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Electronic Harassment: helpful suggestion Consigli per chi si sente vittima di "Mind Control" diAssociazione italiana, scientifica e giuridica , contro gli abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici. è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.

Electronic Harassment: helpful suggestion

Consigli per chi si sente vittima di "Mind Control"

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27 settembre 2016 / September 27 2016

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Per una visione panoramica sulle tecnologie "aggressive" e possibilità di difendersene vedi - con beneficio di inventario / look with caution to - MIND-WEAPON
STUPRI-DI-GUERRA: i figli dell'odio

Vedi inoltre la nuova / look at

Il file prima nominato Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets ora è in rete sdoppiato nelle sue parti italiana a inglese: anzi triplicato perché la parte in italiano, molto ampliata e curata, è stata caricata anche in un pdf anch'esso con il titolo Aggressioni pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici raggiungibile in rete e leggibile come eBook. Furthermore also the English translation of the present file - by now also renewed as style, as placement and improved by new data and consideration - should continually be faced with the English new file renamed Fake-mysterious assaulters against biological targets: on its old bilingual page - Italian and English - and with its previous name Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets  can be read as chapter on the Appendix of the current edition of the book: It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction

Avviso importante riguardante l'utilizzo del sito / To a better use of the site:

Precisazioni normative e fondanti nei riguardi di sito e libri, qui riassunte e/o accennate si ritrovano però complete come presupposti e dicharazione di intenti in un IMPORTANTISSIMO file - Presentazione e diffide/Press-release ad esse appunto DEDICATO: si consiglia vivamente di leggerlo come preliminare di ogni altra pagina. Integrato con la serie in-progress degli aforismi che, nel loro susseguirsi dialogante e discordante, esprimono in modo sintetico i presupposti di base d tutto questo lavoro.

La necessità di precisare significati e chiavi di lettura introduce in TUTTI i file del sito aggiunte metodologiche e/o normative: una precisazione metodologica assoluta suggerisce di considerare come valide informazioni - in scala discendente:
  1. le osservazioni documentabili concretamente di FATTI e di OGGETTI
  2. in mancanza di meglio rappresentati da immagini
  3. le testimonianze di prima mano
  4. e - molto indietro, per ultimi - i "Maestri"
  1. Di conseguenza cerchiamo di provvedere a che nel sito ogni immagine si costituisca anche come link di provenienza - e come per ogni altro link -  venga di continuo monitorata e aggiornata.
  2. Le testimonianze "orali" perdono la loro caratteristica primaria se riferite da terzi: possono venir filmate o registrate o trascritte; ma - per evitare discussioni futili sull'AUTENTICITA' delle testimonianze di PRIMA MANO elemento cardine di tutto questo lavoro - aggiungiamo ove possibile, un'affermazione derivante dalla pratica professionale: per molte vittime risulta più facile esporre passate sofferenze per scritto che a voce.

Questo sito e i libri che ne derivano NON sono di INFORMAZIONE, ma si costituiscono come una specie di ENCICLOPEDIE TEMATICHE, in cui vengono presentati e discussi vari argomenti da leggersi e soprattutto da CONSULTARE di volta in volta. Tutto questo lavoro - sito e libri - non è basato su scritti "personali" di un autore singolo, bensì è un'opera collettiva corale composta da una serie disomogenea di provenienze in continuo divenire come tali e come fatti storicamente in accadere. Una segnalazione tassativa va però enfatizzata: le citazioni presentate non indicano necessariamente la nostra piena approvazione. D'altra parte se gli elenchi segnalati non pretendono di essere esaustivi, si diffida dal copiare o usare in altri modi senza esplicito permesso il contenuto del sito o anche singole parti.
Ogni immagine che proponiamo si costituisce anche come link: e come per ogni altro link, le immagini vengono di continuo monitorate e aggiornate.
La necessità di precisare significati e chiavi di lettura introduce in TUTTI i file del sito aggiunte metodologiche, normative e una frase sia in italiano che in inglese per evitare discussioni futili sull'AUTENTICITA' delle testimonianze di PRIMA MANO, elemento cardine di tutto questo lavoro.
Per molte vittime risulta più facile esporre passate sofferenze per scritto che a voce.
Questo sito e i libri che ne derivano NON sono di INFORMAZIONE, ma si costituiscono come una specie di ENCICLOPEDIE TEMATICHE, in cui vengono presentati e discussi vari argomenti da leggersi e soprattutto da CONSULTARE di volta in volta.
A seguito di difficoltà lamentate e relative richieste, l'architettura stessa del sito è stata modificata in funzione di un più agevole orientamento: sdoppiato il file/home si divide ora in secondo file con un nuovo nome - Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin.
- che riinvia a un differente URL mentre diventa iniziale e fondamentale come file semplificato dove a prima vista compaioni i links indirizzanti sui capitoli interni. Assecondando critiche e richieste man mano vengono aggiunti nuovi o rinnovati files a cui fare riferimento per informarsi su come è stata aggiornata la serie delle correzioni e nuove informazioni. Si consiglia di iniziare dal file Aggiornamenti e Indici preposto agli aggiornamenti e di precisazione dei dati "normativi" e di "diffida" o più veloce Modificazioni e novità/. Per il libro e gli indici illustrati  del libro e del sito vedi soprattutto: Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin.

