Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million![]() Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million diJohn DeCamp è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale. Based on a work at http://www.ned.uscourts.gov. Permessi ulteriori rispetto alle finalità della presente licenza possono essere disponibili presso http://www.ned.uscourts.gov. All material on this website is protected by copyright. This website also contains material copyrighted by 3rd parties. Motore di ricerca del sito / Site Search Engine 12 agosto 2016 / August 12 2016 The
danger of
the past was that
became slaves.
The danger of the future is that men may become robots - Erich Fromm Indice interno del file / internal index of the file: #inizio-sito, #scritti(*), #crimen_sollicitationis, #Franklin_Cover-up, #dati, #Gunderson, #libro, #win_cash_claims, new data (*) aggiornato con un'essenziale presentazione di libro-ricerca / up-dated with a basic presentation of a "research-book" and new data A new book: Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor's Story [Kindle Edition] and its Author's page with some - discordant - comments: David Shurter (Author) Organized
child abuse is a
multi-million worldwide dollar
industry. The Victims: they
call themselves "survivors" - if they survive.
(The below quatation put our site to "Forbid access as a blacklisted location") Dear
Colleagues in the Fight
Organized Child Abuse,
Franklin Scandal, by Nick
has just been released.
have known Nick
Bryant since 2002
when he was in the early stages of unraveling the history of the pedophile
network that operated out of
Nebraska, in the 1970s
and 1980s, first exposed on a large scale in Senator John DeCamp's 1992
book, The Franklin Cover-Up.
![]() To begin with the more recent script, we copy and paste below an up-to-date NOTICE-MAIL to circulate and repost.
article - Des Moines Register
sullo stesso tema
anche articoli
in italiano:
The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal by Nick Bryant (Author) RITI SATANICI, TRAFFICO D'ORGANI E PEDOFILIA. LA DRAMMATICA TESTIMONIANZA DI UNA GIOVANE VITTIMA (Giovanni Caporaso e M. Cocozza Lubisco, Bambini. Il mercato degli orrori, in Avvenimenti, 17 luglio 1991). E per quanto accade in Italia vedi anche come esempio: Un mercato di bambini dietro il delitto di Imperia - La Repubblica Cronaca dal nostro inviato ROBERTO BIANCHIN 21 agosto 2000 ![]() Crimen sollicitationisSex crimes and Vatican Crimini sessuali e Vaticano documentario sottotitolato in italiano)Un
video che smaschera le gerarchie ecclesiastiche per avere coperto i
preti pedofili ...Un
video della BBC (con
sottotitoli in italiano) che
ognuno dovrebbe vedere per capire come le gerarchie ecclestiastiche
della chiesa cattolica romana coprono i preti pedofili.
dirette di persone violentate da preti.
La Storia di
Marco![]() Pedofilia nella Chiesa Cattolica Italiana: Eccellenza, lei sapeva e taceva INERTE E INDIFFERENTE, IL VESCOVO DI AGRIGENTO NON DENUNCIA IL PRETE CHE ABUSA. PARLA UNA VITTIMA. Marco
la vittima
che ha sporto
denuncia, ha subìto abusi nel seminario arcivescovile di
Agrigento a
partire dall'età di 12 anni. Oggi ne ha 22, ha lasciato il
nel 2000 e, a vicenda giudiziaria conclusa, ci tiene a sottolineare che
non era il carcere per il suo "carnefice" lo scopo della sua azione, ma
l'emersione di un fenomeno che causa sofferenza indicibile a tanti
bambini, con la speranza inoltre che la Chiesa abbia il coraggio di
mettersi dalla parte degli offesi. La
risposta del
vescovo a
quella lettera, alla condanna del prete ed
alla legittima richiesta di risarcimento da parte di Marchese (che ha
già dichiarato di voler utilizzare i soldi eventualmente
ricevuti per
le attività della sua associazione di lotta alla pedofilia)
è stata una
controcitazione con la richiesta di 200.000 euro per i danni che la
denuncia dell'abusato avrebbe arrecato all'"immagine" e al "prestigio"
della Chiesa di Agrigento.
è stato condannato a due
e sei mesi di reclusione....
