BASK FlashbacksInternal
#inizio-sito, #preamble, #bask, #repression, #acknowledgement, #resources, #survivable, #BASK_Flashbacks, #italian_references, #collegamenti-presente-passato (*) #foreword, #bask, #repression, #acknowledgement, #resources, #survivable, #collegamenti-presente-passato (*) (*) Un'importante segnalazione italiana ha permesso di integrare questo file con una eloquente citazione metodologica, indicativa di quanto sia basilare riconoscere i COLLEGAMENTI TRA PRESENTE E PASSATO, mentre la presentazione - in inglese - della conferenza di J. Rieseman si costituisce come introduzione al resto del testo. / An Italian advice points out how basic does to rcognize bonds among PRESENT AND PAST, while the introduction of the J.Rieseman Conference explains and validates the whole subject. |
![]() BASK Flashbacks diJeannie Riseman è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale. Based on a work at Permessi ulteriori rispetto alle finalità della presente licenza possono essere disponibili presso BASK FlashbacksJeannie Risemanalso with inner interesting comments: go to this new basic file: My Father’s Birthday In case you hadn't heard,
Survivorship is giving a series of Webinars
on various aspects of ritual abuse and healing. Webinars are seminars
on the Web -- basically, conference calls plus slides. All you need is
a phone and a computer. They are like presentations at a conference,
except there is no travel involved! Complete information on our
Webinars is at
Jeannie Riseman on past conference talkes
on Sensory and Emotional
Flashbacks. I'm a retired clinical
social worker and a ritual
abuse survivor who was used in early government/academic mind control experimentation.
I used to edit Survivorship’s Journal
and Notes and I
currently maintain the website and moderate the message board. My own website is
In "Sensory and Emotional Flashbacks", I'll cover the following topics:
I have found that it helped me
immensely to
have an
intellectual understanding of what was happening as memories
surfaced. Although I had read a lot, psychological and medical terms
flew out the window in the middle of a flashback. Simple ideas were
easier to remember and helped to keep me grounded. I'm
hoping that sharing the framework I developed will make your
experiences a little less confusing.
Before I read up on
I thought they were like living the trauma all over again, in every
detail. Sights, sounds, smells, temperature, and touch all would
to recreate the original experience in a special kind of hallucination.
Well, mine aren't like the least bit like that. I get little snippets of odd things: a smell of gasoline or perfume when I am swimming; mistaking a car's backfiring for a gunshot; bizarre intrusive thoughts. I never thought much about these things until I learned about dissociation and flashbacks. They were just examples of the stuff that made me peculiar. Now I understand that, during the trauma, I perceived the event in a dissociated state. I stored the memory in unconnected fragments, and when it surfaces, it comes back in fragments. So each little weird snippet is the memory of a small part of something I experienced years ago. When I learned about Bennet Braun's BASK model of flashbacks, things started to make more sense. Braun made B stand for behavior, A for affect (emotion), S for sensations, and K for knowledge. Each of these modalities can come back separately. Let's go through them one by one. Behavior, I think, is the hardest to understand as a flashback. We tend to repeat our traumas. If our Dad was distant, we fall for distant guys. If our Mom was alcoholic, we are attracted to alcoholic girls. But this feels like true love, not a flashback. And yet it is, really, because we are saying, in actions, something about our past. It feels familiar. It's a repetition of the past and is inappropriate in the present. Here are some of my behaviors that I have come to see as flashbacks. I spend a lot of energy trying to please men and I am afraid of making them angry. I put myself down before others can put me down. I am perfectionistic, fearing that awful things will happen if I make a mistake. The list goes on and on. Emotional flashbacks (Braun's A for affect) are also confusing. Strong feelings sweep over me and I find myself crying, enraged, or full of fear. My mind searches for a reason for these feelings. Since the reason, the original abuse, is still unconscious, I grab on to something in the present to explain my feelings. It's taken a lot of practice to recognize that I am having a flashback, and that I am not really afraid of this particular mailbox on the corner or this cute little harmless spider. Sensation flashbacks are much easier for me to recognize. That piece of trash on the road is not a dead body. Loud noises are not gunshots. Feeling cold in ninety-degree weather is a body memory. And so on. Knowledge flashbacks feel really strange. I calmly say things I didn't know I knew, like the comparative cost of different animals my cult sacrificed. I describe code words that were used to trigger me more than fifty years ago. I just know these things. At the same time they seem improbable and surreal, like bad science fiction. I always have the reaction, "Where did that come