Links di organizzazioni e iniziative protettive / To protect links diAssociazione italiana,scientifica e giuridica,contro gli abusi mentali,fisici e tecnologici. è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale. Permessi ulteriori rispetto alle finalità della presente licenza possono essere disponibili presso /helplinks.htm. Links di organizzazioni e iniziative protettive / To protect linksMotore di ricerca del sito / Site Search Engine 29 settembre 2016 / September 29 2016 Indice
interno del
(*) nuovo: MOLTO IMPORTANTE / at great SIGNIFICANCE, (**) con aggiornamenti tempestivi / ever timely up-dated Alla fine
di novembre 2009 questo file era stato molto
danneggiato per cui non era possibile rilevarne la leggibilità e
le parole chiave. La versione attuale e corretta di questo file - 233Kb
- deriva da un'infinita nuova serie di correzioni: a parte il
recupero di danneggiamenti del testo stesso, il codice ne risultava
alterato da cancellazioni di parti significative - come il contatore
Shinystat e il Motore di ricerca interno al sito - e ancor più
da intrusioni assurde di di quantità di codificazioni nutili -
tanto che il file aveva raggiunto i 492 K In data 13 novembre 2013 è stato RICOSTRUITO una seconda volta con il reintegro della parte cancellata da #kidnapping in giù. Deve pure venir segnalato un elemento non "informatico" di disturbo: nel corso di una telefonata - 16 febbraio 2012 - ad un interlocutore veniva del tutto impedito - come per un'afasia temporanea - di pronunciare la parola "class action" E' stato aggiornaro un link molto significativo riguardante Wikipedia e l'ingiusta introduzione di quattro importanti Website nella sua blacklist / Up-dated with a very significant but inappropriate link regarding Wikipedia and its blacklist. Vedi inoltre la / look at Una denuncia della "violenza diretta dell'uomo sull'uomo": STUPRI-DI-GUERRA: i figli dell'odio Direttamente dalla rete si può pure scaricare, stampare e leggere in tablet o e-book la traduzione in italiano del libro di Regina Louf - Silenzio.Qui si uccidono bambini! Il
file prima
nominato Pseudo-misteri
coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological
targets ora è in rete
sdoppiato nella parte italiana - Aggressioni
pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici - e in
quella in
inglese, anzi triplicato perché
questa parte in italiano, molto
ampliata e
curata, è stata caricata anche in un pdf anch'esso con il titolo Aggressioni
pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici raggiungibile in
rete e
leggibile come eBook.
Direttamente dalla rete si può pure scaricare, stampare e leggere in tablet o e-book la traduzione in italiano del - Silenzio. Qui si uccidono bambini! Presupposti / premises Si
diffida dal copiare o usare in altri modi senza esplicito
permesso ogni
contenuto del sito o anche singole parti. Le
citazioni presentate non indicano necessariamente la nostra piena
D'altra parte gli elenchi segnalati non pretendono di essere esaustivi. Di riscontro ci sono state segnalate maldestre copiature di nostri file citate come di pertinenza di altri siti con i quali NON abbiamo diretti contatti, anzi dei quali non avevamo alcuna notizia. Nel nostro sito si trattano argomenti molto seri e pericolosi: Darli in pasto in modo irresponsabile arbitrariamente modificati e/o tagliati a un pubblico qualunque sotto altre - non sempre altrettanto serie - etichette come fonte originaria, può portare grave danno non solo a noi stessi e a chi viene citato impropriamente, quanto e ben di più a tutta la causa per cui si lavora: ecco da cui la necessità assoluta di Copyright. Please do not copy or re-use without permission. All rights reserved. All Content
unless otherwise
site and every inner files are Copyright; more over the ones which
subjects are not only
serious as much also dangerous:
we warn every one to copy and paste without
asking ourselves - moreover without
quoting our REAL SOURCE - as happened more than once besides also
and/or into awkward sites.
is not necessarily
endorsement. / This listing is not
meant to be comprehensive.
sites and
publications, quotations from persons
and Institutions and publications
are endorsed coming from direct advices as well as from alert
surveys.To manage meaning and implications of the crucial FIRST HAND testimonies, besides to check every inconsistent debate regarding their validation: on EVERY file does appear this quote: to note that for some victims it is often easier to write than to speak |
sito e il/i libro/i
che ne derivano mirano infatti NON a fornire
dati di pura "curiosità", ma - sia pure indirettamente -
per contrastare
conseguenze delle evoluzioni
più bieche della distruttività
se non malvagità
sito e libri non sono quindi solo
"teoria", ma d'altra parte proprio come tali divengono oggetto di
conflittualità che
si concretizza in altri "fatti" e non solo in dispute
E così in conformità a
presupposti sono stati molto modificati se
non composti di sana pianta altri file con nuove
informazioni di fatti, e con testi
autentici di testimonianze
ancora in
corso d'opera. Obbiettivo di questo sito,
portavoce dell'Associazione,
pertanto quello di trovare e connettere
in un insieme - logico, aggiornato e
fattivo ogni documentazione inerente ad aspetti limitati ma con il preciso
intento non
certo di difenderli come "assoluti" e esclusivi ma di fornirne il
massinmo di rintracciabilità attraverso una sempre puntuale e
aggiornata amplissima offerta di LINK di prima mano sulle autentiche
fonti delle informazioni presentate.
Non si tratta infatti di
un'opera "compiuta" ma di una raccolta di materiale attuale e in
continuo divenire: chiediamo
quindi di
commentare e
soprattutto di AGGIUNGERE
che potremmo di volta in volta prendere in considerazione diretta
professionale e/o immettere nel sito.
