All material on this website is protected by copyright, This website also contains material copyrighted by 3rd parties.


Licenza Creative Commons
Artist/Designer Andrzej (Andrew) Suda's case diAndrzej Suda e Anna Fubini č distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.
Based on a work at
Permessi ulteriori rispetto alle finalitŕ della presente licenza possono essere disponibili presso /Pdf-Suda_enter.htm.

Licenza Creative CommonsProtected by Copyscape Web Copyright Protection Software

27 ottobre 2016 / October 27 2016

Motore di ricerca del sito / Site Search Engine


(International Copyright: Certificate of Registration: May 6 2006 (Certificate 149917786)
(leggi o scarica il Caso Suda: file originale / open or download the compact file with the separate series of pictures - Suda: original recovered documents

Caso Suda: file originale
Suda: original recovered documents

L'intero file era anche stato presentato in Indymedia - sito ora non piů attivo, ma una sintesi efficace si trova nel The Journal of History / The whole page was on Indymedia - a site at present no more matching
ut now The Journal of History endorses a good summary.
 The Journal of History  Fall 2011   TABLE OF CONTENTS
Targeted Individual: Industrial Designer Flees for Life

Vedi in polacco / look in Polish other sites:

Wolna Polska
Sprawa Sudy – Dokumentacja


L'intero file principale era stato presentato in Indymedia / The whole main page was on Indymedia
Vedi anche in polacco / look also in Polish:
Agenci są wśród nas : Życie emigranta w USA ( j.Polski i Angielski)

Andrzej Suda portrait

AK-soldiers_Parasol_Regiment_Warsaw_Uprising_1944Decyzję o rozbiciu obozu w Rembertowie  podjął kpt. Walenty Suda ps."Młot"
Infonurt2 : właśnie skończyłem z Andrzejem Sudą ( po lewej) rozmowę. Rzeczywistość dla młodego emigranta okazała się bardziej wstrząsająca niż niejeden kryminał szpiegowski. Jak mówi: spałem z agentką..( Uwaga :dodano dokymenty i otwarto zaczniki)
Intencją tej publikacji jest ostrzeżenie dla masowej dziś emigracji z kraju na Zachód jak i stwierdzenie że nie ma i nie było podziału na Wschód i Zachód. Potwierdza to w swym wstępie do pracy naukowej „ Panerologia polityczna” ( wyd. OSTOJA) prof. Andrzej Łobaczewski jak i Wolf w Wojnie Wolfa , szef słynnej STASSI – tajnej policji NRD ( Niemiec Wschodnich) . Jest to ogólnoświatowa organizacja terrorystyczna która dawniej pod pretekstem Komuny i Żelaznej Kurtyny a obecnie Globalizmu i tzw. „demokracji” terroryzuje i morduje ludzi milionami. Powszechnie zaś wciskany bombami ludziom system demokracji doprowadza do władzy psychopatów, którzy prowadzą ciągłą wojnę z terrorem który sami tworzą ( 9/11, Londyn, Madryt, Wiosna Arabska, Libia , Syria , zabicie ambasadora USA w Libii- i w drodze Iran- to dzieła tej samej fałszywej flagi!!)
Walenty_Suda's_grave,_Piasecznogrób Walentego Sudy

Andrzej Grzegorz Suda, born 4th of January 1959 in Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland. Currently resides in Switzerland. He graduated and as soon as it was possible immigrated to the U.S.A. There, after a few months of work as a painter, he opened his own business concentrating on painting and decorating churches, hotels and villas. The dream of normal life did not last long: to read of what happened later written in his own words and References go to
Nel sito di Wiki company si puň venir aggiornati sull storia completa di Andrzej Grzegorz Suda.
Andrzej Grzegorz Suda, born 4th of January 1959 in
Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland. Currently resides in Switzerland. He graduated and as soon as it was possible immigrated to the U.S.A. There, after a few months ofwork as a painter, he opened his own business concentrating on painting and decorating churches, hotels and villas. The dream of normal life did not last long: look at a of what happened later written in his own words and to read the whole complete story and its up-dating references go to
User talk:AndrzejSuda. Story of Andrzej Grzegorz Suda
L'intero file era anche stato presentato in Indymedia, ma ora una sintesi efficace si trova nel The Journal of History / The whole page was on Indymedia, but now The Journal of History endorses a summary

(File principali / foremost files:
Mr. Andrzej (Andrew) Suda's case / Caso Suda: file originale

Come completamento / to complete:
Artist Suda: Presentation
Ringraziamenti / Acknowledgement and thanks

Un'importante aggiunta in rete č la serie completa delle illustrazioni originali del testo in pdf /

This file has been fixed with more accuracy on text and added with basic up-dates: either from
another file. Separate links hint towards each picture; the documentation pdf file title shows the added word "correct" since the original previous - "not correct" -  version displayed an harmful error just on the title.

Avviso importante riguardante l'utilizzo del sito / To a better use of the site:

Questo sito e i libri che ne derivano NON sono di INFORMAZIONE, ma si costituiscono come una specie di ENCICLOPEDIE TEMATICHE, in cui vengono presentati e discussi vari argomenti da leggersi e soprattutto da CONSULTARE di volta in volta.
A seguito di difficoltŕ lamentate e relative richieste, l'architettura stessa del sito č stata modificata in funzione di un piů agevole orientamento: sdoppiato il file/home si divide ora in secondo file con un nuovo nome - Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin - che riinvia a un differente URL mentre diventa iniziale e fondamentale come file semplificato dove a prima vista compaioni i links indirizzanti sui capitoli interni. Assecondando critiche e richieste man mano vengono aggiunti nuovi o rinnovati files a cui fare riferimento per informarsi su come č stata aggiornata la serie delle correzioni e nuove informazioni. Si consiglia di iniziare dal file Aggiornamenti e Indici preposto agli aggiornamenti e di precisazione dei dati "normativi" e di "diffida" o piů veloce Modificazioni e novitŕ.