This site and the book do NOT be a fount of notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different subjects: one another to be read time by time, or better to be CONSULTED even for learning.
And so this Web site will always be maintained under speedy and diligently revised construction. it is suitable to begin by the file Aggiornamenti e Indici for up-dates and disclaimers: more easy: English Up-dates, for book and illustrated indexes: Libro / Book, Pagine Fuori Testo Introduttive, to general founding information go at Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin
Some files begin with quotes summarizing and/or only alluding to define basics and meaning, purpose and disclaimer regarding Web site and related books, but a very IMPORTANT totally DEDICATED page - Presentazione e diffide/Press-release - MUST be read almost ever as key introduction of the whole matter, also integrated with the series of very diffentiate aphorisms as key introduction of the whole matter, and also continually under construction.
This site and the book do NOT be a fount of notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different subjects coming from different sources and shared by different Authors: one another to be read time by time, or better to be CONSULTED even for learning,
Mental, physical and technological abuses: NOT science fiction.
To rearrange, make known and divulge all the collected material – especially unpublished - in November 2002 the Italian Association, Scientific and Juridical, Against Mental, Physical and Technological Abuses – acronym aisjca-mft – was founded and its mouthpiece Web site was put on the Net; then, in July 2005, the whole Web site – how it looked like at that time – became also an ENCYCLOPEDIC book. But, because of its own statutory nature a Web site – contrary to a printed book – can’t be a “finished” work: in fact it DOES NOT aim at providing purely historical documentation, but at collecting a CONTINUATIVE adjournment about facts and testimonies. Thanks to this dynamism requests and debates concretize into other “facts” and these debates do not remain theoric discussions.  And so, in this years, in conformity with these presuppositions, some files have been greatly modified and others completely created: with new information about facts and authentic texts of testimonies which are still being collected. Then came the impellent necessity to publish in preview this new data as a SUPPLEMENT of the main book, before starting its real second edition not only revised but also even better adjourned.

To manage meaning and implications of the crucial FIRST HAND testimonies, besides to check every inconsistent debate regarding their validation: on EVERY file does appear this quote:
to note that for some victims it is often easier to write than to speak.

L'intero sito è ora pubblicato in un libro enciclopedico - pur privo degli ultimi aggiornamenti -: per copertina, frontespizio e ulteriori spiegazioni vedi file Libro/book. The complete site - even if already at present lacking of the newest up-dates - is ready also as an Encyclopedic book
Per acquisti on-line / for on-line sale

It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction: in attesa di una completa ri-edizione - vedi il supplemento

Up-to-dateDalla presentazione dettagliata del libro It's Abuse NOT Science fiction, e dalla data di pubblicazione - 14 luglio 2005 - molto è cambiato e molti DOCUMENTI sono stati sia sostituiti che aggiunti. In attesa di una completa nuova edizione del volume principale ne viene per ora edito un SUPPLEMENTO INTEGRATIVO per meglio diffondere i più recenti e IMPORTANTI UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS. La loro diffusione ora è asicurata da una PUBBLICAZIONE che si costituisce in un autonomo VOLUME.

The book previously published at present needs to be modified.
It's Abuse NOT Science fiction
published on July 14 2005 shortly became OUT OF DATE and so required to present also the consequent novelties coming from readers comments, from new deeds and MOSTLY on present-day flash-back discolosuresUP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS of It's Abuse NOT Science fiction = Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza for the time being launched as supplementary book, supplementary but matching also by itself not only for propose simple improvement, rather to share some new particular important DOCUMENTS.

Cortina libri TorinoCorso Marconi 34/a 10125 Torino (ITALY) ,
Phone: +390116507074,+390116508665
Fax: 00390116502900

creative modification CopyrightQuesta rielaborazione del famoso Sonno della ragione di - ufficialmente copyright - è resa molto più inquietante dell'originale per essere utilizzata come copertina del libro e spiegata dal Disegnatore Andrzej (Andrew) Suda / This powerful, more puzzling creative modification of the Goya's Sleep of reason - marked by the official Copyright - here is used as book cover's image, and explained by the Designer Andrzej (Andrew) Suda: should look just like many of the events described by the victims: they  exist, are bothersome, and we don’t know exactly WHY they are there but they are there… [come molti dei fatti descritti dalle vittime: essi esistono, turbano e noi non riusciamo a conoscere esattamente il PERCHE' ci siano, ma ci sono...] About the Book This book not only documents the case of Andrzej Suda, it is also filled with documentation from the worlds most influential documented cases of psychological abuse, electronic harassment, organized stalking and mind control. Some cases include Rauni Leena Kilde MD., Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Kathy Sullivan, David Larson, and many others... Please support the truth with the purchase of our book. This will document many technologies and mind control weapons that have been kept hidden from the mainstream public. Over 600 pages of action packed TRUTH!

It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction?
(Questo testo - ricevuto da una "mailing-list dedicata", soprattutto indirizzata a cittadini Americani, Inglesi e Canadesi - qui viene proposto integralmente anche ad un possibile uso di altri popoli: Italiani e genericamente Europei compresi.
La sua pubblicazione in questa sede non comporta però affatto che venga assunta la responsabiltà di quanto vi viene affermato/ Disclaimer: this file/chapter contains many assumptions and related links belonging to the webmaster of a "closed mailing-list": to be published in our site / book does NOT mean that the responsibility of its assertions is as much endorsed by us.)

links interni del sito correlati con questo:
Associazione italiana, scientifica e giuridica, contro gli abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici
Pagina medico-scientifica
Opinioni o peggio: accuse? Opinion or accusation?
Per concludere... / accomplishment
Links Europei contro la Pedofilia, il Settarismo e gli Abusi Strutturati e/o Rituali
Links e citazioni su segnali di pericolo
Segnalazioni di Allarme: Internazionali
Testimonianze e dubbi
Esperimenti su bambine/i e relativo
Ii prezzo del Potere
Microchips impiantati nel corpo umano e altre sopraffazioni e violazioni
Delgado e Skinner
Psychocivilization and its discontents
Attenzione alle informazioni fornite da autori sospetti
STOA: Parlamento Europeo
Cinque libri legati da un unico filo
Aiuto diretto all'infanzia sofferente senza implicazioni di ordine politico, razziale o confessionale
Dal sito dell'Ingegner Giuseppe Muratori: "NUOVO" WORLD INTELLIGENCE FOUNDATION
The Guilt-free Soldier (renewed / rinnovato)

SIrUS Project
Sabotage Photos and List
Mind Control Victim Awarded $1 Million
Mr. Andrzej Suda's case
 Documentation / documentazione Presentazione come artista / Artist Suda: Presentation
Kathleen Sullivan's page: Memory recovery and screen memories
  Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons: Dr. Reinhard Munzert
Look thoroughly at the document quoted below: at present the FIRST and UNIQUE one documenting "strange damages" with a technical research / Considera con molta attenzione i dati di  Nuovissime Tecnologie? in quanto - almeno per il momento - risultano presenti nell'UNICO documento esistente non solo descrittivo, ma documentante una ricerca tecnologica per esaminare e comprovare "danneggiamenti misteriosi":
fotografia tazzinaricostruzione con CAD

Are you a mind control victim?  Sei vittima di "lavaggio del cervello"?

