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The present English new file renamedFake-mysterious
offencers against biological targets is English part of the previousPseudo-misteri
coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological
targets as its old bilingual page - Italian and
English - and with its previous name can be read as chapter on the Appendix
of the
current edition of the
book: It's
Abuse NOT Science Fiction
As a programmatic principle, we
avoid naming anyone – if not sometimes within official quotations from
others – as cause and even less as “culprit” of what is described as
“abuse”. Only TWO names appear, and in evidence, those of two
uncontroversially recognised criminals: Joseph Mengele and José Maria
Delgado. No one can deny that the latter – now almost forgotten by
everyone – can emblematically embody the uncatchable enemy, the human
being who, for secret and military aims of mental control, would have
wanted that two-way transceiver chips be implanted in the skull of
people: on this website we merely quote what he himself writes –
translated into Italian, too, in a Borighieri edition, even – and he
himself divulges also through a famous video clip in which he appears
as a matador against an “implanted” bull. All this is largely presented
in sub-chapters of this file – Delgado and brain washing, etc.
(See also – The Shock Doctrineby Naomi Klein –
Chapter 1 – The Torture
Lab. Ewen Cameron, The CIA and the Maniacal Quest to Erase and Remake
the Human Mind, and fragments in F.A.C.T.net: A technical overview of
mind control tactics).
In parallel with other files from this and another website we
administer, a polemical consideration emerges here – and with an urgent
prominence - : both the culture of acquiescence and that of resentment
are very widespread, while those of doubt and research are confined to
a minority: it is consequently necessary to widen their diffusion, by
any means, proposing questions, rather than declaring answers, from
which, step by step, to try to put back together pictures closer and
closer to verisimilar realities, albeit hugely diverse, and possibly
also identify and propose feasible goals for precaution and defence.
A crucial point – present in this, but, given its importance, also in
other files – concerns human beings who suffer because they are
employed as “target victims”, but labelled and thus treated, instead,
as psychiatric delirious patients. “So-called” aural hallucinations,
for example, have been shown to be due to the presence – even
radiologically proven – of microchips abusively inserted into the body,
whose activity as two-way transceivers can be demonstrated with the
opportune equipment; while from the outside focalised “sounds” can be
transmitted directly with precision and for all sorts of purposes into
the hearing areas of the brain of a single individual. And this is a
problem of differential diagnosis of the utmost importance, already
taken into account, but in a very generic way, in the fifth edition of DSM.
And here we add a link regarding suggestions
and ways to help harmed people: Criminal
Justice Degree Studying Criminal Justice I’M INTERESTED IN STUDYING CRIMINAL JUSTICE. WHAT CAN YOU TELL ME? This present file - so full
of new criminal data - can in exchange answer to this ask and improve
its learnings to support the general criminal knowledge.
I found...is there
is no law on the books requiring that informed consent be obtained.
More important, I believe there is a need for such a law, as there
continue to be cases where this basic right--I do view it as a basic
right--is abused. As I started out, I would like to put this on a
personal level for everyone of my colleagues. You just think about your own family, your
own son, your own daughter, or grandchildren who might be, the next
time they go to a doctor, the subject of some medical experiment
that they are not even told about. I do not think there can be many
things more un-American than that.
Some crucial files
endorse very pressing data: then it is
very probable to have it repeteadly damaged. We ask to notice every not
fixed link or every other abnormality for helping us to timely correct
Go also to http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1563768912&ref=ts
The previous bilingual filePseudo-misteri
coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological
targets is redoubled on two pages: the Italian
one - also accompanied by a pdf booklet Aggressioni
pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici present has of the present file
- by now also renewed as style, as placement and improved
new data
and consideration - should continually be faced with the English new
file renamedFake-mysterious
assaulters against biological targets: on its old bilingual page - Italian
and English - and with its previous name can be read as chapter on the
Appendix of the
current edition of the
book: It's
Abuse NOT Science Fiction
security"? "Information"? "Control"?
security information"
Definitions. For purposes of this order:
"National security" means the
national defense or foreign relations of the United States.
"Information" means any knowledge
that can be communicated or documentary material, regardless of its
physical form or characteristics, that is owned by, produced by or for,
or is under the control of the United States Government. "Control"
means the authority of the
agency that originates information, or its successor in function, to
regulate access to the information.
"Classified national
security information" (hereafter "classified information") means
information that has been determined pursuant to this order or any
predecessor order to require
protection against unauthorized disclosure and is marked to
indicate its classified status when in documentary form.
Linebaugh theguardian.com, Sunday 29 December 2013 2811
note: Heather Linebaugh does not possess any classified material and
has honored her non-disclosure agreement since the time of her discharge.
I worked on the US drone program. The
public should know what really goes on Whenever
I read comments by politicians defending the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Predator and Reaper program – aka drones – I wish I could ask them a
few questions. I'd start with: "How many women and children have you
seen incinerated by a Hellfire missile?" Few of these politicians who
so brazenly proclaim the benefits of drones have a real clue of what
actually goes on. I, on the other hand, have seen these awful sights
first hand. What the public needs to understand is that the video
provided by a drone is not usually clear enough to detect someone
carrying a weapon, even on a crystal-clear day. This makes it
incredibly difficult for the best analysts to identify if someone has
weapons for sure. One example comes to mind: "The feed is so pixelated,
what if it's a shovel, and not a weapon?" I felt this confusion
constantly, as did my fellow UAV analysts. We always wonder if ... we
destroyed an innocent civilian's life all because of a bad image or
angle. I know the feeling you experience when you see someone die.
Horrifying barely covers it. When you are exposed to it over and over
again it becomes like a small video, embedded in your head, forever on
repeat, causing psychological pain and suffering. UAV troops are victim
to not only the haunting memories of this work that they carry with
them, but also the guilt of always being a little unsure of how
accurate their confirmations of weapons or identification of hostile
individuals were. The UAVs in the Middle East are used as a weapon, not
as protection, and as long as our public remains ignorant to this, this
serious threat to the sanctity of human life – at home and abroad –
will continue. Note: For
more on war crimes committed by the US and UK in the illegal "global
war on terror", see the deeply revealing reports from reliable major
media sources available here.
For American laws - and so also for the First World
ORDER 12958 stated which information should be considered
file, by means of precise
documented descriptions of "mysterious" wounds or burns and their
strange follow up, points out towards a better knowledge of advanced
technologies used as unrevealed
weapons abusing
commonplace citizens with a technological extreme precision; as well
towards strangely damaged "things" and very normal objects becoming
suddenly something as true
Another crucial field of
"biological targets" is the psychiatric
problem of "hearing
voices" previously considered as main symptom of schizophrenia; this
mishap instead could be caused by a microchip rice-trasmitting RADIO
inserted abusively into the body: this topic is very
urgent since the present groundwork to prepare the new edition of the
main psychiatric book the DSM-5 edition has to correct errors of
the past editions.
little more than a few perforated sheets of plastic and a staggering
amount of number crunching, Duke engineers have demonstrated a
three-dimensional acoustic cloak. The new device reroutes sound waves
to create the impression that both the cloak and anything beneath it
are not there. The
acoustic cloaking device works in all three dimensions, no matter which
direction the sound is coming from or where the observer is located,
and holds potential for future applications such as sonar avoidance and
architectural acoustics.
The book
published at present needs to be modified. It's
Abuse NOT Science fiction published on July 14 2005 shortly became OUT
OF DATE and so required to
present the novelties coming
from readers comments, from new deeds and - MOSTLY- on present-day
disclosures - to
note that for
some victims it is easier to
write than to
speak UP-TO-DATE
NOT Science fiction =
Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e
tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza for
time being launched
as supplementary
supplementary but matching
also by itself not
only for
propose simple
improvement, rather mostly to share some new particular important
DOCUMENTS: this file as chapter
è una raccolta
immagini scientifiche provenienti dai laboratori di ricerca.
scienza procede per modelli e
anche per immagini. L'osservazione dei fenomeni, gli esperimenti di
laboratorio, l'intuizione matematica, le simulazioni al computer
utilizzano in molti casi la sintesi e la
capacità evocativa
di un'immagine. Sopratutto, le immagini sono un irrinunciablile
ingrediente della comunicazione della scienza, sia interna che esterna
a una certa disciplina. Le immagini di Controluce vengono
scelte e descritte da Ulisse con un lavoro di confronto e di dialogo
con gli scienziati che le hanno prodotte. Si tratta di immagini
che nascono direttamente dall'attività di ricerca,
ma che
un alto
potenziale comunicativo anche per un pubblico più ampio.
oggettivata in sofisticate Tecnologie
and consideration
This covert
war is backed by
advanced, zero trace evidence electronic weapons which can both monitor
and attack they body's physical and mental functions, AT A DISTANCE,
walls and through the best conventional electromagnetic signal
available. This covert war has picked up the term "mind control" as a
but visitor, please realize that there is a great deal of heavy handed
ordinary crime used to "neutralize" targetted people. Breakins and
at home, in the car, and at work are used to totally "break" people
for this covert warfare. (Quted from Sabotage
and List)
facts described
and depicted without precisely outlining the "how" and the exact "when"?Or
and facts as witnesses or
their hypothetical
as symbols?
Here it is
mandatory to explain the argument with a
- bothered - consideration: the presented pictures
worthful, truthful, documenting witnessobjects
by real happening to be scientifically studied; then it is urgent to
point out strong and loud against whichever misunderstanding
to believe that they have a whichever - troublesome -
worthless "meaning" as
they showed marks, symbols, logo.... The shared selection of
photos and CAD's researches on regard of damaged objects try
notwithstanding to visually explain the main
aim of the whole work: to prepare scientific data for recognizing
agents cause of these or every other damage mostly they as a rule
mistaken and/or
This file
shows a selection of photos
and CAD's elaboration with a summarizing
description to display
and explain such ABNORMAL
facts. It is
on purpose
that in this file the documented data regard "normal",
every day's life tools, placed in a common
home - surely not into a battlefield area. The CAD data
are obtained
testing the
inches with a "touching" ruby ball and so obtaining more than millions
of numerical data. For this reason the results are shown only as the
"images", since the mathematical data from which they derived are too
to be presented: however on request one can get them either in CAD
or also as a system more matching for everyone.
Strange deeds can
oddities are to be considered as really possible in a quite "normal"
situation, the so called poltergeist
is a
real occurrence... Any
way the presented, surely not-poltergeist, mishaps in a
not in
a battleground happened in specific circumstances: not
incidentally but looking as to be something alike aggressive warning
which to occur in a private ambiance validates
moreover its importance and seriousness. Therefore what is the more
aim of this page
is to
certify that these anomalous facts, just and
ONLY being
so connected together, are giving a
better awareness of their nature. Here in this page the
documentation is NOT barely descriptive but scientifically and very
cautiously chosen, even if the existing mathematical data and their
visual depiction are presented only as a sample of the whole wide
research. On documenting
- and NOT
a conceited to explain - real FACTS and
real technical data, this file has a main aim: to offer precise
description which can in turn become an
"open window" for every new appraisal and comparative study and/or
testimony; any way its proposal does not be a "banal" to argue on
regard of whichever so called "paranormal" or "mystery". The
file/chapter title upholds in fact an authoritative ASK, then accepting
kind of possible answering suggestion: look for example an articles
telling The eyeball starts to vibrate in
response to infra-sound regarding "fake ghosts"
relating them to magnetic fields and/or
to infra sounds
or whichever else
"logical" inrpretation. The
demonstrative pictures
are to be considered at first; but it is
more to be strictly notified that between every one of the described or
depicted facts there was a gap
of years
(look at the exact dates).
However one has to
point out another
advice: both these so demonstrated damages are NO
mishaps, as well as many other
which can be also precisely noticed as occurrence of happening, but not
so significant in their outward appearance to be shown as scientific
As the matter of fact an accurate documentation with dates and hours,
to other "facts" and endeavors, displays almost always momentous
concordances (Echelon?)
something as a "Ping-Pong" challenge among who is hurt and his hidden
This file's aim is
hence NOT
to make "more valid" the damages, it would have been a banality!
it is compelling to make them to SPEAK
by themselves
loud and clear, to get for every one - mostly the cup's pictures - to
be a teaching to avail technically an authoritative knowledge:
the going on of such not-breaking, but instead precisely CUTTING
force. But mostly the following descriptions - strictly
related and
each other together - have also to explain the true and
of this file: these "energies", (or are them to be called: "weaponry"?)
can have as target not only "objects" but also HUMAN
The file's content drives to three
documenting similarly done facts: just validating
to other the consideration of their manifestations by
confirming their
similarity of action. Strictly together and reciprocally supporting as
a whole, the two damaged objects' exhibits and the
experiences testify with data, visual documents - based also on
simulations and diagrams (which can be given privately to whom ask for
them) - to certify how it is possible to do similar exploits
hidden tools. Any way the presented damaged objects - the first
and also studied with CAD (ordered only many times after, in connection
with other particular occurrences: at October
31 2003) -
significant since indeed only as
they demonstrate that they both, although so solid, are NOT
BROKEN but instead CUT.
