![]() DELGADO & SKINNER diAssociazione italiana,scientifica e giuridica,contro gli abusi mentali,fisici e tecnologici è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale. Permessi ulteriori rispetto alle finalità della presente licenza possono essere disponibili presso /del-skin.htm DELGADO & SKINNERMotore di ricerca del sito / Site Search Engine![]() ![]() 23 agosto 2016 / August 23
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Vedi altro/look also#lobotomia, #macabre_tale, #Mengele e un video di segno opposto: Un toro riconosce tra centinaia di persone chi lo accudivce Dalla viva voce
Delgado - in inglese:
Físico de la Mente y Creatividad Humanas - José
Manuel Rodríguez DelgadoPrimera sesión del ciclo de conferencias organizado por el Instituto de Ciencias del Hombre de Madrid en 1975 en colaboración con la Fundación March. Habla el prestigioso neurocientífico español Dr. José Delgado, médico militar republicano durante la Guerra Civil, profesor de fisiología en la Universidad de Yale y director del Instituto Cajal, globalmente reconocido como gran investigador por sus experimentos sobre el impacto en la conducta de animales y personals de implantes cerebrale Per una visione panoramica sulle tecnologie "aggressive" e possibilità di difendersene vedi - con beneficio di inventario / look with caution to - MIND-WEAPON Crimini contro l'umanità: . Gravidanze forzate: i figli dell''odio Esperimenti su bambine/i Regina Louf Silenzio.Qui-si-uccidino-bambini Isis-Kurdistan vendita di donne e bambini A questo proposito questo file viene spesso RINNOVATO con aggiunte: metodologica, di precisazioni, con risposte pervenute anche on-line e nuove documentazioni. A questo file/capitolo va comunque affiancato un altro file stampato anche come capitolo nell'Appendice all'edizione corrente del libro It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction: Il file prima nominato Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets ora è in rete sdoppiato nelle sue parti italiana a inglese: anzi triplicato perché la parte in italiano, molto ampliata e curata, è stata caricata anche in un pdf anch'esso con il titolo Aggressioni pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici raggiungibile in rete e leggibile come eBook. Furthermore also the English translation of the present file - by now also renewed as style, as placement and improved by new data and consideration - should continually be faced with the English new file renamed Fake-mysterious assaulters against biological targets: on its old bilingual page - Italian and English - and with its previous name Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets can be read as chapter on the Appendix of the current edition of the book: It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction Direttamente dalla rete si può scaricare, stampare e leggere in tablet o e-book la traduzione in italiano del libro di Regina Louf-Silinzio! Qui si uccidono bambini.
Moderno Giuramento di Ippocrate Art.50 - Tortura, trattamenti disumani Il
medico non deve in
alcun modo o caso
partecipare o semplicemente
presenziare ad atti di tortura o a trattamenti crudeli, disumani o
E' vietato
al medico
praticare qualsiasi forma di mutilazione
Si diffida dal copiare o usare in altri modi senza esplicito permesso il contenuto o anche singole parti Please do not copy or re-use without permission. All rights reserved. All Content © unless otherwise noted Le citazioni presentate non indicano necessariamente la nostra piena approvazione. D'altra parte gli elenchi segnalati non pretendono di essere esaustivi. Listing is not necessarily endorsement. This listing is not meant to be comprehensive. All sites and publications, quotations from persons and Institutions and publications are endorsed coming from direct advices as well as from alert surveys. ![]() |
José Delgado was involved in this reasearch. Delgado Index |
Psychocivilized Society Jos M. R. Delgado, M.D. Director of Neuropsychiatry at Yale University Medical School Harper & Row, NY, 1969) |
![]() In the past
individual could face
risks and pressures with preservation of his own identity. His body
be tortured, his thoughts and desires could be challenged by bribes, by
emotions, and by public opinion, and his behavior could be influenced
environmental circumstances, but he allways had the privilige of
his own fate, of dying for an ideal without changing his mind...New
neurological technology, however, has a refined efficiency. The
isdefenseless against dicrect manipulation of the brain...
Jose Delgado,1969, neurophysiologist at the Yale University [Direttore della Clinica Neuropsichiatrica dell'Università di Yale]) [In passato gli individui potevano affrontare rischi e pressioni conservando lo stesso la loro identità. Il corpo poteva venir torturato, i pensieri e desideri modificati da corruttori, da emozioni e dall'adesione all'opinione pubblica, mentre il comportamento poteva venir influenzato dalle circostanze ambientali.: ma sempre avrebbe avuto il privilegio di decidere il proprio destino , di morire per un ideale senza cambiare la propria mente... Le nuove tecnologie neurologiche ora posseggono una efficenza più raffinata. L'individuo è senza difese contro manipolazioni dirette del suo cervello..."] We
a program of
and political control of our society.
The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. ["Abbiamo
bisogno di un programma
di neurochirurgia
e di un controllo politico della nostra società: suo scopo
è il controllo fisico della mente. Si deve poter mutilare
chiunque devia dalla regola data. "]
individual may
think that the most
important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal
of view. This lacks historical perspective.
può pensare
che la realtà
più importante è la sua propria esistenza, ma questo
soltanto il suo punto di vista personale: vi manca la prospettiva
not have
the right to develop
his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great
must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and
be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain.
non ha il diritto di
sviluppare la sua propria
mente. Questo tipo di orientamento "liberal" è di grande
Noi [invece] dobbiamo controllare il cervello
il giorno quando armate e generali saranno controllati da stimolazioni
elettriche del cervello.]Dr.