Vedi anche La Chiesa del peccato di Paolo Pedote Regina Louf - Silenzio.Qui si uccidono bambini! |
![]() In the United States District Court For the District of Nebraska Paul A. Bonacci, Plaintiff 4:CV91-3037 vs Lawrence E. King, Defendant Memorandum of Decision Filed February 22, 1999 On February 27, 1998, I found that default judgment should be entered against the defendant Lawrence E. King in favor of the plaintiff, Paul A. Bonacci. A trial on the issue of the damages due the plaintiff by that defendant was had on February 5, 1999. |
(Look also to: The Octopus: Secret
Government and
the Death of Danny Casolaro by Kenn
Thomas, Jim
The Conspiracy of Silence 55:56
- 3 years ago
In 1993 a team from Yorkshire Television came to Omaha, Nebraska to document, investigate, and un-cover the mysteries surrounding the Franklin case and the ensuing cover-up. What the team would find through the course of their near year long investigation would ultimately reach to the White House itself, where they found that then Vice-President George H.W. Bush had been implicated in the crimes surrounding the case. The explosive documentary was scheduled to air in 1994 on the Discovery Channel. At the last minute to program was pulled from the airwaves, and to this day has never made to television screens. See the documentary certain interests didn't want you to see. |
The previously suppressed video, Conspiracy of Silence exposing the Franklin Cover-Up (see book of same name by John De Camp) is now on-line. Conspiracy of Silence (55 minutes) is available for free viewing at the links below: best quality of these (free Conspiracy of Silence on another Videos Note:
This link includes
a copy of the front page of the Washington
with a top headline and story published on the Franklin case. Scroll
down and click on the images to read the full story. DeCamp's
commentary on Conspiracy
of Silence and more can be found below the
newspaper articles there.
Dozens of
articles on the Franklin case
which led to Conspiracy
Silence For an excellent website filled with information about the Franklin caseTo order John DeCamp's excellent book, The Franklin Cover-up - $16.95 (includes shipping and handling) - Used copies only available on The
Franklin Scandal by Nick Byant The Johnny Gosch Foundation: history "...to bring awareness of human trafficking and pedophilia to the world..." In
Paul Bonacci provided his
attorney, John DeCamp, with information indicating he had participated
in the abduction of a Des Moines, Iowa paper boy. This paper boy was
Johnny Gosch. Bonacci's testimony provided a great deal of information
about Johnny and his case, however local authorities refuse to
interview him, questioning his credibility.
1258 Office Park Rd., Suite 2, West Des Moines IA 50265. Paperback.
ISBN 0-9705195-0-8 These
websites also
include explanation of the
suppression of this
video: On December 31, 1968, Franklin
Credit Union was founded in a
neighborhood in
Nebraska. The
primary purpose was to provide loans to
minorities. In August, 1970, Lawrence E. "Larry" King, Jr., (a black
not television talk show host) and fast-rising "star" in the Republican
party, became manager and principle executive. Larry King was indicted
by a Federal grand jury on May 19, 1989 and later tried and convicted
fraud and income tax evasion directly related to the Franklin Credit
matter. He remains incarcerated in federal prison.
November 4, 1988, the
Franklin Credit Union was raided and closed by
the FBI and the IRS. Thirty-nine million dollars was missing. Shortly
reports began to circulate concerning pornography,
videotapes, and photographs
which had been
confiscated from
the Franklin Credit Union by the FBI. Then, in a trickle- which soon
to a flood- other allegations began to arise. These allegations
involved drugs,
sexual misconduct, child abuse, pornography- even satanic activity.
The names of prominent individuals in the Omaha community began to
as those involved in these criminal activities.
mid-1993, following the
circulation of The
Franklin Cover-up for
a year, the Yorkshire Television of England sent a topnotch
team to produce a documentary on the Franklin. They conducted a
investigation for 10 months, interviewing, filming, and documenting the
Franklin story, finding new witnesses, and uncovering new
documentary, Conspiracy
of Silence
was scheduled to be aired
nationwide on the Discovery Channel on May 3, 1994. It was listed in
national publication, TV Guide. In
late 1995, a copy of the
almost-complete production was anonymously
sent by mail to John De Camp. Troy Boner had withdrawn his previous
in an affidavit on October 27, 1993. De Camp explains in his book that
Yorkshire Television had, at great expense, obtained a polygraph test
Troy Boner and was convinced he was telling the truth. Troy Boner was
in the documentary.