Working on a so tangled field every assunption has to be continually revised: to be better informed any way each suggestion must be thanked even if faced WITH RESERVATION - look at Other Web sites Announcement_ there are web sites about the crime of organized stalking and electronic harassment (which includes the sub-crime called "mind control") which display either serious misinformation (not intentionally false) or serious disinformation (intentionally false.) |
La spiegazione più semplice per lo più non è la migliore / Warning: never the the simplest solution is the best.[We must preserve our FREEDOM OF MIND and believe that CAN BE POSSIBLE what we deem to be ABSURD] History will have to record that the Greatest Tragedy of this period of Social Transition was NOT the strident clamor of the Bad People, but the APPALLING SILENCE of the good people. OUR THEORIES" Tutti i siti e pubblicazioni e nominativi segnalati come di "protezione e di aiuto" sono giunti alla nostra attenzione in via diretta o da riscontri bibliografici, accertati sì con la massima attenzione, ma da rivedersi di continuo alla luce di ulteriori dati. Questo quindi NON significa sempre piena FIDUCIA: data l'enorme ampiezza e la scarsa conoscenza di questi argomenti OGNI segnalazione va ringraziata ma presa con BENEFICIO DI INVENTARIO e comunque di continuo discussa e riprecisata. E se precisiamo di non aver bisogno di personalità forti né di eroi, neanche - o forse TANTO MENO, come invece viene affermato in una mail ricevuta - abbiamo bisogno di confonderci le idee con spiegazioni minimizzanti o pseudo-razionalizzazioni. Citando parzialmente persino filosofi del XIV secolo e/o teorie filosofiche discettanti su eventuali non pertinenti teoriche CAUSE PRIME, sarà pur vero che nel campo delle "cause" o di principi matematici Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate, ma dal lato operativo invece questo contrasta e rende ben più difficile cercare di descrivere al meglio situazioni e fatti molto concreti. Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate Rasoio di Occam Il rasoio di Occam (Ockham's razor) è il nome con cui viene contraddistinto un principio metodologico espresso nel XIV secolo dal filosofo e frate francescano inglese William of Ockham (noto in italiano come Guglielmo di Ockham). Oppure
non è meglio
quanto detto da QUALCUNO ancor più antico ma ben più
è breve, l'arte lunga.
l'esperienza ingannevole, il giudizio difficile...
presupposti di
clinica, diagnosi, etiopatogenesi e
quindi se possibile terapia...
in /Look in DUBBI
file/capitolo Testimonianze
e dubbi)Scopo ben preciso di questo lavoro - che ha preso origine non da ricerche fumose ma da ben delimitati casi di persone sofferenti - non è certo infatti quello di disquisire su teoriche cause, ma di riconoscere la natura concreta delle sofferenze stesse per così poter al meglio venire in aiuto di ciascuno in modo individualizzato e pertinente. In considerazione di ciò e tenendo conto della enome non solo vastità ma anche multifattorialità dei problemi, l'Associazione e i suoi mezzi di diffusione non possono certo configurarsi come scorrevoli romanzi a lieto fine o neanche come trattati filosofici portavoce di una o di un'altra presa di posizione: per questo il sito e i libri, pur dando luogo ad un contesto unitario, vanno utilizzati come Enciclopedia, o Vocabolario o Catalogo, "frammentati" come sono in ben differenti file/capitoli di ben differente origine - ribadiamo: ORIGINE non CAUSALITà - con descrizioni esatte di "prima mano" od anche con interi file/capitoli "ospitati" altrui. All
sites and
publications, quotations from persons
and Institutions and publications
are endorsed coming from direct advices as well as from alert surveys.
But on working on a so tangled field every assunption has to be
continually revised: to be better informed any way each suggestion
must be thanked even if faced WITH
RESERVATION, mostly since it is so easy to mix-up and
then validate tdifferences
Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate... Therefore
in other words
does again and again stated that the
aims of this
endeavour are NOT to
supply data purely for the sake of
curiosity, but to
the more
evil and sinister workings of human cruelty: within lies
not only “theory” but “FACTS”
and such
conflict sometimes becomes not only "theoretical". It is to be stated
that this
work does NOT be a mere fount of second hand notices but an
gather of different original subjects: one another to be read time by
time, or
better to be CONSULTED
even for learning: to secure this informing aim, the Web site will
always be maintained under speedy and diligently revised
re-construction, also and perhaps mostly helped by directly - since really time by
time people had to lament hindrances on looking through,
not only asking to be better orientated. The
aim of our
work and then of our site is THE MORE to hold and suggest the maximum
also with not so common place references. We hope to
be enough cautious to select only sure ones:
but we solicit everyone to
send us every comment or - moreover - criticism. The whole work's aim
is primarily to share data and knowledge the most timely and largely:
and this purpose is widely obtained by our largest submission of LINKS;
our source not
only profits
by published scripts and articles: instead
sets up the most on FIRST-HAND
knowledge of facts as well by direct advices or
least to debate suggestion given by personal interlocutors.