In case you are, I've enclosed below a "form letter" I send to all who write in and say they are victims of mind control:
Hi - 

Here are some points I use to cope with this programme of psycho-electronic harassment, and I hope some of the points may assist you:
I will NOT automatically put your address on my email list.  If you ask, please don't ask unless you want perhaps 2 or 3 email bulletins from me per day.
If you do choose to get on my bulletin list, please understand that emails which show in the heading that they are "from me, to me" are actually going out to about 80 members of the list, by way of BLIND-CC.  This means you will see only your own address, likewise for the others.  Many like it that way and I cannot give my list to others.
If you want off my list, just email me and ask.
My emails to the group are BULLETINS, they are not invitations to chat because I can't possibly find time to do that.  I have a job that keeps me in a state of constant "jet lag" by rapid switching of shifts, and of course, no sleep from the perps.
What I usually do is pass along some things a victim can do, and my advice tends to be very public and pro-active.  So for what it's worth, here is some advice I've sent to others recently.
As to DIRECT HELP, I don't know of any source for that.  The infiltration of legitimage government, law enforcement, and media is so pervasive that not a single conventional channel for help is available to us.  Even private human rights organizations appear tobe infiltrated and usually will not even discuss this issue.
Ask any conventional channel for help and you will be told to see a psychiatrist, that is, to see the same profession that is behind the entire mind control scenario and has been from day one.  That would be like a Jew in Nazi Germany going to an SS office to ask for help in stopping the pogroms.
I have three pieces of general advice first, followed by a more  detailed list of ways I've been using to fight back:


First, you are likely to be presented with "sucker bait" harassment, designed to tempt you to complain, followed by sham police investigation, ending with "no evidence", designed to make you look like a crank and a nut case.
For example, one victim came back to his van unexpectedly, and found two men with "Secret Service" on the backs of their jackets hastily leaving the vehicle.  He found nothing stolen, and no "bugs" planted.  This was an obvious case of "sucker bait", the goal being to get this victim to complain long and loud that the Secret Service is harassing him, which would result in discreditation  of that victim in the eyes of the authorities.
As a general rule, the best way to avoid doubling your torture (by having the authorities lock you up and imposing psychiatric "treatment" which is legalized torture) is to not complain to the authorities.  "Authorities", meaning police and doctors, and "complaining" meaning seeking relief for your *personal* torment.  You can usually safely complain to the PUBLIC, as long as you stress DOCUMENTED  FACTS, and NOT your *personal* situation.
In locations where family members can get you locked up on their say-so, avoid complaining to them as well.
Those who complain to the authorities regularly about their *personal* situation are inviting extra torture.


If you complain to the authorities that you are being targetted by "satellites" or "implants" or "microwave" or any other SPECIFIC type of technology, you have just made it much easier for the authorities to discredit you.  The authorities can xray you for implants and find none, or sweep your home for microwave and find none, or point a signal analyzer at the sky and find nothing out of the ordinary, and you are then discredited, and to some extent so are the rest of us.
The fact is that we do **NOT** know how the genuine, current-day technology works.  We **DO** know that today's technology operates at an extremely sophisticated performance level.  For example:
    - ~40% of victims report strong vibrations of body parts or objects, where there is no surrounding vibration to account for this effect.  Conventional signals canNOT do this.
    - Perhaps twice that many victims report regular "wrenching" of house/building structure, to produce cap-gun like "snapping" or "crackling", usually applied at the very  moment the victim tries to drop off to sleep.  This cannot be performed by conventional signals either.
More effects which point to "paranormal level performance" are below, but the lesson is, refer only to "unknown technology" rather than trying to explain to authorities technology details you do not have absolute proof of.
    Do see this letter from former USAF physicist Dr. Tom Bearden
who has experienced some mind control weapon attacks:


Other efforts to break government secrecy include:
    - 9/11 government complicity
    - cover up of bombs found in the Oklahoma City federal building of military origin
    - covert plans for world takeover, commonly spoken of as the New World Order
    - Congressional authorization to create the AIDS virus for "population stabilization" 
    - refusal of govt to explain chemtrails
    - witholding of information about UFOs

There are three sources for this:

- By FAR the best - U.S. "Patriot" radio on shortwave.
See my summary for the better quality shows at this link: (no "e" at end)
At the moment, Alex Jones in Austin, Texas is the most prolific and possibly best quality show.  His web site is:

"Patriots" with an upper case "P" are U.S. citzens who are extremely upset with the rapid collapse of original Constitutional freedoms and principles, and fight back with public education.  They are not the same as groups called "Militias", though both Militias (armed groups) and Patriots (unarmed) are motivated by threats to individual freedom and are usually opposed to globalization and one world government.
Alex Jones, by the way, uses mostly *mainstream* media sources for his material, even though his material sounds hard to believe.  The reason you aren't aware of these mainstream stories is that they are "back page" items, never headlined, and often here today, gone tomorrow.
    - Late night/early morning talk shows can give you clues, but keep in mind that most have had to agree to avoid "sensitive" topics in order for their wealthy network bosses to keep them on the air.
Alex Jones, Constitutionalist shortwave broadcaster, was actually approached and offered $300,000 for signing up with a huge network, plus $1 million for the first year, if he would just "not try to be such a crusader".  He would have had to agree to not discuss the "Federal" Reserve bank scam and black helicopters.
One overnight talk show which can be mildly interesting, and has some paranormal researchers on, is Coast to Coast AM.  The full range of effects which perpetrator weapons can perform clearly puts them at the paranormal performance level, and all you can learn about the world of ESP/remote viewing/other paranormal effects can be helpful in understanding just how advanced the perp weapons systems actually are.  Here's the Coast to Coast AM web site:
Jeff Rense's "Sightings" talk show is much better in my opinion but harder to find via commercial radio:
Talk show web sites usually have a "live streaming audio" feature allowing you to hear them from your PC (which may get expensive - check your local Internet access provider to know for sure.)
There are ways we can put up stiff resistance, while waiting for advanced technology to make it on to the scene and show the public that we are not exaggerating when we report what is happening to us.
Here's my formula for keeping my spirits up, perhaps there is something here you can use.  I hope so, because our group needs activists who watch the full spectrum of government crimes for breaks we can "ride the coattails of", and use govt crime related publicity to get our story out:
1.  Keep reminding yourself that you are every bit as much a soldier as the guys who went ashore on D-Day.  This is a war  against freedom, and is the most important war ever fought on his planet. Play military marches, film soundtracks, and inspirational music to keep your fighting spirit at a high level.