The documentary also focused on: 1.The use and involvement of Boy’s Town children and personalities by individuals in the Franklin case, particularly Larry King and Peter Citron.2.The linkage of the Franklin case to top politicians in Washington, D.C. 3.The improprieties of these politicians and businessmen and compromising of these people by Larry King, through drugs and using children for pedophilia. 4. In mid-1996, John De Camp learned through a source he is not at liberty to disclose, the events that caused Conspiracy of Silence to not be aired. When the
show was sent to the
United States, customs officials
it and held it up as being "pornographic material". Attorneys for
Channel and Yorkshire Television were able to get the documentary
The lawyers then went through the film for months, making changes and
so the show would ultimately survive any claims of libel or slander
any individuals identified in the documentary might attempt to bring.
lawyers cleared the documentary for broadcast. De Camp writes:
During the several months that the documentary was being prepared and advertised for showing, major legislation impacting the entire future of the Cable T.V. industry was being debated on Capitol Hill. Legislation, which the industry opposed, was under debate for placing controls on the industry and the contents of what could be shown. Messages were delivered in no uncertain terms from key politicians involved in the cable T.V. battle, that if the ‘Conspiracy of Silence’ were shown on the Discovery Channel as planned, then the industry would probably lose the debate. An agreement was reached. ‘Conspiracy of Silence’ was pulled, and with no rights for sale or broadcast by any other program; Yorkshire T.V. would be reimbursed for the costs of production; the Discovery Channel itself would never be linked to the documentary ; and copies of ‘Conspiracy of Silence’ would be destroyed. |
Ted Gunderson Report (stralci / excerpts)Paul and other children told about youngsters, both male and female, being taken from orphanages, foster-homes, and Boys Town, Omaha, Nebraska, driven to Sioux City, Iowa (184 miles) and then flown to Washington, D.C. for sex orgy parties with dignitaries, congressmen, and high level public officials at Larry King’s Embassy Row condominium. Larry King rented this condominium for $5,000.00 per month while earning a salary of only $17,000 per year. Bonacci told Gunderson (this writer) that pictures were taken at the parties by Rusty Nelson, Larry King’s personal photographer. According to Bonacci, many of the surreptitiously photographed public officials were thereafter blackmailed by Larry King and others. Bonacci told Gunderson that on a number of occasions he flew from Omaha to Los Angeles where he would meet a different man and woman each time. The unfamiliar man and woman would have up to five passports for different countries in different names. They would travel with Bonacci, pretending he was their teen-age son, and then make drug drops around the world. Paul told me he had made more than 100 such trips. One of De Camp’s investigators
told Gunderson (this writer)
that Paul
Bonacci has drawn a floor-plan of the inside living quarters of the
House, an area not available to the public. Not long after the Franklin
case became public in 1989, Paul Bonacci was arrested and sentenced to
five years in prison for briefly touching a young boy on the outside of
his pants. Bonacci has been diagnosed by at least three psychiatrists
Multiple Personality Disorder, a psychiatric disorder now called
Identity Disorder, that is almost always a consequence of severe and
child abuse. Bonacci admits that one of his personalities touched the
but abruptly stopped when he switched personalities and a
Paul reasserted control of his functioning. John De Camp, Attorney, and
former long-term Nebraska State Senator, represented Bonacci. De Camp
this abnormally long sentence was an attempt to silence
the Franklin matters.
SEVENTY-SIX CHILDREN WHO REPORTED SEXUAL ABUSE RECANT OR REFUSE TO COOPERATE WITH THE INVESTIGATION WITNESS RUSSELL (RUSTY) NELSON ATTEMPTS TO PRESERVE EVIDENCE Rusty Nelson’s testimony is consistent with that of Paul Bonacci. While testifying in U.S. District Court, Nebraska, on February 5, 1999, Rusty Nelson stated that as a private photographer for Larry King, his duties included taking photographs surreptitiously of specific people and to make sure to photograph certain people if they were close enough to be photographed together.