(As a matter of fact: to cut even a "normal" glass one needs at least a
diamond cutter!).
Twice at October 31
and November 5 2002
"strange, deceitful force" attacked directly a person, so precisely to
can be dynamically described. It attempted to do
which seems to be "similar" against
reliable witness' body: it was felt and asserted
to be like
a backwash -
sea-wave when it is going back and dragging-pulling -, moving round,
left to right anticlockwise, pulling horizontally, trying to toss the
down towards corners, in a significant extent of time - minutes -,
with a sort of... "judo-match". These two "happenings" were
described both
in a meaningful time - for seconds the first one, for minutes the other
- as attacks which didn't change till beginning to ending, and acting
sounds, smells, light..., lacking of every other signal even
leaving bruises or burn marks. And then: how
many and of which form
can happen against objects but also against persons? secretively, or
as banal even "domestic accidents" or also as "normal" falls caused by
sudden heart-infarcts or brain-strokes - not even needing autopsy?
This page is made to
document but moreover to ask:
the possibility of a serious and profitable exchange of sure,
scientifically probed knowledge. It is NOT proposed to accuse: so it
to describe every other not enough precise and specified data, avoiding
every inference regarding other possible not well supported
Any way since other testimonies - even if for the time being not so
reliable - tell about "levitation" i.e. to be raised up - however if
it could really happen, it could also even throw the body out of
and so can make believe a suicidal act (a way not only to hit but also
to discredit
the target). Thus
the implicit
what is the characteristic of the "energy" displayed to reach those
abnormal cuttings and deceitful dangers?
Such actions can be
performed with engines
can be produced as very real and even commercial tools, which can be
even by everyone, even with banal "order forms" in Internet.
powerful and deceitful "energies" are surely NOT
something as ghosts'
tricks, or science fiction Star
Wars Engines, they are realities which
could be managed
also or mostly by not
ever ethical persons.The
aim of this file is to broaden such a sure certification of the
to do similar "anomalous" facts, but even primarily rather to broaden a
ask: which energy? from
whichever distance can attain its target and make
so precise damages?(This is the
of the,
in sum up unexpected, title given to this file.)
In fact especially
this problem needs sure
since these "energies" could so be considered likely beams or really
as them: therefore which could bethe
engines to realize such a "weapon"? And
by which other means one can get it recognizable? But the more: if a
"force" assaults a person's body, inside not only outside? What will
if it bangs twisting into a person's body as it acted on the damaged
What will be the consequences if it CUTS internal
organs, or blood
vessels? It
is very probable that its effects will be surely MORTAL. And
how, what, by which means can WE do to join a better knowledge and to
effectively protect?
And than how can our
pathologists or
understand what happened? how they can watch which accident caused so
harms? how they can even realize what is the happened injury?
course it is a
disproportionate match, disproportionate but not surely defeating: one
can fight well really only on getting these facts, these matters, these
situations the MOST KNOWN worldwide. But nevertheless one has to
AVOIDbare words or pitiful
moaning:one can fighton
an acceptable level only on pointing out and suggesting them in a way
most precise, seriously studied, accurate defined.
Witnessing a personally undergone mishap:
Two weeks ago something very
suspicious happened to me. Always I come home from work on the same
commuter train (S-12 from Baden to Winterthur) at the same time
(17:15), so it is easy to find me there. I enter the train relatively
early (3rd station from the start) and most of passengers come in later
at other stations. On the seat directly in front of me (and facing me)
set one young woman. 10 or 15 minutes later, tired after long day of
work, I begun to sleep. Suddenly I felt a quick, very strong impact
into my solar plexus. It was like somebody poked me with a finger (or a
pencil). It was too strong and painful to be a joke. I opened my eyes
and saw the woman quickly putting away into her purse an electronic device looking like a
mobile phone (or rather larger like a Blackberry). What could I
do? I am sure it wasn't a physical attack – the train was full of
people, some standing perhaps 20-30 cm from us. She would not dare to
touch me. Half an hour later, at home, I checked my skin in this area.
There was no bruise, not even pink skin. Clearly nobody touched me
physically. It was some kind of energy sent into my body, but for what
reason? That
evening I had blood in my stool. This does not happen to me at all – it
must be connected to the attack. My intuition tells me that somebody
tried to kill me. Perhaps the
burst of energy can cause veins to break. Perhaps she was aiming
at the heart and because of the train moving and shaking she missed.
let me know if you have any information about aforementioned device
(weapon). Perhaps I am not only one who had this type of “accident”.
Any feedback, any bit of information would be greatly appreciated. Feel
free to share my experience with everybody. More people know, safer I am.
Also, more people know- lower
probability that the “Blackberry” will be used again.
portatile a diodo di potenza. Fino a un paio d'anni fa i laser portatili in grado di
tagliare e bruciare si potevano vedere solo nei film di fantascienza o
nei videogiochi!
Eppure è in maggioranza chi rifiuta di
credervi anche di fronte a prove così convincenti, anche attraverso una
così evidente documentazione: NON di "fantantascienza" si tratta, bensì
ormai di banale oggettistica artificiale a diffusione "industriale",
producibile e commercializzabile con le modalità abituali di qualsiasi
tradotto in italiano un ampio articolo riguarda le vere e proprie
"armi" Robin BallantyneTecnologia della repressione in Le armi non letali;
ma ben più BANALI e proclamati innocui sono i dissuasori ad ultrasuoni in vendita -
come ad esempio in un normalissimo catalogo di vendite per
corrispondenza di mobili e materiali per uffici e ditte varie
- a prezzi per lo più da 22€ a 28€: nell'esempio sottocitato
anche con sconti per quantità, per due o più pezzi anche assortiti!.
BASTA con Topi, Ratti, Scarafaggi e Animali
domestici indesiderati
(tutti con variazioni delle rispettive frequenze degli
ultrasuoni per evitare assuefazione): - Derattizzatori ad ultrasuoni (da
30.000Hz a 65.000Hz)
- Scaccia scarafaggi ad
ultrasuoni (da 18.000Hz a 30.000Hz)
- Scaccia animali ad
ultrasuoni (indispensabile per allontanaredalla Vostra proprietà
qualunque animale non desiderato da 16.000Hz a 23.000Hz. per 34,60€ con
sconto per quantità 27,68€ . Particolarmente indicato per cani, gatti,
animali selvatici e roditori in genere... Innocuo e non percepibile per
l'orecchio umano.)
- Scaccia talpe e topi ad
ultrasuoni (copre una superficie effettiva di 1000 mtq..., innocuo per
persone e animali domestici).
Insomma "inventano" microspie e anti-microspie,
sistemi d'arma laser e non convenzionali e robe strane tipo
generatori-propulsori silenziosi coni invisibili di sofferenza e
l'inquietante Piranha - generatore-propulsore perturbazioni elastiche
ultrasoniche per organizzare gli interrogatori delle spie e dei
terroristi reticenti.... Oppure le microspie a onde convogliate che
emettono segnali elettrici e non elettromagnetici e quindi non vengono
scoperte dai detector. A meno che non si usi il nostro Sinclair M16
(Sinclair era dell'intelligence inglese negli anni '30, insomma una
dedica: ndr) o l'Aldebaran. Insomma una cosa è sicura: è più facile
procurarsi microfoni grandi come un'unghia e nascondere telecamere nel
pomello del letto che trovare un tabaccaio aperto dopo le 9 di sera.)
interrogativi" come pure "punti
esclamativi"? Voluta ignoranza che
non si perita di
ufficializzare in un Atto Giudiziario la frase: "oggettivamente
far parte della letteratura
fantascientifica" ecc.?
Tutti i
presentati in questo sito, nel libro attuale e nelle
successive riedizioni sono rigorosamente controllati per evitare
ogni rischio
di equivoci
di erronee interpretazioni; ogni documento vi viene presentato
comprovare FATTI e - in
mancanza di sicuri APPURATI elementi - evita accuratamente di proporne
suggestionanti cause o peggio attribuirne
responsabilità. E'
da riconfermare che la dettagliata elencazione - parzialissima e solo
- proposta nel sito e nel libro NON vuol essere una richiesta di
esplicite proibizioni:
ma ne vuole stigmatizzare e sottolineare la
intrinseca se impiegate con intenti
lesivi da mani
esperte e determinate, come
pure segnalarne gli
effetti dannosi in mani
e dilettantesche per scopi banali o persino per divertimento se non per
scusiamo se qualcuno ha creduto poterci confondere con chi, in altra
sede e ben diversamente da noi, ha attribuito la causa
di questo "strano" fenomeno a
ipotetiche "nuove" tecnologie non per
evidenziare il
fatto ma per comprovare
le PROPRIE idee con un'ipotetica
equivoco da chiarire: "Non-lethal"
e sbandierato invece si
trova diffuso con
sicumera anche il contrario di ogni negazione o incredulità,
cioè schiamazzi accusanti le armi
elettromagnetiche come speciale causa di ogni
possibile ubiquitaria
nefandezza. Ne nasce così il
una giustificazione secondaria all'incredulità che porta
in un secondo tempo a controbbattere minimizzando se non ridicolizzando
anche le notizie attendibili.
perché ad esempioin una
dichiarazione ufficiale l'esposizione
completa possiamo
segnalare come causa di malintesi il -
ben "materiale" - e già
da lungo tempo
conosciuto e USATO fosforo
bianco, confuso con queste "armi-di-energia".D'altra
parte numerosi sono pure gli
esempi di informazione potenzialmente utile ma nella sostanza
non attendibile e autosvalutantesi:elementi alla rinfusa non
comprovabili, dati desunti dalla semplice, fallace "memoria" non
previamente documentata
originano clamorosi
se presentano descrizioni
affastellate di danneggiamenti senza
specificare i "come" e i "concomitanti quando", o da
non rigorose testimonianze che rimandano a termini non consoni - tipo
"lievitazione" -
alludendo a forze non dimostrate. Da
considerare le descrizioni anche illustrate in Links e
citazioni su segnali di pericolo e
le disamine e discussioni in: Opinioni o
peggio: accuse? e Opinion or
la loro significatività, i paragrafi soprastanti sono presentati
quasi tali e quali - anche in altri file/capitoli per evidenziarne in
altri contesti il contenuto: in particolare nei già sopra
segnalati Opinioni
peggio: accuse? eOpinion
bianco o
Speciali "armi
sempre documentante in modo puntuale è l'italiana emittente RAI NEWS
e LINKS su moltissimi argomenti fra i quali la
lunga serie delle
cosidette armi-non-convenzionali - non solo
quelle "di energia" invece che "cinetiche", ma anche quelle
- di utilizzo sia "privato" che apertamente "ufficiale". Un esempio di
equivoci e fraintendimenti:
Weapons? Speciali armi
tecnologia delle "micro-onde"???
articoli sulla Guerra
del Golfo -
1990-1991 - datati 2001) Come
è possibile carbonizzare un corpo fino a
irriconoscibile, e lasciare i vestiti intatti,
link 1 e 2 Come? Donne
bambini uccisi con le bombe al fosforo. Dimostrato
e denunciato - come già in altre guerre - il risultato del fosforo
bianco, in
gergo dai
soldati Usa chiamato - WP
- Willy
Pete. Tutti
presentati in
questo sito, nel libro attuale e nelle
successive riedizioni sono rigorosamente controllati per evitare
ogni rischio
di equivoci
erronee interpretazioni. In
mancanza di sicuri APPURATI elementi ogni documento vi viene presentato
a comprovare
non a proporne suggestionanti
cause o
attribuirne responsabilità. Per questo solo
quando la notizia è apparsa sui media possiamo
segnalare come causa di questi casi il già
da lungo tempo
conosciuto e USATOfosforo
bianco. Da
confrontare con le
sottostanti dichiarazioni - ufficiali e...
spudorate -
15/11/2005 23:47 Falluja,
Pentagono: usato fosforo bianco)
colonnello Venable spiega in sede ufficiale:
Damages? Abnormal
injurious actions against private citizens and/or actuated on objects
whatsoever in absolutely "private location"? Biological damages
provoked by unknown - or rather Which energy? from whichever distance
can attain its target and make so precise secret - "external" causes?
Enigmatic accidents and false mysteries? It is not this, it is not
that, not even the other one: what is it then? But who possesses and
handles these eventually very high-precision "unknown weapons"?
And how can one not be surprised by the extreme limitation and target
accuracy and extremely complicated modes of action to reach it?
Objects and facts as testimonials or as hypothetical and highly
abstruse - even irritating - symbolic meanings, as some postulate? Knowledge is power.
(Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est)
file/chapter does not
claim to cover a complete matter, it simply supports listing
harms and their causes,
related tools, and their actions,
as well the consequences from their effects or the mishaps caused from
- till now - unknown factors, and the ways
protect and to help.
