the year. It was founded in 1971 by Klaus M. Schwab, a business professor in Switzerland.) On a mail at June 24 2006 we received a message regarding this matter, endorsing some links sending to actual newspapers articles - even to the front-page of The Globe and Mail where on can litterally read: Secretive power brokers' meeting coming to Ottawa? A group of very powerful individuals whose objective is to create one world government, based on an economic model from the Middle Ages, he said. This would be a post-industrial model where you have slaves and slave owners.May 24, 2006, The Globe and Mail (leading newspaper of Canada's capital city). [Snippets from the original article]: The Bilderberg Group, a secretive organization of politicians and business leaders from around the world, gave no public statements.... What they talked about at the Brookstreet Hotel is still a secret. The group meets annually, and is usually rumoured to discuss international politics and business, from Middle East crises to oil prices. The meetings always draw intensely curious outsiders who believe the Bilderbergers need to be exposed. One of these is Daniel Estulin, a Canadian who moved to Spain about 15 years ago -- because, he says, the Central Intelligence Agency tried to kill him. He feels safer in Spain. I'm much further out of the reach of the secret service -- both Canadian and American. I write the stories everyone else is afraid to write, he said. He and others staked out positions on the sidewalk where they could get a clear view of the hotel's front door. For hours, they watched through binoculars and telephoto lenses, waiting as men and women got into limos. Cameras clicked, and the Bilderberg-watchers scrolled through digital images afterwards, trying to identify which member of the group they had just recorded. Alex Jones, a documentary filmmaker from Texas, showed up with two of his crew. Man, this is just evil, he muttered as he paced up and down, watching more limos drive past. He was detained on his arrival in Canada, but says he was released after other media asked questions about him. It's a group of very powerful individuals whose objective is to create one world government, based on an economic model from the Middle Ages, he said. This would be a post-industrial model where you have slaves and slave owners.It's a group of very powerful individuals whose objective is to create one world government, based on an economic model from the Middle Ages, he said. This would be a post-industrial model where you have slaves and slave owners. An ask to Jon Ronson who has written about Bilderberg what it really is: They're a bunch of powerful people. They meet in secret. I do think that, by and large, many members of the Bilderberg Group actually see themselves in much the same way as the conspiracy theorists see them, as this shadowy cabal out... to influence world events. Bilderberg is into... a new world order. They see themselves as head hunters. They'll get an up-and-coming politician who they think may be president or prime minister one day. As globalist industrialist leaders who believe that politics shouldn't be in the hand of the politicians, they try and influence them with wise words. Bildergerg's secrecy, I think, harks back specifically to Henry Kissinger who... loves the idea of being this shadowy, secret figure.Any way the Bilderbergers' list don't complete the directory of the world's Very Important Persons. Rumors - for the time being: only rumors - tell that there are, someone says ten someone forty, active High Powers Groups sometimes enemies together sometimes allied, but notwithstanding ever potential source and efficient cause of dangers. Isn't a basic duty to try to better know each group and its members or participants and mostly their condition on settled or volatile wealth instead to fix the attention on only an unique one? Surely doing such a careful examination will get some unexpected surprises, or rather not only unexpected than puzzling ones. In the void created by such aloofness, an extraordinary conspiracy theory has grown up around the group that alleges the fate of the world is largely decided by Bilderberg. Davos: Wealth, power and a sprinkling of stardust.

    The World Economic Forum  at a small town in Switzerland tomorrow (Tuesday, 22 January 2008). Who will be there, and what's at stake?. For a few days an obscene proportion of the world's wealth and clout will be concentrated in one normally obscure Alpine town. Some 27 heads of state or government; 113 cabinet ministers; hundreds of chief executives, bankers, sovereign wealth fund managers, economists and the media: about 2,500 participants in all. This concentrated, eclectic mix of the top slice of humanity is part of the "magic" of this mountain is no wonder the place will be surrounded by barbed wire and intense security. If you've ever wanted to know what the Swiss army is for (apart from inventing handy little multi-tools), an attempt to penetrate the perimeter of Davos will tell you, as 5,000 troops do their bit to protect international capitalism from its enemies. The WEF gets under way this week, and the formal title of the week's proceedings, as ever, gives little away about the true agenda. The Power of Collaborative Innovation, while suggestive of the business elite's obsessions with the pace of technological change,... The prominent role allotted to Mr Wang, while not entirely novel, is nonetheless significant. This year at Davos there will be fewer figures from Hollywood, and rather more representing the new forces in the global economy – the new transnationals based in China, India, other rapidly growing emerging economies and the sovereign wealth funds that those nations and the petro-states of the Gulf now command.