First, here is the official position on the technology by CAHRA Director Cheryl Welsh: (CAHRA is now Mind Justice )
Very sophisticated, classified electronic warfare and psychological operations intelligence weapons technology can target every nerve of the body with scientific precision.  So called "mind control" weapons have been compared to the atomic bomb in their effect on the human nervous system, especially the brain. See CAHRA website for numerous citations: <
"Any countermeasures or attempts to document the effects by targeted victims would have the best chance of success by professionals with military electronic signals intelligence. Please note that UFOs, psychic phenomena and mental illness are the major cover stories used in the illegal testing and use of these weapons.  Therefore CAHRA has no position on psychic phenomena, UFO theories or mental illness because they detract from the goals of CAHRA and are impossible to prove scientifically.

Read Dr. Tom Bearden's opinion on the technology:

4. CONSTANTLY learn and review FACTS, over and over.

Knowing FACTUAL mind control history and information IS YOUR BEST DEFENCE.
Rehearse your spiel constantly.  Keep trying to think of ways to get the story told in fewer, bolder words and phrases.
    Some ideas for handouts, posters, and verbal comebacks are available from this page:


5.  There is a high-volume moderated email forum
which you can join:

... one BLANK email, then WAIT for confirmation you are registered post your thoughts after you receive confirmation
This forum is open to the public.
There are some problems I see with the forum, but it is still worthwhile for a victim who wants to network.
 Here are what I see as problem areas:
    - "Experts" who try to tell us all about mind control but who have never been targetted
    - Disinfo efforts by people who try to persuade you that the genuine mind control targetting is being done with simple, conventional signals like "microwave" or "ELF" or "ultrasound" for example.  If those signal types were being used, we would have been able to easily detect and shield them LONG ago.  We have no consistent, conclusive evidence of any conventional signal types which are in sync with our effects.
Those who try to persuade you that mind control is carried out entirely using conventional technology are TOTALLY IGNORING the fact that intelligence and like agencies use DECOYING all the time.  

Again, see suggested criteria to test for genuine countermeasures and genuine detection.

See for a writeup on the subject of disinfo agents.

- Emails written by people who know technical jargon but use it in ways showing they don't understand the fundamentals behind the terms.
What IS GOOD about the email forum is the chance to network with other victims - just maintain a very healthy skepticism about the technical stuff, particularly that which ignores the practice of decoy signals.

8. ** IMPORTANT **

Mind control targets are often suckered into complaining about the harassment to authorities, and this can bring the target into the psychiatric system.
Most psychiatrists will diagnose anyone complaining of "government harassment" or surveillance as delusional and "in need of help".
This may not always mean the psychiatrist is part of a conspiracy, as psychiatrists in general have substantial egos and think of themselves as all-knowing.  As a first practical  step against wrongful diagnosis and medication, shock treatment and incarceration which are legalized torture, learn to NOT  complain.  Often the perps will "set you up" so that when you  complain, you are pounced on by police and/or the psychiatric system.  These agencies are corrupt and it's important not to get them on your case.
Secondly, use the free 30 minutes offered by most lawyers to interview local lawyers who have mental health defense as one of their sub-specialties.  Find out what they know about mind control, and if they are personally ready to defend you if you should come into conflict with the psychiatric establishment.
Ask if the mental health defense lawyer can refer you to an honest psychiatrist to a pre-crisis evaluation of your mental health.  Best to have this evaluation done so you know where you stand before some kind of emergency.
Finally, know that since community psychiatrists have never been schooled in, nor are they updated in, the field of covert  government mind control experimentation, they are absolutely UNqualified to diagnose anyone as mentally ill, on the basis of complaints about government harassment or surveillance. Learn and know about MKULTRA, COINTELPRO, and the human radiation experiments, as well as UNCLASSIFIED MIND WEAPON  TECHNOLOGY, which are listed above in the "facts on public record" item.
Once you have done some solid learning about those facts on public record issues, and rehearsed some related verbal comebacks, you will be better equipped to tell a hostile psychiatrist that he/she is not qualified to determine the validity of government harassment and experimentation claims. It is important to do this calmly, and couched in respectful terms, for example:

With due respect doctor, have you been schooled in covert government projects in mind control?  Are you aware of MKULTRA? Are you aware that MKULTRA was heard in the U.S. Senate but was never actually stopped?  Are you aware of the FBI's COINTELPRO activities?  Are you aware that many human radiation experiment victims were labelled 'the crazies' before President Clinton admitted their complaints were valid?
In one encounter I had, the doctor simply stood up, and told me we had nothing further to discuss and wished me a nice day. Verbal comebacks are very valuable defensive weapons. *** IMPORTANT:  The perpetrators are known to use their exotic technology to generate strange smells.  It is extremely important that you NOT mention "strange smells" to a doctor, nor to say you experience them if you take a popular psycho-logical profiling test called the "MMPI" or its variants. "Strange smells" is considered by the medical community as a strong sign of mental illness.
I recommend that you never take an "MMPI" (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) test or any of its variants.  It is way too easy for medical authorities to use this complex test results against you.

