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Artist/Designer Andrzej (Andrew) Suda's case

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Artist/Designer Andrzej (Andrew) Suda's case diAndrzej Suda (Associazione italiana, scientifica e giuridica, contro gli abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.
Based on a work at
Permessi ulteriori rispetto alle finalità della presente licenza possono essere disponibili presso /Pdf-suda_enter.htm.

27 settembre 2016 / September 27 2016

Indice interno del file/capitolo / Internal index of this file/chapter
#inizio-sito, #introduzione, #recent, #preamble, #english_foreword, #personal story(*), #articolo1, #articolo2, #Szymanski

Migliori precisazioni e nuovi dati provengono dal Sito dell'ingegner Giuseppe Muratori: 'Nuovo' World Intelligence Foundation. Un'importante aggiunta in rete è la serie completa delle illustrazioni originali come nel testo in pdf - Caso Suda: file originale - (vedi sotto la serie numerata) / This file has been fixed with more accuracy on text and added with basic up-dates from another file; look also to the complete series of pictures on visual documentation from Suda.correct.pdf):

Suda: original recovered documents



HOME page
and English:
ABUSE patterns: ENCYCLOPEDIC synopsis and references

Il file prima nominato Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets ora è in rete sdoppiato nella parte italiana - Aggressioni pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici - e in quella in inglese: anzi triplicato perché questa parte in italiano, molto ampliata e curata, è stata caricata anche in un pdf anch'esso con il titolo Aggressioni pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici raggiungibile in rete e leggibile come eBook.

L'intero file principale era stato presente in Indymedia / The whole main page was present on Indymedia
Vedi anche in polacco / look also in Polish

Per una visione panoramica sulle tecnologie "aggressive" e possibilità di difendersene vedi - con beneficio di inventario / look with caution to - MIND-WEAPON

Lesioni anomale e sofferenze mal descrivibili come conseguenze imprevedibili di cause inaspettate possono dar luogo a cascata a successivi e molto gravi errori diagnostici e conseguenti danni iatrogeni se non a errori giudiziari: assieme agli altri file in cui si pongono questi problemi, anche questo è stato arricchito da importanti precisazioni culminanti in un APPELLO indirizzato ai professionisti della Psichiatria e della Medicina legale

This site and derived books do NOT be merely a compilation of news but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different coordinate subjects one another to be read time by time, or better to be CONSULTED even for learning. And so this Web site will always be maintained under speedy and diligently revised construction. it is suitable to begin by the file Aggiornamenti e Indici; for up-dates and disclaimers: more easy: English Up-dates, for book and illustrated indexes: Libro / Book, Pagine Fuori Testo Introduttive, to general founding information go at Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin

Copyright copertina libroQuesta rielaborazione del famoso Sonno della ragione di Goya -  ufficialmente copyright - è resa molto più inquietante dell'originale per essere utilizzata come copertina del libro e spiegata dal Disegnatore Andrzej (Andrew) Suda: come molti dei fatti descritti dalle vittime: essi esistono , turbano e noi non riusciamo a conoscere esattamente il  PERCHE' ci siano, ma ci sono....
This powerful, more puzzling creative modification of the Goya's Sleep of reason - marked by the official Copyright - here is used as book cover's image, and explained by Andrzej (Andrew) Suda: should look just like many of the events described by the victims: they  exist, are bothersome, and we don’t know exactly WHY they are there but they are there…

About the Book This book not only documents the case of Andrzej Suda, it is also filled with documentation from the worlds most influential documented cases of psychological abuse, electronic harassment, organized stalking and mind control. Some cases include Rauni Leena Kilde MD., Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Kathy Sullivan, David Larson, and many others... Please support the truth with the purchase of our book. This will document many technologies and mind control weapons that have been kept hidden from the mainstream public.Over 600 pages of action packed TRUTH!

UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS di It's Abuse NOT Science fiction = Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza
Up-to-dateDalla presentazione dettagliata del libro It's Abuse NOT Science fiction, e dalla data di pubblicazione - 14 luglio 2005 - molto è cambiato e molti DOCUMENTI sono stati sia sostituiti che aggiunti. In attesa di una completa nuova edizione del volume principale ne viene per ora edito un SUPPLEMENTO INTEGRATIVO per diffondere IMPORTANTI novità specialmente come testimonianze di PRIMA MANO: UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS non è solo un supplemento ma un vero autonomo VOLUME.
The book previously published at present needs to be modified.
It's Abuse NOT Science fiction published on July 14 2005 shortly became OUT OF DATE and so required to present also the consequent novelties coming from readers comments, from new deeds and MOSTLY on present-day flash-back discolosuresUP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS of It's Abuse NOT Science fiction = Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienzafor the time being is a supplementary book, supplementary but matching also by itself not only for propose simple improvement, rather to share these new particular important DOCUMENTS.

Cortina libri Torino
Via Ormea 69 10125 Torino (ITALY)
, Tel/Phone: +39 0116507074, +390116505228
L'intero sito è ora pubblicato in un libro enciclopedico - pur privo degli ultimi aggiornamenti: per copertina, frontespizio e ulteriori spiegazioni vedi file Libro / Book. The complete site - even if already at present lacking of the newest up-dates Libro/Book: It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction
- is ready also as an Encyclopedic
(Copyright Certificate August 5 2005 © All rights reserved) 

File strettamente collegati con questo / Files strictly connected with this one
(International Copyright: Certificate of Registration May 6 2006 (Certificate 149917786):
  1. file esterni / external files: personal portfolio, personal blog
  2. presentazione di foto e di un estratto dal portfolio / personal pictures and a sample of artist's portfolio: Artist Suda: Presentation
  4. PDF file anche compattato per più agevoli apertura e stampa / The original PDF - mended from a fearful error on the title - can be opened also as Caso Suda: file originale
    for easier read and download
  5. L'intero file era anche stato presentato in Indymedia, ma ora una sintesi efficace si trova anche nel The Journal of History / The whole page was on Indymedia, but now The Journal of History endorses a summary
Andrzej Grzegorz Suda, born 4th of January 1959 in Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland. Currently resides in Switzerland. He graduated and as soon as it was possible immigrated to the U.S.A. There, after a few months of work as a painter, he opened his own business concentrating on painting and decorating churches, hotels and villas. The dream of normal life did not last long: look at a of what happened later written in his own words.
l'animalità lungimirante della lince espressa nello sguardo - attento, perplesso,preoccupato -

Mai chiedere i Perché? 
Sempre preoccuparsi invece di cercare i Come?

Should be asked: Why?
Certainly worthy is to seek the How?

La situazione qui descritta a prima vista poteva apparire soltanto "privata",  ma  si è invece rivelata di notevole gravità e di rimando: molto inquietante su di uno scenario di probabile politica internazionale. Da questo file introduttivo si accede alla relativa documentazione esatta di prima mano dalle complete pagine illustrate raggiungibile direttamente dal Pdf stesso (o dalla sua versione compattata) o dal file corredato di contatore Andzej (Andrew) Suda's DOCUMENTATION / DOCUMENTAZIONE.
alcuni dei La spiegazione iniziale, completata da brani di articoli-interviste proposti in calce, riassumedati, mentre una selezione dei documenti comprovanti i fatti è posta - copiata esattamente e salvata - appunto in questo Caso Suda: file originale dove tutto non può che esservi riferito con la solida non modificabile esattezza dei reperti autentici, riportati nella stabilità propria dei testi in PDF. (Questo fatto non viene smentito dal termine corretto, poiché la precedente versione conteneva un gravissimo errore proprio nel titolo; e neanche se in questa esatta documentazione sono stati modificati vistosamente in "xxxx" i cognomi, e omessi altri reperti che avrebbero potuto identificare precise persone. In via privata e legittimata è però possibile venir informati sui nomi omessi e sull'intera documentazione anche aggiornata.)