Migliori precisazioni e nuovi dati provengono dal Sito dell'ingegner Giuseppe Muratori: 'Nuovo' World Intelligence Foundation.

This site and the book do NOT be a fount of notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different subjects: one another to be read time by time, or better to be CONSULTED even for learning. And so this Web site will always be maintained under speedy and diligently revised construction. it is suitable to begin by the file Aggiornamenti e Indici for up-dates and disclaimers: more easy: English Up-dates, for book and illustrated indexes: Libro / Book, Pagine fuori testo introduttive, to general founding information go at Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin.

more puzzling and frightening adaptation of the "Slumber of reason" by Goya

Questa rielaborazione del famoso Sonno della ragione di Goyaufficialmente copyright - č resa molto piů inquietante dell'originale per essere utilizzata come copertina del libro e spiegata dal Disegnatore Andrzej (Andrew) Suda/ This powerful, more puzzling creative modification of the Goya's Sleep of reason - marked by the official Copyright - here is used as book cover's image, and explained by the Designer: Andrzej (Andrew) Suda: should look just like many of the events described by the victims: they exist, are bothersome, and we don’t know exactly WHY they are there but they are there [come molti dei fatti descritti dalle vittime: essi esistono, turbano e noi non riusciamo a conoscere esattamente il  PERCHE' ci siano, ma ci sono....] About the Book: This book not only documents the case of Andrzej Suda, it is also filled with documentation from the worlds most influential documented cases of psychological abuse, electronic harassment, organized stalking and mind control. Some cases include Rauni Leena Kilde MD., Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Kathy Sullivan, David Larson, and many others... Please support the truth with the purchase of our book. This will document many technologies and mind control weapons that have been kept hidden from the mainstream public. Over 600 pages of action packed TRUTH!

UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS di It's Abuse NOT Science fiction = Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza

Up-to-dateDalla presentazione dettagliata del libro It's Abuse NOT Science fiction, e dalla data di pubblicazione - 14 luglio 2005 - molto č cambiato e molti DOCUMENTI sono stati sia sostituiti che aggiunti. In attesa di una completa nuova edizione del volume principale ne viene per ora edito un SUPPLEMENTO INTEGRATIVO per diffondere IMPORTANTI UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS, in una NUOVA PUBBLICAZIONE: un autonomo VOLUME.
The book previously published at present needs to be modified.
It's Abuse NOT Science fiction published on July 14 2005 shortly became OUT OF DATE and so required to present also the consequent novelties coming from readers comments, from new deeds and MOSTLY on present-day flash-bac discolosures. UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS of It's Abuse NOT Science fiction = Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza for the time being is a supplementary book, supplementary but matching also by itself not only for propose simple improvement, rather to share some new particular important DOCUMENTS.

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It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction?
E' da questa rielaborazione del famoso Sonno della ragione di Goya, ma resa molto piů inquietante dell'originale, che č stata ricavata la copertina del libro. / From this powerful, puzzling creative modification of the Goya's Sleep of reason, comes the book cover's image - © - January 4 2005 (Certificate 143935559)
E cosě viene spiegata dal Disegnatore / so should be explained by the Designer: Andrzej Suda:
should look just like many of the events described by the victims: they exist, are bothersome, and we don’t know exactly WHY they are there but they are there [come molti dei fatti descritti dalle vittime: essi esistono , turbano e noi non riusciamo a conoscere esattamente il PERCHE' ci siano, ma ci sono...]
copyright book cover
L'intero sito č ora pubblicato in un libro enciclopedico - pur privo degli ultimi aggiornamenti: per copertina, frontespizio e ulteriori spiegazioni vedi file Libro / book . The complete site - even if already at present lacking of the newest up-dates - is ready also as an Encyclopedic book
 It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction
Questa rielaborazione del famoso Sonno della ragione di Goyaufficialmente copyright -  utilizzata come copertina del libro č spiegata dal Disegnatore Andrzej (Andrew) Suda/ This  creative modification of the Goya's Sleep of reason - marked by the official Copyright - here is used as book cover's image,  and explained by the Designer: Andrzej (Andrew) Suda about the Book: This book not only documents the case of Andrzej Suda, it is also filled with documentation from the worlds most influential documented cases of psychological abuse, electronic harassment, organized stalking and mind control. Some cases include Rauni Leena Kilde MD., Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Kathy Sullivan, LarsonReport.Edit.pdf David Larson, and many others... Please support the truth with the purchase of our book. This will document many technologies and mind control weapons that have been kept hidden from the mainstream public. Over 600 pages of action packed TRUTH!


PDF files

Armi ad Energia diretta
Caso Suda: file originale
STUPRI-DI-GUERRA: i figli dell'odio

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Note: the file or the above-named files can be either duplicated or reproduced on electronic supports, paper or any other form and can be freely circulated under two conditions:
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Derivano da un altro sito - o meglio: da uno dei libri da questo derivati - alcune pagine di argomento introdutivo ai concetti base della MEDICINA e della CONSAPEVOLEZZA:  i nuovi volumi possono esser acquistati come veri "libri", ma i relativi COMPLETI pdf possono senza limitazioni venir SCARICATI e stampati a proprie spese dall'utente. / From another site people can make free download of pdf files and also of COMPLETE books - sorry - only in Italian

Per una visione panoramica sulle tecnologie "aggressive" e possibilitŕ di difendersene vedi - con beneficio di inventario / look with caution to - MIND-WEAPON

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