Consigli spiccioli / small advices

10. This is a kind of unusual technique for reducing the impact of the torture, but I find that feeding and hanging out with squirrels in a park is the single most "daily spiritually  uplifting" experience I've had since starting to look for ways to cope.  When one of the little furry ones gets confident enough to hop up on your lap and ask for a peanut, I feel as if I've been blessed by Heaven!
In general, any hobby or volunteer work is an excellent way to fight off the hoplessness that consumes victims who try to "hide under their beds", hoping the perps will not torture them as much.  That flat out doesn't work.  If one cannot be an activist, then at least engage in activities so that the torture isn't your whole life.
Yes, the perps will interfere, but you have to realize that these perps are the ultimate losers, who will pay dearly for their decision to choose torture as a career path.  Their payback is as close as the day of their death.  Confirmed solidly by near-death experiences of nasty people many times.
Finally, there are two "comebacks" to questions from skeptics which I will offer you here to assist with your dealings with others, be they authorities, medics, or family, friends and business associates. These are from a larger collection of information relative to public
speaking, but I've found are especially handy.
The full page is at
Here are the excerpts:
1.  When someone says:
If these weapons exist, then why don't they use 'em on so-and-so [Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, or any other bad guy in the headlines]?
 Probably because so-and-so [the bad guy] is doing things that our government feels, secretly, are useful.  Not every purpose of government is made public.
2.  When someone asks:
 So how many of you are there?
 In March of 2002, Cheryl Welsh, founder of CAHRA, had been in touch with about 1,600 people world wide who state they are being targetted.  In an April 2002 survey of about 12,000 North Americans, about one percent stated they are being targetted with psycho-electronic weapons and the harassment which goes with the weapon attacks.

Once you have done some solid learning about those facts on public record issues, and rehearsed some related verbal comebacks, you will be better equipped to tell a hostile psychiatrist that he/she is not qualified to determine the validity of government harassment and experimentation claims. It is important to do this calmly, and couched in respectful terms, for example:
With due respect doctor, have you been schooled in covert government projects in mind control?  Are you aware of MKULTRA? Are you aware that MKULTRA was heard in the U.S. Senate but was never actually stopped?  Are you aware of the FBI's COINTELPRO activities?  Are you aware that many human radiation experiment victims were labelled 'the crazies' before President Clinton admitted their complaints were valid?
In one encounter I had, the doctor simply stood up, and told me we had nothing further to discuss and wished me a nice day. Verbal comebacks are very valuable defensive weapons.

Psichiatri e medici

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:         Mon, 10 Mar 2003 23:48:38 -0800
Subject: Re: > MK Friendly Therapists

The following tips may be useful for those who seek safe 'counseling' or even more serious psychiatric helps -- especially suspected MPD/DID victims.
1) Be personally responsible. Don't take someone else's advice or referral. Don't use a referral service, especially one provided by government, agency, or professional organization. Rather, do it yourself. The help of a friend or relative is acceptable in the process, but limit their help to stepwise help, such as transportation, and not advice or decision making. If I had my choice, I'd say no helpers whatsoever.
2) Be cautious.  Do not discuss your intentions or stepwise actions anywhere there may be electronic eavesdropping or, if you fear it, thought sensing technology in use. Find a safe environment or method for communications,  and avoid unnecessary communications. Involve as few people as possible, use as few steps as possible.
3) Go away.  Do not select someone convenient, but plan on a city well  away from your own. Try to find someone who can see you right away, or get an appointment and come back, then. My book offers tips on how to avoid being
followed, and to defeat commonly used tracking devices. If you fear bioimplants, it may be wise to attempt to deal with those, first -- also  in the book. If your situation is that bad, you should probably taking a  close look at your home security, too -- pick proof locks, etc.
4) Be choosy and prejudicial. Grab a phone book and scan the choices.
Avoid large practices. Avoid Doctors who work in medical schools or clinics which partake in research of any kind. Avoid very fresh doctors, and doctors who have been around since the 60s, or doctors with degrees from any of the schools known to have been involved in MC experiments. 
That is a long list, and yet incomplete. A copy of my list of 400 CIA involved entities, which was originally at the American Federation of Scientist's Web site, can now be found at [perhaps no more active site]:
Note that those names after the colons (:) in the list are the SOURCE of the information, not themselves perps.
Of the 400, fully half are MC related. A good number of these are schools.
An ideal Doctor might have been in practice since the 80s. When you call, you can ask about these things. They will tell you, because they think those things are great qualifications that will sell you on their skills. I suggest you choose a Doctor from a minority race, as they are less likely to have fascist leanings, and more likely to be true humanitarians. Make sure they fit your needs based on your suspected problem (i.e., ever done work with MPD/DID) and financial capabilities - since we can assume you won't be covered by insurance. Perhaps you are, in which case, they must be accepted by your carrier. One problem there, is that insurance companies often require a referral from your physician in order to authorize payment. Bad decision to take that route.
5) Be coy to helpers, but more open to the doctor. Do not give details of your situation but describe it in generic terms. DO NOT MENTION MIND CONTROL or perps in any form. Discuss ONLY symptoms of concern, those  which others would use against you to imply mental problems. Once you have accepted each other, and initial treatment interviews begin, lay it out on the line (see next.)
6) Explain your true situation as you see it, the situation as others see it (as many variants as there are). Ask the doctor if he knows what political control technology is, how it works, and its current state of the art. If he is honest, he will likely confess little understanding. Ask if he would be willing to review some materials on the technology before treatment begins in earnest. If he says yes, offer him a copy of my newsletter on political control technology, or a copy of my book (I WILL SEND HIM ONE, FREE if you have him contact me - but advise him to use cc  so you know it is actually being done.) You might consider circling those technologies you think used on you, or those definitions which apply to your situation.  If he/she will do this, you have found a decent choice, and are relatively safe to proceed.
7) Be OPEN. Do not assume the doctor is a perp just because they initially seem to find against victimization. If sensing this is their opinion, ask what they might consider acceptable PROOF to the contrary. They will suggest some things. Somewhere in there may be an opportunity.
One such proof, for instance, is drug treatment for the suspected mental ailment. If you agree to take the prescription and the symptoms do not go away, that is a kind of proof. Confirm that with the doctor before  agreeing to take such a prescription.
8) Get an agreement. Make certain your fine print does not give the doctor absolute authority on your life, and that if you check in voluntarily, you can also check out voluntarily at any time, for any reason. Get the doctor to agree that if there is a finding in your favor that he will completely document his finding and give you a copy. Let it be understood that a second opinion will be sought if there is disagreement on findings. DO THAT. Be sure to get a complete understanding on side effects of a given treatment you might choose to undergo. Be leary of eagerly accepting reuptake inhibitors and the like because they can be enablers to MC processes. They are not in and of themselves the problem, however, and may be quite critical to demonstrating imporoper diagnosis. Thus, you may need accept the risk of taking these, but as a rule, I suggest avoidance if there is an alternative -- or if possible avoidance of MC processes while under treatment (i.e., temporary bed down in a facility - don't view it as a mental ward, but a hotel room.) If your doctor is unsympathetic to this concern (other than because there is no possible alternative), you might need move on to another choice.
9) Be smart. If you do not get a useful finding, but instead are diagnosed with some ailment, accept the treatment for that ailment.  ONLY if there is no improvement under treatment, can you ILLUSTRATE the dignosis is WRONG.
I'm sure others may have some additional good advice based on personal experience. I'd like to hear form you if that is the case.
 I wanted to let you all know that when you see something that you may think
> is important that feel free to send in the url for the site or article..
> On new articles in local papers and such. if you have access to a scanner or
> copier gets some and you can send them to either myself or eleanor.
Generally a good idea, xxx, but there needs to be some  thought given before doing the sending:
- Scanned documents are IMAGES, and are THOUSANDS of times larger than TEXT.
- I have dial up service.  Scanners, unless you know how to CROP a newspaper clipping, will mean each scan will
  be MEGABYTE size
- It's a good idea to email your recipient a DESCRIPTION of an article you think needs posting before going to all the trouble of transmitting it.  Because my site is large and gets a lot of hits ("large bandwidth"), I am very picky about what I post.  I only post maybe 2 or 3 percent of all articles recommended to me.
- Consider sending the original publication data, like the name of the newspaper, magazine, TV or radio show, the date, the author, then just EXCERPT the most relevant information. An example of excerpting is:
That voice to skull excerpt is only perhaps one eighth of the full article. (KEEP the full article in your files, though.)
- Articles which have already received WIDE publicity I don't post.  An example is the Marine Corps' microwave heat gun.  Everyone knows about it, so it doesn't really tell the public anything new.
- Technology which can't penetrate WALLS I don't  usually post because it is the through wall ability of the  MC perp equipment which is unique and which the public needs to know about.
- Conventional technology articles, for example on microwave transmission or cell phone systems are on the web    in HUGE numbers, but they don't add anything useful towards persuading the public.  I don'tì post conventional technology articles unless the conventional technology can perform some sort of through the wall mind weapon effects.
- Some good article topics might be:
  - Mind reading technology, especially with NO wires
  - Visual image reading technology
  - Picking up sounds heard by way of brain activity
  - Local police using through wall radar
  - Criminal intent scanning with NO wires
  - Exotic physics experiments which show entirely new physics principles, such as levitation, travel  faster than light, spooky action at a distance, interdimensional activity  (must be WITNESSED,  DOCUMENTED, and ACCEPTED AS REAL  by mainstream scientists)
  - Remote viewing successes which are witnessed documented, and accepted as real by mainstream  scientists
  - Articles about a breakthrough in exposing MAJOR government crimes.  Because these are not mind control, it would have to be really Earth-shaking for me to post it.
In deciding if an article about the above topics is useful, the source of the article must be mainstream, because we need to convince the public and extremely reluctant authorities.  If it won't convince the public, it is probably not worth posting.
* My own view is that I would not post articles from Paranoia magazine or MKzine.  MKzine contains references to Paranoia magazine, and in my view, the publication of our stories in a magazine titled 'Paranoia' could be a deliberate attempt to put our stories on public record under one of the worst subject titles imaginable.