"first hand" does not mean a simple definition: our basic aim is to
work with precise PERSONS sincerely witnessing facts or
asking for not deceiving PERSONAL help. It is again to
say and assume thoroughly that at any case our
care prefers
to keep away from general questions for going instead on
PERSONAL behalf and that only secondary
is theAssociation's
approach to recognize
the instruments
for harming and the culprits: any way hoping to offer
consolidate this knowledge to the most possible wide extent
of people.
grasp at any little
possibility, even if it is a false
possibility is one of the feds' most
weapons for protecting
against discovery
from one or another facet of this so tangled field raised
the Association and
its Web
site and books but - on
compelling purpose - considering the variety of "mental,
bodily and technological" abused victims claims on
this perspective accepts
the assortment
of so multifarious and in progress documentation, it does not accept to
deny the reality of the variety of different
contexts and cases
- sometimes utterly disparate - of "mental and/or bodily and/or
technological Abuses". Site and books are so composing an Encyclopedic
miscellaneous entirety, not a smoothly fluent "esay-to-read" novel-like
story: then this
justifies the large amount of
files/chapters, each one belonging and referring to a very different
situations and a very diffeent way to document - see the "first hand"
quotes into many files/chapters and the assortment of totally "foreign
guests files/chapters" put on-line or printed into books. Every input
of comments or of debates does be every time the most welcome
to aid on focusing bettere and more incisively the attention even on
forgotten details; any way we don't like "stars" nor "heroes", besides
more strongly we reject THEORIES
instead of OBSERVATIONS,
well every invite to
simplify and coerce different
deeds and different causes of them
into an
unified bunch, even if assuming very ancient and/or biased Authors
razor states as principle that the explanation
of any
phenomenon should make as few assumptions as possible, eliminating
those that make no difference in the observable predictions of the
explanatory hypothesis or theory - "entia non sunt multiplicanda
necessitatem", roughly translated
as "entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity". An alternative
version Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate
"plurality should not be posited without necessity".
... Karl Popper argues that a preference for simple theories need not appeal to practical or aesthetic considerations. Our preference for simplicity may be justified by his falsifiability criterion: We prefer simpler theories to more complex ones "because their empirical content is greater; and because they are better testable" (Popper 1992). With
all due
respect to all the
and our circumstances, this kind of rhetoric gives victims more
hopelessness and more suicides. We don't need egos or heros right now,
which I suspect is the reason [someone] doesn't want anyone else's
truth out
there on some level.
is a strange thing.
who has none, grasps at any little
possibility, even if it is a false possibility, because they really
want some hope. Almost all of the victims are so confused and
frustrated, even hopeless, that they frequently grasp at the ridiculous
and absurd. I truly have had trouble keeping things realistic in
own mind, but even through all I have been through I mostly have kept a
good (though tenuous at times) grasp on reality. ... Most
listen and
continue to over think their situations. ... The feds have just
"simulated" mind reading by transmitting low-volume microwave auditory
effect-based voice communications and ghost-image-type visual
projections to fool the unwary victims into thinking that the voices
and images originated internally. They didn't, but then the
discuss those things like they did originate internally, and brainwash
the victims into believing it, and that's where the "mind reading"
claims come from. .... And anyone who claims the
government is reading their mind is immediately dismissed as a nutcase.
need to all get it right, or their never going to be taken seriously.
... One of the
victims is desperate to get relief so much that
he goes off on wild, and useless, tangents, much like many of the
victims. He
helps his attackers by destroying his own
credibility. It's one of the feds' most effective weapons
against discovery by those - courts etc. - most able to help us.
Il sonno della ragione produce mostri? Allora non ci si deve stancare di rimanere VIGILANTI, VIGILANTI, VIGILANTI; non ci si deve accontentare delle affermazioni altrui e neanche delle proprie - non documentate - sensazioni. DUBBI e ATTENZIONE A LARGO RAGGIO devono essere sempre le principali guide. Sleeping reason breeds monsters and monsters? Then it is compelling to WATCH, to WATCH. to WATCH. Ever should be accepted not documented mere asserptions together with not enough probed even own feelings. DOUBTS must be ever the foremost GUIDES for sustaining to MIND and WIDE RANGE AWARENESS. Il sonno della Sueños y Discursos de verdades descubridoras de abusos, vicios y engaños en todos los oficos y estados del mundo: dal titolo esteso autografo sul disegno preparatorio. Il commento del Maestro, conservato al Museo del Prado di Madrid, riporta, a proposito di questa tavola: |
From: "Ms. Hannah Joshua"
<> Subject: 2011 World Congress on Human Trafficking,Prostitution and Sex Work invitation... Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2011 20:51:53 -0700 Reply-To: Sender: The GLOBO WOMENS AID
owed compensation in CIA case, judge told January
11, 2007, Globe and Mail (One of Canada's leading newspapers) Patients
were put in isolation, tied down or drugged, and subjected to hours and
hours of taped recordings meant to brainwash them at the behest of the
Central Intelligence Agency. They were subjected to massive
electroshocks, experimental drugs and LSD, most of them unwilling and
unknowingly part of the U.S. spy agency's experimentation. Now it's
time for the federal government to compensate those victims, lawyer
Alan Stein argued. Mr. Stein is seeking court approval for a
class-action lawsuit on behalf of his client, Janine Huard, one of the
hundreds of patients of Ewen Cameron to be subjected to the Cold
War-era experiments. "She never knew ... that she was being used by Dr.
Cameron and his staff as a guinea pig," Mr. Stein told the court. The
CIA ... recruited Dr. Cameron to experiment with mind-control
techniques beginning in 1950. The experiments ... were jointly funded
by the CIA and the Canadian government. They were part of a larger CIA
program called MK-ULTRA,
which also saw LSD administered to U.S. prison inmates and patrons of
brothels without their knowledge. Ms. Huard was one of nine Canadian
victims who received nearly $67,000 (U.S.) from the CIA in 1988 to
compensate her for her suffering. But her claim for compensation from
the federal government ... was rejected three times. In 1994,
77 patients were awarded $100,000 each from the federal government, but
more than 250 others were denied compensation because they were not
"totally depatterned."
this article fails to
mention is that Dr.
Cameron was also the president of
both the American Psychiatric
the World Psychiatric
For more reliable information, click here
The torture report’s executive summary
describes in detail the acts and
omissions of CIA health professionals who violated their professional
ethics, undermined the critical bond of trust between patients and
doctors, and broke the law. Based on PHR’s detailed review of the SSCI
summary, health professionals who participated in the CIA torture
program violated core ethical principles common to all healing
professions, including the following obligations.