José Delgado
Record No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974
experimenter who demonstrated a radio-controlled bull on CNN in 1985)
of Neuropsichiatry
![]() experimenter who demonstrated a radio-controlled bull on CNN in 1985. Look carefully at this very well-organized, extensive file: Jose
Delgado's scientific writings:
Behavioral Neurochemistry: Proceedings by Jose Manuel Rodrigue Delgado, F. V. Defeudis La felicidad, 1999, (!!!) by Jose Delgado Director of Neuropsichiatry Yale University Medical School Vedi anche Human Brain Implants And The Work Of Jose Delgado |
In The Physical control...
image della
copertina della traduzione in italiano) Il progetto fu realizzato
di Hall nelle Bermude e consisteva nello stimolare il cervello di molte
scimmie selvatiche. Queste
scimmie furono "controllate" in tutti i loro
movimenti e
“teledirette” per mezzo di “impianti cerebrali”che registravano e
a un computer informazioni riguardanti il loro cervello.
altri libri, tutti riguardanti il cervello , in cui spiegava
volutamente sommario i suoi nuovi progetti di ricerca sempre ammantati
di un aspetto spirituale e abbelliti come fossero indirizzati alla "ricerca
della felicità" - La
felicidad, 1999
Vedi intervista
Bärtås and Ekman
- Psychocivilization
and its discontents
(Issue 2 Spring
©2002 Cabinet
Magazine) |
An extraordinary 95 percent of
Americans have at least heard or read something about Unidentified
Flying Objects (UFOs), and 57 percent believe they are real. (1) Former
US Presidents Carter and Reagan claim to have seen a UFO. UFOlogists--a
neologism for UFO buffs--and private UFO organizations are found
throughout the United States. Many are convinced that the US
Government, and particularly CIA, are engaged in a massive conspiracy
and coverup of the issue. The idea that CIA has secretly concealed its
research into UFOs has been a major theme of UFO buffs since the modern
UFO phenomena emerged in the late 1940s
always we
quote textually
the following past text, any way hinting that at December 30 2014 CIA declared the
coverup of the kind of the so called Unidentified
Flying Objects - UFOs)
stimoceiver is
depth electrode which can receive and transmit electronic signals over
FM radio waves. By stimulating a correctly-positioned stimoceiver, an
operator can wield a surprising degree of control over the subject's
Mystery still shrouds another area of study, the area which seems to
most interested ORD: psychoelectronics. This research may prove key to
our understanding of the UFO abduction
phenomenon. Perhaps the most
pieces of evidence surrounding the abduction phenomenon are the
implants allegedly visible in the X-rays and MRI scans of many
[23]. Indeed, abductees often describe operations in which needles are
inserted into the brain; more frequently still, they report
of foreign objects through the sinus cavities. Many abduction
assume that these intracranial incursions must be the handiwork of
from the stars. Unfortunately, these researchers have failed to
themselves with certain little-heralded advances in terrestrial
The abductees' implants strongly suggest a technological lineage which
can be traced to a device known as a stimoceiver,
invented in
the late '50s - early '60s by a neuroscientist named Jose Delgado. The
stimoceiver is a miniature depth electrode which can receive and
electronic signals over FM radio waves. By stimulating a
stimoceiver, an outside operator can wield a surprising degree of
over the subject's responses. The most famous example of the
in action occurred in a Madrid bull
ring. Delgado "wired" the bull before stepping into
the ring,
unprotected. Furious for gore, the bull charged toward the doctor --
stopped, just before reaching him. The technician-turned- toreador had
halted the animal by simply pushing a button on a black box, held in
hand [24]. Delgado's Physical
Control of the
Mind: Toward a
Psychocivilized Society
[25] remains the sole, full-length, popularly-written work on
implants and electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB). (The book's
title and unconvincing philosophical rationales for mass mind control
an unfavorable public reaction -- which may have deterred other
from publishing on this theme for a general audience.) While subsequent
work has long since superseded the techniques described in this book,
achievements were seminal. His animal and human experiments clearly
that the experimenter can electronically induce emotions and behavior:
Under certain conditions, the extremes of temperament -- rage, lust,
etc. -- can be elicited by an outside operator as easily as an organist
might call forth a C-major chord.
different points
in the amygdala and hippocampus in the four patients produced a variety
of effects, including pleasant sensations, elation, deep, thoughtful
odd feelings, super relaxation, colored visions, and other responses.
[26] The evocative phrase colored vision clearly indicates
hallucination; we will detail later how these hallucinations may be
by an outside operator.
1966 -- and reflecting research
years previous -- Delgado asserted that his experiments support
the distasteful
that motion, emotion, and behavior can be directed by
forces and that humans can be controlled like robots by push buttons.[27]
He even prophesied a day when brain control could be turned over to non-human operators, by establishing two-way radio communication between the implanted brain and a computer [28]. Of one experimental subject, Delgado notes that the patient expressed the successive sensations of fainting, fright and floating around. These 'floating' feelings were repeatedly evoked on different days by stimulation of the same point... [29] Ufologists may recognize the similarity of this sequence of events to abductee reports of the opening minutes of their experiences [30]. Under subsequent hypnosis, the abductee could be instructed to mis-remember the cause of this floating sensation. In a fascinating series of experiments, Delgado attached the stimoceiver to the tympanic membrane, thereby transforming the ear into a sort of microphone. An assistant would whisper How are you? into the ear of a suitably "fixed" cat, and Delgado could hear the words over a loudspeaker in the next room. The application of this technology to the spy trade should be readily apparent. According to Victor Marchetti, The Agency once attempted a highly sophisticated extension of this basic idea, in which radio implants were attached to a cat's cochlea, to facilitate the pinpointing of specific conversations, freed from extraneous surrounding noises [31]. Such "advances" exacerbate
the already-imposing level of
paranoia: Not
can our phones be
and mail checked, but even TABBY may be spying on us! Yet the
ramifications of
may go
even deeper than Marchetti indicates. I presume that if a
subject's inner ear can be made into a microphone, it can also be made
into a loudspeaker -- one possible explanation for the "voices" heard
abductees [32].