Rusty Nelson also stated that, based on his close affiliation with Larry King, he believed King had some association with the Contra ordeal through Michael Aquino, head of the Temple of Set (See Nelson’s statement below). GARY CARADORI , KEY INVESTIGATOR OF
DIES IN PLANE The evening of July 11,
1990, Gary Caradori, the investigator for the
State Legislature, Special Committee, called Senator Loran Schmit,
of the Committee, from Chicago and told him he had the "smoking gun".
told Senator Schmit he would fly that night from Chicago on his private
plane with his son en route to Lincoln, Nebraska, with the evidence.
plane exploded in mid-air a short time later while flying over Aurora,
Illinois killing Caradori and his 8-year-old son.
Both Gunderson
writer) and Noreen Gosch, mother of
Johnny Gosch, later learned that Caradori had in his possession
that her son was a victim of the Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring.
Bonacci and Rusty Nelson have both provided detailed testimony
to this (see sections on Johnny Gosch below). Officials claimed the plane disintegrated in mid-air. They denied an explosion took place. De Camp writes in his book, The Franklin Cover-Up; A farmer reported he saw a flash of light, heard an explosion, and saw the plane plunge to the ground .The eyewitness account of the flash of light and the explosion was on the early edition of television news in Nebraska, but was pulled from subsequent reports which said that the plane exploded on impact. (p. 2-3)Bob Wadman, former Chief of Police of , and a perpetrator identified by the children (see above), was Chief of Police in Aurora at the time. Caradori’s briefcase and the rear seat to the plane have never been found. Ted Gunderson (this writer), suspects his briefcase contained the evidence mentioned the previous night to Senator Schmit, probably the incriminating materials, including photographs, provided by Rusty Nelson to Caradori (See Rusty Nelson statement below). The rear seat to the airplane was not found, Gunderson suspects, to avoid evidence of a bomb. The wreckage of the plane was examined on a military base rather than at a location under the control of civilian personnel. Under the Federal Delimitation Agreement, civilian personnel matters are handled by civilians and military matters are handled by the military. The crash was ruled an "accident" by government officials and not an act of sabotage. Gary Caradori repeatedly told friends in the weeks before his death that he feared his plane would be sabotaged. Both Gunderson and Noreen Gosch recently learned from undisclosed sources (whose lives and the lives of their loved ones could be placed in greater danger should their identities be revealed) that a deputy sheriff of a local Illinois sheriff’s department was the first person on the scene of the plane explosion. The deputy sheriff said that there was child pornography all over the farm field. The man picked up a large number of photographs and other evidence. The FBI immediately arrived with three flatbed trucks, grabbed the evidence from his hands, cordoned off the field, walked the field, picked up every piece of evidence, took the plane and its parts and put it on the flatbed trucks, and told the peace officer, "This is confidential information and don’t ever speak of it again". The evidence has never surfaced again in the Franklin investigation or any othe investigation. The deputy-sheriff did not remain silent. A few months later, as the deputy sheriff and his wife were driving, the couple suffered a head-on collision in which the man’s wife was killed and he was very seriously injured. It is the opinion of Ted Gunderson (this writer), who has 49 years experience in law enforcement and counterintelligence activities, that this probably was a kill-by-car covert operation attempting to silence and intimidate yet another witness in the Franklin case, as probably occurred, according to sources, in the death of Kathleen Sorenson, the original complainant in the Franklin case. Sorenson was driving on a two-lane road in October, 1989. Two elderly women in the car in front of Sorenson drove very slowly to slow her car down to a crawl. Another vehicle approached from the opposite direction at a high rate of speed. At the last moment, the women pulled over to the right shoulder to allow the approaching fast car to run into her. Gunderson (this writer) was told later from inside sources that in a satanic ceremony, straws were drawn to see who would sacrifice themselves in the suicide mission to kill Kathleen Sorenson. The individuals in the fast-approaching car had prior arrest records for cruelty to animals, a common marker for Satanism. I, Gunderson, suspect in evaluating the accident that it was a satanic contract suicide. The other driver did not die, but could have. In satanic law, person who loses his/her life in such a contract murder/suicide will be granted with more power granted by Satan. Not long after Sorenson’s death, a teenager in a youth care facility told a worker, "You better watch out, or we will get you like we got that lady from Blair". Kathleen