The torture report’s executive summary describes in detail the acts and omissions of CIA health professionals who violated their professional ethics, undermined the critical bond of trust between patients and doctors, and broke the law. Based on PHR’s detailed review of the SSCI summary, health professionals who participated in the CIA torture program violated core ethical principles common to all healing professions, including the following obligations:
... Health Professionals
May Have Committed
War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity
Abuse by Health Professionals The SSCI summary indicates
that CIA
health professionals – psychologists, physicians (including
psychiatrists), and physician assistants – directly participated in the
CIA’s torture program and were central to its development and
implementation, as well as attempts to justify the use of torture. The
SSCI summary documents unethical and
illegal acts perpetrated by CIA health professionals, including:
1) Designing, directing, and profiting from the torture program: Psychologists conceptualized and designed the CIA torture techniques, then helped implement the program, receiving a sole- source, multi-million dollar CIA contract for these services. 2) Intentionally inflicting harm on detainees: Health professionals intentionally inflicted and/or threatened to inflict severe harm and suffering on detainees in CIA custody. 3) Enabling DoJ lawyers to create a fiction of “safe, legal, and effective” interrogation practices: Health professionals participated in the DoJ’s Office of Legal Counsel’s spurious legal rationale that the techniques would not be considered torture so long as health professionals certified they were not. 4) Engaging in potential human subjects research to provide legal cover for torture: Health professionals collected and analyzed data from application of techniques in an effort to legitimize torture. OMS officials expressed concern that these documentation practices could constitute illegal human subjects research. Senior CIA officials who were asked to evaluate the efficacy of the tactics expressed similar concerns. 5) Monitoring detainee torture and calibrating levels of pain: Health professionals monitored, documented, and calibrated the intentional infliction of harm on detainees. 6) Evaluating and treating detainees for purposes of torture: Health professionals evaluated and treated detainees before, during, and after torture in order to enable the torture to occur. 7) Conditioning medical care on cooperation with interrogators: Health professionals provided medical care that was contingent upon whether or not detainees were deemed to have cooperated with interrogators. 8) Failing to document physical and/or psychological evidence of torture: Health professionals did not document the torture inflicted on detainees, which served to conceal the tactics’ harmful effects. |
Dopo il 1989, decine
di migliaia
di spie degli ex Kgb, Stasi, Sigurimi, Kds, Sb, Stb, Securitate
Ma, quasi subito, sono state arruolate
in una sorta di nuova Odessa, in un'interagenzia voluta e diretta dagli
ex gerarchi sovietici. I loro scopi sono quelli di proteggere i capi in
fuga e - con le immense
quantità di vauta pregiata
trafugate e trasferite su conti numerati in banche di paradisi fiscali
- di riconquistare il potere dove sarà possibile. E,
è già avvenuto in alcuni Paesi e - non manu militari - in
Kazakistan. Lo
militare è
in forte aumento nei cinque continenti. Tentativi e organizzazioni di cura / Healing OrganizationThe International
Society for the
Study of Trauma and Dissociation has recently approved the
formation of a Ritual
Abuse/Mind Control Interest Group.
mission of the Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Interest Group is to further
dialogue, knowledge, research, and training on the etiology,
evaluation, and effective treatment of trauma and dissociation in
clients reporting histories of ritual abuse or mind control. Our scope
is to further these goals within the International Society for the
Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) and to work with ISSTD to
disseminate this knowledge worldwide among professionals and the public.
One must be a full or student member of ISSTD to join our interest
1993, we
have been to destructive cults,
fundamentalism, mind
control, and
mental coercion/torture what Amnesty
International has been to physical torture. F.A.C.T.Net
(Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network) is
non-profit news
referral service,
and archive. Breaking
News and Information
on Cults and Mind Control since 1993. Terrorism
Committed by Cults. Understanding
Influence, Cults, New
Religious Movements, and Other
Information Bookstore THE
Child Pornography (CP) is of
HUGE importance,
but it has longbeen niggling at me how LITTLE is actually spoken of the
EFFECTS on the victims. Telling their subjective experience. Statistics
are quoted of the billion dollar industry in CP, of exposing and
pornography rings and the efforts of communities and agencies in doing
this. Now and then we read newspaper articles of the arrrest of a
or if one is to be released back into a community - but
his victims. All so very commendable and needed and hopefully will
even MORE effective, but what of the Children who now are ADULTS, who
may, or may not, have memories of their secret past?
(Vedi anche: CAPTIVE DAUGHTERS dedicated to ending the sex trafficking of children, Captive Daughters Reading List)
We are aware of several perpetrators and witnesses who took part in black magic masses," a public prosecutor, Georg Jungling told the German television channel ZDF. Horst Roos, the head public prosecutor in Trier, said the inquiry was launched eight months ago, after several witnesses approached the police. These
pages are divided into 6 sections. These
pages were created
by a number of ritual abuse survivors. We are a varied group from all
of the world. Both male and female, singletons and multiples. We are
engineers, teachers, nurses, homemakers, students, lawyers, therapists
and more. What we share is a desire to heal and to share what helped us
with others.... Programming
is an intrinsic element in forcing people to participate and later
be afraid to leave the cult or come forward. The abuse is systematic
and designed to bind the child to the cult. Members of
try to create a new reality for the child based on fear.They
set out to create multiple personalities which they can
e protezione
First they ignore you... Then they laugh at you....Then they fight you... Then you win - Mahatma Gandhi Nazione: Canada/Usa Anno: 2002 Genere: Documentario Regia: Michael Moore Trama: Il ricco,
e vergognoso
mercato delle armi da fuoco è il nuovo obiettivo preso di mira
celebre documentarista americano Michael Moore. Partendo dalla strage
della Columbus
High School, dove nel 1999 tredici alunni furono
massacrati da
due compagni, Moore traccia un preoccupante bilancio.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 289-298) and index ¢8! p. of plates . Rev. ed. of: A father, a son, and the CIA. 1988. Brainwashing -- Quebec (Province) -- Montreal -- Cameron, Ewen 1901-1967 -- Allan Memorial Institute. United States. Central Intelligence Agency Working ... Rosalie Bertell Jerry Smith Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy New Religions, Deviance, Social Movements, 'Cults'): Phone: (780) 492-2204, Fax: (780) 492-7196, E-Mail: One of the keys to breaking cycles of violence is our willingness to acknowledge and come to terms with complexity. Project
Media Matrix Truth In The Media, Justice In The World.