Indeed, I have personally viewed a strange, opalescent implant within the ear canal of an abductee. I see no reason to ascribe this device to alien intrusion -- more than likely, the "intruders" in this case were the technological inheritors of the Delgado legacy. Indeed, not many years after Delgado's experiments with the cat, Ralph Schwitzgebel devised a "bug-in-the-ear" via which the therapist -- odd term, under the circumstances -- can communicate with his subject [33]. Other researchers have made notable contributions to this field. Robert G. Heath, of Tulane University, who has implanted as many as 125 electrodes in his subjects, achieved his greatest notoriety by attempting to "cure" homosexuality through ESB. In his experiments, he discovered that he could control his patients' memory, (a feat which, applied in the ufological context, may account for the phenomenon of "missing time"); he could also induce sexual arousal, fear, pleasure, and hallucinations[34]. Rapimenti
impianti Alieni (?)
Lobotomia![]() (Moniz
Lobotomy Stamp: ecco un
Portoghese attuale, segnalato lunedì, 1 agosto 2005) Non
l'"impianto" di
microchips e "stimolatori" in cavie umane è l'unica
forma di violazione da
della classe medica ufficiale. Esiste anche - onorata
con il premio
Nobel a Edgar
Moniz nel 1946 - la psico-chirurgia;
la psico-correzione;
esiste - in
Italia ancora attualmente autorizzatissima ed al
rimborsata - la pratica
dell'elettroshock, e vi si prospetta, come già
negli Stati Uniti, la prescrizione
anche coattiva
![]() Egas Moniz ottenne il Nobel per la lobotomia nel 1949. (Spagna); fu nominato Grand'Ufficiale della Corona (Italia), Moniz ricevette la Gran-Cruz da Instrução e Benemerência (Portogallo), la Gran-Cruz de Izabella CatolicaCommandeur de la Légion d'Honneur (Francia). Ricevette numerose lauree honoris causa e fu membro onorario di altrettanto numerose e prestigiose Società Scientifiche in Europa e Sud America. (Ma il destino lo aspettava dietro l'angolo. Uno dei suoi pazienti, evidentemente non contento del trattamento ricevuto, attentò alla sua vita sparandogli, e lasciandolo paralitico fino alla fine, che arrivò il 13 Dicembre 1955) Antonio
Caetano de
Abreu Freire Egas
nato nel 1874 e laureato a Coimbra, neurologo, professore
unuversitario, letterato come
capitolo tutto suo: fu
deputato, ambasciatore, ministro
Esteri nel 1917 e Presidente della
Delegazione Portoghese alla
Conferenza di Pace di Parigi del 1919
![]() Per quanto riguarda l'Italia - riferimento e critica - vedi nel libro: Mario Tobino IL Manicomio di Pechino pp.29-35 / vedi anche Mario Tobino IL Manicomio di Pechino Victim owed compensation in CIA case, judge told January
11, 2007, Globe and Mail (One of Canada's leading newspapers)Patients
were put in isolation, tied down or drugged, and subjected to hours and
hours of taped recordings meant to brainwash them at the behest of the Central Intelligence Agency.
They were subjected to massive
electroshocks, experimental drugs and LSD,
most of them unwilling and
unknowingly part of the U.S. spy agency's experimentation. Now it's
time for the federal government to compensate those victims, lawyer Alan Stein argued.
Stein is seeking court approval for a
class-action lawsuit on behalf of his client, Janine Huard,
one of the
hundreds of patients of Ewen Cameron
to be subjected to
the Cold
War-era experiments. She
never knew ... that she was being used by Dr.
Cameron and his staff as a guinea pig,
Mr. Stein told the
CIA ... recruited Dr. Cameron to experiment with mind-control
techniques beginning in 1950. The experiments ... were jointly funded
by the CIA and the Canadian government. They were part of a larger CIA
program called MK-ULTRA,
which also saw LSD administered to U.S. prison inmates and patrons of
brothels without their knowledge. Ms. Huard was one of nine Canadian
victims who received nearly $67,000
from the CIA in 1988 to
compensate her for her suffering. But her claim for compensation from
the federal government ... was rejected three times. In 1994,
77 patients were awarded $100,000 each from the federal government, but
more than 250 others were denied compensation because they were not
"totally depatterned."