from???" Every now and then fragments come together and I know which event is paired with which sights or sounds or feelings. This seems like a photograph in my mind, or a short movie. Very occasionally I think the event is happening now and I have to work hard to separate the past from the present. These more complete flashbacks occurred more often shortly after I figured out I was ritually abused. I know everybody is different. I realize that your flashbacks may not like mine at all. I know that some people may find it very helpful to intellectually understand what is going on, while others feel it's sort of beside the point. But I also know that many people have benefited, as I did, from using the BASK model to organize their thoughts about flashbacks. It can bring a little order into the chaos and can provide a degree of distance from the flashback experience. It can help you keep one foot in the present, so to speak, and that is very, very helpful. _____________________________________________________________ Repression of Unwanted Memories Has a Biological BasisScience 1/9/2004, Vol. 303 pp.232-5Just
as Freud said, people
are able
to suppress unwanted thoughts and memories until they are no longer
to remember them. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
at Stanford and the University of Oregon have identified the parts of
brain involved in memory suppression. It is yet not known, however,
suppression can produce complete and permanent amnesia for an unwanted
memory. Healing with AnimalsAlthough
animals are abused in
ritual settings, they can be a profound source of healing. Daniel Hart
thinks that writing focussing on survivors' experiences in healing with
domestic or wild animals would be positive and inspiring.
Attention: Daniel,
PMB 139, 3181 Mission St, San Francisco CA 94110. He has volunteered to start a regular column in the Quarterly on this topic. Prose, poetry, and artwork submissions are all welcome. You can e-mail submissions to him at . If you don't have e-mail, snail mail them to: _____________________________________________________________ You Did It!!!Tremendous thanks to Kevin, Daniel, Becky, and the two Suzannes for their months of patience and flexibility in moving the back issues of the Quarterlies from one storage location to another. A huge task, getting our schedules together, lifting, heaving, driving.... We very much appreciate everything our volunteers have done to help the operation of Survivorship._____________________________________________________________ Survivorship
lists events,
connections, and resources for your information. We do not endorse
listed and cannot guarantee that individuals, groups conferences, or
are pro-survivor. Unless you are already familiar with the organization
or individual, please check it out in advance if you are interested. Therapists:
please consider filling out a survey on your experience
working with clients healing from ritual abuse, mind control, and other
forms of extreme child abuse.
Check back
later for
Survivorship What's NewWithin
this site you will find information on
ritual abuse (also called ritualistic abuse or
The difficult dates
page lists
holidays that are hard for survivors
of satanic ritual abuse (SRA), polytheistic cult abuse, and abuse by
nazi groups. The articles give background and deal with the effects of
ritual abuse, child pornography, and child prostitution, and
government/military mind control (MC). Many of the articles describe
living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
and Dissociative
Identity Disorder (DID, formerly called MPD.) There are many
links to
other pages on ritual abuse and to healing resources
Ritual Abuse
S.M.A.R.T. P O Box 1295 Ritual Abuse Conference - 2008 Copyright © 2007 by S.M.A.R.T. All rights reserved The
purpose of S.M.A.R.T. is to help stop
ritual abuse and to help those who have been ritually abused. We work
toward this goal by disseminating information on the possible
connections between secretive organizations, ritual abuse, and mind
control, by encouraging healing from the extensive damage done by
ritual abuse and mind control, and by encouraging survivors to network.
We offer this web site, a bimonthly newsletter, an e-mail discussion list, and annual conferences. If you have information about ritual abuse and mind control, especially information pertaining to secretive organizations, we would be grateful if you could send it to for inclusion in the newsletter. Please also contact us if you have comments about these pages or trouble with any of the links.
ResourcesGreg Reid, Christian investigator, educator, and author, writer: Interviews They contains news updates, topic commentary, and hard-hitting, opinionated stuff. It's the flagship publication of YouthFire and is free to anyone who asks.Shine the
Light: Sexual
Abuse and
Healing in the Jewish Community by Rachel Lev has a
variety of
authors, exploring different contexts of abuse. This book also has
on memory: Important
parts of the story may be missing, and survivors
have difficulty putting the pieces together to form a complete
with an accurate time sequence...although traumatic childhood memories
are deeply engraved, they are not stored or retrieved in the same way
ordinary memories.