* RENAME ARTICLES WHEN SAVING.  The original file names are often just serial numbers, useless for getting an idea of what a file contains on your hard drive.  Keep the letters after the period, such as: .asp, .jsp, .shtml, .htm, ...and just change the name before the period.
> for websites go down all the time and / or change address with out any
> redirection.
> If you hard drive is not large enough to do things like this let us know
> also and we could preserve it. With new articles and such they only keep
> them on for so long and then there are removed to archives and you have to
> purchase the article, to view the whole thing.
> Personally I have archived and saved a few website to my drive that are no
> longer available, one that was a good site 
> was removed because of threats and they
> offer the cd it you care to have it.
> Pictures are also important too. as they show things that might not be so
> easily explained with words.
> So if you can't send in the urls to myself or Eleanor if she wishes.

Author Harry Sweeney sent along this advice on how to NOT sound paranoid when speaking (or writing):
Harry Sweeney wrote:
REMIND everyone how not to sound paranoid. These are the top five tips from the Professional Paranoid:
1) Avoid using 'them' and 'they' too much unless a SPECIFIC reference to a SPECIFIC; KNOWN GROUP which is identified in the dialog. Other 'paranoidal sounding' trigger words to avoid are 'conspiracy', 'CIA',FBI', etc. These, however, can be used when the context is reasonableand conforms to the other rules of advice below.
2) Avoid CONCLUSIONS and instead stick to known FACTS - let the listenereither draw conclusions or ask questions about what you THINK it means.When answering, be honest but use QUALIFIERS like 'might' 'could' and 'perhaps' but ALSO provide any logical INNOCENT or less conspiratorialalternative explanations to show you are open to knowing the truth which every way it falls.
3) Don't DWELL too long on minutia - be generic in general and providedetails only when ASKED. Too many details is the hallmark of someone whothinks they have to PROOVE every little point or no one will believethem. While in truth, this is sometimes the case, there is a subtle but powerful differnce in being able to ANSWER questions and VOLUNTEERINGthe material in advance.
4) Never make sweeping statements or accussations unless prepared tooffer concrete proofs or examples. It is OK to make generalizations aslong as prefaced with descriptives such as 'It is my belief...' or 'Onepossibility is...' and liberal QUALIFIERS.
5) Reference witnesses, proofs, or resources whenever possible,especially if well known and/or mainstream - things that support theviability of your presentation. You don't want to be an island in a seaof disbelief.