Sorenson was from Blaire, NE. The youth went on to describe a ceremony of drawing lots for the privilege. Two other kill-by-car covert techniques are: 1.An oversized van pulls up alongside a car and shoots out the left rear tire. Simultaneously, the van sideswipes the car, forces the car off the road, and usually causes the car to roll, usually at a location where it will roll down a hill. A policeman who is part of the covert operation keeps the traffic flowing so there are no witnesses. If the intended victim(s) are not dead, they are beaten and killed by the occupants of the van. 2.Three vehicles flank the car, one in front, one in back, and one on the side. The side vehicle forces the car off the road and the three cars drive away. GUNDERSON JANUARY 3, 1992, LETTER
STENBERG, 1.Pornographic material has been seized ... with no follow-up investigation. 2.During the summer of 1990, the FBI reviewed the Senate Franklin Credit Committee Investigation files without the permission or knowledge of Senator Loran Schmit. It was later learned that a number of items are missing. 3.Alisha Owen’s first attorney, Pam Vuchetich, provided privileged attorney-client information to the FBI. She also failed to file a timely appeal in Ms. Owen’s conviction on bad check charges. Ms. Vuchetich has reportedly been romantically involved with a FBI agent. 4.The Nebraska Leadership Conference has developed information that the FBI has not only leaked information to TV stations, but asked for and received money for this. 5.Larry King and others were never subpoenaed to the Douglas County Grand Jury. 6.Numerous individuals identified as perpetrators have never been interviewed by law enforcement officers. 7.Instead of conducting follow-up interviews, law enforcement officers, particularly the FBI, have attempted to discredit and harass the victims. 8.Paul Bionacci has new information about the Johnny Gosch kidnapping case in Des Moines, Iowa, yet law enforcement officers refuse to interview him or to consider furtherinvestigation of the matter. 9.In February 1990 Robert Fenner, General Counsel for the National Credit Union Association, was advised by the FBI not to cooperate with the Franklin Credit Committee’s investigator, Gary Caradori. 10.On March 9, 1990 the FBI attempted to entrap Owen by taping an arranged phone call from Boner to her. 11.A deposition by former Chief of Police Robert Wadman disappeared during the Owen trial. 12.Wadman lied under oath claiming he was not carrying a gun during the period Owen says she was involved with him. DON STENBERG, STATE ATTORNEY
GENERAL, RESPONDS TO Many of the issues and allegations you raise have either been addressed, are rumor, or are so vague and nebulous as to defy resolution by diligent investigation.Stenberg asked for information on the new allegations on the Johnny Gosch kidnapping case and the alleged FBI sale of information to TV Stations. Stenberg concluded: We are assuming Mr. Gunderson that in the preparation of your letter of January 3,1992, you have done more than simply parrot unsubstantiated allegations made to you orally or which you may have picked up in written material reviewed and therefore have specific information to back up your concerns, hence the above request. We will keep certain other matters under advisement. In the meantime though, you are encouraged to send us any specific, substantiating material available to you regarding any one or more of the other items mentioned in your correspondence. Sincerely Yours, Don Stenberg, Attorney General.
reference to my ‘impressions’
indicates to me that you do not
place much importance on the issues outlined by me. Regardless, I hope
you will review the enclosed report with fair-minded, professional, and
responsible judgment. There’s
high level of frustration and animosity building among
citizens in Nebraska who are either victims or have seen enough through
time to prove that there may be a conspiracy of sorts to cover up a
of indisputably disgraceful, scandalous crimes. You
may not
want to address their concerns, but you must agree that
they deserve the attention such allegations require without being
disregarded. It is because
of their frustrations that I was hired as a consultant
by the Nebraska Leadership Conference. As you can see by my resume
Appendix), I am more than qualified to investigate this matter. I
your level of professionalism predisposes to do the same.
supplied this
same eight-page report to: 1.William Barr, U.S. Attorney General 2.Judge William Sessions, Director, FBI, Washington, DC 3.Ron Lahners, US Attorney, , Nebraska 4.Governor Ben Nelson, Lincoln, Nebraska 5.FBI, , Nebraska 6.FBI, , Los Angeles, California GUNDERSON REPORT OF SUBSTANTIATING
GOES BOOK The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska EXPOSES SATANIC CULT/SEX/DRUG RING Snuff Film made at the Grove?News Articles Reveal Major Cover-ups A Compilation of News Articles Sent to Our List In May, 1992, John
De Camp,
Attorney representing Paul Bonacci, and
long-term Nebraska State Senator, wrote The
Franklin Cover-Up:
Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska.