mission of Project Media
Matrix is
to expose how the Media Establishment and the Media
Evil from you and me; expose that
Evil; and stop it. )
Sullivan's: My
autobiography, Unshackled: A Survivor's Story of Mind Control Dandelion
in 2003 by
non-fictional account of
Kathleen Sullivan's
experiences as part of a criminal network that includes Intelligence
military personnel, doctors and mental health professionals contracted
by the military and the CIA, criminal cult leaders and members,
pornographers, drug dealers and Nazis.
"guest file" of Kathleen
Sullivan's page:
recovery and
screen memories also chapter 32 of the book It's
Abuse NOT Science fiction
also present as file/chapter 20 on another site
and Reflections In The Night: A Survivor's Story of Total Mind Controlled Slavery and Torture Mind Justice at Formerly Citizens
Against Human Rights Abuse
Renamed February 2004 (Not affiliated with UC Davis Mind Institute) A human rights group working for the rights and protections of mental integrity and freedom from new technologies and weapons which target the mind and nervous system. INTERNATIONAL INTELLIGENCE NETWORK PRESS RELEAS AI Index: IOR 40/032/2002 (Public News Service No: 180 10 October 2002) UN: tougher measures needed on export of small arms and light weapons. Vedi in proposito alcuni dei siti - in parte già segnalati sopra - a cui far riferimento: Mind Control: Simple to Complex Educate-Yourself
Informazioni 'Stalking'Other Governmental Surveillance Agencies
Bibliography of An Appraisal of the Technologies of Political Control Una diffida
contro le troppo
facili denunce e esecrazioni:
In un certo
senso convegni
e conventicole su Echelon (es.Pamio, Nexus
ecc.) ecc, non sono altro che la pubblicità
a questo possibile sistema
di controllo che diviene anche di morte e negazione delle più
elementari libertà conquistate dall'Umanità.: riconoscimento e modelli di intervento Copyright © Modena Group on Stalking 2004 Programma DAPHNE 2000-2003 Misure preventive dirette a combattere la violenza contro i bambini, gli adolescenti e le donne. Progetto di ricerca: Donne vittime di stalking e helping professions: riconoscimento e modelli di intervento. , 10-11 SETTEMBRE 2004 Palazzo Ducale dell’Accademia Militare Convegno del 10-11 settembre 2004: programma Unusual symptoms, technological and covert harassment encompasses a wide range of electronic harassment and gang stalking crimes which have become epidemic along with the corruption of governmentand private organizations, and plaguingus all since the late 20th century. It includes but is NOT limited to current day mind control. Molto
e disorganizzato, non troppo attendibile e poco
aggiornato / not so responsible, never timely up-dated and very ill-defined:
Ma peggio: non soltanto ben poco
affidabile, ben poco
aggiornato e
critico, forse persino
doppio-giochista e ambiguo in quanto si presta a venir
con il portale Mind
ControlStop Covert War* presentato nel link successivo) e - quindi fortunatamente non più attivo - era il: Mind
Control Forums e le sue pagine interne - Resources/Other
owned by Allen
mathematician and mind control victim) with a series
of articles
intended to give
MC victims ideas for how to resist
and heal despite the ongoing torture. I hope it also helps other
citizens understand the situation better and what these victims have to
endure.Vedi anche - con analoga cautela - altri siti come questo del WebRing. Not reliable, scarcely up-dated, bad reviewed and perhaps double-crossing was - the probably and luckely no more active - Mind Control Forums with its Resources/Other sites. As well the other sites of its WebRing to be watched with caution. : Dal link
di ricerca del sito
July 14-16, 2005 (Madrid, Spain) October 2005 (date to be determined - Cleveland, Ohio) Summer 2006 (date to be determined - Denver, Colorado). Attendees and speakers at AFF conferences are diverse, including academicians, helping professionals, former group members, current group members, families, clergy, educators, and others. VIOLENZE LEGALI / Legalized Abuses Media
Control by Noam
Chomsky Out of Print--Limited Availability. Propaganda
is to a democracy what the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state
-- in
other words, the means by which leaders keep the masses in line.
looks at American propaganda efforts and reveals how falsification
of history, suppression of information, and the promotion of vapid,
concepts have become standard operating
procedure for the
of the United States -- both Democrats and Republicans -- in their
to prevent citizens from raising awkward questions about U.S. policy.