This file/chapter's SUBJECT
and AIM
do act - then - in a less broad field, but with a more exact and
documented METHOD:
a list of very detailed examples here describes
situations regarding
directed ENERGIES,
MATERIAL OBJECTS - as performers or as targets
to enter on this
subject we
ask to consider not only the bare script but its
underlying method of choices, but
also we
to make similar
descriptions, detailed and precise for catalog and study; but
not only for studying: knowledge
power and then into a so problematic and
dangerous field this search could become worth to
perhaps many lives.
aim of this file is to broaden a sure certification of the
to do "anomalous" facts, but even primarily rather to broaden these
urgent requests. To follow the comments and interventions of
readers, pointing to false certainties and presumptuous
simplifications, and before starting on any other discourse a very
explicit statements of intent is required with a strong even openly
polemic stand to clear at birth misunderstandings that can disavow
right from its foundation the basic tasks of the Association.
we strongly hope to act to
dissipate possibilities of mis-informative rumors and in
conformity with these aims, files ultimately added after
the book's publication are in keeping with subsequent clarifications
and discussions for trying to dispel the paradox given off by the
series of misconception of all kinds and directions - more or less in
good faith - screaming "negations" and/or denouncement of machinations
- more or less fanciful or obsessive.
Similar basic
and arguments are especially defined on the file/chapter Opinioni
peggio: accuse? and on Opinion
observations on the "old" but often improved file/chapter NUOVISSIME
SPITZENTECHNOLOGIEN? - also question marked
besides as well with every ones
presenting "special
mishaps" not only with bare words.
is true that both,
site and
book(s), are full of a lot of images, some of which are put forward to
point out reccomended links validating and confirming real logos of
Companies and Organizations, cover page of quoted books and so on. But
it is mandatory to note that many shared pictures are instead real
documenting the shape
real facts or derived
consequences as documenting proofs.
Any way if photos do not be the real portrayed
objects but merely their "sincere,
fixed traces" they can enough begin to
help for scientifically studying.
Here again it
mandatory to explain this inference with the consideration that
if worthwhile, truthful, documenting the photos witness
modified by
real happening. To better again explain it should be considered that -
on the whole site/book(s) there are a
of images added to text to validate quotations, titles of
books and names of Concerns just with their real and linked logos -
these other series of images are placed for a very different
significance: it
is urgent to
point out strong and loud this assumption against
whichever misunderstand encouraging
to believe that documenting
photos have a whichever - troublesome -
other worthless "meaning", as a result
of the simplest
one. This means also the
urgent need to
reassert that such texts and
illustrations describe - do
not "symbolize" - peculiar harms, anomalies, objects modified
at fault circumstances and actions: even if still unknown, they do
not be mysteries,
but actual
facts that so afford the possibility for true, concrete
research to be scientifically
lesions and anomalies,
as well of modified objects:
are they trustworthy? Should confuse how
much are
these stabilized objective witnesses scientifically apt to be studied
as footmarks of real happenings?
On other words: how much does damaging whichever misunderstand which
to believe that photos are only nonfunctional "decorations" or have a
whichever -
troublesome - "meaning"
different from tracing
fixed shape of past facts? Besides
- as quoted in some other
"documents" -
how reliable are objects and facts described and
depicted without precisely outlining the "how" and the exact "when"?
worse: objects
and facts not considered as witnesses whilst spread or
throughout hypothetical
way present times are getting a very critical mass of material, not
only a very tangled mass of happenings but also possible new utter
developments regarding document able previous facts: with the
"how" and "when", with the "where" and "effects"; any way with some
examples very incisive, but on the contrary with some other
demonstrating big misunderstatment and poor
hypothesis given as
way if it is real that photos are only - poor - "images" but the
"silent sincere objects"
can furthermore be conserved as they are, and
so - when
asked only by reliable people - the photographed
"originals" can be
every time
shown as they really were when the deed happened and as they at
present are.
But the main purpose of the whole work is to get descriptions to become
fitting to impel more and more testimonies to catalogue their
experiences and findings. It is to say again and again that the
presented detailed data
are rather and moreover ASKS
for further - they also: complete
and detailed - testimonies: only so this work can affirm
its really helpful purpose.
evident question-marks the
title in the parallel
file\chapter NUOVISSIME
out the
necessity to examine and confirm mysterious damages through
documentations at the same time description and testimonial of
technological research and\or crossed investigations; while the title -
also with question mark - of the file Opinions or
accusation?tries to
countercheck and
counterbalance serious misunderstandings derived from giving "special"
meanings to factual data, naive and presumptuous defective abstractions
"interpreting" descriptions of cases and representations of objects as
if they were metaphoric indications of symbols. However evidence
supplied by objects damaged or turned anomalous is far more reliable
and truer than the uneasy rendering of personal experience or exhibits
concerning highly complex systems as those of living organisms: it is
for this reason that - methodologically - we would prefer as often as
possible to study "silent things" rather than "talkative
interlocutors", especially "to let things speak for themselves" than
told descriptions or worse copy and paste second-hand articles.
Notwithstanding the basic target of our work does not aim at preserving
objects but at opposing all kinds of ABUSE and VIOLENCE - both words
indicating actions contrary to mankind welfare - at least documenting
them as stated by the Association Statute.
Anyway our focusing on mental, physical and technological abuses
directs us "on personal facts and sufferings", while our scientific
culture in the social medical field uses to advantage the "fourth
dimension" in living beings rendered explicit in MEMORY
arising flash-backs
in its slow
moving and
intermitting turning into consciousness. In sum up parallel to this
file\chapter becomes then the renewed file\chapter describing Experiments
on children with its impressive real life
experiences transcribed first hand and illustrated with photos taken at
the time when the events took place.
Any way even if "objects
as witnesses" are more directly simple than personal
talks, and if living
beings are much more multifarious than "things" and their occurrences
much more doubtful to be depicted and explained, nonetheless we repeat
the basic aim of our Association
is to act against mental and whichever
bodily Abuses impairing human beings and not to care for objects.On
coming back
just to this file/chapter, both
personal facts are here described
and depicted to outline the difficult to understand their "how" and ask
for new data: but objects
and facts can
only if not dogmatically assumed. And so here on can find on
this file -
which also will be timely
up-dated - new documented data regarding other facts and their
connections, summarized and visually depicted.
here a dreadful question has to be put forward: how
many and of which form "strange harms"
can hurt secretively objects
but also wound
persons disguised
as causing banal domestic
accidents"? And the more:
what occurs if
"forces" assault a person's body, inside not
only outside? What to do when apparent
"normal" falls caused by
sudden heart-infarcts or brain-strokes look so apparently
"normal" not even claiming for autopsy? In fact:
by which means one can get recognizable what happens
if an "immaterial blow" bangs twisting into a person's body as it acted
on the damaged
What will be the consequences if CUTTTING internal organs, or blood
vessels with a probable biggest
hemorrhage? Not only it will become MORTAL but also a so
giant blood flooding could hide
- as it really sometimes happened - its causing proofs.Thus
an implicit challenge:
what is the characteristic of the "energy" displayed to reach those
abnormal cuttings on things and hits
on people's
bodies causing deceitful
dangers? And then how
can our pathologists or
understand what happened? How they can watch accidents causing so
How they can even realize that
from external and not consequences of a "normal" illness?What is to be
known is even
that such actions can be performed with
engines produced as very real and even commercial tools, which can be
even by everyone, even with banal "order forms" in Internet.
Then these
powerful and deceitful "energies" are surely NOT
something as ghosts'
tricks, or science fiction as Star
Wars Engines: they are
realities which
could be managed
also or mostly by not
ever ethical persons. In fact
this problem needs sure
since these "energies" as beams
are really
as aggressive rays: therefore which could be the
engines to realize such a "weapon"? A crucial question since only a
sure knowledge of causes can permit a well-grounded protection. Any
way since some testimonies are not so
reliable, moreover when telling with novel like words - as for example
"levitation" - notwithstanding something alike could really happen: and
so a
body launched out of
window could make believe a suicidal
act, a way not only to hit but also
to discredit
the target.
How join a better knowledge
to effectively protect?
sites and
publications, persons
and Institutions
are endorsed coming from direct advices as well as from alert surveys.
But this is a tangled field to be continually revised: each suggestion
must be thanked even if also faced WITH
course it is a
disproportionate match, disproportionate but not surely defeating: one
can fight well even only on letting these facts, these matters, these
situations the MOST
KNOWN worldwide. This
page is made to document
but moreover to ask:
the possibility of a serious and profitable exchange
of sure,
scientifically probed knowledge. Notwithstanding it does NOT proposed
to accuse: so it
to describe every not enough precise and specified data, avoiding
every inference regarding not well supported
occurrences. Everyone
does have to AVOID
bare words or pitiful moaning: one can fight on
an acceptable level only on pointing out and suggesting the way
most precise, seriously studied, accurately defined.
and analogies
first it hints to point out
underline that in the
described occasions - whether against
or against electronic
structures, or damaging hard-disk files or telematic sites, besides
against living beings
- the documented
dates link
to concomitances of possible causes and/or parallel
effects; on
the contrary it
is to stigmatize that the
lack of these syncronisations
to trash every
possible description of
facts - in spite of being potentially meaningful since very
anoumalos.The "cup damage" happened -
accompamied by some other mishaps not alike apt to be defined -
on a
particular day, May
22 2002 when the
search for a surgeon to
remove inserted microchip was on trial to be carried
out. And
thus, if
''cup'' and the concomitants and not
documented accident have been linked in the time to removal of
micro-chips, the notarial
establishment of the Association
synchronised itself by two personal attacks: the first
on October
2002, followed by a
similar-one on November
5. Paradoxically, at
in a house of civilian
residence, in a neutral place
as the bathroom a silent and
invisible force, strange
and deceitful
coming from the
lefth and turning in the anti-clock direction towards the right - as in
sum up depicted on the spiral's drawing of the
little cup's
cut -
was felt similar a sea wave -
when it goes back and
forward dragging-pulling - or as a ''lazo'' catching the body
in a
of fight, trying to wrap and, following an horizontal
direction, trying to toss the
down towards corners;
a wave
which lasted lots of seconds in the first case,
minutes in the second one, but anyway overcome by the
assaulted person. In both cases the
attacks performed without
change till beginning to ending: whithout any consequence but
also - unfortunately - whithout leaving documentble
effects or
at least perceived traces - for instance : sounds, smell (like ozone),
light. . . and
not even signs of bruises or burns. The above described personal
facts didn't leave any personal damage as well
another successive
one happened not at home since on a street, also this time
unsuccesfully in spite of its power and
insidiousness. This afterwards attack, this
new "wave" tried to hit, acting
the same horizontally but instead in a "linear way": very
strong, at same time at first
unperceived, triedOn the contrary, other cases
regarding differents people had
similar favorable outcomes: an unknow force constrained a victime to
weaken as
she only collapsed, but strangely causing the complete fracture of her
left zygomatic-bone. In another time and situation, at the time when a
serie of events were very important for the
Association's activity, on January
23 2008 a ''very evil attack'',
very severe for its prolongation and sorrowful consequences, put, in a
violent way, another victim
down on the pavement - he described to have had the sensation to be on
roller-skate - causing him some lesions, the lighter ones (!)
nose fractured and some teeth uprooted.
On the following sub-chapter #enigmatic_accident
it is possible to watch at precise documents: photos and anamnestic
descriptions genuinely supplied by protagonists and direct
testimonies. Also other damages rising from unaspected
action of very precise "energy beams" on commonplace people have
illustrated documentation: look at just here below #finger_and_battery
of unusual and
avoided street acccident
after one year till book published, strange facts happened giving
proficient possibility to
document real proofs of a harm/advice against
a personal body not only against simple objects. These facts left marks
to be considered and held, not only a subjective description
as the
worthwhile cases described on the file/chapter NUOVISSIME
more: to can hold such marks can give a very fitting exemplifying
confront with and useful to
explain the existence of not commonplace possibilities to make
injuries: even a limited and in sum up not seriously harming
deed can
an adequate meaning to document
very general mishchiefs and
to offer possibilities
to study them. All
material is stored to be published with the aim to get it examined by
consultants, and confronted with other similar anomalous injuries as
the described above on the sub-chapter general-statements.
Look at first
on the here selected choice - only "selected choice"! -
of pictures documenting either damaged clothings or uncommon and very
difficult to systematize bodily harms. Most significant are the clothes
since apt to be shared as themselves and not only as photos: the sandal
heel for ever marked by the suddenly occurred erasure on its center;
the "hole" on the right knee trouser
showing burned
above and horizontal and not - as a rule -
vertical tear.
On the precise medial
part of the left heel the rubber-soled sandal
- suddenly -
became "erased"
just on its MIDPOINT: look the image of
the strange worn out zone and better on the more complete linked
tissue of the right trouser,
with its superior zone lightly
brown as "burnt" not as torn.
on regard of
bodily marks
it is to highlight very strange "harms".
1) Two parallel "dark
- to be noted: not painful - suddenly came out near the left knee,
shaped as flames: suddenly appeared and slowly vanished on about
fifteen days, changing colors from very dark brown precise lines to
fading color light brown and ill-precise form, proving so
not to be
"bruises" - which colors go from blue to green to yellow - and
also for the different initial and fading away shape and moreover since
A strange "wound" - also rather only "bothering" than "painful"
- on the top of the right knee sharing two different parts enclosed,
more strange also since - even if apparently superficial - lasted
five months before being healed leaving on the skin a little
depigmented trace. A strange "wound" which never was bleeding and never
making clot to become a scab: only continually remaining a little wet
during the five months to heal, just when the proximal lack of
connective began to ascend under the skin near the tendon.