This book exposed
Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring and the cover-up by the Grand Jury,
police and FBI. John De Camp advises in Chapter 14, of his book,
The Justice Department acting through the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s office in emerges from the record of the Franklin investigation not so much as a party to the cover-up, but as it’s coordinator, rigging grand juries, harassment of witnesses, incitement to perjury, and tampering with evidence - federal personnel were seen to apply all these techniques in the Franklin case (p. 182). Chapter 14 sets forth numerous instances of documentation that back up this statement.The Mystery of the Carefully Crafted Hoax is a booklet that summarizes the Franklin cover-up and provides further documentation on the FBI and US Attorney’s active participation in rigging the Grand Jury, harassment of witnesses, incitement to perjury, and stealing and tampering with evidence. |
danger of the past was
that men
slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots - Erich
Gov't settles with CIA brainwashing survivor A
Montreal senior who survived Cold War-era brainwashing experiments
up a cheque for compensation from the [Canadian] federal government on
Tuesday. Janine Huard, 79,
accepted an offer to
end her class-action
lawsuit against the federal government, which jointly funded the
experiments with the [U.S.] Central Intelligence Agency. The terms of
settlement are confidential, but Huard says it will allow her to live
her days in peace, with some peace of mind. "I was really so exhausted
from fighting for so many years,'' Huard told The Canadian Press
in an interview. Huard was a young mother of four suffering from
post-partum depression when she checked herself into McGill's renowned
Allen Memorial Institute in 1950. On and off for the next 15 years, she was one of
hundreds of patients of Dr. Ewan Cameron
to experimental treatments that included massive electroshock therapy,
experimental pills and LSD. The
patients were induced into comas and
exposed to repetitive messages for days on end to brainwash
Cameron pioneered a technique called psychic
which he believed
could erase harmful memories and rebuild psyches without psychiatric
defect. The idea intrigued the CIA, which recruited him to experiment
mind control beginning in 1950. Until 1964, Cameron conducted a range
experiments at the McGill institute, often without the knowledge or the
permission of his patients. The experiments were part of a larger CIA
program called MK-ULTRA,
which saw
LSD administered to U.S. prison inmates and patrons of brothels without
their knowledge. Huard said the treatment left her unable to
for her
children. She suffered memory loss and migraines for many years. Note:
For a powerful summary of MK-ULTRA and other CIA mind-control
experiments, click here
Doctor Ewan
who became one of the world’s leading
psychiatrists, developed techniques used by Nazi
to wipe out
the existing personalities of people in his care. Cameron, who
graduated from Glasgow University, was recruited
by the CIA during the cold war while working at McGill
Montreal, Canada. He carried out mind-control
experiments using
drugs such
LSD on hundreds of patients, but only
77 of them were awarded
compensation. Now a
ruling by a Federal
Court judge in Montreal
will allow more than 250 former patients, whose
claims were
to seek compensation. Gail
Kastner, who underwent
electroshock treatment at a
Montreal psychiatric institute in 1953, and whose claim was rejected 10
years ago, successfully appealed the judgment. Last week, Alan Stein,
of Montreal law firm Stein
and Stein,
which represented Kastner, confirmed he was in the process of
contacting former clients who could now renew their appeal.
There are
200 people still due compensation, he said. This judgment
should send out strong
signals to the Canadian
government. Those who have previously missed out should have a strong
case for appealing
techniques similar to
portrayed in the
novel - and Manchurian
Candidate, it
was believed
that people could be
brainwashed and reprogrammed to carry out specific acts.
developed a range of depatterning “treatments” while director of
the Allan Memorial Institute at McGill University. Patients were woken
from drug-induced stupors two or three times
a day for multiple electric shocks. In a specially designed sleep
room made
famous by Anne
Collins’s book
of the same name, Cameron
placed a speaker under the patient’s pillow and relayed negative
messages for 16 hours a day. Kastner was a 19-year-old honours student
suffering from mild
depression when she first underwent “treatment” in 1953. On returning
home she sucked her thumb, demanded to be fed from a bottle, talked in
a baby voice and urinated on the floor. She was ostracised by her
affluent family, who were unable to
cope with her changed state, and her marriage in 1955 quickly broke
down due to her difficulties. Cameron, who was born in Bridge of Allan
in 1901, rose to become the
first president of the World
Psychiatric Association.