Un libro-intervista in cui Chomsky, monumento ultrasettantenne della controcultura, non risparmia nessuno: dai media, sostenitori occulti e proni delle strategie del potere, conniventi a volte loro malgrado nelle «ipocrisie» con cui si offrono i fatti all'opinione pubblica; agli inganni e i paradossi del capitalismo e della democrazia; ai reali moventi delle élite; alla miopia degli intellettuali che non vedono o non vogliono vedere le dinamiche del mondo che devono spiegare. Possono apparire "fiabeschi" gli apologhi presentati in altri romanzi di Stefano Benni - vedi Baol. Una tranquilla notte di regime - ma come ben più realistico va segnalato questo libro italiano di appassionata e pessimistica denuncia: Margherita Dolcevita Autore: Stefano Benni Editore: Feltrinelli da confrontare a sua volta con il libro della reporter Lucia Vastano Tutta un'altra musica in casa Buz Salani): romanzato ma non fiabesco, realisticamente ambientato tra Pakistan e Afganistan. by Helmut Lammer, Marion Lammer Vittime italiane
Fra peace Francesca Valerio Invernizzi Gianna discorso tortura WMA PLEASE INVESTIGATE: TARGET INDIVIDUAL FRANCESCA INVERNIZZI Italia parla: verità celate. Targered individual Wikileagks pubblica 100 testimonianze Freedom isn't free, and Silence is Consent!! This
crime is called "organized stalking and electronic harassment", or
OS/EH for short. This web site is about the fight to expose and stop
Because part of the electronic harassment includes equipment which is
capable of influencing and attacking the brain and nervous system, some
call the electronic portion "mind control". Some call the entire OS/EH
crime "mind control", but there is much more to the crime than the
"mind control" sub-category. Some feel that "electronic assault" is a
better name for the electronic phase, with good reason. Other names for
the non-electronic side of the crime are group stalking, vigilante
stalking, or cause stalking.
In un sito - -
in passato molto popolare ma ora non più attivo, venivano segnalati
numerosissimi file sia interni sia un'ampia - abbastanza
aggiornata e
internazionale - selezione di link, forum e bibliografie: da
considerarsi però con molta
cautela in quanto vi si trovano alla
opinioni azzardate
e collegamenti
di causa-effetto ancora più azzardati presentati
sicuri dati di fatto. Vi si trovano scorribande in campi "immaginari"
e confusi nelle due direzioni: idee deliranti prese sul serio e
tecnologici concreti e commerciabili(vedi
in Links
e citazioni
su segnali
di pericolo) indicati invece come eventi
e procedimenti
N^Molti file oeuna curìtati cineOther Web Sites sono stati annullati gli elenchi dei "siti esterni" da segnalare come bibliografia per l'imgpossibilità di valutarne l'attendibilità. ...
the considerable amount of ongoing
work to periodically review other sites, to see if the
information there is of good quality. This is essential, because at
this point in time, there are web sites about the crime of organized
stalking and electronic harassment (which includes the sub-crime called
"mind control") which display either serious
misinformation (not intentionally false) or serious disinformation
(intentionally false.) Without being able to do the
review of the many sites now on the web, I have decided to withdraw
this "other sites" listing. I recommend that those searching the web
for other sites use
these following criteria for evaluating information
discoverd by
way of search engine finds.
Comunque di quanto
resta di questo
file va
segnalato il contenuto di diffida e le indicazioni di
attendibilità / on this file are reccomended the
criteria for evaluating information discoverd by
of search engines
Message to Mind Control Perpetrators PERPETRATOR Questionnaire (Vedi anche - tratto da un altro sito - il significativo link Svali speaks, nonché i video in cui una ex-appartenente alla setta degli ILLUMINATI descrive la sua esperienza: A cui va aggiunto: I Sold My Soul To Rock'n'Roll (& Mind Control) nel cui CD è incluso anche il testo completo del non più attivo Illuminati news. Potrete leggere in inglese molte testimonianze nei siti sotto citati: Ritual Abuse Newsletter S.M.A.R.T P O Box 1295 Easthampton, MA 01027 USA Information on our 2009 conference Extreme Abuse Survey Research Leggete comunque molto attentamente: SOME
ASPECTS OF ANTI PERSONNEL ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS World Medical Association Statement on Weapons and the Relation to Life and Health Adopted by the 48th
Assemble Somerset
West, Republic
South Africa, October 1996 In Europa: PETITION
Albert Einstein, physicien, Prix Nobel 1921 4rd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS - OCTOBER 2006, GREECE Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: opportunities and uncertainties. Nanotechnologies bring great potential and need for responsible development. Nanotechnology offers many potential benefits, but its development must beguided by appropriate safety assessmements and regulation to minimise any possible risks to people and the environment, according to a report published today (29 July 2004) by the Royal Society and theRoyal Academy of Engineering. 'on the Ethical Aspects of ICT Implants in the Human Body' (16/03/2005) (German Translation also available) EGE 2005 - 2009 : New MANDATE Réseau
Si parla - e
- di un
incombente Nuovo
ordine mondiale
attribuendone l'identità a uno Stato
e ad
un Governo piuttosto che ad un altro. Ma è ben più
che il tutto sia da presentarsi come viene benissimo riassunto nel Blog di Beppe
del 14 giugno 2006 La
testa del
occulto e distorto...
dietro cui c’è solo un’apparente giustificazione: la ragion di
Stato. Un
dubbio di fondo però ci assale: ma di
Da ricordare ancora il sito dell'Unione
Europea: Vedi anche - ma con riserva e cautela
- i file / capitoli : Resilienza / ResilienceFull-Text Publications
The International Resilience Project: Findings from the Research and the Effectiveness of Interventions A shift from pathology to resilience Edith H. Grotberg, Ph.D. Senior Scientist Civitan International Research Center, UAB Una serie di libri italiani sulla resilienza Una citazione - leggermente modificata e generalizzta - tratta da un sito sportivo: Si
definisce resilienza la capacità di resistere alle
dell’allenamento, allo stress delle gare e in generale alle
della vita. Tale capacità permette di elaborare risposte
adeguate e flessibili di adattamento a situazioni nuove o vissute come
in particolare se traumatiche. In questa prospettiva, la resilienza si
configura come un processo che permette la ripresa di un sano sviluppo
dopo un evento traumatico e nonostante la presenza di situazioni
sfavorevoli. Possiamo affermare che la resilienza rappresenta per la
psiche quello che il sistema immunitario è per il corpo: un efficace
sistema di difesa.