The dark line shared on
the photo - at April
2008! - displays the shadow
which proves the lack of
connective tissue ascending from above the top of the
right knee following the lateral tendon. (This lesion - ratner
bothering only sometimes a little painful began from
November 2006 and re-ascnded along the tendon about till 2011-12
Winter. )
Therefore what results the more and more strange are the
timing of
these three
very differentiate unusual "lesions":
the first appeared
as the strangest
but resulted the
minor, lasting without any disturb only for about two weeks;
the second which
initially seemed a
"normal" scratch
instead changed after few days and became a double lingering,
scarcely secreting wound: healed after more than
five months when left a little zone of depigmentation;
but more puzzling
is this third one:
if it started at
November - it is to say after four
13 2008? This photo dates of almost one year
and half
after the fact? So another problematic trait implies the most awkward
characteristic of this abnormal change in structure of
the under
skin: it seems to continue its ascending intermittent way which began
at cm.1,5x2 till the
present cm.1,5x6 (inches 0,6x0,8 till
from the occurrence - till then it didn't stop: slowly but sturdy it
does GO ON step by step, with - time by time - causing some feelings of
mild discomfort.
here a
summary of a so strikingly out of the ordinary occurrence.
On Wednesday
July 26 2006 happened the fact but some traces were already
about to
and vanish since its
testimony had to last from then till Saturday - when the
evidences were photographed: any way at the left knee the "dark
lines" share
a very demonstrative proof of a not
cause of bodily damage. But the other - at right knee -
lesion(s) got unavoidable to
add directly a more ample documentation with every
explanation held
during the further times:
all powerful
and verifiable document depicting the moving on of the "offensive
force" and its source, unfortunately not yet allowing to recognize the
source of its amazing ABSOLUTE PRECISION, neither with evaluations by a
scientist and by an electronic
technician, nor the expertise by a shoe-producer of hand-made shoes.
A short summary
of the fact: on a normal well asphalt street just at
the very first step when the street-light became green, a "backwash
tried to throw down in a way that could more be fitting to favor then
to oppose. Subjectively the feeling was to have the left foot entrapped
or the sandal untied: occurrence objectively impossible but
subjectively a true feeling on regard this moment and this foot. Any
way, to fall voluntary to the ground as judo, or aikido made the damage
so mild to get apparent only simile-bruises - but surely not as burns!
of deep under-skin, vanished
changing form and colors not as usual in about two weeks.
But this isn't
the basis of the fact: the lying down body was compelled
to rotate clockwise as can afford the damaged clothes: a
"force" so very
to can be measured on the worn-out sole: it came from
of asphalt, entered
on the middle of the sandal heel, at first threw
the person to
fall on the right knee, and then revolved her on the skinned
zone as pivot of rotation, got the body to turn around toward left
after having embraced the whole left knee: obliging
the whole body to rotate till the left shoulder - which
only got little dusty. Summarizing as represented on a clock: the
on the right knee was at five o'clock, the left shoulder on three: it
is to say
almost a
complete rotation: the whole in very few seconds.
Why then to say
regarding a so amazing absolute
precision for
space and
time by the "offensive force"?
Notwithstanding not only on
this case
but every time we "meet" it, every similar by us cataloged experiences
revealed such exactness, but very surely in this case the particular
timing of the deed shared that it was an ADVICE and not a deliberate
harm. As the matter of fact "the force" threw down exactly forward at
the springing of "green light" so exactly to suspect to be primed just
by the "street light"; nevertheless instead really not one minute
before and backward just when the maxi-tram number 4 - more a little
train than a tram - was moving across.
Any way to be strongly noticed:
such an eventual street accident or every eventual domestic accident as
what described in the /tech_ask.htm
- moreover in bathroom - could
be NOT accidents, but... something else: and so if I am writing also
"who eventually did this" is advised!
have already
an appraisal by a physics scientist, by two electronic
technicians, an expertise by a shoe-producer of hand-made shoes and by
incidents experts: but for the time being we prefer to wait to put
these data on the Web site, preferring for the time being to send only
a private summary of this "incident". Any way when all will be
accomplished we will try to add this newest report not only on-line in
the site but also either on one on-line pdf to be downloaded or better
on some printed pages to be sent to every one has already received or
will have the book. Backwash
effect? A wave
which pushes or drags? Feeling to inadvertently walking on the car road
instead of on the pavement: an inadvertent arrival but a difficult
being able to get back on the side walk if not making an engaging
effort to oppose against the “force”?
To compare with the other described accidents here the notice of
another strange deed happened on August
2nd, 2009
in a calm Summer evening at a serene Park path: again a not random date
as in the days, if not as in the hours, when in every time directly
happen or were pointed out very important facts in the activity both of
the Association's
protagonists and
in publication
of polemic information.At
least: a banal fall believed
being caused by a very normal
"obstacle" of a ground irregularity? On the contrary: thereafter the
minimum excoriation on the left knee
continued to be still marked by a well visible tiny red spot
more than six months; besides and more significant is the fact that -
instead of a so apparently innocuous fall - unequivocal TWO DARK LINES
on the right leg came into view lasting about two weeks - as the above
describes ones.
and in well shared precise warnings. Finger and battery
and their
story should be insignificant if not related to other facts: on regard
of which if we can't give more precise data, rather we wish ourselves ASK
for further evidences. A normal
little table-clock suddenly
down even if endorsing bacteries recently
renewed: on opening the bacteries place to search why the
clock was stopping a sudden electric
discharge came from
only one of the two normal little Duracell
bacteries, producing the (fake-)burns on a finger's
as shown in the above pictures. A subjective
- fake -
feeling gave the impression that the bactery was very hot: it is to say
that it was very difficult subjectively to recognize the difference
from a discharge coming from and a burning temperature inside.
Furthermore it is to be considered that the sudden
discharge "burnt"
the finger not
acting as a... minimal taser
but in a very different way: entering, exiting and wounding objectively
in a visible
lasting time the only
near not
touching skin and not
- as
tasers' high potential perform - hurting subjectively for a short time
the neuro-muscolar
strange fact
inquiries is that the little clock - into which
there were the bacteries - stopped for ONE hour and then started out
again by itself at the exact minute.
and their
story should be insignificant if not related to other facts: on regard
of which if we can't give more precise data, rather we wish ourselves ASK
for further evidences. But
a much more serious consideration regards the - till now - described
"fake- mysteries": in fact NONE of them actually caused any
substantially troublesome detriment and/or dangerous situation. For a
main example is this case: the little clock was placed near the let
intact - surely more useful and costly - Panasonic multi-function
Tel-Fax-Answering service; any way similar occurrence happened to the
"cup" which was "cut" when EMPTY and instead kept safe a nearby
pot full of honey. Therefore
wound didn't make annoyance
even if the "holes" lasted for about fifteen days: a very different
effect should have been if the "burns-holes" have wounded and lasted on
the fingertips of the THUMB AND FOREFINGER of the RIGHT HAND,
fingertips which had just handled the batteries for some minutes.
thus to be considered:
feelings can be deceitful;
the extreme
PRECISION on time and space of the discharge coming from only ONE of
the two normal batteries;
besides it
is to
ask for further testimonies on regard of the oddity already occurred to
some persons regarding clocks and watches stopping for ONE exact hour;
it is
binding to admit that
till now EVERY
DAMAGE and EVERY PERSONAL HARM caused no substantial hindrances or or
real loss
to confront with these severe - third degree
- on elbow burns
Wed, 18 May 2011 15:35:19
Here are two more
photographs of a recent and
severe Microwave/Directed Energy burn on my left elbow. It's the fourth
time I have been burned there, in the exact same location. Best, Michael Fitzhugh Bell
[Altre due foto di
recenti e gravi
nella zon del gomito sinistro dovute - presumibilmente - a Microonde di
Energia Diretta. E' la quarta volta che mi hanno ustionato qui, nella
stessa posizione.]
19 May 2011 11:29:26 This extremely powerful microwave cell tower
disguised as a palm tree, was set up just two weeks ago directly across
the street from my apartment complex. Coincidence? Perhaps not. It
appeared overnight, one day it wasn't there the next day there it was.
Best, Michael Fitzhugh Bell
caduta e mi sono accorta immediatamente che nel momento in cui
andavo in terra (nei pochissimi secondi che ho impiegato) ho pensato
“non devo appoggiare la faccia” ma non sono
riuscita a tenerla sollevata come se qualcosa mi spingesse
la nuca e con fatica sono solo riuscita a girarla in modo da
battere lo
zigomo e non il naso o i denti e poi mi sono stupita che mi fosse
venuto questo pensiero-.
Anche in questi altri casi si
tratta di
corpi umani -
strutture del peso di circa cinquanta chili - abbattuti a terra in modo
impossibile da confondere con un "inciampo" personale, in un contesto
urbano di piena normalità e in una sede stradale caratterizzata
di una pavimentazione molto
regolare - corso Mediterraneo e via Nallino. A render più
inquietante questo argomento ci sono stati sgnalati altri casi di
analoghe cadute impreviste e quasi assurde ma non possiamo presentarli
in quanto non corredati da ulteriori dettagli: al contrario della
possibilità di raccogliere precisi, docunmentati e
circostanziati particolari soggettivi, testimoniali e oggettivi per
quanto riguarda i due casi qui
approfonditi. Per entrambi sensazione
soggettiva non era quella di venir trattenuti e fatti cadere da un
"piede bloccato", ma da un qualcosa
che "trscinava
in avanti": l'una - soggettivamente - dalla borsa che anzi in
quel momento non era certo
pesante, l'altra con la sensazione di venir trascinata dalla
propria velocità come
quando si corre a "rotta di collo" in discesa, pur invece avendo
soltanto accelerato l'andatura del cammino non certo iniziato a
Ma caratteristica peculiare di questi casi è stata
il loro succedersi - CONSAPEVOLE - in più tempi come
ad opera di plurimi "strumenti di energia":
un primo tempo
lungo di possibilità coscientemente soggettiva di scelta tra
resistere o cadere come in una "lotta" tipo Judo o Aikido - vedi analoga descrizione
file/capitolo NUOVISSIME
TECNOLOGIE? - seguito da un secondo tempo
cadere e da un terzo
tempo di non
rotazione: le documentazioni testuali e fotografiche si trovano
nei paragrafi
Copio da una mail un episodio di addestramento bellico e semplicemente
lo trasmetto tale e quale, in quanto potrebbe assomigliare al
meccanismo d'azione del primo tempo di questi episodi avvenuti invece
in territorio di pace e contro cittadini inermi.
I militari
stavano testando i "vermi" (variatori
di temperatura
termostatica ad alta definizine)
su mezzi corazzati, la zona desertica era circondata da massicci
rocciosi, la terra era arida e battuta. Con noi viaggiano delle
"cavie": adulti
maschi. Ci fermiamo: il comandante dice di
liberarli, loro scappano. I militari tirano fuuori un martello
pneumatico a compressione, inseriscono all interno una capsula lunga 10
cm. Il VERME era fatto con materiale trasparente ed elastico come i
delle aspirapolvere; al suo interno si vedevano i circuiti violacei
collegati a una palla "LA TESTA". Con il martello lo sparano sotto
a 1m. di profondità: l'arma inizia la sua ricerca, rileva la
e colpisce gli uomini fuggiti; saranno a 500 massimo 700 metri li butta
giu' come birilli: un verme una persona e cosi' via cadono tutti in
avanti. I militari esultano:
ecco le descrizioni
precisa di queste azioni inaspettate contro "civili" inermi in luoghi
ben lontani da scenari di guerra: comunque in nessuno dei
tre casi più documentati - corso Turati,
corso Mediterraneo, e soprattutto via Nallino - le lesioni e il loro
decorso assomigliano ad alcuna lesione riscontrabile in pubblicazioni
anche specialistiche persino di guerra.