H. Michael Sweeney
Subject:  on psychiatry as method of discreditation
Date:  Tue, 12 Oct 2004 08:12:44 -0400 
From:   xxxx Date sent: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 11:06:27 +0100
Subject: How they discredit us
If we victims of what one victim calls "the 2-way telepathy" can keep our sanity, despite the ordeal we are put through, and can educate ourselves  about what we are fighting against, and will band together, we can become a  powerful army against the regime that perpetrates this outrage against us, and perhaps bring about political changes that will spare humanity great  suffering, worldwide, for many generations to come.
In my experience, the perpetrators try to drive insane any of their victims  who show signs of potential political militancy, after realising that they are under attack.  They try to drive them insane in the the eyes of the  psychiatric establishment, and hence their families, their neighbours, the  police, politicians and the courts.  This impairs the ability of those  would-be militant victims whom they are successful in driving insane to  become effective "soldiers" in the "powerful army" I mentioned earlier, because of the stigma of psychiatric diagnosis and the consequent  discrediting of their testimony.  I dare say that the perpetrators have many methods of driving their victims insane.
But, there are two methods of doing this that I think they use particularly  often:  
Method 1:  The perpetrators try to con their victims into believing
passionately that they have implants, when impants probably aren't needed AT ALL for modern "2-way telepathy" weapons.  The victims then demand of  medical doctors that they should be prescribed "scans" (to find the chips  they have been tricked into thinking have been implanted in them, so that  the chips can be removed).  The scans show nothing abnormal (because there's  nothing there to find!) and the victims end up getting sectioned, as  "deluded".  The perpetrators have won.
(2)  Method 2: The perpetrators try to persuade the victims that the
>victim's neighbours, or even their family members, are "in on it" (the  conspiracy), perhaps along with thousands of other ordinary people (like  supermarket cashiers and traffic wardens) in their own neighbourhoods.
Eventually, the victims confront, or make a complaint to the police against, somebody who is actually wholly innocent.   Thus they come to the attention  of the authorities, and end up getting sectioned, as "paranoid".  Again, the  perpetrators have won.
That our harrassment continues everywhere we go, even overseas, should teach  us that either (a) the true perpetrators are elements who are extravagantly well-funded and ruthless, such as the intelligence services, or (b) that we  ARE mad after all, and really ARE "imagining", as the psychiatrists might  think we are, a non-existent 2-way telepathy, everywhere we go, simply because everywhere we go, we take with us the diseased brains which are
causing us to imagine non-existent abuse.

Any other explanation for the ubiquity of abuse involves resorting to a  proliferation of ever more fanciful conjectures, such as the desperate, face-saving conjecture that a bully living on a particular housing estate, who happens somehow, almost miraculously, to have acquired one of the most advanced, and classified, psychotronic weapons known to man, has tipped off
a waiter in a distant holiday resort,  a waiter who happens also to be just as nasty as his contact in back home in the postulated international  criminal network, and, coincidentally, also to be armed with a similar classified psychotronic weapon as his counterpart back home.  The local  bully has tipped of the holiday resort peasant that a new victim has arrived in his village, and is part of the caseload of this bunch of working  class hi-tech human rights abusers.

Look at Illuminati-news
and - with caution and a bit of mistrust - go to the book Illuminati 666: Book 2

& by William Josiah Sutton

Metodo e principi del sito dell'Associazione

Mental, physical and technological abuses: NOT science fiction.
To rearrange, make known and divulge all the collected material – especially unpublished - in November 2002 the Italian Association, Scientific and Juridical, Against Mental, Physical and Technological Abuses – acronym aisjca-mft – was founded and its mouthpiece Web site was put on the Net; then, in July 2005, the whole Web site – how it looked like at that time – became also an ENCYCLOPEDIC book. But, because of its own statutory nature a Web site – contrary to a printed book – can’t be a “finished” work: in fact it DOES NOT aim at providing purely historical documentation, but at collecting a CONTINUATIVE adjournment about facts and testimonies. Thanks to this dynamism requests and debates concretize into other “facts” and these debates do not remain theoric discussions.  And so, in this years, in conformity with these presuppositions, some files have been greatly modified and others completely created: with new information about facts and authentic texts of testimonies which are still being collected. Then came the impellent necessity to publish in preview this new data as a SUPPLEMENT of the main book, before starting its real second edition not only revised but also even better adjourned.
copertina del libro

It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction

Up-to-date Dosiers
Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza

Per una effettiva miglior comprensione di tutto il lavoro - di questo sito web e libro - il file aggiuntivo Opinioni o peggio: accuse? Opinions or accusations? va ad integrare l'Introduzione e il complementare PRESENTAZIONE DELLO STATUTO E DEI PRINCIPI DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE, e la correlata Pagina scientifico-medica (nonché i files/capitoli Links di organizzazioni e iniziative protettive e Per concludere) nei quali vengono spiegati ed esemplificati sia i links che i concetti relativi. Ma questi capitoli vanno anche affiancati - nel campo della SCIENZA e RICERCA FISICA (e... medicina legale) - all'indiscutibile METODO di documentazione presentata in: NUOVISSIME TECNOLOGIE? Advanced Technologies? Technologies Avancées? Spitzentechnologien? . Qui non solo dettagliatamente si descrive e scientificamente spiega - con un accurato studio matematico mediante CAD tridimensionale - un fatto anomalo riguardante un "oggetto" di uso comune in un ambientazione del tutto "comune", ma lo si CONVALIDA ricollegandolo ad altri fatti in una successione temporale molto dilatata - di anni -. Comunque questo studio matematico può acquisire un'importanza ben maggiore  se si pensa che con simili forme di energia direzionata in modo così esatto si può colpire anche un corpo vivente sia all'esterno - come incidente - sia nel suo interno stesso simulando una "malattia" - ad esempio provocando un'emorragia interna.