In generale lo sportivo resiliente possiede le seguenti
caratteristiche: attitudine a orientarsi verso l’allenamento, invece
che ripiegarsi su se stesso; capacità di attribuirne significati
propensione a ricercare strategie creative di fronte alle
I fattori proattivi comprendono tre dimensioni: dimensione biologica
(risorsa della personalità), dimensione psicologica (esperienza
attaccamento sicuro, autostima e autoefficacia, attitudine ad
apprendere dall’esperienza),
dimensione sociologica (importanza delle relazioni familiari, amicali,
presenza di rete di relazioni formali e informali). Il sintesi lo
sportivo resiliente tende ad affrontare i problemi in
modo costruttivo e non
subisce gli
avvenimenti lasciandosi condizionare dall’ambiente e dalle esperienze
vissute nel passato.
della Il
Trauma Psichico: tra
Resilienza e Vulnerabilità
N. Lalli, S. Ingretolli © 2007 su web Molto importante è il concetto di RESILIENZA
che è
piú della
capacità di resistere alla distruzione proteggendoci da
difficili, è in ugual modo la possibilità di reagire
a scapito delle difficoltà e la voglia di di costruire
la forza interiore propria degli essere umani. Non è solo
a tutti i costi, ma la l'abilità ad usare l´esperienza
dalle situazioni difficili per impiegarla in processi
e di recupero... [Bisogna]incominciare a diffondere il concetto di
per contribuire alla comprensione del fatto che ogni persona possiede
caratteristica, ma da tutti noi dipende che possa
sviluppata, se
ci concediamo mutualmente la
possibilitá di
farlo. Da non equivocare però il concetto di
meccanicistica di "non fare una piega", bensì con la
dirispondere alle avversità in modo costruttivo [che] presuppone
la disponibilità a lasciarsi 'ammaccare' dagli avvenimenti,
il dolore quanto basta per elaborare una risposta
trasformativ (di sé e della
situazione urtante)
che NON conduce certamente alla restaurazione
dello stato iniziale, ma ad un superiore
livello di
solidità e consapevolezza.(A proposito di "non
fare una piega" vedi una diretta
inquietante di "personalità multipla" in Testimonianze
e dubbi)
(Vedi ad
in Témoignges
et récits)
In several German cities there are complaints of serious physical injury [from microwave weapons-EW]. One attorney represents the interests of many victims. About 40 victims have built a community of interests. We are aware of many cases with amazing similarities that have been reported in the last few months. We have names and addresses of many victims and the circumstances of the cases. We also have the names and addresses of some perpetrators. "Questa
interessi" tedesca,
molto attiva, ha come referente il dr.Reinhart
Munzert - Email: )
Tecnologie di Disattivazione e Protezione / Technologies to protectPossiamo iniziare questo - non certo esaustivo - elenco di possibilità di protezione con un consiglio semplicissimo ricevuto da sede attendibile: come difendersi dagli effetti penosi di attacchi elettromagnetici? pare possano essere in qualche modo utili una calamita e una pila tenute in tasca. E, per passare ad informazioni più dettagliate, - garantendo la nostra più totale ESTRANEITA' ad ogni interesse commerciale o comunque di sponsorizzazione -, presentiamo alcune indicazioni italiane o straniere di studi e applicazioni di tecnologie di sistemi di disattivazione e protezione, e di apparecchi o prodotti (anche in vendita), da ricontrollare nei loro frequenti aggiornamenti. / A very simple suggestion received from a trustful source proposes an easy way to begin a self-protection: to pocket and keep a magnet and a battery. But to hint more structured possibilities here below we present at random some tools, engines and systems often upgraded: any way with the absolute guarantee that this does NOT have any at all commercial interest for us.Per quanto riguarda la possibilità di strumentazioni per riconoscere e monitorare (vedi studi specialmente ad opera di italiani): Superconducting Quantum Interference Detector The
problem with
using a SQUID is that
the unclassifiedones
require liquified gas, possibly helium, which is impractical for us to
use and would be highly expensive too. Not to mention the SQUID and
equipment. Nevertheless, if a SQUID were encased in a heavy steel box
shield normal signals, it might serve as a detector.
Mindcontrol Countermeasures Kits
that stop the
effects of
mind control implants and or directed energy!
use of
microchip transceivers
in the body and directed energy frequencies are being usedon people
the world. The following kit to cancel the effects of mind control
is the result of an intensive 3 year across the nation
The process of mind control is a subject which has people saying many
things, some of the information is put out as disinformation from
or from people who add information that has no merit; also the victims
themselves have been confused to a certain degree as to how these
really work, and have come to conclusions based on subjective
where these impressions are interpreted from the subjective sensations
from the attacks caused by implants and directed energy frequencies; in
fact many of the victims have done extensive study of methodology
by US Patents, industry, and military releases, which has allowed a
of the methods used against them. The discovery of effective
of mind control technology being done to victims was a process of
often thwarted by misconceptions propounded by many, but through
dismissal of much of what has been released, a solution has been found.