Prima strana caduta
in tre tempi: caduta controllata senza effetti contusivi se non
minimi seguita da un rotolamento di tutto il corpo di poco più
di 90°, seguita da una più forte
ondata di "energia"
che spingeva anzi cercava di tener schiacciata a terra la testa; il
tutto in modo descrivibile
non solo in forma soggettiva e/o
testimoniale ma documentabile dal riscontro obbiettivato delle lesioni
riportate e dai danni agli ndumenti indossati - vedi Referto
Medico-Legale del 23-10-2009. Una "normale caduta"
incidentale prosegue in una traiettoria che tende
"in avanti", lasciando tracce in senso sagittale sia come
contusioni e abrasioni, sia come lacerazioni degli indumenti: rotazione
addirittura DISEGNATA invece nella
sfilacciatura della trama della stoffa del pantalone destro. E se
già ben strano
in un ambito di "normale
piccola infortunistica" era il tempo e modo iniziale concesso a una
"riflessione" cosciente che offriva la possibilità di
opporsi - vedi il paragone con il Judo
- ben più
caratteristico come nel mancato
stradale in questo e chissà in quanti altri
simili incidenti era stato l'effetto di "rotazione"
orizzontale successivo alla caduta lineare: un urto
contusivo perpendicolare su di un ginocchio avrebbe coinvolto
l'articolazione ed invece - come da perizia Medico Legale
di cui sono a
disposizione i risultati e le fotografie - la
vasta ecchimosi della parte mediale del ginocchio sinistro e la
rapida risoluzione era come se
descrivessero soltanto l'avvenuta rotazione, dimostrandone l'effetto attrito dell'origine
tangenziale. Altrettanto superficiale e di scarsa gravità
risultava nei fatti l'ematoma contusivo che circondava l'orbita
destra, mentre Perizia e protagonisti avevano IGNORATO un
elemento - per fortuna invece presente nella DOCUMENTAZIONE FOTOGRAFICA
di ben maggior interesse: i bizzarri particolari
circondanti l'orbita controlaterale.
riscontro obbiettivo iniziale e le osservazioni successive ne avevano
del tutto sottovalutato persin la presenza stessa di anomali segni
cutanei, comprese evidenti sotto
sopracciglio sinistro le due tipiche strisce
marroni di ossidazione del connettivo che si direbbero il
"marchio di fabbrica" di questi doppi "strumenti di offesa" agenti in
tempi: verticale
dal basso e rotatorio in senso
orizzontale. A differenza degli altri casi però qui i
segni sono numerosi e imprecisi: ma il confronto di queste tracce
obbiettivabili con le sensazioni soggettive non solo immediate ma anche
minuziosamente ricostruite nella memoria sta ad indicare visivamente il
percorso dei tentativi - INUTILI - di rialzare la testa: ci si
trova cioè in presenza di un tracciato
dinamico che graficamente
riprcorre la contrapposizione delle forze in gioco, un
tracciato che
deve richiamare al massimo l'attenzione perché in
qualche modo vi si ritrova la FIRMA DELL'ENERGIA
AGENTE, in via indiretta soggettiva ne indica pure la
potenza e il pre-determinato tempo di azione.
Se induttore della caduta in
avanti - come molto
probabilmente nel caso del "mancato incidente
stradale" - era il movimento del piede in accelerazione, e
se l'effetto rotatorio di tutto il corpo è segnalato
indirettamente anche nella Perizia Medico legale dalla piccola lesione
del mignolo
destro: in almeno tre
ondate la "forza" spingeva
e teneva schiacciata a terra a destra la testa tanto che, anche
iconograficamente, le nette tracce
visualizzabili a sinistra rivelano una dinamica "lotta" per
risollevarla. Le varie
doppie strisce marroni intorno
all'occhio sinistro oltre ad una
piccola non sanguinante abrasione del margine laterale del
sopracciglio descrivono indirettamente il
contrasto e i tentativi di rialzare la testa: a
accentuare la dimostrazione visiva di questa dinamica sono evidenziate
fotografia le serie abbastanza disorganizzata di doppie strisce
più interessanti quindi
del vistoso ematoma superficiale controlaterale.
seconda testimonianza
diretta - questa anche suffragata da osservatori esterni - di un
bizzarro "tuffo come se qualcosa
spingesse la nuca" introduce un nuovo capitolo di questi
effetti aggressivi: non solo la caduta ma un previo SOLLEVAMENTO - tipo
"lievitazione" - del
20 marzo
camminavo in
N. poco oltre via F. sul marciapiede costruito con blocchetti in
autobloccanti la superficie è abbastanza
regolare e di recente fabbricazione. Indossavo le scarpe da
ginnastica con suola di gomma
che porto sempre
da circa un anno. Avevo a
tracolla la solita borsa (non la cambio mai) con dentro le
solite cose, mancava solo il libro da leggere che porto quando viaghgio
in autobus quindi era più leggera. Accanto a me comminava P.
(mio figlio di
13 anni), circa 3 metri
indietro mio marito B. Sono
caduta e mi sono accorta immediatamente che nel momento in cui
andavo in terra (nei pochissimi secondi che ho impiegato) ho pensato
“non devo appoggiare la faccia”
ma non sono riuscita a tenerla sollevata come se qualcosa mi spingesse
la nuca e con fatica sono solo riuscita a girarla in modo da
battere lo
zigomo e non il naso o i denti e poi mi sono stupita che mi fosse
venuto questo pensiero inoltre subito dopo (appena
rialzata) ho ricordato di aver avuto, mentre cadevo, la
sensazione che la borsa fosse diventata pesantissima è ho
pensato che fosse stato il peso della borsa a tirarmi a terra P. era
esterefatto mi ha chiamata
più volte e continuava a
ripetere mamma hai fatto un guizzo verso l’alto quasi come un
tuffo non sei caduta direttamente ma ti sei spinta in alto e
avanti e sul finale hai inarcato la schiena , appoggiato la faccia e
sollevato il sedere , ripeteva “come un tuffo” “quando uno cade non
pianta la faccia e alza il sedere” B. era 3 metri indietro e anche lui
mi ha
chiesto “come hai
fatto??” “ti sei spinta avanti come se ti tuffassi” non riusciva
a spiegarsi come potevo aver fatto a cadere in quel modo.
Subito dopo l'incidente la
zona zigomatica appariva tumefatta in misura
del tutto sproporzionata - la fotografia è stata scattata
parecchi gorni dopo
il fatto - ma poco dolente anche se le strane strisce BIANCO-CERAMICA
quasi coprivano l'occhio. E altrettanto peculiare ne è il
seguito: ancora dopo mesi la zona appare scurita come fosse MOLTO
ABBRONZATA in modo anomalo e difforme al resto della carnagione. Questa
"deturpazione" è lentamente - parecchi mesi - scomparsa curata
sistematicamente con una pomata a base di un fortissimo antiossidante,
l'acido tioctico, forse a dinostrazione della sua origine da un
fenomeno OSSIDATIVO, a carico del collagene e non dei melanociti.
(Tanto in questo caso come in quello del falso incidente di corso
Turati, parecchi rilievi mirati non hanno segnalato valori anormali di
radioattività: sempre tra 0,09 e 0,14 microsievert/ora.
escludendo così - almeno pare - radiazioni ionizzanti come causa
delle "false pigmentazioni". )
RFID devices contain at least two parts: 1) An integrated circuit for
storing and processing information, modulating and demodulating a
radio-frequency (RF) signal; and 2) An antenna for receiving and
transmitting signals. With the
second RFID part, the antenna, implanted subject can receive sounds,
even verbal orders, and thus be subjected to control against his or her
best interest, a method of mind control. With the antenna, the subject
can also receive electronic pain and injury meeting torture criterion.
The antenna has capacity to covertly assassinate the target by
directing electric energy from hand-held devices or satellite to a
vulnerable body or organ part. Thus, cause of death is attributed to
the subject's vulnerability recorded in medical records and viewed by
most people as death by "natural cause." (For information on NSA neural
remote monitoring, see NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation,
Thompson, candidato alle elezioni presidenziali del 2008, nonché
ex ministro
della Salute e dei Servizi Umani (Health & Human Services), era
membro del consiglio di amministrazione dell'azienda Verichip (notissima produttrice di
microchip) fino al marzo del 2007, e lavorava per la FDA quando tale ente nel 2004 ha
approvato l'uso del VeriChip per fini medici.
Reader, Welcome to the DSM-5
Development Web site.
This site provides information culminated from over 10 years of
revision activities, made possible thanks to the generous dedication of
more than 600 global experts in the field of mental health. The
DSM-5 Task Force and Work Group
members are working to develop criteria for diagnoses that not
only reflect new advances in the science and conceptualization of
mental disorders, but also reflect the needs of our patients. We
encourage you to delve into the wealth of information contained within
this site to become familiar with some of the advancements in
scientific and clinical knowledge that will assist in making diagnoses
more accurate, valid, and clinically useful. We also hope that
knowledge will pave the way for further research in these important
areas. Your
input, whether you are a clinician, a researcher, an administrator, or
a person/family member affected by a mental disorder, is important to us.
We thank you for taking part in this historic process and look forward
to receiving your feedback.
J. Kupfer, M.D., DSM-5 Task Force
Chair Darrel A. Regier, M.D., M.P.H.,
DSM-5 Task Force Vice-Chair
main psychiatric
text edition
The basics of this book are in sum up good or even very good but there
are some very FAKE assumptions which must be contested and mended: in
particular [read from page 297]
the main criterion by which the doctors can
put a "sure" diagnosis ofSchizophreniais based on an
description of hearing voices. But just exactly this description satisfies
even more better the
depiction furnished by people who are surely - demonstrated - implanted
with abusive receiving-trasmitter
broadcast microchips: our crucial call
regards the
to URGENTLY search technological effectual means for documenting and
sharing these EXTERNAL VOICES. To utterly explain and display this
issue can then give a real possibility to revise the DSM: to MEND for
ever such mistakes which are not only "faults" but also ways for evil
people to silence - as "mad" - their opponents.
No unique diagnostic
specificity for these characteristic symptoms in comparison to others
has been identified
and consequently there is no basis for treating these symptoms as being
pathognomonic. 4. Requirement that at
least one of the characterisic symptoms be delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder
and psychosis is defined by reality distortion
(delusions and hallucinations) and severe disorganization (disorganized speech). We considered adding cognitive
impairment as a characteristic symptom, but recommended against doing so because of
its lack of diagnostic specificity and limited information about the impact of
such a change. It was considered a key aspect of schizophrenic
however, and is
recommended as one key dimension to be
measured across patients with a psychotic disorder.
di Morgellons.
Ed infine
va segnalato
l'imparziale - terrificante - esperimento CIBERNETICA Infettato
da virus informatico" Esperimento di uno scienziato Mark Gasson,
dell'università inglese di Reading, si era fatto impiantare un
chip. E
ha dimostrato che un software maligno può trasferirsi tra
individui e
futuro i pacemakers potrebbero essere oggetto di cyber-attacchi. Ogni
altro chip che viene a contatto con il sistema infetto contrae il virus
a sua volta -
ha spiegato Gasson alla Bbc - e
questo lascia intravedere la possibiltà che in futuro
di uso comune come i pacemakers possano essere oggetto di
cyber-attacchi. Dunque,
al di là dei suoi sbocchi futuristici e progressisti,
l'importanza di
questa scoperta sta nell'aver rivelato le potenzialità invasive
virus per computer, capaci di diffondersi seguendo ritmi e percorsi
ancora ignoti alla scienza umana.
High relevance
links: European and Italian AVae-m
Associazione Vittime armi elettroniche-mentali A
CRUCIAL NOTE AND A WORLDWIDE CALL: crucial need for differential
At the
psychiatric text edition
DSM-V the basics of this book - also
in sum up
good - sometimes are misuses
based but FAKE
assumptions to be
contested and mended:
[read from page
297 of the old edition] the main criterion by which the doctors can put
a presumed "sure" diagnosis of
Schizophrenia is based on an unilateral description of hearing
But just exactly
description satisfies even more better the depiction
furnished by
people abusively
microchips: this crucial call regards the possibility to
technological effectual devices for documenting and sharing these NOT
To utterly explain and display this issue can thus give a real
possibility to revise the DSM for MENDING for ever such mistakes: not
only “faults”: damaging either trustfulness of doctors or - much more -
the real health and very life of patients, but also for impeding evil
people to silence their opponents with extreme unremitting suffering or
letting them to be deemed as
who are
surely -
visually demonstrated - implanted with.
report among many others
relates the presence of “foreign objects”: On
the MARKED scans one can see a “foreign (?) object”, definitely
“hyper-intense” compared to the surrounding organic structures, an
object however lacking of the artificial effects coming from
paramagnetic metals. This little foreign object is similar to a nail
and looks to be placed into a little structure looking as a little box
less dense than the “nail” itself: an object “hyper-intense” and a
squared structure very unusual on whichever organic stuff.
and point out: it is crucial to maintain that the quotes regarding
schizophrenia on the DSM MUST
be mended, and it is basic to assume that the most possible of
professionals and Health
should be involved: for everyone it is necessary to personally search
to know and quote every new FIRST HAND evidences - not only citing the
ones already widespread shared and/or published on blogs. To
explain: to display this issue can then give a real
possibility to
revise the DSM.
to recognize for ever its
mistakes can mend not only
damaging doctors' awareness and possibility to really care
patients but also block
to use a so important source of
knowledge as is DSM to silence opponents targeting
them as
To follow this aim a concrete fact should be
added also and mostly for being at maximum shared to worldwide
professionals: the SIGNAL emitted by an inserted "broadcast
microchip" have been really directly DETECTED
- and not
only viewed
its shape evidenced on Rx or MRI scans. This experience happened in TWO
times: at first a little inexpensive - twenty two Euro - Spies detector
We are trying to share and discuss among Italian correspondents and
here I do not translate the many exchanges of - some times very
valuable - answers and related asks. Any way it is crucial to maintain
again the quotes regarding the DSM
to be mended for getting involved
the most possible of professionals and Health care organizations).