Note: What this article fails to mention is that Dr. Cameron was also the president of both the American Psychicatric Association and the World Psychiatric Association. For more reliable information, click here. |
Donald Ewen Cameron (1901-1967) was a Scottish-American psychiatrist. Born in Bridge of Allan, he graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1924. Cameron lived and worked in Albany, New York, and was involved in experiments in Canada for Project MKULTRA, a United StatesCIA-directed mind control program. Cameron was the author of the psychic driving concept which the CIA found particularly interesting. based Further reading
a novel - Breaking the
- Diane Chamberlain
describes these circumstances, patients, nurse and psychiatrists
disguised on simple fiction characters and their further happenings
represented on a poignant,
suspense and intriguing psychological insight (Chamberlain
is a former psychotherapist) as well as a satisfying love
In un
libro -
dal titolo
italiano Cieli
- Diane Chamberlain
psicoteerapeuta) descrive in forma romanzata le vicende di questa
psichiatria, di questi pazienti e le vicende successive che ne
settles with CIA brainwashing
July 3,
2007, CTV (Canada's
private broadcaster)A
Montreal senior who survived Cold War-era brainwashing experiments
up a cheque for compensation from the [Canadian] federal government on
Tuesday. Janine Huard, 79,
accepted an offer to
end her class-action
lawsuit against the federal government, which jointly funded the
experiments with the [U.S.] Central Intelligence Agency. The terms of
settlement are confidential, but Huard says it will allow her to live
her days in peace, with some peace of mind. "I was really so exhausted
from fighting for so many years,'' Huard told The
Canadian Press
in an interview. Huard was a young mother of four suffering from
post-partum depression when she checked herself into McGill's renowned
Allen Memorial Institute in 1950. On and off for the next 15 years, she
was one of hundreds of patients of Dr. Ewan Cameron
to experimental treatments that included massive electroshock therapy,
experimental pills and LSD. The
patients were induced into comas and
exposed to repetitive messages for days on end to brainwash
Cameron pioneered a technique called psychic
which he believed
could erase harmful memories and rebuild psyches without psychiatric
defect. The idea intrigued the CIA, which recruited him to experiment
mind control beginning in 1950. Until 1964, Cameron conducted a range
experiments at the McGill institute, often without the knowledge or the
permission of his patients. The experiments were part of a larger CIA
program called MK-ULTRA,
which saw
LSD administered to U.S. prison inmates and patrons of brothels without
their knowledge. Huard said the treatment left her unable to
for her
children. She suffered memory loss and migraines for many years.
Vedi anche: La dottrina dello shock
per il controllo psichico; L'ORDINE SOCIALE E LA DOTTRINA DEL T.S.O.
(Sottotitolata dal Laboratorio contro la
guerra infinita.)
Tratto dal libro The Shock doctrine di Naomi Klein) HUNDREDS of mentally ill patients who were subjected to barbaric CIA-funded brainwashing experiments by a Scottish doctor could be entitled to compensation following a landmark court ruling. Doctor Ewan
who became one of the world’s leading
psychiatrists, developed techniques used by Nazi
to wipe out
the existing personalities of people in his care. Cameron, who
graduated from Glasgow University, was recruited
by the CIA during the cold war while working at McGill
Montreal, Canada. He carried out mind-control
experiments using
drugs such
LSD on hundreds of patients, but only
77 of them were awarded
Now a landmark ruling by a Federal Court judge in Montreal will allow more than 250 former patients, whose claims were rejected, to seek compensation. Gail Kastner, who underwent electroshock treatment at a Montreal psychiatric institute in 1953, and whose claim was rejected 10 years ago, successfully appealed the judgment. Last week, Alan Stein, of Montreal law firm Stein and Stein, which represented Kastner, confirmed he was in the process of contacting former clients who could now renew their appeal. There are
200 people still due compensation, he said. This
should send out strong
signals to the Canadian
government. Those who have previously missed out should have a strong
case for appealing.
techniques similar to those
portrayed in the
novel - and Manchurian
Candidate, it
was believed
that people could be
brainwashed and reprogrammed to carry out specific acts.
developed a range of depatterning “treatments” while director of
the Allan Memorial Institute at McGill University. Patients were woken
from drug-induced stupors two or three times
a day for multiple electric shocks. In a specially designed sleep
room made
famous by Anne
Collins’s book
of the same name, Cameron
placed a speaker under the patient’s pillow and relayed negative
messages for 16 hours a day. Kastner was a 19-year-old honours student
suffering from mild
depression when she first underwent “treatment” in 1953. On returning
home she sucked her thumb, demanded to be fed from a bottle, talked in
a baby voice and urinated on the floor. She was ostracised by her
affluent family, who were unable to
cope with her changed state, and her marriage in 1955 quickly broke
down due to her difficulties. Cameron, who was born in Bridge of Allan
in 1901, rose to become the
first president of the World
Psychiatric Association.
It took two decades and the persistence of Joseph Rauh,
distinguished American
civil liberties
to uncover what happened
and secure compensation for some of Cameron’s victims.
In the Sleep Room: The Story of the CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada by Anne Collins |
Eugenics and Lobotomy. "Savants": hopeless case who should institutionalised ? or: Love with knowledge ?From SAVANT / IDIOT SAVANT:a
person affected with a mental
disability (as autism or mental
retardation) who exhibits
exceptional skill or brilliance
in some
limited field (as mathematics or music) — called also savant. Below
normal intelligence combined with a special talent or ability in a
specific area. Also known as autistic
savant or idiot savant.
who display savant
traditionally been referred
to as idiot, retarded,
or autistic savant.
(The negative connotations
of the term "idiot" have led to the disuse of idiot savant; because the
syndrome is often associated with autism, the latter term is more
frequently heard.)