It took two decades and the persistence of Joseph Rauh,
distinguished American
civil liberties lawyer,
to uncover what happened
and secure compensation for some of Cameron’s victims.
In the
Sleep Room: The Story of the CIA
Brainwashing Experiments in Canadaby Anne
From: "PEERS: WantToKnow.info Email List" <emaillist@peerservice.org>August 7 2012Photo e-mailed from Mass. man led to vast global child pornography network July 29, 2012, Boston Globe http://articles.boston.com/2012-07-29/business/32903262_1_milford-man-combat-child-photos-and-videos As soon as they saw the
terrified boy’s
photo three years ago, federal agents Peter Manning and Gregory Squire
had the same thought: we have to save him. Assigned to the US
Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations
office in Boston, their job is to track down child pornographers and
victims. That single image of the distraught boy with the toy bunny
became a crucial piece of evidence for Manning and Squire. It had been
e-mailed to them by a Milford man who thought he was sharing it with
fellow child-pornography voyeurs. His miscalculation sparked an
investigation that would spread around the world, thus far leading to
42 arrests and the discovery of 140 children who were violated. The
youngest was 19 days old. Robert Diduca, who sent the first photo —
which he labeled “cookie” in a reference to the boy — eventually
pleaded guilty to the production, distribution, and possession of child
pornography. In June, the 48-year-old father of three was sentenced in
US District Court in Worcester to 18 years in prison. For Squire and
Manning, however, Diduca’s jail term did not mean case closed. They
remain on the front line of a growing international effort to combat
child pornography, which has exploded in volume because of faster and
more potent technology that makes it easier to create and disseminate
the material anonymously. Less than two weeks ago, their investigation
prompted the arrest of a Florida puppeteer who allegedly discussed
killing and eating children.
Note: For a
powerfully revealing Discovery
Channel documentary on a child sex abuse ring which leads to the
highest levels of government, click here. For deeply revealing reports
from reliable major media sources on child sexual abuse, click
50 police officers arrested in child porn raids August 1, 2012, Daily Mail (One of the UK's largest-circulation daily newspapers) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-151784/50-police-officers-arrested-child-porn-raids.html Fifty police
officers across the UK have
been arrested as part of a
crackdown on suspected paedophiles who pay to access child pornography
websites, detectives revealed today. The officers were among 1,300
people arrested on suspicion of accessing or downloading indecent
images of children - some as young as five - from US-based Internet
sites. Thirty-five men were arrested in London this morning as part of
the investigation - codenamed Operation Ore - following raids on 45
addresses across the capital. In addition, 40 children nationwide - 28
of them in London - had been identified as being at risk of being
abused and appropriate steps had been taken with other agencies to
ensure that all the youngsters were safe. Before today's arrests, the
Metropolitan Police had executed 75 warrants across the capital with 65
arrests and more than 130 computers seized. The Met's Deputy Assistant
Commissioner, Carole Howlett, said today's raids represented the single
largest operation of its kind mounted so far by the force. Operation
Ore is the UK wing of a huge FBI operation which traced 250,000
paedophiles worldwide last year through credit card details used to pay
for downloading child porn. The names of British suspects were passed
on by US investigators.
Note: We normally don't include articles from the Daily Mail, but as this one seems to have been censored in Google searches, we are including it here. For deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources on child sexual abuse, click here. ![]() Avviso importante riguardante l'utilizzo del sito / To a better use of the site:
L'intero sito è ora pubblicato in un libro enciclopedico - pur privo degli ultimi aggiornamenti -: per copertina, frontespizio e ulteriori spiegazioni vedi file Libro/book. The complete site - even if already at present lacking of the newest up-dates - is ready also as an Encyclopedic book. INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION and orders: It's
Abuse NOT
Science Fiction?
support the truth with the purchase of our book. This will
document many technologies and mind control weapons that have
been kept hidden from the mainstream public. Over 600 pages of action
packed TRUTH!
DOSSIERS di/of It's Abuse
NOT Science fiction = Gli Abusi
mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza![]()
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From another site people can make free download of pdf files
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