Moreover it is fitting to
share that an Italian victim who relates some precise references of
"outer voices talking inside her
skull", laments
also some different,
definite symptoms and
supports her
statement by documental proofs: a lot of these strange
signs looks very alike to the Morgellons
disease ones. gave
an absolutely astonishing result when put at about more than 50 inches
(10-15 cm.) near the right ear of a suffering person: not put less
than 0,04 inches - 1 or few mm. - as written on the instructions for
use. At the FIRST time the led of the "detector" suddenly became red
pulsing and
blinking and the engine emitted also an intermitting acute sound: such
a powerful
was utterly unexpected: on the proofs to set the device power to
recognize emitted signals we used cell-phones more or less powerful,
more or less near but NEVER we had this ultra-maximum result. But at
the SECOND time - and this is the bigger result on the contrary of
appearances - quickly, or better not so quickly: during
some seconds, red light and sounds ended and the green led of
stand-by appeared again and
didn't move any more. But we
believe that the
"second" phase has to be even more noticed
for our aim:
why then
is it so hard to detect - and even know the wave-length - of
broadcasting micro-chips? Simple: their system are made
know how can
make transmitted communications safer, since with
control" they can turn off the transmitting part in case
danger to be detected. (Such devices are normally on sale: only for
something more than 1000 Euro).
The Carnicom Institute
host a vital conference the weekend of October 22nd - 23rd, 2011 on
health and environmental issues that affect us all. The Carnicom
Institute, a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization, conducts scientific
research for the benefit of humanity. This conference will confront the
deliberate alteration of our planet, including the subjects of
geo-engineering, bio-engineering, and the Morgellons
A ground-breaking documentary will be premiered at the event. The
Saturday evening workshop will engage the audience in a hands-on
learning experience. ,
or leave us voicemail at 505.629.1484.
is dedicated to raising awareness and research funding for this poorly
understood illness, which can be disfiguring and disabling, and affects
people of all age groups including an increasing number of
children. The number of families currently registered with
the MRF is
believed to represent a fraction of the true number of affected
families. Morgellons is
an unexplained and
debilitating condition that has emerged as a public health
Recently, the Centers for Disease
Control and
Prevention (CDC) has
received an increased number of inquiries from the public, health care
providers, public health officials, Congress,
and the media regarding
this condition. Persons who suffer from this condition report a range
of coetaneous symptoms including crawling, biting and stinging
sensations; granules, threads or black speck-like materials on or
beneath the skin; and/or skin lesions (e.g., rashes or sores) and some
sufferers also report systemic
manifestations such as fatigue, mental
confusion, short term memory loss, joint pain, and changes
in vision.
Microchip Implants ,
Electronic Torture, & Mind Control - A Personal Account
ready. A new science is developing that victimizes countless
individuals and promotes bigotry and inhumane practices on an
inconceivable scale. That science involves the use of involuntarily
implanted microchips in humans. A new form of torture and mind control
from traditional methods, the science is little understood and little
accepted in the scientific community. Psychiatrists and other doctors
treating victims of microchip implants normally mis-diagnose their
symptoms as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Even writing about such a
topic almost automatically labels one schizophrenic, paranoid, or, in
the least, a crackpot.
First, let me say a word about microchip devices. Microchips are tiny
instruments that drive various functions of computers and other
electronic equipment. They are about the size of a large B-B pellet;
however, they are getting increasingly smaller. Veterinarians started
implanting them in dogs, cattle, and horses fifteen to twenty years ago
to allow the owners to track their animals and prove ownership. Today’s
microchips are almost microscopic and represent state-of-the-art
technology. Manufactured from silicone, they are virtually impossible
to detect once they are implanted. A
little over a year ago,
while living in Mexico, many
bizarre and menacing events began occurring in my life,
things that completely bewildered me. I knew that I was not
schizophrenic or paranoid. Although
in my late sixties, I enjoy extremely good mental and physical health.
As those actions became increasingly threatening, I ever-so-gradually
learned that I had become the victim of an involuntary microchip
implant. One of three dentists that I used in Mexico
injected the tiny chip into my gum tissue or embedded it in a crown.
Also a hair transplant specialist in the United States had the
opportunity to implant the microchip in my head. All of
those suspects belong to the medical community and swore to uphold the
Hippocrates oath. But, of course, we know that doctors are
no more moral and ethical than other non-medical individuals.
Knowing the value of
documentation, I
keeping a journal of those unusual happenings.
I not only studied my notes for clues about who was involved and how
they conducted their handiwork but I also performed research on
implants and their use in electronic torture and mind control over the
The result of that research revealed that other people who claimed that
they hosted microchip implants had suffered similar experiences. Many
of their symptoms paralleled mine. In addition to those firsthand
accounts, I found other data on the internet using the keywords
“microchips, microchip implants, electronic torture, and mind control.”
Although most of the articles took a particular slant on the topics,
e.g., the Illuminati, the CIA, government control, etc., they all
contained useful information. Knowledge
about my harassers and their modus operandi evolved slowly. More than
six months went by before I knew the extent of their capability.
Finally, however, I found out from experience that through the
microchip implant and the computer program that operated with it, my
torturers were able to perform the following actions:
Monitor my movements.
Hear and record my conversations along with those with whom I talked.
The harassers occasionally played back to me through the inner ear
excerpts of some of those conversations.
See my body during those movements and also when I was immobile
(especially when I slept) in 3-D. They can zoom in on any part of the
body and see that part much like a cat scan views the body. I do not
yet know whether they view my body in true color or black and white.
Nor do I know whether the device allows them to see my front and back
Apply a variety of torture techniques to my body. Those include: (a)
sending pain and a sensation of pin pricks in my shoulders, face,
elbows, and other areas, (b) bombarding my body with electrical jolts
and tremors, (c) zapping my brain with laser-like rays that make a
clicking/crackling sound, attempting to destroy brain cells (d) causing
severe cramping, mainly in my legs, and numbness in my limbs from the
base of the spinal column to my toes, (e) making me cough through
pinpricking the inside of my throat and causing a partial erection by
touching the inside of the urethra, and (f) causing headaches, stomach
aches, and dizziness.
Transmit voices either into my brain or into my inner ear and also
project voices and other sounds through objects near me, i.e., the TV,
a PC, and other electrical devices and even into the open air near me.
Sounds may take the form of knocking on your door (when there is nobody
there), dogs barking (when there are no dogs around), and birds cooing
or singing (when there are no birds).
(6) READ
manufacturers have developed microchip programs with that capability.
At first,
the program picked up only a few one and two syllable words.
Now, however, those thoughts appear on their computer monitor in their
entirety, probably somewhat like automated, computerized captions for
the hearing impaired on TV. I know this because I often heard the
terrorists repeating my thoughts, almost as fast as I developed them.
They often used to repeat my silent prayers, with the reader’s voice only a word or so behind my words .
be fair and
equitable, some pages of a "professional", "traditional" but not
malevolent psychiatric sourceshould be quoted, since
certainly a not indifferent lot of people suffers for a real
SCHIZOPHRENIA: a so serious
illness has anyhow be
better known and better distinguished moreover to better can being PREVENTED on childhood and/or at
least to really
and thoroughly to effectually care the actual ailing people.
What's It Like Hearing Voices? Hearing what others can’t hear
style="font-family: mistral;"> You
are in a crowd when you hear your name. You turn, looking for the
speaker. No one meets your gaze. It dawns on you that the voice you
heard must have sprung from your own mind.
style="font-family: mistral;"> This
foray into the uncanny is as close as most people come to experiencing auditory
hallucinations or
“hearing voices” a condition that affects 70% of patients
with schizophrenia and 15% of
patients with mood disorders such as mania or depression. For these
individuals, instead of hearing just one’s name, voices produce a
stream of speech, often vulgar or derogatory (You are a
fat whore, Go
to hell) or a running
commentary on one’s most private thoughts. The
compelling aura
of reality about these experiences often produces
distress and disrupts thought and behavior. The sound of the voice is
sometimes that of a family member or someone from one’s past, or is
like that of no known person but has distinct and immediately
recognizable features (say, a deep, growling voice). Often certain
actual external sounds, such as fans or running water, become
transformed into perceived speech. One
patient described the
recurrence of voices as akin to being in a
constant state of mental
In the worst cases, voices command the listener to undertake
destructive acts such as suicide or assault. But hearing voices is not
necessarily a sign of mental illness, so understanding the mechanics of
auditory hallucinations is crucial to understanding schizophrenia
and related disorders. What
remains unaddressed is the
root cause of abnormal brain activations. We are pursuing three intertwined ideas.
The first is based on studies suggesting that schizophrenia patients
suffer from reduced brain connectivity. As a result, certain groups of
neurons, such as those responsible for producing and perceiving
language, may begin to function autonomously, beyond the control or
influence of other brain systems. It is as if the string section of the
orchestra suddenly decided to play its own music, disregarding everyone
else. The
second idea is that
deprivation of social interaction — namely human conversation — makes
the brain more likely to produce hallucinated conversations. Often one
of the first signs of schizophrenia—occurring well before
manifestations such as hearing voices — is social isolation. Indeed,
deprivation can produce hallucinations in the sense mode that is
deprived. An example is Charles
Bonnet Syndrome,
where visual impairments in the elderly can produce visions of human
figures. Could the absence of actual spoken human conversation — a
cornerstone of day-to-day human intellect and creativity—produce
hallucinated conversations? Recall the extreme isolation that preceded
the appearance of Rilke’s startling voice.Third,
heightened emotions may play a role in producing voices. Indeed,
heightened emotionality prompts the brain to produce information
consonant with that emotional state. For example, a low mood favors
generation of thoughts that are themselves depressing. It is possible
that intense states of emotion could pre-select and perhaps elicit from
the brain certain verbal messages having the same emotional charge.
in inglese di epoche differenti - e documentazioni iconografiche
the flash I
am radiant.
The one with
does not show the light coming from me
have over two-thousand (2000) MRI images, most of which show foreign
objects, including foreign objects that have been inserted between the
outside of the skull and the scalp. All images, show symmetrical and
corresponding patterns of placement.
MRI IMAGE #6, it is possible to
actually see the "stimoceiver
electrodes", embedded deep within the ear sockets, under the
temporal plates. The neural implants are also clearly visible in
several of the MRI images I have sent to you. Implants within the eyes
and ears can be clearly seen in the profile of the head, in the MRI
have six ULTRASOUND images that clearly show identical foreign objects.
Each is exactly 1 centimeter in length(10mm). One in my navel, two, one
within each eyebrow which can be felt with the finger. The implants in
my navel and within my eyebrows are very accessible, just beneath the
surface of the skin and can easily be excised by a surgeon. The problem
I have, is to find a surgeon who is willing to remove them. The
Radiologist acknowledges and describes the implants fully in his report
which I have.
image showing
foreign object, one above each
eye, one in the navel. In the first image, from the navel, it is quite
easy to see a microchip or biochip shaped foreign object. The object
can be seen at the very top of the eye orbits as a "needle
shaped" object. During the Ultrasound test, the Radiologist, Dr. Romero
Babe, remarked that: "the foreign object was giving off a frequency,
as if it were alive."
He also described them as non-metallic
and that they were emanating a frequency, as if they were alive.
Photographs #1,
#7 anomaly photographs clearly show a "blue capsule with green
emanating from it.
I have
surgical scars at
the exact same locations
that the blue capsule and green
waves appear next to. There are
anomalies in every photograph. It is much easier to see at this scale
I would also
like to share the
of my abductions, as well as show you all of my tiny surgical scars. I have over
and fifty (150) symmetrical, corresponding, tiny white surgical scars
from head to toe. Here is a good
test to
prove the existence of inner ear implants. I have noticed that when I
use "Bose Quiet Comfort 15 Acoustic noise canceling headphones", I get
loud feedback from the interference created by my inner ear implants.
Ask one of the victims you know, to try these specific headphones
at a store and use the demonstration unit.
If you have inner ear implants, when you turn the music up and press
the headphones, very hard, into the ears, you will hear the sound of
microphone feedback, like at an outdoor concert. This is further
evidence, as it only happens to me, not other people. Written on an answering
mail another
good test to prove the existence of inner ear implants.
The same thing happens
to me. I
put on a sound amplifying headset in Radio Shack
and it squealed loudly. Here is a link to a demo of this being
done with a megaphone:
Highly Advanced Bio-Chip
Technology With A $10.00 Megaphone!
the origin of the torture
suffered by Mrs. MG for many years and the X-Rays delivered to Aisjca.15-05-2006
The case
M.G., came to light a year after a surgical operation was carried out
the Civic Hospital of her own city and was followed by extremely
anomalous physical suffering. Ten years of research amongst many
medical and cultural institutes,
receiving only negative
responses to the question of whether such science-fiction technology
could exist in Italy: and finally via internet in 2005 I was able to
discover the existence of this technology and then of the Avae-m. X-Ray
shows microchip in the left ear.
the greatly summarised description of this case – to which can be added
on request interesting particulars deriving from a consultancy with the
above cited Institute of
Biopsychocibernetics – should be integrated with
the specific indications of HOW one can construct a possible home-made
instrument of protection .
read the e-mail only
yesterday, and reply to the request. For over two years I have used a
type of Faraday’s
cage, which I built using four
pieces of metallic mosquito net
sewn together in pairs, one to obtain the exact measurements of the bed
(180x150) which I placed between the base of the bed and the mattress.