Many survivors have a period of amnesia during which they have no recollection of having been abused. In a careful follow-up study of two hundred women with documented childhood histories of sexual abuse, one in three did not remember the abuse twenty years later. (Originally from Backtalk Mother Jones, March/April 1993) Northeastern University Press, Boston, Mass . Ellen Lacter has a web site called:Advocacy for Victims of Ritual Abuse. Kinds of Torture Endured in Ritual Abuse and Trauma-Based Mind Control: Brief Synopsis of the Literature on the Existence of Ritualistic Abuse: Overview of the Differences Between Satanism and Witchcraft: Mind Control; Simple to Complex: Work with "Abuser Personalities:" Accuracy of Recovered Memories: Safety Tips for Ritual Abuse Survivors: Deep Inner Decisions that Allow Survivors to Heal: Advocating for Ritualistically Abused Children: Child Indicators of Ritual Trauma in Play and Art: Adult and Adolescent Indicators of Ritual Trauma: Spiritual and Psychological Resolution of the Pain and Torment of Having Abused or Killed: Treating Dissociative, Abused, and Ritually Abused, Children: Relationships Between Mind Control and Ritual Abuse and more Life Support:The
and pornography survivor writing collective has: poetry, prose,
analysis, education, and action "we get the message from the world
us that no one really expects us to still be alive - and certainly not
to be creative, expressive human beings. in some ways, this message
sense. what we have experienced as victims of child pornography and
is so deeply destructive, so annihilating. we have experienced feeling
shattered, dead, unable to continue existing. We struggle with the
that it is impossible for such extremes of pain, torture and violation
to be - in any sense - survivable.
Monthly Notes, formerly called Chart Notes, ISSN 1523-275, is published monthly. Copyright =A9 1999-2004 by Survivorship. All rights reserved. The entire contents of this issue are copyrighted by Survivorship or by the individual contributors. Contact Survivorship, PMB 139, 3181 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94110, or email for permission to reprint. Survivorship is a nonprofit organization. |
Go also to other files pointing thoroughly at alike subjects:
A far-reaching quotation endorsing far-reaching doubts:Eassurvey’s Weblog Esperimenti su bambine/i, Synopsis of Ritualistic Abuse / Bibliografia sugli 'ABUSI RITUALI', Memory Recovery and Screen Memories Saturday, December 17 12 pm Pacific Time Italian references and quotationsAt first
go to international links
to this subject:
and to files/chapters of this site to have some momentous examples of harmful deeds Testimonianze del 'Caso Belga' ... e non solo Links Europei contro la Pedofilia, il Settarismo e gli Abusi Strutturati e/o Rituali and
take a
at the
mocking with bitter quotes:
scientists who not only
declare such harsh convictions, but who try to
transpose them towards - harsher - aims (see Delgado
e Skinner )
read also
file of another site matching the above quoted
Totem and Taboo: IMBROGLIO E' IL CONTRARIO DI SVILUPPO. Da: 'La violenza contro il bambino' a 'Tempo di mutamenti' e 'La meglio gioventù' From the "Violence against childhood" towards "Time of mutability" and "Best young people", and the translation of an Italian pun: [ To
"embroil /
notes the contrary of to "develop": “Developed”?
the contrary
of “involved”! [Imbroglio, i.e.
involvment is
the contrary of development, but
imbroglio can also
mean FRAUD])
from this
Web site
- and book - which are partly
in English:
STUPRI-DI-GUERRA: i figli dell'odio Nota: i file in pdf potranno essere duplicati o riprodotti su supporti elettronici, cartacei o di qualsiasi altro tipo e distribuiti liberamente, a DUE CONDIZIONI. 1) I libri,
qualsiasi sia il supporto, dovranno essere assolutamente INTEGRI e COMPLETI
sia nel testo che nella grafica; ogni modifica, soppressione, aggiunta
di qualsiasi tipo faranno decadere il permesso di duplicazione e
faranno automaticamente ricadere nei REATI
previsti a tutela del diritto di autore.
2) L'eventuale distribuzione dei duplicati, qualsiasi sia il supporto, dovrà essere fatta esclusivamente a titolo GRATUITO. Note:
file or the
above-named files can be
either duplicated or reproduced on electronic supports, paper or any
other form and can be freely circulated under two conditions:
support employed, the books must be reproduced INTEGRAL and COMPLETE
both in their text and in their graphics; every change, omission or
integration of any sort cause the loss of permission to duplicate
automatically turn into legal OFFENCES
provided for by the law in protection of copyright.