    The prospects for the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China and their smaller satellite economies) have been one of the staples of international gatherings for years, but now the ruminations have a little more point to them. In 2008, for the first time, China will contribute more to the growth of the world economy than the United States. Double-digit growth in China should still just be possible this year, and it alone seems to stand between the world and a full-blown recession.... This is as it should be. The event has been growing in importance and prominence since its pioneering days in the early 1970s. In 1971 a German-born Swiss economist named Klaus Schwab hits upon the idea of an eclectic, informal, low-key, almost secretive gathering of the world's most influential figures and founded a not-for-profit foundation to achieve his ends.In those days it had much in common with the Bilderberg group, but today the WEF has left its modest beginnings way behind and actively seeks out the attention of the world, whether it is to launch a campaign against World Poverty (as Gordon Brown and Bono did in 2005) or to balance the needs and aspirations of the old economies of the West, the emerging economies of the east and the still poor billions in the south. ...
    By Sean O'Grady

    According to the Independent in 1997: Formed in the Fifties... One of the most influential, secretive, and, it goes without saying, exclusive political clubs in the West... One member contacted by this newspaper said he could not talk about it 'even off, off the record'. Another simply put the phone down... The source of its funding is a mystery...[2] One of the earliest discussions of the Circle was in Lobster magazine in 1986: The Pinay Circle was set up in 1969 around the former Prime Minister of France, Antoine Pinay. Pinay was very old and seems to have been little more than a figurehead. Its chief fundraiser and leading light is the former lawyer, Jean Violet. A senior figure in the French equivalent of the CBI, Violet has also been a member of SDECE, the French equivalent of the CIA and MI6. (Faligot, 1985 p 194). According to reports from West German intelligence (in Intelligence/Parapolitics (Paris) December 1984) Violet had links with South African, American, British, Swiss and West German intelligence. The West German BND is said to be one of his sources of finance. With these contacts Violet had put together an informal group of conservative, anti-communist politicians, bankers, journalists etc - 'The Pinay Circle'. It is said to meet twice a year discussing how to promote the conservative cause. The following are said to have been, or still are, members of the circle: Julian Amery MP, Brian Crozier, Nicholas Elliot (B) (ex MI6), William Colby (ex DCIA), Edwin Feulner of The Heritage Foundation, and General D. Stilwell (DIA). Pinay projects are said to have included the promotion of Mrs Thatcher in the UK and Strauss in West Germany. ISC records from as early as 1972 mention efforts by the Pinay Circle to generate moral and financial support for ISC: Crozier was apparently hoping for £20,000 from the Circle in 1973 - a large contribution by ISC's standards. The Circle paid for an ISC study "European Security and the Soviet Problem". Further correspondence from 1975 shows the Circle active in organising meetings in "Madrid, Rome, Milan, Brussels and Bonn .... with the object of raising money for the Institute (ie ISC) and enhancing its reputation." (Time Out 27 June 1975)[3] In 2004 the Sunday Times reported: Nadhmi Auchi is a member of an elite club known as Le Cercle. It consists of transatlantic businessmen and politicians and is often compared with the Bilderberg Group. The secretive group of 100 people meets twice a year to discuss global politics and business. The next meeting is scheduled to be held in Washington this month. The club, which has close links to the intelligence services, was founded in the 1950s by former French prime minister Antoine Pinay and former German chancellor Konrad Adenauer. Guests at the club's meetings have included Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, the Sultan of Oman, Romania's Ion Illiescu and King Hussein of Jordan. The current chairman is Lord Lamont, the former Tory chancellor, and other members are thought to include Anthony Cavendish and Geoffrey Tantum, who are both former MI6 officers.[4]of a co-ordinated international destabilisation programme gave their heart-felt thanks. Among them were Britain's Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher - Madonna of the Armaments industry - and America's less brittle, and considerably less acute, Ronald Reagan - humble originator of the mega-tax-buck-swallowing SDI "Star Wars" programme and also, thus, a valued friend of the boys at Guns R Us International. These two decades saw a proliferation of right-wing, quasi official and secretive groups that co-ordinated intelligence, propaganda and undertook covert black-operations around the globe. One of the most shadowy of all is the "Pinay Cercle", named after its founder Antoine Pinay, Premier of France in 1951. Known more simply as "Le Cercle" it is recognised as a more clandestine sinister organisation to the already very secretive Bilderberg Group - a "Perhaps more sinister, and certainly more shadowy than the Bilderbergers, the "Pinay Cercle" is an "Atlanticist" right-wing organisation of serving and retired intelligence operatives, military officers and politicians that conspired to "affect" changes in government. Amongst other things they claim credit for engineering the election of Margaret Thatcher in the U.K. and may have been behind the ousting of Australia's Gough Whitlam. Now almost forgotten, the decade of the "Seventies" was a time of immense political upheaval, dirty tricks and incessant rumours of right-wing military Coup d'Etats in leading western democracies. Amongst the long list of resulting casualties of this "decade of tension" were Britain's Prime Ministers: Harold Wilson and Ted Heath, Australia's Gough Whitlam, Sweden's Olaf Palme, America's Jimmy Carter and France's Francois Mitterand. The more southern flanks of Nato's European axis: Portugal, Spain, Turkey and Greece converted rumour into chilling fact via the steel-blue glaze of gun-barrels. Italy, home of Pizza, the Pope, and Propaganda Due (P2) came in for its own brand of political fixit, courtesy of Uncle Sam's very own CIA. As the decade of the "eighties" slowly slipped above the now less than pink eastern horizon, right-wing beneficiaries behind-the-scenes invisible influence" network.Both groups share a familiar membership which includes Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller. Each of these three luminaries of the international power network are, in addition to the foregoing, influential members of The Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations as well as being regular attendees at Britain's "Chatham House" - The Royal Institute of International Studies - shadowy twin to America's CFR.