Preceding the savant Daniel Tammet by several years, Kim Peek is the real life Rain Man whom the Dustin Hoffman character was based in the movie. Dr. Darold Treffert is an authority on Savant Syndrome and consulted on the Rain Man movie. Dr. Sherr was to discover that Kim had learned to read by the age of two.Described as a confounding mixture of disability and brilliance, Kim is in love with knowledge. Kim Peek is probably the world's most famous savant. This is something of a sore point as the first neurologist Kim saw, when he was only a baby, took 5 minutes to dismiss him as a hopeless case who should institutionalised. On 1951, doctors wanted to place or rather lock him in a mental hospital named American Fork and suggested the family "to throw away the key" eventually after having LOBOTOMIZED him to avoid too much suffering. Kim diagnosed being mentally retarded at birth, with father Fran's unflagging support has developed a memory that is without equal. |
F. Skinner Foundation was established in 1987 to
literary and scientific works in the analysis of behavior and to
both professionals and the public about the science of behavior. The
received tax exempt status as a 501-C3 charitable group in 1989. (Go to
Foundation home page.)
segreti, spie, informatori, assassini...
"costruiti" per mezzo del lavaggio del cervello funzionano meglio dei
stipendiati agenti segreti /spie....
? / Why
are mind-controlled
agents, spies, couriers, assassins, better than conscious, salaried
clockwork orange by Anthony Burgess -
original book and
derived movie by Stanley Kubrik:
Anthony Burgess, the author of the novel upon which the film is based, makes the lesson plain: Alex
is not only deprived of the capacity
to choose to commit evil. A
lover of music, he has responded to the music, used as a heightener of
emotion, which has accompanied the violent films he has been made to
see. A chemical substance injected into his blood induces nausea while
he is watching the films, but the nausea is also associated with the
music. It was not the intention of his State manipulators to induce
this bonus or malus: it is purely an accident that, from now on, he
will automatically react to Mozart or Beethoven as he will to rape or
murder. The State has succeeded in its primary aim: to deny Alex free
moral choice, which, to the State, means choice of evil. But it has
added an unforseen punishment: the gates of heaven are closed to the
boy, since music is a figure of celestial bliss. The
State has
committed a double sin: it has destroyed a human being, since humanity
is defined by freedom of moral choice; it has also destroyed an
novel has
not been well understood. Readers, and viewers of the film made from
the book, have assumed that I, a most unviolent man, am in love with
violence. I am not, but I am committed to freedom of choice, which
means that if I cannot choose to do evil nor can I choose to do good.
It is better to have our streets infested with murderous young hoodlums
than to deny individual freedom of choice. This is a hard thing to say,
but the saying of it was imposed on me by the moral tradition which, as
a member of western civilization, I inherit. Whatever the conditions
needful for the sustention of society, the basic human endowment must
not be denied. The evil, or merely wrong, products of free will may be
punished or held off with deterrents, but the faculty itself may not be
removed. The unintended destruction of Alex’s capacity for enjoying
music symbolizes the State’s imperfect understanding (or volitional
ignorance) of the whole nature of man, and of the consequences of its
own decisions. We may not be able to trust man – meaning ourselves –
very far, but we must trust the State far less.
![]() |
this program the
student should be able to
instruct himself
in that substantial part of psychology which deals with the analysis of
behavior--in particular the explicit prediction and control of the
of people. The practical importance of such a science scarcely needs to
be pointed out, but understanding and effective use of the science
fairly detailed knowledge. This program is designed to present the
terms and principles of the science. It is also designed to reveal the
inadequacy of popular explanations of behavior and to prepare the
for rapidly expanding extensions into such diverse fields as social
and psychopharmacology, space flight and child care, education and
The program itself is one application of the science.
[From the
of The
Analysis of Behavior: A
Program for Self-Instruction, by James
Holland and B. F. Skinner, 1961] In short, we need to make vast changes in human behavior, and we cannot make them with the help of nothing more than physics or biology, no matter how hard we try. [From Chapter One of Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1971). New York: Alfred A. Knopf.] |
italiano vedi Dietro
la libertà e la dignità. Introduzione a Skinner
- 1976 - Carpenter
F.. - Armando
e comportamento Skinner Burrhus Frederic
4 ed., 512
1992 Franco Angeli
del comportamentismo. Saggi recenti su istruzione e personalità
Burrhus Frederic 1992 Armando.
Vol. 2: Utopia per una nuova societ. Skinner
Frederic 1995 La Nuova
Italia L'argomento
a favore della terapia del
comportamento operante
è essenzialmente questo: quelli che vengono sentiti come
o introspettivamente osservati come stati mentali, sono stati corporei,
ed essi sono i prodotti di certe contingenze di rinforzo. Le
ambientali possono essere molto più facilmente identificate e
di quanto non lo siano i sentimenti o statimentali. E il
si propone di cambiare le contingenze anziché questi ultimi.
psicologia umanistica, alla psicoanalisi e al cognitivismo Skinner non
risparmia critiche pesanti e spesso pregiudiziali. Il comportamentismo
sarebbe sempre stato osteggiato perché si tratterebbe dell'unico
metodo di intervento realmente efficace. Qua e là si allude a
che paiono francamente orwelliani (G.Orwell 1984),
ma che Skinner ci descrive con appassionato e trionfalistico ottimismo.
controllo - egli sostiene - è etico se è esercitato per
bene del controllato. L'esposizione è chiara e rivela una
lucidità di mente, nonché una fede
esposte, senza il beneficio del dubbio.
me a dozen healthy
infants, well-formed and my own
world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random
and train him to become any type of specialist I might select — a
doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even into a beggar-man
and thief regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies,
abilities, vocations and race of his ancestors. [JB
Watson, What the
nursery has to say about instincts, in Carl
Murchison, ed., Psychologies
of 1925 (Worcester, MA: Clark
University Press,
1926), p. 10].