2) Any circulation of the duplicates, whatever the support, must be FREE OF CHARGE. Derivano
da un altro sito - o
meglio: da uno dei libri da questo derivati -
alcune pagine di argomento introdutivo ai concetti base della MEDICINA
i nuovi volumi possono esser
acquistati come veri "libri", ma i relativi
COMPLETI pdf possono senza
limitazioni venir SCARICATI e stampati a proprie spese dall'utente. /
From another site people can make free
download of pdf files
and also of COMPLETE books - sorry - only in Italian
capitoli in pdf scaricabili/ pdf
chaptersQuando la cartella clinica è terapeutica.Dare ai ricordi una seconda vita? Consapevolezza e memoria Medicina: scienza applicata e multidisciplinare: Emozioni, istinti, ricordi, contraddizioni libri scaricabili in rete / pdf of complete books Infanzia:un-mestiere-difficilissimo Copertina libro Infanzia It's
Abuse NOT
Science Fiction?
Up-to-date Dossiers of Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza / It's Abue NOT Science fiction Mental,
physical and technological abuses: NOT science fiction.
To rearrange, make known and
divulge all
collected material –
especially unpublished - in November 2002 the Italian
Association, Scientific and Juridical, Against Mental, Physical and
Technological Abuses – acronym aisjca-mft
– was founded and its mouthpiece Web site was put on the Net; then, in
July 2005, the whole Web site – how it looked like at that time –
also an ENCYCLOPEDIC book.
But, because of its own statutory nature a
Web site – contrary to a printed book – can’t be a “finished” work: in
fact it DOES NOT aim at
providing purely historical documentation, but
at collecting a CONTINUATIVE
adjournment about facts and testimonies.
Thanks to this dynamism requests and debates concretize into other
“facts” and these debates do not remain theoric discussions.
And so,
in this years, in conformity with these presuppositions, some files
have been greatly modified and others completely created: with new
information about facts and authentic texts of testimonies which are
still being collected. Then came the impellent necessity to publish
in preview this new data as a SUPPLEMENT
of the main book, before
its real second edition not only revised but also even better adjourned.
And here below a persuasive - Italian - quotation: Essenziali
sono i
COLLEGAMENTI che integrano insieme presente e passato!
is to recognize the CONNECTIONS linking present to past!
Quanto è importante risonoscere i COLLEGAMENTI TRA PRESENTE E PASSATO-
In tanto
tempo non era
riuscita a
fare emergere la verità dentro di me. E’ stata lei. [la
terapista] per prima a
sospettare che avessi subito violenza da bambina, ma poi l’ha messo in
dubbio. Un tira e molla che ha avuto effetti devastanti ....
- Noi ex bambini abusati non abbiamo certezza di ciò che proviamo e ricordiamo. Siamo i primi a dubitare di noi stessi perché quello che affiora alla mente è troppo spaventoso. Uno psicologo, uno psichiatra dovrebbero aiutarti ad avere fiducia dei tuoi sensi. Invece spesso ti dicono che i tuoi ricordi nascondono una pulsione, un desiderio sessuale inconscio verso un genitore. Scambiano un incesto con un complesso di Edipo. - Lei quando ha cominciato a ricordare? - Quando ho avuto i primi rapporti con mio marito. Al suo posto vedevo un adulto senza volto. Un altro uomo. - Come vive un bambino abusato? - E’ diverso dagli altri e non sa perché. Per sopravvivere spezzetta la sua personalità in ruoli diversi. Nel mio caso c’erano la Linda seduttiva, la Linda giudice, la Linda buona, quella cattiva. Ho tentato più volte il suicidio, senza capire le radici della mia sofferenza. - Come è possibile? - La confusione è un tratto tipico di bambini abusati. Avevo dentro di me un tumore, un marchio misterioso di diversità, ma non sapevo vederlo. Mi dicevo: ho una casa, una famiglia, da mangiare e da vestire, e allora perché sono così infelice? Poi chiedevo perdono a Dio dei miei gesti assurdi. A 17 anni ho sofferto a lungo la depressione ho perso molti chili e miei, ipocritamente, si sono anche preoccupati. - Come ne è uscita? - Quando l’ho ammesso ho cominciato a stare già meglio. Poi due bravi psicologi mi hanno aiutato. - In che modo? - Mi hanno insegnato quanto fosse importante riconoscere i collegamenti tra il presente e il passato, solo così, piano piano, sono riuscita a ricostruire quello che mi era successo. - Si spieghi - Poteva accadermi in qualsiasi momento, senza preavviso. Piombavo in una sorta di stato catatonico, diventavo