    Antoine Pinay was extremely influential in Europe and the United States, where he had forged links with President Nixon. Pinay attended the Bilderberg inaugural meeting in Oosterbeek, Holland during May 1952. By 1969, Pinay together with Jean Violet, a Lawyer working for the French Intelligence Service SDECE, and Archduke Otto von Habsburg, heir to the Austrian throne, formed Le Cercle, and secretly began recruiting men of influence as members.
    The intention was to shift the political climate of Europe to the far right via a secretly financed campaign of propaganda, and to establish a private intelligence service that would work, unofficially, with the existing security apparatus of the west. Author Stephen Dorrill also believes there are serpentine inter-connections between Le Cercle and the Gladio network, a "stay-behind anti communist" military guerrilla force set up by Nato's Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) during the "fifties", that was largely composed of ex Nazis'.
    It was brought to our attention that the Corriere Della Sera, one of the most leading Italian newspapers published a violent attack on lobotomy (Corriere: 'Not only different awareness'). A similar report published on the Corriere is in itself most telling, but the indirect and underlying connection is far more stimulating. lobotomia tecnica e presupposti

    In all, lobotomies were used on 40,000 to 50,000 Americans between 1936 and the late 1950s. Freeman
    Mario Tobino Il Manicomio di PechinoFor Italy: look on the book Mario Tobino IL Manicomio di Pechino pp.29-35

    lobotomy stamp

    Moniz Lobotomy Stamp: This is an actual Portuguese stamp posted by Christine at Monday, August 01, 2005). In 1936, the Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz introduced a surgical operation, prefrontal leukotomy, which after an initial period came to be used particularly in the treatment of schizophrenia. The operation, later called lobotomy, consisted in incisions that destroyed connections between the prefrontal region and other parts of the brain...