Si tratta comunque di una documentazione pubblicata incompleta: è soltanto una selezione di tutto un materiale molto più ampio: il dossier originale cartaceo è accuratamente conservato in parecchie copie presso parecchi destinatari internazionali.
Una testimonianza come questa, sia pure di un caso singolo, può valere come emblematicamente minacciosa di un vastissimo "traffico" di esseri umani, utilizzati da "entità" interconnesse e non meglio precisabili sullo sfondo dello spionaggio internazionale, ma per ovvi motivi di sicurezza la descrizione e le prove di questi dati precedenti e successivi NON vengono precisati né nel sito né tanto meno nel libro da questo derivato. La mancanza di questi dati precedenti e successivi, incisivi e consequenziali ad avvalorarne le implicazioni può far apparire l'insieme non abbastanza convincente malgrado l'accurata ricerca e trascrizione di una vasta serie di prove: possono cioé sfuggire le dinamiche della situazione tanto da poter far sembrare l'esposizione di questo concreto e gravissimo caso soltanto romanzesca - addirittura "fiabesca", come purtroppo l'ha definita un lettore.
This file presents a case not only showing at first hand a "personal" mishap - as it could look at first -, but it reveals a serious - moreover: disquieting and compelling -  political situation: in other words even if at first all this looks as a simple personal occurrence, instead it hints to a probably significant international case. The main part of this file/chapter comes from a fixed PDF form: immovable as are the PDF files, even if now presented in a "correct" version since the title itself trasmitted also to Search Engines a very serious and daangerous bug. It is reachable by itself in the Web page as PDF file or  indirectly from its with counter endowed Enter-file: to open, read also download one can more easily do on its compact size. It is basic to the most numerous possible persons and/or Organizations to preserve and gather it as a whole; but one can read this text separated from pictures (1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19  - suda.fotodoc ), any way and moreover printed in the book at the subhead of the chapter called DOCUMENTATION / DOCUMENTAZIONE.  On these pages one can reach the downloaded excerpt of exact documents, exact certified series of happenings and persons implied, exact since all published documents, in their PDF version, are an absolutely trustful correct copy-and-paste of each one of originals. Nonetherless besides the correction of the previously very wrong title in the whole file/chapter last names and personal references - worthy to recognize persons - are changed into only alluding "xxxx". But this doesn't disavow the whole reliability of the file/chapter openly declared "corrected": not only on its FAULTY title but on changing names and troubling references transformed in a series of xxx.
Any way these pages do not share the complete dossier pertaining to present and incoming documentation: the whole is held into a widespread international places: for "security reason" this not so all-embracing as the existing more wide on-paper dossier, is preserved in some folders sheltered in some different international custodies. These not-published data, kept within the whole on-paper dossier are full of an increasing lot of many other information and clarifications: notwithstanding names and all not disclosed reports could be the same very privately reached by whom is really interested and authorized.
This consciously chosen lack in the site and more in the book is necessary for obvious reasons of security, even if the awareness of a lot of real details and documentation regarding more previous and following facts could have better settled the whole matter. Unfortunately for not informed, gullible commonplace people - notwithstanding its accuracy and display of documental proofs - the content of this file/chapter could appear not-real: for naive and unsusppicious people it could look like a novel story, even a "tale" as wrote a reader.
On the contrary this testimony - even if concerning only one person - shows and marks an horrific warning, related to a very broad human persons' "traffic": persons to be "used" by intermingled, passing unnoticed Entities (strictly at plural) on the scenery of the international covert espionage. 
In this chapter one can also read snippets of articles of a well known magazine referring some approximate quotes from a talk with Mr. Andrzej Suda, quotes summarizing the matter even if only nearly and not in full accord with the interviewed person.Va segnalata la residenza attuale del protagonista: dal Maggio 2008 a Zurigo/Winterthur in Svizzera e non a San Diego in California perché colà la tortura stava diventando insostenibile.
Since it was impossible to stay in San Diego any longer - the torture was unbearable - I moved to Zurich in Switzerland.
At least here, so far, I did not experience any major attacks

Recenti sviluppi e pericoli del caso / Recent happening and danger

: Winterthur, 24th March, 2010
Two weeks ago something very suspicious happened to me. Always I come home from work on the same commuter train  (S-12 from Baden to Winterthur) at the same time (17:15), so it is easy to find me there. I enter the train relatively early (3rd station from the start) and most of passengers come in later at other stations. On the seat directly in front of me (and facing me) set one young woman. 10 or 15 minutes later, tired after long day of work, I begun to sleep. Suddenly I felt a quick, very strong impact into my solar plexus. It was like somebody poked me with a finger (or a pencil). It was too strong and painful to be a joke. I opened my eyes and saw the woman quickly putting away into her purse an electronic device looking like a mobile phone (or rather larger like a Blackberry). What could I do? I am sure it wasn't a physical attack – the train was full of people, some standing perhaps 20-30 cm from us. She would not dare to touch me. Half an hour later, at home, I checked my skin in this area. There was no bruise, not even pink skin. Clearly nobody touched me physically. It was some kind of energy sent into my body, but for what reason?  That evening I had blood in my stool. This does not happen to me at all – it must be connected to the attack. My intuition tells me that somebody tried to kill me. Perhaps the burst of energy can cause veins to break. Perhaps she was aiming at the heart and because of the train moving and shaking she missed. Please let me know if you have any information about aforementioned device (weapon). Perhaps I am not only one who had this type of “accident”. Any feedback, any bit of information would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to share my experience with everybody. More people know, safer I am. Also, more people know- lower probability that the “Blackberry” will be used again.  22 novembre 2011 00.21
Sometimes I am forced to share with other people a few details of my life. This is my version of ”preemptive strike” - if I do it before my perpetrators act the way I suspected, then I remain safe.
A couple of years ago somebody asked me if I was not afraid to look “like a paranoid idiot” in other peoples eyes. My answer was: “the ONLY way to prove that I was right and “they” were really planning to kill me get killed. I am not interested, thank you!”
So, the recent story goes like this. There is a guy in my social circle. He is of Nigerian origin but already with the Swiss citizenship and well integrated. His name and address:
xxx xxx
xxx x, xxx  xxxx
tel: xxx, mobile: xxx
 I never trusted him because of his close relations with many strange Eastern Europeans (not good sign).Last Friday he came for a visit (“invited himself”) and suggested we could drink some Polish Vodka
he knew I had. While I was in the other room changing CD, I overheard him acting very fast during my absence. I do not have anything to steal there, so I wasn't worry but
After he left I realized that the empty Vodka bottle also disappeared. What can be of a value there?
It took me 2 days to come to the following conclusion. This particular bottle has my fingerprints because only I (the host) was pouring from it. The commotion he caused was perhaps because he was stealing other little items with my fingerprints or was doing the opposite – “planting” something in my apartment. So far I did not find anything but it is long way to go.... Of course I do not want to be set-up with something and get arrested. Perps do it all the time to people like me. This is the reason I wrote it. If something “funny” happens – you know who was involved.In that moment you should make the whole world know how Perps operate, even in Switzerland!

Gli spezzoni degli articoli del WORLDNET DAILY in inglese presentati in calce riassumono abbastanza esaustivamente l'argomento, anche se il taglio datogli e l'impostazione generale non corrisponde del tutto alle opinioni ed ai problemi dell'interessato.

Stralci dal primo dei due articoli scritti su questo caso. / Excerpts from the first newspaper's article written for this case

WORLDNET DAILY: Thursday, June 3, 1999 ARTICLE #1:
Our new NATO friends By J.R. Nyquist © 1999
face="Garamond">A few years ago Mr. Suda became entangled in a web of intrigue. He discovered that his live-in girlfriend -- a Polish national -- was involved with other men. But not just any men. Suda alleges that she was seducing those with access to highly sensitive, security-related information. It also appeared that she was involved in a criminal scheme to acquire large sums through insurance fraud.  Insurance fraud and espionage together?

Only one journalist (no… no Drudge…) was courageous enough to write about it. He used my case a bit to push his own agendas, but nevertheless I have to appreciate what he did. He examined my evidence, interviewed people involved and wrote (the most "politically correct" or"safe for him" way) two articles

To read also a newest article go to  for the transcript of a Radio-interview (Republic Broadcasting Network) by Greg Szymanski on 12-16-05:

American citizen, Andrew Suda of Poland, has been poisoned and almost killed by his girlfriend, working as an undercover operative with apparent assistance from Homeland Security and the U.S . government.PERSONAL STORYAndrzej Grzegorz Suda, born 4th of January 1959 in Minsk Mazowiecki, Poland. Currently resides in Switzerland. Both parents were elementary school teachers. Patriotism is deeply rooted in Suda's clan. One of his cousins, Captain Walenty Suda was in charge of the attack on the NKVD Camp in Rembertów, largest military operation against Stalinist forces to free prisoners scheduled to be sent to Siberia.  Strong ethical and patriotic values preserved within his family prevented any moral deformation caused by every day living in a corrupt communist state. Early in life he decided to leave Orwellian world of the Soviet Block. He studied Industrial Design at the Academy of Fine Arts (Akademia Sztuk Pieknych) in Warsaw. During this period was active with the Independent Students Union (the students arm of Solidarity). On the professional side, he was responsible for the creation of the field altar outside the Jasna Gora Monastery . The altar was for the 1 Million people Mass celebrated by the Pope John Paul II during his second visit to Poland. The significance of this creation lies in the cross design incorporating the “PW” (Polska Walczaca or Fighting Poland) symbol of the Polish underground army ( Despite threats of arrests and other repressions, aforementioned cross was put in place at the last moment before the Pope (and the media) arrival preventing any potential police intervention. No arrests followed - already weakening communist regime did not want to inflame the situation by persecuting a few monks and one art student for making the famous Polish historical symbol present on TV screens around the globe. He graduated and as soon as it was possible immigrated to the U.S.A. There, after a few months of work as a painter, he opened his own business concentrating on painting and decorating churches, hotels and villas. The dream of normal life did not last long. Below is a synopsis of what happened later written in his own words. Please do not forget looking into References. I was born in Poland but for the last 24 years lived in the USA. I witnessed a treason committed on the highest levels of American government and law enforcement. Fourteen years later I am finding myself with my career and my life destroyed, forced to run away just to save my skin. I am an Industrial Designer. Graduated in 1982, one of the two first professionally trained car designers in Eastern Block. The London DESIGN Magazine wrote in March of 1983 a short article about me and my class graduation. In 1985 I immigrated to the USA, looking for normal life away from communism. Unfortunately I didn't know that Polish government did not forget about me. Approximately a year and a half later, through a string of arranged "coincidences" I met an attractive girl, also a Polish immigrant. Her role was, as I found out later, to become my girlfriend, perhaps eventually wife, use me (this naïve artistic type) as her cover and do her intelligence work. As far as I know her role was to penetrate the highest levels of the U.S. law enforcement (especially DEA, FBI and Air Force Investigations), politics and defence industry by befriending and compromising their members. Somewhere in the spring of 1995 I started to realise my situation. It wasn't because I suddenly became smarter than usual. I was already very sick, dying from the slow poisoning with RICIN. My girlfriend knowing that I could die any day, became less careful with her actions. This helped me to wake-up and to understand what was going on. I begun to quickly collect evidence, hoping to go to the Police, FBI and other agencies, and to end the nightmare I was living in. WRONG! All the law enforcement agencies were initially extremely interested. They had no doubt my case was real and very serious. The Criminal Intelligence Unit of the San Diego Police even helped me to get a Concealed Weapon Permit (permit to carry a gun all the time) because the evidence they collected indicated I was in a grave danger. After a few months all the law enforcement agencies I approached were forced by somebody to stop investigations. The most dramatic was my experience with the FBI. The FBI wasn't interested to investigate my case at all – instead they informed the Polish intelligence network about my actions. You can understand why I feel lucky to be alive today! I asked the highest law enforcement agency in America to help me in this situation – to investigate the FBI betrayal and to bring guilty to justice. This highest law enforcement agency is not widely known. It is called the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice (shortly O.I.G.). O.I.G. was created to investigate crimes committed by agents of FBI, CIA, DEA and other federal agencies. With the help of the O.I.G. I was able to collect hard evidence of the FBI treason. What do you think happened next? Well, the O.I.G. investigator was transferred from San Diego to San Francisco and stopped his investigation! In 1999 he was interviewed by a journalist Jeff Nyquist and admitted (I quote): "There is a problem at the Justice Department in Washington. Things were being short-circuited at the top. For some strange reasons, spies connected to Eastern European Mafia organizations were being allowed to operate freely on American soil" (end of quote). Through my painful experiences I learned that my survival depends on how quickly and how widely I can publish my evidence. The Italian association against organized and institutionalized abuse published my case on it’s website and, additionally, in 2005 in a book titled "IT'S ABUSE NOT SCIENSE FICTION". In the USA two journalists investigated my case and wrote articles. Also, I was a guest on several radio shows of the independent radio stations. This prevented me from having so popular between unwanted people "deadly car crash" or a "heart attack" Now my suspicious death would only confirm the seriousness of my case. Instead of getting eliminated, I became a target of all imaginable forms of harassment: from a string of never ending "bad luck" events to set-ups with car crashes, lawsuits and IRS investigations. All were based on fabricated charges, aimed to destroy my life (at the best) or (at the worst) to make me an ordinary criminal and put into the prison. With the extreme amount of effort, help of a few (still existing!) good people and some good luck I was able to avoid the worst. Nevertheless, my career and my life was finally destroyed. What is my conclusion? The Cold War wasn't real. The ruling forces of this planet need a perpetual enemy in order to keep the general population under control. Those who have read "1984" by George Orwell remember Emanuel Goldstein and his role. That's all….so simple. Even before I begun to suspect my girlfriend, some honest people at the State Department discovered her real profession and attempted to deport her. Nobody else, but a Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces Committee of the U.S. Congress, Congressman Duncan Hunter stopped the deportation procedure and gave her a Green Card with a new "A" number. The old file under her original "A" number (where the reasons of deportation were attached) simply disappeared. This is treason! A treason committed by the American official with the highest, equal to the president, security clearance! Was he punished for betraying his country? No, he was one of the presidential candidates during last election. So, my conclusion is that the Cold War was a staged performance necessary for the maintenance of existing Status Quo. Everybody who discovered the truth (or just asked too many questions) was eliminated. Now, after the "collapse" of communism, much more "full-proof" and "universal" enemy was created – terrorism, and "the show goes on…."I am a Targeted Individual living in San Diego, California. Contrary to many other victims I know WHY this is happening to me. I was the boyfriend (and a cover) for an Eastern Block spy. As soon as I realized what was going on I contacted the San Diego Police and the FBI. What I didn’t know at that time was that some honest people working at the State Department learned the true identity of my girlfriend and sent her a notice of deportation.

Unfortunately, a very influential congressman from San Diego (currently a presidential candidate) used his powers to save her. She received a new Green card with a new “A” number. Her old file under the original “A” number disappeared. The FBI destroyed all the documentation I provided them with, and informed my “girlfriend” about my actions. It is a miracle that I am alive today. What saved my life so far was sharing my documentation and testimonies with many people overseas.
My name is Andrzej (Andrew) Suda. Born in Poland, grew up under communist regime. Moved to the U.S. in 1985. That's where my problems begun. One day I realized that my Polish girlfriend was a spy and I was so well manipulated (brainwashed?) by people surrounding me that I couldn't see (or rather understand) things happening just in front of me. since I "woke up" it was pretty easy to collect enough evidence and go to fbi.
I knew that I had a big case. Between other things there was an evidence that local congressman (then chief of armed forces committee) gave my girlfriend a Green Card (no questions asked) after Department of State attempted to deport her. Guess what - her old INS file (where the reason for deportation was presented) - "disappeared" after that, it wasn't available even for the Office of Inspector General of U.S. Dept. of Justice.
Office of Inspector General was approached by me after an incident where FBI  exposed me to the Polish network. O.I.G. did a good job and we were able to get a HARD EVIDENCE OF FBI WRONGDOING. Unfortunately, Washington forced O.I.G. to stop. "My" investigator from O.I.G. was quickly transferred to San Francisco and doesn't want to talk to me any more. Only one journalist (no…no Drudge…) was courageous enough to write about it. He used my case a bit to push his own agendas, but nevertheless I  have to appreciate what he did. He examined my evidence, interviewed people involved and wrote (the most "politically correct" or "safe for him" way) two articles. Please find links attached.

 My story has many facets. It started very ordinary and only some shocking events of 1995 forced me to realize that something not so ordinary, rather horrific, was going on in my life. It may be going on in your life too, but you don’t know it yet… From my experience, people who didn’t recognize certain signs on time are already long dead. Please spare a few minutes, read my story. It may help to make the world a better place one day.
I was born in Poland, grew up during communist domination, finished college and received a Masters of Arts degree in industrial design from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Was I an anticommunist? Yes, more vocal than active. A natural sense of justice (and common sense as well) made it impossible for me to accept and adapt myself to this cruel and perverted political system. I was longing for a normal life in a normal environment. As soon as it was possible, I immigrated to the U.S.A. About a year after my arrival to New York City, a Polish girl named Anna (a “cousin” of a friend from my college) arrived and we started dating. We moved (1990) to San Diego and purchased a house together as joint tenants (1993). 
Shortly thereafter my health started to deteriorate; nevertheless I kept working in order to pay the mortgage. In the same moment, my girlfriend quit her job and pretended to look for another over a period of about 1.5 years  (1994-1995). Through a string of events I realized that she is an intelligence agent on a mission and I (as a naïve artist/church decorator) am her cover. Crazy as it sounds… I have attached evidence to document this (1995).
I was being poisoned by my girlfriend. The Poison Clinic of the University of California at San Diego suspected RICIN. I tried to collect as much evidence as possible of her true “profession” before my escape from the “unhealthy” environment. At the time, I cooperated with the Criminal Intelligence Unit of the San Diego Police Department. After conducting their own investigation, their findings proved the severity of my situation to be so grave that they helped me get a concealed weapon permit.