rigida, non riuscivo a muovermi, neppure per andare in bagno. Potevo restare così addirittura per un giorno intero. Mi hanno insegnato quanto fosse importante riconoscere i collegamenti tra il presente e il passato, solo così, piano piano, sono riuscita a ricostruire quello che mi era successo. - Quali collegamenti? - Faccio un esempio. Ieri pomeriggio mi sono accorta di tremare al rumore dei passi di uno sconosciuto sul pianerottolo di casa. - Può accadere. - Di pomeriggio, ad una donna di quarant’anni? No, c’era qualcosa che non andava. Un tempo però avrei continuato a tremare senza chiedermi perché. Oggi mi fermo a riflettere. E riesco a trovare i collegamenti. I passi dello sconosciuto mi ricordavano i rumori che faceva mio padre quando tornava a casa, dopo la scuola. Era il ritorno dell’orco. Fino a poco tempo fa somatizzavo addirittura il terrore che provavo nei suoi confronti. - Anche in questo c’è un collegamento col passato? - Sì. Il mio psicologo mi ha spiegato che mi immobilizzavo per rendermi invisibile, come fa la preda per sfuggire al cacciatore. Probabilmente usavo lo stesso stratagemma da bambina. Purtroppo non mi ha salvata. |
This site and the book do NOT be a fount of notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different subjects: one another to be read time by time, or better to be CONSULTED even for learning. Questo sito e i libri che ne derivano NON sono di INFORMAZIONE, ma si costituiscono come una specie di ENCICLOPEDIE TEMATICHE, in cui vengono presentati e discussi vari argomenti da leggersi e soprattutto da CONSULTARE di volta in volta. *******************
seguito di difficoltà lamentate e relative richieste,
l'architettura stessa del sito è stata modificata in funzione di
un più agevole orientamento: sdoppiato il file/home
si divide ora in secondo file con un nuovo nome - Presentazione
e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin - che
iniziale e fondamentale come file semplificato
dove a prima
vista compaioni i links indirizzanti sui capitoli interni. Dopo la
pubblicazione del libro aggiornamenti sono già iniziati e molti
altri ne verrano fatti, ma si consiglia di considerare ancora con
attenzione le più importanti passate modifiche.
presentazione dettagliata del libro It's
NOT Science
fiction, e dalla data di pubblicazione - 14 luglio 2005 -
è cambiato e molti
DOCUMENTI sono stati sia sostituiti che aggiunti. In attesa di
una completa nuova
del volume principale ne viene
DOSSIERS. Dato che per
molte vittime risulta più facile
esporre passate sofferenze per
scritto che a vocela diffusione di questi ampi e dettagliati
rivissuti come di nuovi
fatti ora emersi è assicurata da
volume VOLUME.
************************* The book
published at present needs to be modified.
It's Abuse NOT Science fiction published on July 14 2005 shortly became OUT OF DATE and so required to present also the consequent novelties coming from readers comments, from new deeds and MOSTLY on present-day flash-back discolosures - to note that for some victims it is easier to write than to speak.UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS of It's Abuse NOT Science fiction = Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza for the time being is a supplementary book, supplementary but matching also by itself not only to propose simple improvement, rather to share new particularly important DOCUMENTS. ![]() Tel/Phone: +39 0116507074, +390116505228 ![]() This book not only documents the case of Andrzej Suda, it is also filled with documentation from the worlds most influential documented cases of psychological abuse, electronic harassment, organized stalking and mind control. Some cases include Rauni Leena Kilde MD., Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Kathy Sullivan, David Larson, and many others... Please support the truth with the purchase of our book. This will document many technologies and mind control weapons that have been kept hidden from the mainstream public. Over 600 pages of action packed TRUTH! Consapevolezza e Memoria Copertina libro Infanzia Infanzia:un mestiere difficilissimo Medicina:
scienza applicata e multidisciplinare: Emozioni, istinti, ricordi,
Quando la cartella clinica è terapeutica... Dare ai ricordi una specie di seconda vita? Consapevolezza e memoria ![]() Tutti i links sia interni che esterni sono costantemente monitorati. As every other file of this site, the review of links is continually up-dated |
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