    The treatment became rather popular in many countries all over the world and Moniz received the Nobel Prize in 1949 Antonio Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas Moniz born in Avanca, Portugal, on November 29, 1874, the son of Fernando de Pina Rezende Abreu and Maria do Rosario de Almeida e Sousa. He received his early education from his uncle Abbé Caetano de Pina Rezende Abreu Sa Freire, before joining the Faculty of Medicine at Coimbra University. He received further education at Bordeaux and Paris and became Professor at Coimbra in 1902. In 1911 he transferred to the new Chair in Neurology at Lisbon where he remained until his death. He also worked for a time as a physician in the Hospital of Santa Maria, Lisbon. Moniz entered politics in 1903 and served as a Deputy in the Portugese Parliament until 1917 when he became Portuguese Ambassador to Spain. Later in 1917 he was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs and he was President of the Portuguese Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference in 1918.
    Another comparable fact called our attention: Minister of Foreign Affairs and deeply implied in International Organizations and happenings was also the Italian doctor Gaetano Martino, University teacher in Human Physiology and Rector of Messina University, also and mostly Author with Moruzzi of a “classic” set book for future doctors: a text book for Medicine students dealing almost only with cat’s brain vivisection: in which the main subject was .... how to experiment on living cats' encephalons.
    But if this is the antecedent to start from, it is fundamental to consider what can indirectly derive from it, in view of further considerations and research of a more general purport, pertaining not only to a bad use of medicine. Starting from these premises quite by chance we came across these two bizarre indications that - put together - can be somehow very perplexing. The work of the Association consists particularly in collecting pieces of information – if possible first hand, even in minute fragments - and then intersecting them, till little by little to find so close-knit a texture to bring to the surface truths apparently hidden or even apparently non-existing.The Corriere is an independent surely not a "left-wing" newspaper: so in itself this article is by itself a very information, but the underlying indirect connection is far more stimulating.Were and have been for a long time and in different historical contexts Ministers of Foreign Affairs in their own countries not politicians or diplomats on the contrary particularly sadistic doctors, not only general practitioners but also University professors: therefore “trainers” of future doctors, University Directors and eventually Authors of text-boks, scientists interested on researches pertaining to enhancing warriors' performances (to built so-called warriors without sleep?) and moreover to block will and consciousness on "not agreed people". Such were the Portuguese Moniz, the inventor of lobotomy (who was awarded the Nobel prize for it) and the Italian Gaetano Martino (professor of human physiology and Rector of the University of Messina, author of an authoritative text-book for Medicine students).
    style="font-weight: normal;"> Can one assume that, through some sort of easy making mechanism, a destructive planning out - analogous to that devised by Delgado, - not to mention Hitler - could have some relation with… Foreign policy? Is irrelevant the fact that Gaetano Martino’s son – Antonio – was previously Minister of Foreign Affairs and then Ministry of Defence for a whole period of Government? As working hypothesis: could not a certain kind of sadism in action offer a privileged way to these Ministries? Looking for evidence in such direction, following these tracks could not one discover coverage given and favours done to Mengele. believed lobotomies worked because the procedure severed connections between the frontal lobes of the brain and the thalamus, thought to be the seat of human emotion, which the mentally ill apparently had in overabundance. Although his theories have been discredited, Freeman was one of the few psychiatrists of his era who believed that mental illness had a physical biological component.

    Oaxes and rumors or true facts? Kidnapped normal children to construct artificial devilish "monsters"? "Multiple Personality Disorder"?

    Personalità Multiple: Monk e LetiziaIt is easy to speak in a conjectural way on regard of "Multiple Personality Disorder". but here are depicted in total spontaneity two "personalities" - Monk and Letitia - the two "multiples" trained to become killers and spies after being built during structured abuses.
    The "protagonist" of these terrible mishaps expressed this picture during a very poignant, painful flash-back, together with some very explanatory writings. The most of the texts are in Italian but a shortened translation in English can be reached on Esperimenti su bambine/i at the sub chapter: translation.

    State of Confusion: politic of fear

    Tyrants don't devour you: they devour your FEAR....
    (illustrator Joseph P. Orwell

    a page from the book
    lI libro dei senza paura -
    The book for fearless people: a hand book to teach children for fight their fears -
    Printing House Dami


    "Fear" believes to keep safe on building barricades: and then narrows spaces, knowledge, relationship and understanding... and widens on return new fearfulness and dependency

    And here below a mail presenting a new book suggests a deep method to investigate: nevertheless of its subject and field of research regard only a single case: this quatation put our site to Forbid access as a "blacklisted location".

    Dear Colleagues in the Fight Against Organized Child Abuse,
    the Franklin Scandal, by Nick Bryant, has just been released.