I went to the FBI and within two weeks of “cooperation”, I realized I had been sold out. The Office of the Inspector General of the United States Department of Justice accepted my complaint against the FBI and started their own investigation. Together we were able to gather evidence of the FBI’s treachery.  Unfortunately Washington headquarters “transferred” the agent who was assisting me, and put a “blanket of silence” over the whole case. 
Since then my life had become a living hell. I realized that there is something bigger than the Cold War, something that people would sacrifice the safety of their own country in order to protect its secrecy. I knew that one of my girlfriend's supervisors (handlers?) was a Polish representative to the UN, who became a professor at Harvard. I knew that the local (San Diego) ABC TV station was personally stopped by Peter Jennings from investigating my case (they aired a program about similar KGB operatives earlier)
The biggest obstacles on my way to expose all of it? Attacks against my financial well being, isolating me socially, sabotage at work and of my car, ringing in ears, super vivid dreams that drain you and keep you asleep for many, many hours - these are all MC tricks constantly used on me.  For the last six months it has been physically impossible to sleep at home. Sometimes I cannot stay there during the day for more than 10-15 minutes. If they hope for my suicide… they got the wrong guy!!

ANNA  xxxx/maiden name: /xxxx
Born in Opole, Poland, November 12, 1958.  She finished high school in 1977 and entered the Dept. of Political Science at the University of Wroclaw in the same year.  In 1979 she got married to Grzegorz xxxx, the son of a rather rich family.  He was the owner of a complex of greenhouses, which in Polish standards meant tremendous income. Within a few months, her young husband died in a mysterious car crash.  Only Anna’s father went to identify the body.  Anna became the sole owner of those greenhouses.  She finished her studies in 1985.  Somewhere between 1977 and 1985 she was dating a professor from her university Wieslaw xxxx.  In the summer of 1981 she visited her brother in New York City.  She came back to the U.S. in 1986.  I met her in her brother 's apartment a few days after her arrival.  When I was completely alone, and very vulnerable.  Anna became my girlfriend very quickly and we started to live together.
In about 1987 Anna wanted to obtain an American driver license.  She had a Polish one.  Unfortunately there was a new law in New York and New Jersey prohibiting the "exchange" of a foreign driver license for the local one without showing your Social Security Card.  Anna went to her brother for advice.  S. is well known in criminal circles of New York.  She was told that she could obtain a driver license in Massachusetts with no problem at all.  S. and his "friends" were planning to go there soon for the same purpose!  I suspected what they were doing.  In 1986 when I was exchanging my Polish driver license in the Manhattan Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) I had a hard time to assure one of clerks that the original Polish document looks like a passport rather than a card.  He was ready to accept my fishing license, which I showed him as a joke because IT LOOKED LIKE AMERICAN DRIVER LICENSE!  Now you can imagine how easy would be to "sell" any worthless piece of paper as a valid ID.  The average DMV does not have any ability to recognize a forged foreign document. It means that many crooks of Polish, Russian, or other nationalities already have dozens of REAL, LEGALLY OBTAINED AMERICAN DOCUMENTS with their photos and somebody else’s name on them.  Isn't that great? 
Let's come back to Anna.  She, her brother and a group of "friends" left for Massachusetts. Local authorities experienced some problems with Poles before and asked the FBI for help.  Some people were arrested, including Anna.  Only Anna had a legitimate Polish driver license so with the help of a few tears she was freed.  As a “gift” from federal agent Hxxxx, she received a Massachusetts driver license with her New York address on it.  I don't know if this was completely legal. Her Massachusetts driver license number was: xxxx16.
Anna was trying to obtain a green card from the very beginning.  S. was already an American citizen so he could sponsor his sister.  Anna decided to go for political asylum. After her first interview she received a Social Security Card and work permit.  She was told that after an O.K. from the State Department her green card would be issued immediately.  In 1990 when we came to San Diego, she applied for a transfer of her file to the San Diego office of the Immigration and Naturalization Services. It appeared that her file had been lost. When they located a copy of her file at the State Department, they sent her a notice of deportation. In that moment she has been working as a medical assistant for Dr. Jeffrey xxxx, a very well known Endocrynologist. Using her excellent skills in personal relations she became friendly with one of the patients, a very popular local TV anchorman Michael Tuck. Michael Tuck introduced Anna to the manager of Congressman Duncan Hunter’s office, Mr. Bob Medina.  Political pressure from Hunter's office overpowered INS decision of deportation and Anna received her green card. It is very interesting that her first Alien# was "forgotten" altogether with her deportation and a new Alien # was issued.  Does this mean that somebody didn't want to question the issue of deportation or to ask WHY she should be deported? I've never heard about any other person having two alien numbers assigned. Is this legal?  Her old Alien# was: Axx-xxx-087, her new Alien# is: Axxx-xxx-823. The Office of the Inspector General requested a copy of her first file (Axx-xxx-087) and it wasn’t available even for them.
Anna went back to Poland W. “accidentally". She showed me his new business card from ISKRY, she was very proud of Wxxx’s achievement. After her visit to Poland, Anna started to look into the possibility of getting a federal job.  Positions she was interested in:
  1. a teacher of the Polish language at the Military Intelligence School in Monterey, CA; 
  2. Sovietologist working for one of federal agencies; 
  3. medical assistant at the Navy Hospital in Balboa Park, San Diego. 
In January 1994 she quit working for Dr. Jeffrey xxx. For the next fifteen months, until I was forced to leave my house, Anna pretended to look for another job.  Even our financial difficulties couldn't force her to go back to work. A doctor who is a very good friend of my friend found a job for Anna at Mercy Hospital in San Diego.  As a mere formality Anna had to go to the hospital and be interviewed by the aforementioned doctor. She used all her theatrical talents, even pretending to be mentally unstable, in order to make a very bad impression. Of course, under those circumstances Anna couldn't be hired; she didn't know that her behavior would be reported back to me.
Anna and I were the owners of INTERGLOBE, a small import/export company. Some problems with dishonest customers gave Anna a perfect excuse to meet almost all the private investigators from San Diego. Those meetings started to be for her a "full time job". When excuses with dishonest customers wasn't enough, she decide to "learn the trade” and become a private investigator. Regardless of her official version, we can see a very interesting pattern. All private investigators she became friends with were males over 50 years old and all were former federal agents, some of them still worked part time for federal government. Copies of her letters to them show the methods of getting into close relationships with the chosen ones. Some of those letters were addressed to Tom Kelly, an active DEA agent. He was a patient of Dr. Jeffrey xxxx. Also I know about another intimate relationship with a missile scientist, also a patient of the same doctor. I wonder how many patients from Dr. Jeffrey xxxx who work in defense industry or as spy catchers were picked up by Anna without my knowledge.
Anna is a very manipulative and cold thinking person. She is able to cry and laugh within 15 seconds. Under really big stress she doesn't show any emotions. There is no big enough insult to make her upset. You cannot control her by manipulation of her feelings. She was taught how to manipulate and how to avoid being manipulated. [Note below: (*)]. 
I can see a few levels of conspiracy in her activities. Professionals call this "circles in circles". There was plenty of evidence regarding Anna’s personal relationships with two gentlemen Tom Kelly and Richard Schleuter but also I could see it by myself: visits, endless phone calls, etc. Anna was sure that in case I started to suspect something I will be happy finding evidence of her infidelity and her other secrets will remain buried safe, much deeper in the next circle.
I couldn't find any evidence of my poisoning besides my health getting worse every day. Simply it was the next circle of conspiracy, which I was not supposed to discover. Her only mistake with needle punctures in my ears made me sure that I was right. An important part of this enterprise was a life insurance policy purchased for me without my knowledge. My previous experience with the American DMV’s accepting forged foreign documents and issuing American driver licenses to criminals helped me to understand a very possible scenario. Following this tip I spent next few months searching for my life insurance policy/policies. I underestimated Anna and her circle #2 level of secrecy. I didn't find what I was looking for. I was on the right track though. Looking for my policy I found a guy who probably was the seller of it as well as many other policies. He was an executive specialist for life insurance policies at FARMERS INSURANCE. Due to his illegal activities he was fired from FARMERS in December 1994. The California Insurance Commissioner knows that between 1992 and 1994 this dirty insurance agent was working with 17 different life insurance companies!!! I don't need to mention that on the top of this our insurance agent has a Polish last name.
Another circle of Anna’s secrets is buried even deeper. It is spying activity. Only certain patterns of her behavior may trigger somebody's attention, and it must be an experienced person. It happened to me a couple times that a person who watched too many movies demanded a lot of hard evidence in order to believe in my story. Sorry, real life differs from James Bond movies. Let's go on to circle #3.  Anna is a typical pedant.  All her papers and papers of INTERGLOBE had to be in perfect order. She kept letters from her friends and family for years. I found letters from her Polish girlfriend dated 1988. It means Anna dragged them from New York to California in 1989 and kept them in perfect order till I found them in 1995. She always made notes even regarding the most trivial things. When I started suspect her and search through her belongings I realized that in her picture perfect record keeping there were a few holes. Her exactitude became her disadvantage. Those holes weren’t made by mistake. All the letters from her father were gone. I will discuss the issue of Anna’s father later on separate page. All things which might remind me of certain events or certain people were skillfully taken away. Two business cards of the Polish trade consul Krzysztof Baranowski left for me (and her) after meeting in our house disappeared because I should forget about this strange meeting as soon as possible. The same happened with two business cards of V. S.  In this case Anna gave me proof of her intentions. When I realized that the V. S. cards were missing all law enforcement people working on my case were informed about my discovery. I didn't know at that time that some of them were "dirty" and Anna would know soon what happened. She panicked and put back both cards in places where they belonged!  I wondered how important Mr. V. S. is to the network.  He must be important because Anna doesn't panic easily. [Note below: (*)].
Another person Anna thought I should have as little information about as possible was her brother S.  I was lucky to take with me some photos of Anna’s brother and father early enough. When she started suspecting me, all remaining photos of those two gentlemen disappeared. Of course all other pictures remained in perfect order like nothing happened. I was advised by American friends with some intelligence experience to begin searching through my trash containers a few minutes before the garbage truck arrival. This method brought most of hard evidence I have today.