With the two widest pieces I was able to find I obtained an over-cover
which I can tuck in around the bed and which is elevated above my head.
Once having lifted up the corner and got into bed (at the beginning it
was uncomfortable but you get used to it) I can replace it from inside
between the bed and the mattress. I have also connected this with a
metal wire to the radiator. This type of hood is quite rigid, once it
has taken on the shape of the bed it keeps it also when it is moved to
make the bed.
With this system I can’t say I have totally eliminated the disturbance
of the voices, which I regularly hear before and after
sleep, always the same voices, but earthed
by this kind of shield I manage to relax and sleep better
and so I think I will continue to use it while it is necessary.
directed-energy gang stalking
esempio diretto di molestie
tecnologiche continue è come dice il nome il Mind Mangler: an
annoyatron version of the think geek annoyatron. using a 555
timer chip we were able to create a small device that emits a high
pitch humming sound that makes it almost impossible to find and
HM-Innovations: 555
Mind Mangler
By HM-Innovations
de tirs lasers sur une de mes jambes et gonflement du mollet à
cause du
signal qui provoque dans mon corps une surpression. / Capture avec un caméscope
d'un faisceau sur l'Arc de Triomphe
You can
help us with more
maillists We also need email lists
ORGANISATIONS, CORPORATIONS etc. WORLDWIDE that we don't already have. A) We still need LISTS for as
SCIENCE, MEDICINE, LAW, HISTORY etc. departments, staff and
WORLDWIDE as we can get. B) We still need LISTS for as
PEOPLE, ORGANISATIONS AND ESTABLISHMENTS worldwide as we can get. C) We still need LISTS for all
ASSOCIATIONS etc. involved in the development and production of these
technologies. For example:-Raytheon, Lockeed Martin, Boeing, Northrop
Grumman, General Dynamics and United technologies, SAIC and all the
others. D) We still need LISTS for
ORDERS, CLERGY AND MEMBERS WORLDWIDE etc..If everyone could supply at
least one EMAIL LIST it would help. And any other influential or
powerful organisations and people that you can think of. E) We need email lists of all
these people and organisations - so we
can make them aware of these technologies and crimes - and any other
influential or powerful organisations and people that you can think of!
Please make LISTS and send them to us at
Prima di
entrare in argomento
con esempi soprattutto iconografici
è opportuno puntualizzare un incisivo rimando ai tre
possibili grandi gruppi di fattori MUTAGENI cioè quei
fattori agenti sulla catena del DNA, della trasmissione dei carattteri
genetici: a partire dagli inziali e più semplici virus fino agli
organismi più complessi - comprese le nascite umane - per
arrivare alle cellule staminali totipotenti comprese anche quelle il
cui sviluppo indiscriminato può evolvere in forme CANCEROSE, e
anche in forme cancerose ANOMALE. Di questi possibili fattori mutageni
il primo, cioè quello CHIMICO, è in fondo il meno
pericoloso: la sostanza chimica può venir o meno distrutta o
trasformata - vedi amianto - ma comunque rimane tale e
quantitativamente se mai può decrescre nel tempo. Non
così le altre due: la radioattività rende radioattivo
quanto la circonda e se descresce nel tempo questo avviene con una
lentezza che va ben oltre la durata della vita umana; ma il peggio del peggio
è la MUTAZIONE della catena genetica: da organismi virali
trasformti se non "nuovi" che diventano patogeni con modalità
prima sconosciute, all'intera modificazione della catena alimentare,
dalla nascita di esseri deformi allo sviluppo di nuove mutazioni nelle
generazion successive, per finire - riassuntivamente - alla formazione
inaspettata e "nuova" di forme tumorali maligne più aggressive e
incontrollabili anche per le modificazioni anch'esse impreviste del
sistema immunitario degli organismi complessi.
Una serie
di esempi di fiori e
piante deformi trovate in terreni
inquinati da cromo esavalente, diossine ecc. Il fiore non dovrebbe
essere pericolo ma il fatto che cresca in un 'area inquinata, dove i
bambini vanno a giocare...
filmato è stato girato dove c'era la Materferro della Fiat.
Il tarassaco
è una specie vegetale
commestibile utilizzata per preparare insalate; quando cresce in aree
inquinate da agenti mutageni,... La
Fergat produceva
cerchioni per
autovetture. I cerchioni venivano
trattati con acidi e solventi prima della verniciatura. E' possibile
che una parte dei veleni della ex Fergat sia sotterrata in ... Allegate
quattro foto di tarassaco deforme, trovato a Torino in via
Tirreno. Pellerina "area
verde" campo
giochi ... 9 aprile 2009 Torino. Il tarassaco è una specie
vegetale commestibile utilizzata
per preparare insalate; quando cresce in aree inquinate da agenti
mutageni, subisce delle alterazioni che si evidenziano con deformazioni
... Commento. Esempi di fasciazione in
tarassaco: si
osservano gambi trasformati in
larghe lamine incapaci di sorreggere i fiori, che appaiono moltiplicati
e fusi tra loro con deformità vistose. Anche i soffioni sono
mutati con un aspetto lanuginoso e con un debole gambo nastriforme. 17/4/2009 -
L'Università rassicura, ma nessuno si prende la briga di fare i
test di laboratorio. Il che prospetta la raccolta di
campioni ed una serie di esami per capire fino in fondo cause e
dinamica della mutazione.
Puntuale il giorno successivo
alla pubblicazione di questo articolo in
cronaca de La Stampa - con un presunto scopo di "tranquillizzare"
l'opinione pubblica - lo stesso giornale riporta commenti più
denigratori che critici ipotizzanti con un titolo ironico non certo
adatto alla pricolosità intrinseca di una simile prospettiva - c - fanno
riferimento ad una eventuale causa virale
sconosciuta trasmessa da un altrettanto sconosciuto insetto.
Ma se
così fosse è lecito avere il coraggio di scherzare
senza essere in grado di rilevare la portata dell'esistenza e
attività di MUTAZIONI
da causa
biologica - sia genetica intrineca che, ben peggio,
geneticamente MUTATA VIRALE? Mutazione invece di gravità
incommensurabilmente più terrificante di quanto
prospettato nell'articolo sopracitato, in cui il sospetto di agenti
mutageni era piuttosto indirizzato nei confronti di sostanze chimiche
di origine industriale - è
che una parte dei veleni della ex Fergat sia sotterrata. Studi e
ricerche successive anche nella stessa zona hanno comunque rivelato
altri possibili fattori mutageni: addirittura una stranissima fonte di
RADIOATTIVITA' molto più diffusa e anomala di quanto logicamente
immaginabile. E anche contro queste rivelazioni si è scatenata
un campagna mediatica per ... "difendere
l'opinione pubblica da che cerca di spargere il terrore".
APR 15 2009
L’ECOWEBRADIO intervista la Professoressa Maria Lodovica Gullino sulle
patologie dei vegetali.
le zone
possono essere ZONE
"Le bugie hanno le gambe - purtroppo - non corte ma ben credute" Lying will
get you nowhere?
the lies can become trust for commonplace people and also for
media and Authorities.
ho tempo di venire alla manifestazione ma posso presentare una
testimonianza di PRIMA MANO relativa a Saluggia
ed alla grande
dell'autunno 1994.
Intanto per prima
riferisco che tutti i mezzi di comunicazione, comprese le
rice-trasmittenti interne dei ferrovieri in servizio, alle dieci del
mattino del lunedì successivo all'esondazione massima, dicevano
che Torino era assolutamente isolata. Bene: entrando alle undici a
Milano Centrale con il treno di Bologna, inequivocabilmente si poteva
sentire l'altoparlante annunciare l'arrivo ... del treno da Torino!
(partito quindi ben prima delle dieci!)
Allora e per molto
tempo dopo
tutti i mezzi di comunicazione strillavano "Brandizzo! Brandizzo!".
Il treno -
"fantasma" secondo i
media - per Torino delle undici e venti era in perfettissimo orario,
dotato anche del carrellino "caffé. coca-cola ecc.” e passava
come se niente fosse con le ruote dentro l'acqua incrociando pure il
corrispettivo per Milano.
Ma chi era dentro
il treno dai
finestrini poteva ovviamente vedere bene quello che c'era fuori: ebbene
a Brandizzo NON c'era niente di speciale se confrontato con il mare che
copriva SALUGGIA.
(Di Saluggia
conseguenze di quell'alluvione se ne è parlato solo nel 2006:
undici anni dopo o quasi!)
Questo commento
era stato
spedito anche in inglese a una larga lista di corrispondenti esteri....
Risposte: nessuna né dall’Italia né da altrove!)
Queste altre testimonianze
iniziano dal 2000 e quindi non segnalano quanto possa aver contribuito
l'alluvione del 1994 all'inquinamento radioattivo di TUTTA la valle del
Po e dell'Adriatico, ma appaiono ben documentate e controllabili.
sono VIKY
UNIVERSO, parliamo di incidenti nucleari avvenuti in
dove si muore di
cancro... in percentuali elevate... rapportate al numero di abitanti.
sempre NON è nostra intenzione
stigmatizzare un
"colpevole" come causa
prima di un fenomeno o di un
altro, bandire una crociata a senso unico contro questo o
quello o quell'altro agente inquinante sia chemichal
che fisico fino
ad essere mutageno.
Approfittiamo invece
dell'evidenza di
queste anomalie per abbinarne la corrispondenza territoriale con
rilevamenti atti a individuarne una possibile causa. La RADIOATTIVITA'
è facilmente
misurabile anche
nelle sue variazioni
nel tempo attraverso
una metodica
tecnologicamente precisa:
un semplice contatore
è in grado di registrare
i grafici dell'andamento, e in questo caso ben si presta a venir
filmato perché dotato di un evidentissimo display molto ...
Autore delle fotografie di
piante deformi e
dei filmati linkati, il dottor Roberto
Topino scriveva:
fatto un giro
intorno a
casa mia e ho scritto alcuni brevi appunti.
di idee.
sentito più volte dire che le scorie dell’inceneritore
Gerbido di Torino potranno essere utilizzate come sottofondo
avrà bisogno di una discarica di servizio per rifiuti pericolosi
da circa 150.000 tonnellate all’anno. Quante strade vogliono fare? Come
gli è venuta un’idea simile? Non sarà mica che già
in passato qualche rifiuto speciale, magari radioattivo, è
finito nei sottofondi stradali?I
lavori più recenti, che comportano grandi movimenti di terra,
sono quelli in corso del passante ferroviario a Torino.
superiori a 0,60 µSv/h rivelano la presenza di una fonte
Finlandia la soglia di allarme è stabilita in 0,40 µSv/h.
adesso qualche tecnico comunale dirà che non c’è nessun
pericolo per la salute e che è solo come una radiografia alla
settimana… Non
dimentichiamo che il valore è stato riscontrato all’aperto e che
la fonte radioattiva si trova coperta da uno strato di cemento e
pietre, quindi già abbondantemente isolata.Cosa
c’è sotto?
Il contatore Geiger
passando dal centro
strada al
cantiere segnala che il dato sale vertiginosamentedi quasi 20
volte, fino a 1,48
L'ARPA ha dichiarato ai
giornali che la
radioattività del granito è "naturale" (!)
materiali da
quali il tufo ed il granito, sono naturalmente radioattivi, anche se in
misura generalmente debole. Vi è poi la possibilità che
alcuni materiali, quali i
tondini di ferro usati nelle armature di pavimenti e strutture portanti
siano contaminati da scorie radioattive durante il processo di fusione.