The solutions culminating in the kits further down the page are capable
of canceling much of the mind control technology.The attack devices of
implants and directed energy frequencies used have been carefully
by the criminals using them, both in their application and in their
camouflaged and confusing as to the technology used. Implant / directed
energy countermeasure kits below! Consumertronics
order their catalog
and manuals about Mind Control, Under
Attack and EM
owned by John
J. Williams, former Senior Electronics Design
Professor of Computer Science (NMSU), El Shop The EMF Safety SuperStore The Place to Buy Gauss Meters, RF Meters, & Shielding HF
very sensitive and can measure high-frequency analog and digital
radiation, from 3 MHz to 3 GHz and is ideal for measuring mobile
telephones, radio phones, transmitters, microwave ovens, etc. The
HF-Detector can cope with all customary radio telephones as well asall
models of mobile phones available worldwide. Also sensitive enough
(range of 1.2 picoW/sqcm to 12 microW/sqcm) to measure radio
transmittermasts (GSM transmitters, radio, television, rail,
and mobile radio up to a few hundred meters away). Due to its
far-reaching frequency range, it can even be used as a
Electronic Projects from the Next Dimension E c'è il chirurgo Roger Leir che presenta anche video in cui estrae microchips impiantati (ma considerati da lui e dal suo staff come "opera di alieni", di "UFO") STANDARD WARNING: WHEN THINKING ABOUT THE PURCHASE OF **ANY** DETECTION OR COUNTERMEASURE DEVICE OR SERVICE, **ONLY** SPEND MONEY YOU CAN REALLY AFFORD TO LOSE! The perps have a wide range of advanced equipment and this detector or any other device has so far proven defeatable when the perps really want to do so. Links Americani/extraeuropeiCarol Rutz A nation betrayed Anna C. Salter, Ph.D. Predators: Pedophiles, Rapists, and other Sexual Offenders. Published in 2003 ARE YOU A VICTIM OF ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT? Child
abuse + child deaths in Cults + Sects + Religious Organisations Child Abuse: Today's News Do you think you are targetted by electronic mind weapons? Exposing the darkness Freedom isn't Free INTERNATIONAL INTELLIGENCE NETWORK Internet Research Resources on Memory, DID, Ritual Abuse, FMS and Mind Control Is that feasible to manipulate Human Brain at distance? Kathleen Sullivan's: My autobiography, Microwaves News Ritual Abuse Newsletter SMART: connections between secretive organizations, ritual abuse and mind control Stalking (molestie assillanti) Stop Covert War* (imprecise, no well updated: big but not trusty.) Survivorship is a community of RA/MC survivors and their allies. James Henry Graf's Angelfire Home Dalla Russia: - non è fruibile come tale: si può comunque utilizzare quello in caratteri ciriillici, e soprattutto il link interno High range frequency, sound in brain in cui si trova la traduzione in inglese. / Go to the search English translation of suggestion furnished by Nickolay Silivonchik Un indirizzo che viene dalla Cina: We Help Victim Soleilmavis Mavis I became a victim of Mind Control and Electromagnetic weapons since December 2001, when I was studying Master Degree in Australia. During the past few years, I have traveled to many places in Hongkong, Thailand, China and New Zealand, and their Electromagnetic weapons could torture me no matter where I was. Now I stay in China and still suffer from Mind Control Weapons torturing and harassing. Perpetrators had already destroied my life since 2002. Symptoms of Mind Control Weapons (Also called Psycho-Electronic Weapon) (click here) Soleilmavis' story (click here) author's email author's web site view author's other articles Join this author's mailing list Links
dei files/capitoli
interni del sito
file prima
nominato Pseudo-misteri
coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological
targets ora è in rete
sdoppiato nelle sue parti italiana a
inglese: anzi triplicato perché la parte in italiano, molto ampliata e
curata, è stata
caricata anche in un pdf anch'esso con il titolo Aggressioni
pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici raggiungibile in rete e
leggibile come eBook.
Furthermore also the English
of the present file - by now also renewed as style, as placement and
new data
and consideration - should continually be faced with the English new
file renamed Fake-mysterious
assaulters against biological targets: on its old bilingual page -
and English - and with its previous name Pseudo-misteri
coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological
targets can be read
as chapter on the Appendix of the
current edition of the
book: It's
Abuse NOT Science Fiction
World Intelligence foundation Testimonianze di un ingegnere informatico Artist/Designer Andrzej Suda's case (era presente anche in Indymedia), la sua importantissima autentica suda.fotodoc E completato dai links sulle illustrazioni originali / look the original pictures' links. Come completamento / to complete: Artist Suda: Presentation) Kathleen Sullivan's page: Memory recovery and screen memories LarsonReport-Edit (with some addendums on LarsonReport.htm)font face="Garamond"> Sabotage Photos and List Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons Dr. Reinhard Munzert Siti e accadimenti EUROPEI si trovano più esaurientemente esposti nel file/capitolo: Links Europei contro la Pedofilia, il Settarismo e gli Abusi Strutturati e/o Rituali fImportantissimo è il continuo aggiornamento con dati anche iconografici di PRIMA MANO: ESPERIMENTI SU BAMBINE/I salvato anche nell'omonimo pdf Esperimenti su Bambine/i Direttamente dalla rete si può pure scaricare, stampare e leggere in tablet o e-book la traduzione in italiano del libro di Regina Louf - Silenzio.Qui si uccidono bambini! Da meglio collocare tramite i dati dei file di argomento generale per gli aggiornamenti e i dati "normativi" e di "diffida" / up-dates and disclaimers: per gli indici illustrati / illustrated index: Pagine Fuori Testo Introduttive It's Abuse NOT Science fiction Libro / Book Le
precedente e ancor più nel seguente
a quello che è - almeno per il momento - l'UNICO
documento esistente non solo descrittivo, macertificante
una ricerca tecnologica per
esaminare e
misteriosi" e possibili azioni aggressive non-convenzionali
contro esseri viventi. NUOVISSIME