A macabre tale of medical arroganceQuesto
"caso" (vedine
la descrizione
in: The True Story
-> JOAN The
Rolling Stone, December 11, 1997. Pages 54-97)
era considerato uno dei massimi successi del comportamentismo
Agenti segreti, spie, informatori, assassini... "costruiti" per mezzo del lavaggio del cervello funzionano meglio dei consapevoli, stipendiati agenti segreti /spie.... E'
come nei secoli scorsi si castrassero bambini per
mantenerne la "voce bianca" e così ottenere dei soprani
"speciali" - vedi ad esempio il famoso Farinelli
Broschi, detto Farinelli 1705 - 1782 );
ma la mutilazione
sottocitata - ...un - creduto! - e ampiamente sbandierato successo del COMPORTAMENTISMO
ancora più raccapricciante
nella sua quasi "banalità" di
situazione "privata": comunque ne esemplifica bene teoria,
impostazione e principi .
![]() autore: John Colapinto. (Ne è stata fatta anche una traduzione in italiano ma ora è introvabile. Per collegamenti e informazioni più articolati sull'argomento delle mutilazioni vedi in Segnalazioni di allarme internazionali e ed ancor meglio in Testimonianze e dubbi e soprattutto nel sito "esterno" TOTEM AND TABOO REVISITED: awful and fertile rise of new superstitions) Comment from Once you begin reading As Nature Made Him, a mesmerizing story of a medical tragedy and its traumatic results, you absolutely won't want to put it down. Following a botched circumcision, a family is convinced to raise their infant son, Bruce, as a girl. They rename the child Brenda and spend the next 14 years trying to transform him into a her. Brenda's childhood reads as one filled with anxiety and loneliness, and her fear and confusion are present on nearly every page concerning her early childhood. Much of her pain is caused by Dr. Money, wad ho is presented as a villainous medical man attempting to coerce an unwilling child to submitt on umerous unpleasant treatments. Reading over interviews and reports of decisions made by this doctor, it's difficult to contain anger at the widespread results of his insistence that natural-born gender can be altered with little more than will power and hormone treatments. The attempts of his parents, twin brother, and extended family to assist Brenda to be happily female are touching -- the sense is overwhelmingly of a family wanting to do "right" while being terribly mislead as to what "right" is for her. As Brenda makes the decision to live life as a male (at age 14), she takes the name David and begins the process of reversing the effects of estrogen treatments. David's ultimate successful life --a solid marriage, honest and close family relationships, and his bravery in making his childhood public -- bring an uplifting end to his story. Equally fascinating is the latest segment of the longtime nature/nurture controversy, and the interviews of various psychological researchers and practitioners form a larger framework around David's struggle to live as the gender he was meant to be. - Jill Lightner --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. (Ne esisteva anche una traduzione in italiano ma ora è introvabile, come era già avvenuto per il libro Sybil di Flora Rheta Schreiber in cui si descrive un caso paradigmatico di personalità multiple. Ne fu tratto anche un film (Sybil (1976) (TV regia Daniel Petrie, attori: Sally Field come , Joanne Woodward come Dr. Cornelia Wilbur), anch'esso tradotto in italiano e anch'esso subito sparito dalla circolazione). |
Come già ribadito anche
in molti altri file/capitoli - la situazione
è soltanto emersa e anche casualmente come la punta
di icebrg di qualcosa di ben più vasto e INTERNAZIONALE di
effettiva e su larghissima scala dei dettami di Delgado: ogni
file verrà pertanto REVISIONATO
per riassumere tempestivamente
le novità del sito; verranno segnalati i file nuovi o completamente
ora corroborati
con illustrazioni
Da tener costamente d'occhio gli aggiornamenti continumnte in corso
dell'argomento ostilità
contro l'infanzia e medicina;
nonché le
continue nuove precisazioni della terribile testimonianza
- in /testim.htm, in /warn-internat.htm
e in /guilt-free.htm
ora anche allargata con
le testimonianze e illustrazioni
di gravissimi esperimenti
bambine anche molto piccole e di esperimenti pseudo-medici sui bambini
già utilizzati nei circuiti pedo-pornografici.
Vedi anche gli
- in italiano
- di /superstition.htmTo notify our whole work's general approach read the apposite files Opinioni o peggio: accuse? e Opinion or accusation?, But there are to carefully consider many files where this method shows its real, direct application when regarding persons - or worse - children: ESPERIMENTI SU BAMBINE/I, completed on /testim.htm, /warn-internat.htm, /guilt-free.htm Any way also "things" have to speak "sincerely", loud and bright: NUOVISSIME TECNOLOGIE? ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES? TECHNOLOGIES AVANCEES? SPITZENTECHNOLOGIEN? Other people gathered sure data and we are proud to share them: Andrzej
DOCUMENTAZIONE also with the gathered
original illustrations; as
well on the files: LarsonReport.Edit.pdf
and LarsonReport.htm
Importantissima la testimonianza - ingenuamente spontanea - di Delgado agli intervistatori di: Psychocivilization and its discontents Torna alla HOME Avviso riguardante l'utilizzo del sito / To a better use of the site:Questo
sito e i libri che ne derivano NON sono di INFORMAZIONE, ma si
costituiscono come una specie di ENCICLOPEDIE TEMATICHE, in
cui vengono presentati e discussi vari argomenti da leggersi e
soprattutto da CONSULTARE
di volta in volta.