Incidenti come quello del giugno 1998 in una fonderia del sud della
Spagna, dove 'per sbaglio' sono finiti materiali ferrosi contenenti
Cesio-137 pongono in evidenza il pericolo di contaminazione. Come
l'elettrosmog, anche la radioattività è un
inquinante invisibile e non percepibileIndice di
attività che fornisce un valore complessivo pesato
(tenendo conto dell'energia specifica delle radiazioni emesse dai
singoli isotopi): I=ATh/200 + ARa/300 + AK/3000 (secondo la
raccomandazione Radiation Protection 112 della Commissione
Europea, questo indice deve essere almeno minore di 1) (vedi tabella)
in nessun modo
dall'uomo. Per
cautelarsi è possibile ricorrere a misure di
radioattività tramite opportuni strumenti, quali i
contatori Geiger. I certificati di analisi di radioattività dei
materiali da
costruzione dovrebbero indicare la radioattività dei principali
isotopi (Potassio 40, radio-226 e torio 232) ovvero il cosiddetto
che anche la radioattività dell'uranio è
"naturale", il fatto è che alcuni
ignari maneggiano
delle lastre radioattive senza aver ricevuto alcuna informazione sui
possibili rischi a cui sono esposti, in spregio delle severe (?) leggi
che dovrebbero prevenire gli infortuni e le malattie professionali.Il D.Lgs. 241/2000
l'obbligo di classificare gli ambienti di
lavoro sottoposti a regolamentazione per motivi di protezione contro le
radiazioni ionizzanti.Le
zone classificate
essere ZONE
classificata zona controllata ogni area di lavoro ove sussiste per i
lavoratori ivi operanti il rischio di superamento di uno qualsiasi dei
seguenti valori:- 6 mSv/anno per
globale o di equivalente di dose efficace;- 45 mSv/anno per
cristallino;- 150 mSv/anno
la pelle,
mani, avambracci, piedi, caviglie.E'
classificata zona sorvegliata ogni area di lavoro, che non debba
essere classificata zonacontrollata,
ove sussiste per i lavoratori ivi operanti il rischio di
superamento di uno qualsiasi dei seguenti valori- 1 mSv/anno per
globale o di equivalente di dose efficace;- 15 mSv/anno per
cristallino;- 50 mSv/anno
la pelle,
mani, avambracci, piedi, caviglie. Non
serve fare molti
calcoli per capire che l'area
classificata come zona sorvegliata.Il rispetto della
legge pare
essere opzional esi
preferisce non
allarmare i cittadini tacendo la verità
Ed ecco
il seguito:
giovedì 04 giugno 2009
ho parlato con un lavoratore di 30 anni, che per 7 anni si
è occupato della posa delle lastre di granito radioattivo. Se il
rischio per la popolazione secondo l'ARPA è nullo, come tre
radiografie in un anno (che non sono poche soprattutto per bambini e
gestanti), il rischio per chi ha lavorato per 7 anni quelle pietre
è stato sicuramente notevole. [Un] lavoratore ... è
disponibile a raccontare la sua storia. In particolare
riferisce di non
essere mai
stato informato
del fatto che quelle pietre erano radioattive. Le fattispecie di
penale cominciano ad essere numerose.
provvedimenti contro chi semina il terrore Allarme, il marciapiede è
mercoledì 27
maggio 2009 Spina 1, il caso
esplode sul web.
L'Arpa: vero, ma non c'è
pericolo di Federica Cravero
All'inizio era un
empirico divulgato sul web, adesso è arrivata la conferma
dell'Arpa: le pietre dei marciapiedi della Spina 1 sono radioattive.
Nessun pericolo per la salute dei cittadini, ma certo adesso sono in
molti a chiedersi se per le prossime pose non sia il caso di scegliere
altre pietre non radioattive.
È passato un mese da quando i primi allarmi sono stati lanciati
su internet da un medico che aveva scoperto alte concentrazioni di
radiazioni sulle lastre grigie che pavimentano corso Mediterraneo,
corso Lione e corso Castelfidardo, in prossimità del
Politecnico. Lastre di sienite,
una specie di granito
che secondo il progetto
coprirà tutta la lunghezza della Spina nata sopra il passante
Visto il tamtam che stava correndo tra i blog il Comune aveva
predisposto dei controlli sui marciapiedi.
E adesso che
abbiamo visto che non ci
sono pericoli per la
salute vedremo se prendere provvedimenti contro chi semina il
terrore, affermava l'assessore
all'Ambiente Domenico Mangone.
Armato di questo
giallo, che misura la
radioattività, un medico torinese aveva iniziato a percorrere le
strade della città e ormai da diverse settimane caricava i
filmati su internet. Luogo per luogo, mostrava i valori di
radioattività, di gran lunga superiori alla norma. Un caso su
tutti, quello del cantiere, che si estende nell'area tra corso Lione,
corso Mediterraneo e il Politecnico di Torino. Ora arriva la conferma.
La colpa è di queste lastre di granito, o meglio una particolare
tipologia: la sienite, che in questo caso contiene radionuclidi
naturali [uranofane: Ca(UO2)2[SiO3(OH)]2
5H2O: notare il simbolo chimico dell'OSSIDO DI URANIO] in
concentrazioni superiori alla media. Un fulmine a ciel sereno per il
che aveva predisposto la
pavimentazione con questa tipologia di granito per un lungo tratto. Ma
la preoccupazione tra chi abita in quelle zone aumentava di giorno in
giorno. Il tam tam sulla rete ha obbligato il comune ad un controllo
approfondito. Che ha di fatto confermato l'incremento dei livelli in
prossimità delle lastre. Roberto Topino, il
medico-reporter, era stato molto chiaro nella
descrizione dei filmati caricati su internet. Un valore superiore a
0.60 microsievert/ora, come si vede dall'apparecchietto in queste
immagini, rivela chiaramente la presenza di una fonte radioattiva. E
metteva in guardia sui pericoli per i lavoratori, che maneggiano tutti
i giorni lastre di fatto radioattive. A lui il merito di questa
scoperta. Il risultato è confermato
ufficialmente, pur ridimensionandone di molto i pericoli. Eppure
l'assessore all'ambiente del comune di Torino afferma che ora sta
studiando se prendere
provvedimenti... testualmente "contro chi semina il terrore".
- Roberto Topino -
mia moglie ed un collaboratore di Beppe Grillo, Marco Bava, abbiamo
deciso di fare un esposto per la questione della radioattività
riscontrata sul passante ferroviario. Il problema non riguarda tanto
i livelli
riscontrati, quanto il fatto che la radioattività non sia stata
misurata in fase di realizzazione dei marciapiedi e i lavoratori non
siano stati informati su cosa maneggiavano, senza dimenticare che
nessun cittadino era al corrente della presenza di una fonte
radioattiva. Per il momento
siamo in tre a
sottoscrivere l'esposto, probabilmente si uniranno anche alcuni
lavoratori del passante.
Il granito
radioattivo a Torino e la documentazione dell’ARPA
- per
saperne di più...
una mail del
24 luglio 2009:
città di Torino, con i lavori del passante ferroviario e
con le recenti ristrutturazioni, hanno messo granito radioattivo un po’
dappertutto: corso Mediterraneo, corso Castelfidardo, corso Lione, via
Po, via Garibaldi, piazza IV marzo, piazza Arbarello, corso Siccardi,
via Cernaia, piazza Castello, piazza Palazzo di Città, Porta
Palazzo e dintorni. “Casualmente” non lo hanno messo intorno alla nuova
Procura della Repubblica... Ho parlato con i
che materialmente hanno posato quel
granito e ho imparato a riconoscere quello radioattivo. Il granito
radioattivo è
buona parte costituito da Sienite
della Balma.
nome Sienite
deriva da Siene (Assuan
Egitto) da cui queste
hanno preso il nome, contiene quarzo in quantità tale da essere
fatta rientrare nelle gronodioriti. In Italia la Sienite tipica
è la Sienite della Balma, che costituisce una zona del plutone
di Biella differenziata da granito a monzonite... la Sienite della
è famosa in tutto il mondo per le sue caratteristiche di elevata
resistenza al calpestio, basti pensare che è stata usata in
Aeroporti, Porti (New York), Stazioni Ferroviarie (Milano Centrale,
Roma Termini), Piazze e Vie (Torino, Milano. ecc), sopratutto come
bordure a spacco, cubetti, e pietre di camminamento, ma anche come
pavimentazioni levigate, lucide, fiammate.
La Cava
di Sienite
Balma Gamma ha rappresentato sin dagli anni 50 il nome Sienite tra gli
operatori del settore. Quando si parla di Sienite è inevitabile
collegarlo al nome Gamma.
la supersfruttata
cava della Balma risulta "esaurita".)
Informazione privata:
strada è vietata quando si giunge nei
pressi delle cave ora in attività.
Il radon è
realtà il responsabile della maggior
parte della dose ricevuta dalla popolazione. • Si valuta che il
10-15 % dei
tumori polmonari in Italia siano
attribuibili al radon (è la seconda causa dopo il fumo). • Rappresenta
sicuramente, la componente radiologica di maggior
Un altro documento
parla del Radon Le campagne di
misure radon in
: Le misure nella Valle del
Cervo (BI) Si tratta di una
vallata alpina che si apre a nord della
città di Biella. Essa è caratterizzata dalla presenza di
quello che i geologi chiamano un plutone
cioè rocce
intrusive magmatiche, nelle quali
le concentrazioni di radionuclidi naturali (Uranio e Torio) sono superiori alla media.
Gli studi sulla presenza del radon in quest’area vennero condotti
inizialmente dall’Istituto di Fisica
Generale Applicata dell’Università di Milano.
Successivamente, approfondimenti vennero effettuati anche per
iniziativa dagli
e di Ivrea (ora
LSP di Vercelli ARPA),
in collaborazione con l’ARPA. In questa zona è
evidentissima la correlazione tra il substrato
roccioso presente e i livelli di radon: la granodiorite, detta anche Sienite
della Balma, contiene infatti una considerevole quantità di Uranio
Bq/kg circa)
e di Torio
(300 Bq/kg),
oltre che di K-40 (circa 1000 Bq/kg). Di conseguenza, notevoli sono
anche, in questa zona, i livelli di dose g: si possono infatti misurare
ratei di dose fino a 1 mGy/h. Per questi motivi, la Valle del
può senza dubbio considerarsi un’area ad alta
radioattività naturale, probabilmente paragonabile, per quanto
riguarda i livelli complessivi di dose (g+radon), a quelle ben
più note e famose nel mondo - ad esempio, il Kerala,
in India -
anche se di dimensioni estremamente ridotte e scarsamente abitata - una
buona parte delle abitazioni dei paesi della Valle fungono in
realtà da "seconda casa", occupate perlopiù nel periodo
estivo. Viene spontaneo chiedersi: ben
sapendo che quel granito era
tra i più radioattivi al mondo era il caso di utilizzarlo a
Torino, in aree frequentate e dove è possibile persino sedersi
sopra - vedi panchine
del parco della Reggia di
And here we add a link regarding
suggestions and ways to help harmed people: Criminal
This present file - so full
of new criminal data - can in exchange answer to this ask and improve
its learnings to support the general criminal knowledge.
interni di
argomento correlato in html e in pdf scaricabili Related
inner links html and
downloadable pdf:
the file or the
above-named files can be either duplicated or
reproduced on electronic supports, paper or any other form and can be
freely circulated under two conditions:
Whatever the
support employed, the books must be reproduced INTEGRAL and
both in their text and in their graphics; every change, omission or
integration of any sort cause the loss of permission to duplicate
and automatically turn into legal OFFENCES
provided for by the law in protection of copyright.
2) Any circulation of the
duplicates, whatever the support, must be FREE
dell'effettiva attività dei link si svolge in modo continuativo As every other
of this site, the review of links does continually checked.
dei link afferenti al sito
- e alle sue singole pagine To WATCH
the outbound links
toward site - and
its inner pages.
better share
the argument of the more evil
doings against children the
file , with general considerations and international facts
endorses FIRST HAND written testimonies and real family's
album. Any way since the uttter importance of this matter, parts of
files of this site regarding "children" will become
chapters of new thematic booklets published as up-dates of the Italian
book - pertaining to another site
This site and
the book do
NOT be a
fount of notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC
gather of different subjects coming from different
sources and shared by different
Authors: one another to
be read time by time, or better to
even for
need to specify meanings and keys of
reading introduces in
EVERY file in the site methodological and/or instructing/founding
additions: a rigorous methodological specification suggests to consider
as valid information - in decreasing order:
the concretely
documentable observations of
in default of objects
concreteness their shape
shown with images (*)
personal instinctive - not thought of -
spontaneous, unprepared, not
re-read first hand
movies and voice recorded data
direct media news - not
descriptive essays
and - far behind, in the last
position - the
Consequently in the site every image should
be also a link to the place it comes from and - as for every other link
- constantly watched and up-to-dated.
(**) "Oral" reports can
be videotaped and/or
voice recorded, but if only transcribed or reported
by a third person they lose their
primary characteristic of sure faithfulness.
Together with "deeds" and
"things" as
protagonists, the written first hand impromptu testimonies do be
of this whole work.
order to avoid futile debates on the AUTHENTICITY of the FIRST-HAND
reports, should be considered an assertion coming from the professional
experience: to bring up serious traumatic recalls it is easier to write
than to
We do not "grade"
suffering nor abuses: every harm is subjectively worth and should be
worthy cared; but our aim is to high lightly share the less common
harms and the most evil abuses: this page commits its mainly space to
experiments, structured abuses, military and spy drill
perpetrated on children.
On the site/books some
files/chapters endorse similar problems, but no one only isolated by
itself: the subjects regarding harms and dangers, regarding harmful ways and
tools, regarding help
and victims and, as this
one, a synthesis of those arguments do share alongside the one with the
Any way as just this
one, some files - which subject holds utter significant data - did
concealed damages and put on-line so transformed: then they will
be put on a
more firm PDF version to be also printed on paper.
Many files
and chapters - share some quotes and
pictures put forward onto one and another: not redundant but just on
purpose to
underline their message on presenting the same ideas or facts into
different contexts.
files begin with quotes
summarizing and/or only alluding to define basics and meaning, purpose
and disclaimer regarding Web site and related books, but a very
IMPORTANT totally DEDICATED page - Presentazione
e diffide/Press-release
- MUST be read
almost ever as key introduction of the whole matter - also integrated
with the
series of very differentiate aphorisms
as key
introduction of the whole
matter, and also continually under construction.