I was told that he was a soccer coach. Soccer is the most popular sport in Poland so it is natural to know all famous players, coaches and all clubs. One day I asked Anna what is the name of her father's club. 
He is not with any club, he works as a young talents hunter for the national team, she answered.  I've never heard of such a position on the national level. Only clubs take care of young players. The best are selected to the national team but that happens later. When Anna’s father visited his son and daughter in New York 1987 or 1988, I had an opportunity to discuss the soccer issues with him. I couldn't get from him any details. He wasn't able to give me a single name of a well known soccer player who used to be his pupil. It was like trying to get important military information from the active duty officer. Regardless of how many questions you ask, you get nothing in return. His behavior and appearance were not fitting his claimed profession. He used only very proper words and didn't swear at all (this is not the behavior of any sport coach!) What I disliked most were his constant attempts to fraternize or rather to endear himself to me. Simply he was very pushy and tried to make me trust him as I would trust my own father.
The kind of clothes he wore were typical for only one group of people in Poland, apparatchiks. I have his photos and I am ready to show them in order to support my state. There were many of them assigned to every sport club, theater, industrial plants…etc. Apparatchik’s were usually low level informants working for the Communist party and/or the secret police. In most cases, uneducated and arrogant, they posed little danger for the people they were “watching”. Just worthless and harmless “public servants”. But I underestimated this guy. When I started to discover more and more evidence of Anna’s strange activities, I realized that I missed one important fact. As far back as I can remember Anna received separate letters from her mom and dad regardless of whether they lived together or not. Mom's letters were normal. Father's letters had always a big portion of poetry. They were very long poems, sometimes on four pages, written by a father to his daughter. He wrote banal stories about birds, neighbor's cat, springtime etc.  [Note (**)] Sometimes I used to read some over Anna’s shoulder but I was naive enough to see them as the old man's scribble. When I realized their potential value and started my search for them they were already gone. Sometimes I think that I wasn't late, simply those letters used to be destroyed immediately after being read. Why was their fate so different from the fate of mom's letters and all-others?

As I mentioned earlier, Anna wanted to work for the federal government.  Somewhere in the winter 1994/95, Anna decided to visit local FBI office and ask somebody about all necessary job requirements. She met agent Geoffrey P. Haslam. As usual treatment for all those gentlemen she kept calling and asking him for lunch. I don't know how successful she was but definitely he called her back one Sunday morning and left message:
I am in Colorado, I will be transferred to Washington DC but within two months I should be back in town, so I will contact you.
Around March 15, 1995, I became really concerned about my health and my safety, I went to the FBI. I asked the secretary for an appointment with one of their agents, but not G.P.Haslam. Agent Kurt Swann spent next three and a half hours with me. He listened to my story, he made notes, he made copies of all the paperwork I had, including my personal documents. He promised to help me with my search for the life insurance policy as well.
I already started to sleep somewhere else for safety reason but I still had an access to my house. Naive and full of hope for fast progress in my case I decided to pick up Anna’s passport, green card and Social Security Card and offer them to the FBI to make copies. I was afraid that Anna and her papers were going to disappear pretty soon. Kurt Swann didn't answer my calls for about two weeks so I kept Anna’s documents in my possession. When he finally called me back he was in extremely bad mood. Americans call it "FBI attitude". He kept pushing me with questions like
Do you have any hard evidence against Anna or these are only your accusations? etc. When I told him about Anna‘s documents, he yelled at me that this is illegal and I should return them to her. Five to ten minutes after I finished this unpleasant conversation Anna called me and with a superior tone in her voice she said: Andrew please bring my documents back now and she hung up the phone. I took in consideration all possible scenarios but something kept telling me that this is what I was afraid most, I got exposed. The Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice after hearing my story over the phone asked me to come the next morning. Inspector Ralph Paige spent at least six hours with me. He decided to inform the Office of Professional Responsibility of FBI and wait to see what happens. Within next two weeks agent Kurt Swann started desperately looking for me. He left message after message. He was very "sweet" this time. When I finally called him back the next day, I had a tape recorder ready. As I was suspecting he wanted something from me this time. He wanted to RECONSTRUCT my file over the phone. The recording tells everything. My file was intentionally destroyed in order to abort any investigation against Anna and the network. The very same day my tape was delivered to R. and sent to Washington DC. Mr. P. and myself were both very excited about our progress. We were expecting somebody from Washington to come and start a real investigation. Month after month our hopes disappeared. At the one of our meetings Mr. P. told me "between lines" that I should look for some kind of political pressure in order to force an investigation. Three republican congressmen in San Diego were informed about the problem. Two didn't call back, third one (B.) plainly refused to see me. I suspect some "networking" done by congressman Duncan Hunter due to the fact that he helped Anna to obtain her green card. He doesn't want any publicity of this case, as it would be harmful for his image as a model patriot.
She stopped working about fifteen months before and, as I mentioned earlier, she didn't want to work any more, it appeared like she was waiting for INSURANCE. >When I realized that I was getting poisoned the first question which came to my mind was: WHY? Anna stopped working about fifteen months before and, as I mentioned earlier, she didn't want to work any more, it appeared like she was waiting for a rich grandpa to die and leave her alot money. Anna is a greedy person, her brother is a criminal, these are facts. We bought a house together but equity was only about thirty thousand dollars. It was hard to believe that Anna would spend months, maybe years on a slow process of killing somebody for a mere fifteen thousand dollars. It is not her! I knew her for seven years. She loves to play high, risk plenty and win plenty. It had to be a life insurance. I kept in mind the incident with the Massachusetts driver licenses. Who knows, maybe one of those licenses was with my name, "just in case" to be used in the future. I started my own investigation but I made a mistake: I asked insurance companies for help. A few months later one of the private investigators who works for those companies told me confidentially that informing them about my problem triggered a "red flag reaction". Since that moment my chances to find my policy were zero. When someone suspects that there is an illegal policy on them and reports it to the insurance company, the company will take care of the policy, but will never admit the policy existed to the reporting person. That is how they avoid potential lawsuits. With the bound of secrecy they protect themselves as well as the criminals. The investigator also explained to me some procedures and some weak points of this industry, which I don't want to mention unless I find somebody who will go ahead with a real investigation. Unaware of my mistake, I kept going forward and this bore an unexpected fruit. My investigation brought me to the door of one of FARMERS INSURANCE agencies. I had a reason to suspect Anna of visiting this place in the past. The owner of this agency told me that he handles mostly auto and home insurance policies. Regarding life insurance policy his answer was simple: I didn't  handle those, we had a specialist in our headquarters. It is very possible that he sold "dirty" insurance, FARMERS INSURANCE fired him last December because of such things. I can't tell you his name. Go to our headquarters and they have to tell you his name.