This site and the book do NOT be a fount of notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different subjects: one another to be read time by time, or better to be CONSULTED even for learning. And so this Web site will
always be maintained under speedy and
diligently revised construction: then it is suitable
to begin by the file Aggiornamenti e Indici
for up-dates and
disclaimers: more
easy: English Up-dates,
for book and illustrated
indexes: Libro / Book,
Pagine Fuori Testo Introduttive,
to general founding information go at Presentazione e indice ragionato: come
cominciare / Preamble: how to begin
L'intero sito è ora
pubblicato in un libro enciclopedico - pur privo degli ultimi aggiornamenti -:
per copertina, frontespizio e ulteriori spiegazioni vedi file Libro/book.
Abuse NOT Science FictionThe complete site - even if already at present lacking of the newest up-dates - is ready also as an Encyclopedic book. (Questo file/capitolo è pure presente in due altri libri - italiano e inglese - rispettivamente come capitolo 25 e come capitolo 17) It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction??? ![]() should look just like many of the events described by the victims: they exist, are bothersome, and we don’t know exactly WHY they are there but they are there… [come molti dei fatti descritti dalle vittime: essi esistono , turbano e noi non riusciamo a conoscere esattamente il PERCHE' ci siano, ma ci sono...] About the Book This book not only documents the case of Andrzej Suda, it is also filled with documentation from the worlds most influential documented cases of psychological abuse, electronic harassment, organized stalking and mind control. Some cases include Rauni Leena Kilde MD., Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Kathy Sullivan, David Larson, and many others... Please support the truth with the purchase of our book. This will document many technologies and mind control weapons that have been kept hidden from the mainstream public. Over 600 pages of action packed TRUTH! ![]() ![]() ************************* The book previously published at present needs to be modified. It's Abuse NOT Science fiction published on July 14 2005 shortly became OUT OF DATE and so required to present the novelties coming from readers comments, from new deeds and - MOSTLY- on present-day flash-back disclosures - to note that for some victims it is easier to write than to speak. UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS of It's Abuse NOT Science fiction = Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza for the time being launched as supplementary book, supplementary but matching also by itself not only for propose simple improvement, rather mostly to share some new particular important DOCUMENTS. Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin Opinioni o peggio: accuse? e Opinion or accusation? Microchips
impiantati nel corpo umano Segnalazioni di allarme: Internazionali Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets The
guilt-free soldier Armi vecchie e nuove,
dall'uranio impoverito all'informazione impoverita TOTEM
REVISITED: awful and fertile rise of new superstitions IMPORTANTE dopo la pubblicazione del libro per gli
aggiornamenti e i dati "normativi" e di "diffida" / after the book
published up-dates and disclaimers: Aggiornamenti e Indici |
DA ALTRI SITI: IMBROGLIO E' IL CONTRARIO DI SVILUPPO Da: 'La violenza contro il bambino' a 'Tempo di mutamenti' e 'La meglio gioventù' Cosa
ho in comune io con gli schiavi? Piero,
Ada e la scuola della libertà Quando la cartellla clinica è
terapeutica... (Anamnesis? a way for healing...) |
http://naffoundation.org |
Christians Against Mental Slavery - Scientific Papers Mind Control Published by MindTech Sweden |
filmati su Mengele
Excerpt from: Mengele: The Complete Story by Gerald L. Posner and John Ware. Copyright © 1986 ![]() ![]() Some excerpts from the book A NATION BETRAYED by Carol Rutz Mind
control survivors have
identified doctors used by the CIA under Project MKULTRA as having used
different aliases. I have personally spoken and corresponded with many
of these child Cold War survivors. It seems colors were one of the most
commonly used themes. Many survivors have identified Josef Mengele as
using the aliases Dr. Green, Dr. Black, Dr. Swartz (black in German),
Father Joseph, or Vaterchen (daddy) when he did their programming. The
experiments and programming he used on us were of such a heinous
nature, that they were not unlike some of those performed at Auschwitz.
P. 69
In 1937, Mengele [41] was appointed research assistant at the Third Reich Institute for Heredity, Biology, and Racial Purity. Mengele provided “experimental materials” to the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology from twins including eyes, blood, and other body parts from Auschwitz. [42] Mengele fled Auschwitz in January 1945 before the Russians liberated the camp. [43] French government documents state that the Americans had captured Mengele in late 1946. According to the French, Mengele “was released without explanation by the Americans on November 19, 1946.” The French claimed that American authorities confirmed the Mengele arrest and release on Feb. 29, 1947. [44] P. 70, 71 This is [one] survivor’s account of her intimate contact with this evil escapee from Nazi Germany. ”The insidious part of his work with me was the love thing. He would love me and torture me. One of Mengele’s favorite phrases was, ‘Pain is pleasure, and pleasure is pain, my dear. I am here to make you very happy! You will love me forever!’ I remember being on the floor with him playing piano in nothing but his boots and a tuxedo coat with tails, as he ordered the men working with him to shock me with cattle prods while he played. It was sort of like musical chairs. When he stopped playing, they stopped shocking; or when he played, they stopped, according to which rules he used that week!” P. 80 I, too, was privy to Mengele’s torture in 1956 when I was almost nine years old. I was placed in one of these cages, and like the others, deprived of food and water. I became very cold and continually hunched over to hide my nakedness. Every time I tried to sleep, someone with a cattle prod reached through the bars and poked me. The purpose of all this torture was to prepare us for programming. There was a hospital where each of us was taken after the torture made us compliant. P. 81, 82 Another survivor reports “abuse to create many traumatized alters to use in programming more specific functions later on. Mengele split the alters so that one would remember him being very loving, but it included a lot of sexual abuse, and other parts would experience terror at his cruelty. With the first alter, he created the experience that he was inside our mind being very nurturing and teaching her [the alter] that she will always want only him. With another alter, he was mean, creating a rage alter by killing a little boy she had felt bonded with as her little protector.” P. 84 Another survivor says, “Using me as their guinea pig, Dr. Black taught dad how to create alter states in children. He would begin by traumatizing the host personality, and then traumatize each resulting alter state until it went ‘under.’ Each time a part went under, and a new part with no memory emerged, dad assigned this part of the broken personality a name. He recorded the names and traits each alter-state seemed to have. Being an engineer, he usually used flowcharts and blueprints.” P. 84 “ Yet another survivor explains a horrible sexual trauma: “Dr. Black somehow attached chains to my wrists and ankle. He inserted the object into me ‘down there’ from behind. When the charge hits the nervous system, everything hurts and contracts in a hellish fashion. I did start saying aloud over and over again, ‘I’m sorry’ (for what, it didn’t matter) and ‘I’ll be a good girl, I promise, I promise….’ He may have hypnotized me, because his eyes got darker as I looked up at them, and I heard his left fingers snap and the shackles were gone. I thought he was a magician. That made him seem all the more powerful to me. After that, he told me that only with him would I be safe. I understood that if I stayed loyal to him, I would not be hurt again. The doctor told dad the he, the doctor, and others worked on each person until they were ready to do whatever they were told. He said the final test had been for friends and close relatives of the prisoners to be brought there. The prisoners were then ordered to attack their loved ones and kill them. He also talked about breeding. Dad was considered “closer” to perfection because he had the blond hair and gray-blue eyes and was in excellent physical condition. P. 87 - 89 In 1998, Congress passed a law requiring declassification of Nazi war criminals files held by US intelligence agencies. The CIA had refused to acknowledge the existence of these records up until that time, not unlike their continued denial of many other things until they are faced with irrefutable evidence from outside sources. 10,000 pages of declassified CIA files were released on April 27, 2001, detailing working relationships with some of the same Nazi’s that were wanted for war crimes. P. 97 The
web of secrecy that made the Holocaust possible is the same web that
allowed innocent children in the US to become victims of their
government’s fear of communism. If we allow that web of secrecy to
continue because it is too painful and horrifying to read about and
believe, nothing will prevent it from happening again. Too many
children, including myself, were systematically brainwashed. Our minds
became our concentration camp. Only now by healing and speaking out,
have we become liberated. P. 98
Altri links / other links e Aggiornamenti /up-dates: Mind Control and Cult Information Resources Dr. Miklos Nyiszli - An eyewitness from Auschwitz Tradotto anche in italiano: Nyiszli Miklos SONO STATO L'ASSISTENTE DEL DOTTOR MENGELE Abusi anche sessuali soprattutto contro bambini e donne Testimonianze del 'Caso BELGA' ... e non solo ESPERIMENTI SU BAMBINE /I(html) Links Europei contro la Pedofilia, il Settarismo e gli Abusi Strutturati e/o Rituali STUPRI DI GUERRA: I figli dell'odio Regina Louf Silenzio.Qui si uccidono bambini Isis-Kurdistan: vemdita di donne e bambini ![]() Link di argomento collegato / Subject related links Links e citazioni su segnali di pericolo Segnalazioni di Allarme: Internazionali Il file prima nominato Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets ora è in rete sdoppiato nella parte italiana - Aggressioni pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici - e in quella in inglese: anzi triplicato perché questa parte in italiano, molto ampliata e curata, è stata caricata anche in un pdf anch'esso con il titolo Aggressioni pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici raggiungibile in rete e leggibile come eBook. Microchips impiantati nel corpo umano ...altre sopraffazioni e violazioni NUOVISSIME TECNOLOGIE? Advanced Technologies? Technologies Avancées? Spitzentechnologien? Covert Operations of the U.S. National Security Agency Dal sito dell'Ingegner Giuseppe Muratori: 'NUOVO' WORLD INTELLIGENCE FOUNDATION Delgado & Skinner e l'intervista a Delgado Psychocivilization and its discontents Microwave Mind Control:
modern Torture and Control mechanism eliminating Human Rights and
Testimonianze di un
ingegnere informatico / Testimony of an informatic ingeneerTargeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons Dr. Reinhard Munzert Armi vecchie e nuove, dall'uranio impoverito all'informazione impoverita PDF files STOA-Parlamento.Europeo Sirus.Project U.S._intellingence_and_security Possible_influence-on_subject_FOIA.pdf LEGGE.HR3200.pdf Armi ad Energia diretta Caso Suda: file originale suda.fotodoc LarsonReport-Edit STUPRI-DI-GUERRA: i figli dell'odio Nota: i file in pdf potranno essere duplicati o riprodotti su supporti elettronici, cartacei o di qualsiasi altro tipo e distribuiti liberamente, a DUE CONDIZIONI. 1)
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Capitoli in pdf
scaricabili / pdf chaptersQuando la cartella clinica è terapeutica. Dare ai ricordi una seconda vita? Consapevolezza e memoria Medicina: scienza applicata e multidisciplinare: Emozioni, istinti, ricordi, contraddizioni Infanzia:un-mestiere-difficilissimo Copertina libro Infanzia Consapevolezza e Memoria MONITORAGGIO dei link afferenti al sito - e alle sue singole pagine To WATCH the outbound links toward site - and its inner pages. ![]() Tutti i links sia interni che esterni sono costantemente monitorati. As every other file of this site, the review of links is continually up-dated |
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