    I have known Nick Bryant since 2002 when he was in the early stages of unraveling the history of the pedophile network that operated out of Omaha, Nebraska, in the 1970s and 1980s, first exposed on a large scale in Senator John DeCamp's 1992 book, The Franklin Cover-Up.
    For seven years, Nick Bryant has devoted himself tirelessly to the investigation of this case. He has flown all over the USA to meet the victims, earned their trust, and interviewed them in depth. He has poured through original documents, Omaha Police Department reports and internal memos, Nebraska State Patrol reports, Nebraska Department of Social Services reports, internal Boys Town reports, victim debriefings, hundreds of the ring's airline receipts, and court transcripts never before reviewed. He has scrutinized all of this data with a critical eye, and set his own standard of at least triple-corroboration for all of his facts. Nick Bryant has found irrefutable evidence of a cover-up of a transcontinental network of child sex trafficking by the FBI, Secret Service, and Department of Justice. Many of these children were accessed through the foster-care system; many were accessed through Boys Town. I feel that I know Nick Bryant well enough to say that his ethics and investigational rigor are impeccable. This book does not offer speculation. It offers facts. If any person or organization, e.g., the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, launches an attack on this book, they will find themselves defeated by a rock-solid wall of verified facts.
    This book is oddly pleasant to read - [as also the Wanda Karriker's book: Morning comes quickly] - The tone is friendly, personal, even funny at times. Nick Bryant shares with the reader his personal reactions to the unsettling events that occur during the investigation, and the evidence that he uncovers. Nick Bryant has made other major contributions to our world, including his book, America's Children: Triumph of Tragedy, addressing the medical and developmental problems of lower socioeconomic children in America. His writing on the plight of disadvantaged children has also been extensively published in many peer-reviewed journal publications.

    The Franklin Scandal may be his most ground-breaking work because it reveals evidence of complicity in the abuse of children by institutions that are supposed to protect them, and may help to make our systems more accountable and responsive to abused children.

    Nick's book, The Franklin Scandal, is being released this week, and is available at:

    See the press release below. Note the connection of the Franklin case to ritual abuse in the second-to-last paragraph below. Feel free to circulate and re-post this message.

    Warmly, Ellen Lacter, Ph.D. Psychologist in San Diego, California, USA

    PRESS RELEASE: New Book Exposes Pedophilia, Government Officials and Cover-up
    For Release: Immediately Contact: Kent Goodman, TrineDay Books Publicity Director

    (541) 954-8142

    THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL, by Nick Bryant, will be the first commercially published book to tell the shocking true tale of the power elite involved in the most despicable crimes against children. These youths were used and abused for entertainment, and knew what would happen to them if there ever came clean. In one case, a young girl had been abused since the age of 14, she refused to recant her abuse, and she was sentenced to prison for 9-15 years on trumped up charges.

    BoysTown statement:
    Every child who arrives at Boys Town has a story to tell. A story of neglect and abuse... of disappointments and devastation. You make it possible for us to provide a home, and more importantly, healing. Thank you for being a part of a bright future for our children.

    The nationwide trafficking ring was run by a pair of Republican powerbrokers who used the venerable Boys Town as a pedophile reservoir; they had access to the highest levels of our government, and connections to the CIA.

    Nebraska legislators nearly exposed the ring, but its unveiling had the potential to produce seismic political aftershocks. This resulted in a rash of deaths and a full court press by federal law enforcement, including the FBI, Secret Service, and Justice Department, not to mention the mainstream media, effecting an immaculate cover-up of the trafficking network. and a former US State and federal grand juries in NebraskaAttorney for the District of Columbia also played an integral role in the cover-up. Moreover, author Bryant shows that a number of officers of the court who participated in the cover-up experienced upward mobility in either the state or federal judiciaries.
    Bryant has spent seven years researching this book and he’s traveled approximately 40,000 miles. He’s had access to thousands of documents that would ultimately be sealed by two grand juries. His documentation includes FBI reports and interoffice memos, Omaha Police Department reports and internal memos, Nebraska State Patrol reports, Nebraska Department of Social Services reports, internal Boys Town reports, victim debriefings, hundreds of the ring’s airline receipts, etc. He’s also interviewed several of the network’s victims who are now young adults.
    The FRANKLIN SCANDAL also tackles the issue of ritual abuse. Indeed, some of the victims that Bryant has interviewed have confessed to being ritually abused. To corroborate their accounts, Bryant’s book highlights several studies published in academic journals that back up the reality of this heinous practice, including a study conducted by Young et al. published in the Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect -[look at newest scripts: Child Abuse & Neglect], and the Extreme Abuse Survey conducted by Becker et al. The author also discusses the Finders and sheds insights into its activities that have eluded many researchers.
    Nick Bryant’s writing has recurrently focused on the plight of disadvantaged children in the United States, and he’s been published in numerous national journals, including the Journal of Professional Ethics, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, and Journal of School Health.
    He has also published a book, America’s Children: Triumph of Tragedy, addressing the medical and developmental problems of lower socioeconomic children in America.