>I drove directly to their headquarters. I had triggered somebody's attention with my investigation. I was followed by a typical “undercover" car: white Chevrolet Caprice Classic, California license plate # 2AXU775. This took place on May 13, 1995 around 2 PM.  At the FARMERS headquarters I was told that B. used to be their executive life insurance specialist. He was fired in December 1994. They didn't want to discuss this issue any further. I called California Dept. of Insurance at (800) 927-4357.  I lied that I bought a life insurance policy through B. some time ago and I lost it. I'd like to know which company he was with so I can ask for a copy of it. The person on the other side searched his name in the computer and started to laugh. "It is funny" he said, "this guy has been working with seventeen different companies within the last two years ". I knew that I found a dirty insurance agent. He is Pole or at least of Polish descent. Suddenly the criminal part of Anna’s activities came.
  • 1. S.'s wife Elz. is a typical wife. I think she has never worked in her life, at least since she married S..  She doesn't need to work. Her husband steals enough. They live a comfortable life. Anna hates "dirty" work or being between sick people. She told me many times that she faints at the sight of blood. One day in 1989, after a visit to her brother's house, Anna suddenly announced that she was going to become a medical assistant. Equally surprising was that also Elz. was planning to become one. Both ladies finished required courses. After finishing her courses Anna began working as a medical assistant.  I never heard about Elz. working in this position but maybe I wasn't informed about it.
  • 2. When Anna and I started to think about buying a house we didn't have enough money for the down payment. One day, Anna came home from work and said that she found an old couple who were willing to lend us ten thousand dollars I was really surprised when we found their check in our mailbox a few days later. They sent us ten thousand dollars without any promissory note signed! It was my initiative to sign a promissory note for them. They are not the richest folks in town and still I couldn't believe what they did for us strangers. The biggest surprise came few months later. Anna came from work and told me that she met them again (they were patients of Dr. Jeffrey xxx) and they decided to give us this money. Most people don't ask "why" when something good happens to them and I made the same mistake. I think it was a very slick way to launder Anna’s illegal income. I wanted to talk to this couple. They worked as volunteers in one of the church gift stores so I had a perfect excuse to "meet them by coincidence". First time in my life I've seen a couple of almost 80 years old people with flushed cheeks. For over half an hour they were pretending to be too busy to talk to me, even when there was nobody in the store besides me. Is this a way you are greeting somebody you like, somebody you just gave ten thousand to because "you are so sweet young couple, like our own kids"? They were embarrassed like ten years olds. Why? It is too bad I cannot ask any law enforcement agency to question this couple. I am sure it would be very easy to get them tell the truth.
  • 3. Like most people, Anna liked to tell what new and interesting things happened each day at work. She never missed the opportunity to tell me about this guy from the mortuary who visited Dr. Jeffrey Sandler in order to get a death certificate for another of the doctor’s patients.  She seemed to enjoy it somehow. The same way she used to talk a lot about patients being mortally ill. I thought it was her twisted sense of humor only.
  • 4. I know a Polish nurse who immigrated to the U.S.A. with her husband and two children.  Her husband was a high rank army officer back in Poland. After arrival she started to work for a retirement home, her husband remained unemployed. Within two years they had enough money to buy a house.
  • 5. One of my good friends from high school went to work for the semi-secret RADIO-WARSAW, a radio station providing communication to the Polish fleet as well as to Polish intelligence network. It is obvious that people working there have ties to the intelligence community. Few years later my friend immigrated to the U.S.A. and settled down in Orange County. When I arrived in New York City in 1985, I called her. I flew from N.Y. to visit her on Christmas 1986. She had just left the hospital. She still had bolts in her thighs. She admitted that it was an attempt to murder her in a kind of car crash. She was working as a private investigator for one of the insurance companies at that time. She changed her job immediately. When my problems started I tried to discuss with her this issue again but she changed her story and avoided any discussion. On the other hand she tried really hard to get from me as much information as possible.
  • When I put those puzzles together they created a murky picture of the following situation. An intelligence network from the Eastern Europe was in need of hard currency. They found a weak spot within the insurance industry. They created teams: nurse + insurance agent + insurance specialist at the local law enforcement agency (when possible). The nurse or anybody in the medical field knows patients who will die pretty soon. She knows patient's name, age, address, Social Security numbers, etc. She knows if the patient is alone (no family around), she knows everything.  I mentioned earlier that obtaining real documents with false names was popular between Poles.For example, let's say Mr. Smith is going to die soon. Somebody of his age obtains a driver license with Smith's name and D.O.B. on it. He uses Smith's SS# but not Smith's mailing address. The fake Mr. Smith buys a life insurance policy. He passes all necessary health tests. The insurance agent makes sure that there are not too many unnecessary questions asked, questions about health history, etc. The insurance agent also "forgets" to put the new policy into the computer bank. This minor "mistake" takes care of a possibility that the real Mr. Smith or his family may go to the one of branches of the insurance company and ask if Mr. Smith has an insurance there. This way even if the real Mr. Smith suspects something he is unable to prove it. When he dies his Polish beneficiary goes to the right office and produces a copy of the policy. They cannot find anything on their computer but they find everything in their manual files. They apologize for the mess in their office and they pay. An investment of about $150-$200 a month may bring a million dollars. This is better than the lotto! You may ask how is it possible that our insurance company never discovered that Mr. Smith had a lung cancer. They probably did but it was after his death. Let's say medical documents show that Mr. Smith had lung cancer two years ago, the medical tests done by the insurance company showed that Mr. Smith was 100% healthy, then he dies because of lung cancer. What would you think as the insurance company C.E.O.? Probably you would think that there was your medical guy's mistake. The bottom line is the insurance companies don't really care. They will not lose a penny. All loses will be passed on to the clients. They don't want any bad publicity, that's it. That's why they developed a "red flag maneuver". Intentionally or unintentionally they cooperate with Poles. Believe me, for a long time I had the same thoughts you have right now: it is too "good" to be true.  Maybe we should make a movie instead of an investigation! Well, in the process of looking for political support I came across one of ABC TV producers from San Diego, Mr. J.W. August.  Hearing my whole story he jumped up to the ceiling. He was a TV investigator chasing two KGB agents (Michael and D.) for almost eight years. Those two brothers made somewhere between 1 billion and over 2 billion dollars on insurance schemes just in the San Diego area. My story was like a call from the past for Mr. August. It is the truth that Eastern European networks are using weak points of the American insurance industry to make tremendous amounts of money in order to support their activities. Mr. August was very excited about our future investigation. He called Peter Jennings in Washington, his superior, and asked for an O.K. It is necessary because ABC TV must spend some money on this project. Jennings became very interested, too. He requested all data from us and when he received that he went silent. He didn’t call to say either "yes" or "no”, he didn’t return Mr. August calls. Mr. August said:This is the first time in my twenty year career that I left four messages for Jennings and he hasn’t called me back. I will  not  push him any further, I don't  want to lose my job. Later, more relaxed Mr. August told me that the first investigation regarding Smushkevich wasn't easy either. That's why it took eight years. It was necessary to replace a federal prosecutor in Los Angeles because the former one refused to sign an arrest warrant. Basically all the evidence was collected by Private Investigators employed by ABC-TV. The Federal authorities didn't want to touch this case for a long time. Now the "Polish" case is waiting...

    (*) (Confirmed by graphologist /confermato dalla perizia grafologica) (**) (Such "fake-sweetish", "fake-naive"  poetries look very typical of  something "not-sweet" at all instead very alarming and severe: to have an absolutely not questionable very famed example of what it is here said, go to the Italian so calling by himself Puppets' master, LICIO GELLI's poetries and search informations regarding his giant conspirancy. / Poesie dai toni dolciastri e sentimentaloidi sembrano essere tipiche di un certo ambito al contrario spietato e pericolosissimo: esempio eclatante ne è il Gran burattinaio, il Venerabile Licio Gelli.)

       Stralci dal primo dei due articoli scritti su questo caso. WorldNetDailyOur new NATO friends By J.R. Nyquist © 1999
    A few years ago Mr. Suda became entangled in a web of intrigue. He discovered that his live-in girlfriend -- a Polish national -- was involved with other men.  But not just any men.  Suda alleges that she was seducing those with access to highly sensitive, security-related information. It also appeared that she was involved in a criminal scheme to acquire large sums through insurance fraud. Insurance fraud and espionage together? explains Suda.
    THey don't use common sense to analyze what the Russian mob, or East European mob really is. If all property, except personal property, belongs to the state, and somebody is stealing on a grand scale, it means they are stealing from the state. Imagine a Russian mobster stealing large sums under communism. No way! This is impossible, because we are talking about a police state, with total surveillance. Those who oppose this state either end up in Siberia or six feet underground. Imagine the next day after the collapse of communism, Suda suggests. The whole world suddenly has [a] big problem with [the] Russian mob, with thousands of sophisticated, experienced criminals running around. Look at the Smushkevich brothers in San Diego, working to steal $2 billion. Now it is proven they were high ranking KGB officers. With Polish mob it is the same. Poland is lesser brother of Soviet Union. They cooperate closely, even today.
     Thirteen members of the Smushkevich crime syndicate were charged by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Los Angeles. Michael Smushkevich was sentenced to 21 years in prison and was force to pay $50  million.  Some officials believe the Smushkevich organization smuggled $50 to $80 million in profits to a foreign country. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, East European organized crime in California is involved in extortion, narcotics, murder, auto theft, and loan  sharking, as well as insurance and credit card fraud.Organized crime, explains Suda, is [the] best way for making  money to support intelligence operations, and for meeting government expenses. Instead of making money in trade it's better to go to another country, pretend to be an independent criminal, and steal tremendous amounts of money.I was speaking  with this officer from [a] police intelligence unit, and he couldn't understand why these guys were so hard to catch. I said, 'Listen, an East European criminal knows as much about police work as you do, or maybe more, because he is a trained security officer. So he is prepared for his job as much as you are. This is not some little dirty crook trying his luck. You're dealing with a professional.'Mr. Suda's argument is logical. Espionage and economic sabotage are difficult crimes to detect, and more difficult to prove.
    I came from Poland in 1985, Unfortunately I used my college contacts to stay in America. I used the sister of a friend from college. I didn't think they were involved in UB [Polish KGB] activities. But now I' m sure they were. It was through her I met my girlfriend, who I found out  was  simply a spy. When you are boyfriend of such a girl you are, at  first, unpleasantly surprised when  you discover something going on. But immediately I understand that  she's fooling around, not  with her type of man, which is handsome or rich, but she is involved with middle- aged men; for example, a federal agent  or a military contractor, etc. So  his profession plays a  crucial role."Suda found love letters written by his girlfriend to a DEA agent.
    These letters, explains Suda, when shown to U.S. military personnel, were recognized as trap letters used by KGB since the Korean War. These letters use sophisticated psychological hooks.Suda is describing a method for recruiting spies known as the "honey trap.
    Those  letters  were probably worked out by experienced professors  of  psychology who were experts  in  sexuality,
    speculates Suda. The target is a specific group of men. I  asked Suda about a politician
    Oh yes, he said, if you're a spy you can use military technology, you can use federal agents, and you can use politicians to influence the political scene. I don't know how successful she was with our local congressman; but the fact is, without any questions he got her a green card when she was about to be deported. Mr. Suda has extensive documentation showing irregularities in his girlfriend's immigration documents. He also has a letter sent  by the congressman's office, filled with praise for the girlfriend. In the midst of this, Suda's health began to fail.
    At first I thought it was an ordinary illness, says Suda. But later I suspected some kind of poison. So I started to go to doctors, and eventually ended up at  the  UCSD poison center. I took tests. They said that  they could not give a definitive answer, but t hey told me -- on the record and with witnesses present -- that my symptoms were consistent with  poisoning by ricin toxin. This is a popular KGB poison. The guy at UCSD said, 'Maybe at the CIA they have a test for this.'I stopped living with my girlfriend,- says Suda,- and within two weeks my health improved.Ricin is a protein.  It leaves no residual in the human body. Your body digests it like any other protein, only it has a different chemical structure. Consequently, it slowly destroys your glands. Ricin is not a poison you can get off the street. Only a few countries in the world are making it.
    What was the motive to poison me? asks Suda. I didn't believe she could make money off my death. But  t hen I started to think about  life insurance. My girlfriend  had been to see an insurance guy and, surprise, I was lucky enough to trace where she went. It  was a place where an insurance agent had just  been  fired  for dirty tricks. The  funny thing is, this insurance agent  was also Polish. And then I started to think about  insurance and the medical field where Poles  are working, and that's  how I began to piece it together. It  looks  like you've got teams of people: one in the medical field, the other in the insurance field, creating policies for people who are dying. My case was different  because she wanted to get  rid of me. Instead of waiting for me to die she wanted to help the process  along. In this  particular scheme we are talking about an investment of $150 a month that can bring you $1 million.
    &Returning to the subject of the girlfriend's many lovers : et's start with DEA -- Drug Enforcement Administration, says Suda. One of the patients in the doctor's office (where my girlfriend worked) was a very high- level undercover DEA agent. He was so important, that after working in Venezuela he came back to Los Angeles and changed his face. Definitely they were lovers. He came to  the house twice a week to take her out. I complained to DEA about it. They ran some kind of mock investigation. They sent investigators  from  Washington, D.C., to interview  me. After that  he stopped seeing her, and they didn't  dig  any further. They evidently didn't want  to knowwhat was  behind this case.Another patient of the same doctor was a very high level missile specialist. He was working on Tomahawk and Stinger missiles. He was very involved with my girlfriend. He was in our house often. And then there was a private investigator who used to be a postal inspector. He was a specialist in child pornography. But this guy  was working as a contractor, freelance, for U.S. Air Force intelligence in the Las Vegas area. He would go to Las Vegas once a month," says Suda.Mr. Suda's story is a complex one, involving the FBI, the local police, the DEA and the Office of the Inspector General. Is he a credible witness? Does his extensive documentation prove anything?Rapimenti di bambini - a scopo politico?  Un bieco "traffico" di emigranti inconsapevoli? una vasta rete di spionaggio internazionale? /  Political children kidnappings? A criminal "traffic" of unaware emigrants? A widespread network of covert espionage?