    l'animalità lungimirante della lince espressa nello sguardo - attento, perplesso,preoccupato -

    Sleeping reason breeds monsters and monsters? Then it is compelling to WATCH, to WATCH. to WATCH. Ever should be rejected not documented mere asserptions together with not probed even oneself's own feelings. DOUBTS must be ever the foremost GUIDES for sustaining to MIND and WIDE RANGE AWARENESS.

    To consider a better understanding of the whole professional and cultural endeavor and not only of the site and books go to Home page, completed by Presentazione dello Statuto e dei Principi dell'Associazione, or also in English with the large, renewed file Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin. The Parte terza: violazioni medicalizzate / medical violence - with the preparatory and miscellaneous chapter Pagina scientifico-medica - holds a widespread and continually renewed input on regard of deliberate medical malpractice.
    Pagina scientifico-medica
    Presentazione dello Statuto e dei principi dell'Associazione

    Links e citazioni su segnali di pericolo

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    Ringraziamenti / Aknowledgement and thanks

    Crucial: since holding true testimony and authenticated documents - any way mostly in Italian:


    e related
    to be completed with Il Prezzo del Potere, only with a short English excerpt
    are surely better "sincere witnesses" NUOVISSIME TECNOLOGIE? Advanced Technologies? Technologies Avancées? Spitzentechnologien?
    to be completed and assessed by
    Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets
    The Guilt-free Soldier

    Artist/Designer Andrzej Suda's case, (Andrew) Suda: Presentation / Presentazione come artista


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    TOTEM and TABOO: awful and fertile rise of new superstition

    Delgado & Skinner

    Psychocivilization and its discontents

    Another Web site and its related books expound explicit or only alluding considerations explaining our point of view and their roots: go to Consciousness and memory, My guides... my roots; besides the English index which endorses our basics as a real statement of meaning.
    Arguments almost alike the ones held on this site can be read on the other site one already published on its related book
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    Anamnesis? A way for healing...
    and again on: Consciousness and memory
    a parallel, even little different, page:TOTEM and TABOO: awful and fertile rise of new superstition

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    IMBROGLIO  E' IL CONTRARIO DI SVILUPPO. Dalla 'violenza contro il bambino' a 'tempo di mutamenti' e a 'la meglio gioventù

    Cosa ho in comune io con gli schiavi? Piero, Ada e la scuola della libertà
    Quando la cartella clinica è terapeutica

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    From another site or better from a derived book come some data regarding MEDICINE and CONSCIOUSNESS basics: people can download pdf files and also COMPLETE books - sorry - only in Italian but only under usual condition of Copyright.

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    Infanzia:un-mestiere-difficilissimo Copertina libro Infanzia
    Consapevolezza e Memoria

    Mental, physical and technological abuses: NOT science fiction.
    To rearrange, make known and divulge all the collected material – especially unpublished - in November 2002 the Italian Association, Scientific and Juridical, Against Mental, Physical and Technological Abuses – acronym aisjca-mft – was founded and its mouthpiece Web site was put on the Net; then, in July 2005, the whole Web site – how it looked like at that time – became also an ENCYCLOPEDIC book. But, because of its own statutory nature a Web site – contrary to a printed book – can’t be a “finished” work: in fact it DOES NOT aim at providing purely historical documentation, but at collecting a CONTINUATIVE adjournment about facts and testimonies. Thanks to this dynamism requests and debates concretize into other “facts” and these debates do not remain theoric discussions.  And so, in this years, in conformity with these presuppositions, some files have been greatly modified and others completely created: with new information about facts and authentic texts of testimonies which are still being collected. Then came the impellent necessity to publish in preview this new data as a SUPPLEMENT of the main book, before starting its real second edition not only revised but also even better adjourned.

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