    Stralci dal secondo articolo
    A disturbing pattern By J.R. Nyquist Thursday, September 14, 2000 © 2000
    Some readers may recall my column about Andrzej Suda, on site a naturalized American citizen from communist Poland whogot mixed up with a Polish intelligence agent in California. Another East European named Mikhail, a former citizen of the Soviet Union now living in California, told me that the East Europeans and Russians were very active in the United States. Mikhail said they were waging a clandestine war against us onour  own soil. During several hours of interviews, Mikhail spoke of a self-styled Slavic mafia operating in the Sacramento area.
    The chiefs of this mafia are GRU, Russian military intelligence officers, he alleged. They are allied to powerful financial interests and boast of controlling Child Welfare Services. They don't need to threaten to kill anyone, said Mikhail, whose children were taken by the state of California last year after he refused to cooperate with leading Russian intelligence agents. More than 20 years ago, while living and working in the Soviet Union, the KGB took Mikhail's infant son.They took my baby because I refused to go to Israel and work as a spy,"he explained. "I never saw him again. Years later, after remarrying, I was lucky to have more children. We got away to America. I thought the FBI and CIA would protect me in America. But the KGB warned me. They said that nobody would protect me here, and they would take my children once again if I refused to work for them.
    Both Andrzej Suda and Mikhail told their stories to the FBI. But in both cases the FBI did nothing. A ranking law enforcement official familiar with Suda's case, whom I interviewed while researching the Suda story, thought there was aproblem at the Justice Department  inWashington. Things were being short-circuited at the top, he believed. For some strange reason, spies connected to East European mafia organizations were being allowed to operate freely on American soil.  Americans do not fully appreciate how devoid of on-the-ground intelligence resources America is. They imagine that the CIA and the news media have a handle on everything. Well, they don't. J.R.Nyquist, a WorldNetDaily contributing editor and a renowned expert in geopolitics and international relations, is the author of Origins of the Fourth World War. Visit his news-analysis and opinion site, Each monthNyquist provides an exclusive in-depthreport in WorldNetDaily's monthly magazine, WorldNet The Arctic Beacon16 Dec. 2005 By Greg SzymanskiPolish Immigrant Harassed by Covert Operatives and Says America Headed Down Path of Suppression Just Like Behind the Old Iron Curtain<
    American citizen, Andrew Suda of Poland, has been poisoned and almost killed by his girlfriend, working as an undercover operative with apparent assistance from Homeland Security and the U.S. government
    16 Dec. 2005 By Greg SzymanskiAndrew Suda feels like a cornered animal with nothing left to do but fight back. Suda, 46, a 1985 Polish immigrant, is another in the long line of citizens being hounded, harassed and raked over the coals by thugs operating under the radar screen with the I have been poisoned, said Suda in an extended telephone conversation from his San Diego home, adding it came from doses of ricen administered by his girlfriend who turned out to be a covert operative. Attacks have been made against my financial well-being, isolating me socially, sabotage at work and of my car, ringing in ears, super vivid dreams that drain you and keep you asleep for many, many hours - these are all tricks constantly used on meThe Polish native and now American citizen said he has been targeted by authorities since he is considered an "annoying fly or loose end" in what has become a shocking attempt at a total lockdown of the truth being played out on the streets of America. Although Suda came here looking for peace and freedom, he might as well be walking down the streets of Moscow, since literally his every move has been monitored by what has turned out to be Polish and Russian communist intelligence operatives given free rein to operate with the help of certain factions inside the U.S. government. What's going on here, reminds me of what went on in Poland when I was a boy
    , recalls Suda. In fact, when Suda was a young student in a Polish university, one the equivalent to an American Ivy League school, he was extre
    mely vocal about the fall of communism being a charade or good theatre, as he calls it.He considered the sudden fall of communism and the Polish freedom movement to be contrived for strategic deception purposes, considering it nothing more that a plan of deception orchestrated by the communists and certain factions of the American government. Otherwise, he says, why would the communist 'Old Guard' remain in Eastern European command positions and why would some former KGB officials now be allowed to operate freely in America and actually be on the Homeland Security payroll? Not surprisingly, the horror stories coming out of the Homeland Security Department related to the abuses allowed under the Patriot Act are at the heart of Suda's problems, since both the agency and the laws it is operating under are geared at taking away liberties previously protected by the Constitution.
    And this Polish immigrant, who is all too familiar with communist oppression, said the same thing is happening here in America that went on behind the veil of the Iron Curtain when he was growing up in Poland.The symptoms are the same as occurred in Poland and the USSR, said Suda, adding Americans better wake-up quick before its too late. Why are people afraid to talk and speak their minds? Why is it when you speak the truth or have opinions contrary to the government, people on the streets even look at you like your crazy or like you are an idiot.
    This is what it was like under communist suppression, but it may even be worse because nobody is even thinking about it. In fact, I think it will now even be easier for them to take away freedom here than it was in Eastern Europe since most people aren't even arguing.Feeling restricted under communism, Suda naturally brought his outspoken views to America, thinking life would be sweet. But instead his "politically incorrect" opinions landed him in big trouble. Although he's not locked away in a gulag, the 21st century American equivalent is perhaps even more dark and sinister if not just as confining as a cold and dank jail cell.I literally cannot sleep in my home anymore and I feel as if I am being cornered like an animal just for my political views, adding he feels the 'powers that be' pulling the worldwide strings have decided it would be easier to manipulate people under a capitalistic system rather than communism.You see, there always needs to be an enemy even though it's not real. This is how people are controlled, rounded up like cattle and eventually slaughtered. The world powers who come from all countries have now decided it is easy to control the masses under the guise of capitalism and that is why communism fell so quickly.
    Now, you are seeing here in America what happened in Russia and Poland. In fact, it is my opinion that certain U.S. officials, determined to destroy America, all along have been cooperating with the Communist enemy instead of fighting them? Whistle blowers being harassed and terrorized by the U.S. government?  Did we really have an enemy in the form of IVAN? Or was IVAN an older, cruder OSAMA?  This would explain the "enemy of my enemy is my enemy paradox. I think Americans need to wake-up. I lived under suppression and see the same thing happening here. Now the fake enemy is Osama and without a doubt this is an orchestrated government effort to place the population under fear so that takeover becomes an easy matter. like I said and I want to emphasize that the 'powers that be' may actually have an easier time of takeover here since there has been an orchestrated effort in America to disrupt strong family values and a decaying of the school system, eventually leading to the utter lack of free and independent thinking.Whatever Suda's views are, it appears what's playing out in Eastern Europe backs up what he is saying. Although democracy has been touted in Poland and other places previously behind the Iron Curtain, it's a fact that same old communist leaders have again taken control.In fact, in 2000 Polish headlines reported that the famous anti-communist Solidarity leader and former Polish President, Lech Walesa, was actually a communist agent recruited by the Russians in the 1970's under the code name of Bolek.And could this also be a reason why covert operatives have gone to great lengths at silencing Suda? Could this be why they enlisted the services of a Polish female operative who entered into a romantic affair and eventually tried to kill him through poisoning? Could this also be why the FBI and other federal authorities have backed off the investigation even though clear evidence exists Suda's life is in danger by something or someone more than a psychotic girlfriend?I was tested by doctors in California who found numerous poisons in my system, said Suda. One day I realized that my Polish girlfriend was a spy and I was so well manipulated and brainwashed by people surrounding me that I couldn't see, or rather understand, things happening just in front of me.Since I 'woke up' it was pretty easy to collect enough evidence and go to FBI. I knew that I had a big case. Between other things there was evidence that local Congressman, then chief of armed forces committee, gave my girlfriend a Green Card with no questions asked after Department of State attempted to deport her. Guess what - her old INS file where the reason for deportation was presented strangely disappeared after that and it wasn't available even for the Office of Inspector General of U.S. Dept. of Justice. I then approached the Office of Inspector General after an incident where the FBI exposed me to the Polish network. O.I.G. did a good job and we were able to get a hard evidence of FBI wrongdoing. Unfortunately, Washington forced O.I.G. to stop. My investigator from O.I.G. was then quickly transferred to San Francisco and doesn't want to talk to me any more. And where is the mind control issue in my case? Well, after all the experiences I realized that there is something bigger than the Cold War. I knew that one of my girlfriend's supervisors or handlers was a Polish representative to the UN, who became a professor at Harvard. I knew that local (San Diego) ABC station was personally stopped by Peter Jennings from investigating my case even though they aired a program about similar KGB operatives earlier. At a time when Suda was near death from poisoning, everyone who could help backed away, leaving him in financial ruin after losing his house and being subjected to an unfair IRS audit even though his work involved a simple painting business. Asked about the congressman involved with his girlfriend, Suda added: If you are a protected spy or agent like my girlfriend you can use military technology, federal agents and you can use politicians. I don't know how successful she was with our local congressman but the fact is without any questions he got her a green card when she was about to be deported. That speaks volumes. I might add two weeks after I stopped living with my girlfriend, my health improved. Also ricen is a protein and it leaves no residual in the human body and it isn't a poison you get easily off the street and only a few countries in the world are making it.And when the entire Suda story is evaluated, his conclusions appear logical since covert mind control, espionage and economic sabotage are extremely difficult crimes to prove. Also, looking back at Suda's story, most likely his problems began with his outspoken nature in Poland since contacts he made there, like a bad nightmare, have now appeared to surface on the streets of San Diego. I came here 20 years ago wanting a better life but perhaps my outspoken ways have been my downfall, recalls Suda. Unfortunately, I used my college contacts to stay in America. I used the sister of a friend from college. I didn't think they were involved in UB, the Polish KGB, though. And it was through her I met my girlfriend, who I found out was simply a spy. I then found out she was involved with federal agents and military contractors, finding love letters written to DEA agents. I showed these letters to a military expert and he said they were recognized as 'trap letters' used by the KGB since the Korean War. These letters use sophisticated psychological hooks and are used as a method to recruit spies called 'honey traps.' Although Suda's story is complex involving the FBI, DEA and the Office of the Inspector General, there exists numerous facts beyond mere suspicion which takes his story out of the realm of human paranoia into the world of covert harassment through the use of a wide range of tactics employed by the KGB and CIA.
    Look also on March 2006 Szymanski Investigative Journal RBN mp3 ArchiveCome completamento / to complete: Artist Suda: Presentation Andrzej (Andrew) Suda's DOCUMENTATION / DOCUMENTAZIONE Il file prima nominato Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets ora è in rete sdoppiato nelle sue parti italiana a inglese: anzi triplicato perché la parte in italiano, molto ampliata e curata, è stata caricata anche in un pdf anch'esso con il titolo Aggressioni pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici raggiungibile in rete e leggibile come eBook. Furthermore also the English translation of the present file - by now also renewed as style, as placement and improved by new data and consideration - should continually be faced with the English new file renamed Fake-mysterious assaulters against biological targets: on its old bilingual page - Italian and English - and with its previous name Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets  can be read as chapter on the Appendix of the current edition of the book: It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction
    Associazione Italiana, Scientifica e Giuridica, contro gli Abusi Mentali, Fisici e Tecnologici
    Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin
    Opinioni o peggio: accuse? Opinion or accusation?
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    Links e citazioni su segnali di pericolo
    Pagina scientifico-medica Microchips impiantati nel corpo umano
    ...altre sopraffazioni e violazioni Pseudo-Misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-Mysteries on biological targetsDal sito dell'Ingegner Giuseppe Muratori: 'NUOVO' WORLD INTELLIGENCE FOUNDATION

    Testimonianze di un ingegnere informatico
    per gli indici illustrati /for illustrated index: Pagine Fuori Testo Introduttive

    Per concludere... / accomplishment
    Libro / Book

    Armi ad Energia diretta
    >Caso Suda: file originale suda.fotodoc

    Suda recovered original documents
    STUPRI-DI-GUERRA: i figli dell'odio
    A questo proposito questo file viene spesso RINNOVATO con aggiunte: metodologica, di precisazioni, con risposte pervenute anche on-line e nuove documentazioni. A questo file/capitolo va comunque affiancato un altro file stampato anche come capitolo nell'Appendice all'edizione corrente del libro It's Abuse NOT Science FictionIl file prima nominato Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets ora è in rete sdoppiato nelle sue parti italiana a inglese: anzi triplicato perché la parte in italiano, molto ampliata e curata, è stata caricata anche in un pdf anch'esso con il titolo Aggressioni pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici raggiungibile in rete e leggibile come eBook. Furthermore also the English translation of the present file - by now also renewed as style, as placement and improved by new data and consideration - should continually be faced with the English new file renamed Fake-mysterious assaulters against biological targets: on its old bilingual page - Italian and English - and with its previous name Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets  can be read as chapter on the Appendix of the current edition of the book: It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction

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