Per quanto riguarda metodologia e precisione fattuale, inoltre ed in particolare, sono da segnalare due dei files/capitoli "ospitati":
Artist/Designer Andrzej Suda's case corredato dalla sua  Documentation/Documentazione
che indirizza verso informazioni anche tecniche e documentali di prima mano su fatti di impatto anche gravissimo non solo personale, ma  politico e forse ampiamente internazionale.
Mentre nel file/capitolo in PDF: LarsonReport-Edit.pdf  si entra direttamente in un campo di atroce violazione dell'integrità del corpo umano: l'inserimento - abusivo - di microchips, e vi si entra attraverso una documentazione precisa e di forte impatto dimostrativo sull'esistenza e gravità di questa violazione continuativa di corpi umani in persone non-consenzienti (e non-informate).

Both the Authors of these files/chapters share their data with a solid documentation.

Qui si ribadisce la necessità di porre in chiare definizioni quanto emerso di equivoco e contraddittorio da controversie insorte nei mesi precedenti: di affermare la propria posizione nei riguardi dei fini e dei metodi con i quali e sulla base dei quali ci si trova a cooperare - o a credere di poter operare in comunanza di idee e di propositi -. Comunque scopo precipuo di tutto il nostro lavoro non è infatti quello di discutere in modo ideologico su presunte "opinioni", nè TANTO MENO di lanciare a casaccio accuse ipotetiche, bensì di fare in modo che ogni nostra asserzione si costituisca come convalidabile DOCUMENTO e che soltanto "questo documento" come tale possa SEGNALARE chiaramente sperimentabili e ricontrollabili dati di fatto, possa così diventare una "finestra aperta" per offrire a chiunque le sue DESCRIZIONI - e non spiegazioni! - corroborate da riscontrabili fonti e da autorevoli dati tecnici, documentati ed esplicitati in modo incontrovertibile anche iconografico.
Altre precisazioni anche esaustive si trovano più o meno esplicite e/o solo accennate in un altro sito e libri,  soprattutto nei files/capitoli: Consapevolezza e Memoria / Consciousness and memory, e in Basi teoriche... guide... organizzazioni / My guides... my roots.

Method and priciples of the Association's aims

The main aim of this work - site(s), book(s)  and researches -  is to guarantee a METHOD,  to present sure documents, ever possible VALIDATED  by sure technical studies as made known  by the way of the recommended files - for their URLs look above -.Any way the whole site/book is made to document and ask, to open the possibility of a serious and profitable exchange of sure, documented, scientifically probed knowledge. The Association's basical aim is to denounce, to protect and to care, NOT to accuse and this not in the name of a something as a "charitable goodness" but for a real serious attention to the consideration regarding PROPORTION at disposal of the means and the outcomes, of the causes and presumed consequences. Thus it should be stopped to describe every not enough precise and specified data: on the contrary it is mandatory to avoid every inference regarding other possible not well supported occurrences.
Damaging and even serious harming actions can be performed with engines which can be produced as very real and even commercial tools, which can be bought even by everyone, even with banal "order forms" in Internet. These powerful and deceitful "energies" are surely NOT something as ghosts' tricks, or science fiction Star Wars Engines: they are realities which could be managed by everyone, also or mostly by not ever ethical persons, but it is deceitful to "cry wolf" without giving any "how", "when" and "where".
Of course it is a very disproportionate match, disproportionate but not surely defeating: one can fight well really only on getting these facts, these matters, these situations on the MOST KNOWN worldwide. But nevertheless one has to AVOID boasting battles against too much "High Powered" also unknowable, hidden enemies, to AVOID bare words or pitiful moaning: one can fight on an acceptable level only on pointing out and warning against them in a way the most precise, seriously studied, accurate defined.

Links interni consigliati / significant internal links

Links di organizzazioni e iniziative protettive
 Associazione italiana, scientifica e giuridica, contro gli abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici
Microchips impiantati nel corpo umano e altre sopraffazioni e violazioni
Testimonianze e Dubbi
Ringraziamenti / Acknowledgement and thanks
Per concludere... / accomplishment
It' Abuse NOT Science fiction Libro / Book

Opinioni o peggio: accuse?
Opinion or accusation?
Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets
Esperimenti su bambine/i
e relativo
  Nuovissime tecnologie? Advanced technologies? Technologies avancées? Spitzentechologien?
Artist/Designer Andrzej Suda's case
(also present in AndrzejSuda) e Artist Suda: Presentation raccolta in / gathered on Andrzej (Andrew) Suda's DOCUMENTATION / DOCUMENTAZIONE (with related pictures.)
Delgado & Skinner e l'intervista - molto interessante - Psychocivilization and its discontents

PDF files

Armi ad Energia diretta

Caso Suda: file originale
STUPRI-DI-GUERRA: i figli dell'odio

Nota: i file in pdf potranno essere duplicati o riprodotti su supporti elettronici, cartacei o di qualsiasi altro tipo e distribuiti liberamente, a DUE CONDIZIONI.
1) I libri, qualsiasi sia il supporto, dovranno essere assolutamente INTEGRI e COMPLETI sia nel testo che nella grafica; ogni modifica, soppressione, aggiunta di qualsiasi tipo faranno decadere il permesso di duplicazione e faranno automaticamente ricadere nei REATI previsti a tutela del diritto di autore.
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Note: the file or the above-named files can be either duplicated or reproduced on electronic supports, paper or any other form and can be freely circulated under two conditions:
1) Whatever the  support  employed, the books must be reproduced INTEGRAL and COMPLETE both in their text and in their graphics; every change, omission or integration  of any sort cause the loss of permission to duplicate and automatically turn into legal  OFFENCES provided for by the law in protection of copyright.
2) Any circulation of the duplicates, whatever the support, must be FREE OF CHARGE.
Derivano da un altro sito - o meglio: da uno dei libri da questo derivati - alcune pagine di argomento introdutivo ai concetti base della MEDICINA e della CONSAPEVOLEZZAi nuovi volumi possono esser acquistati come veri "libri", ma i relativi COMPLETI pdf possono senza limitazioni venir SCARICATI e stampati a proprie spese dall'utente. / From another site people can make free download of pdf files and also of COMPLETE books - sorry - only in Italian

capitoli in pdf scaricabili / pdf chapters

Quando la cartella clinica è terapeutica.Dare ai ricordi una seconda vita? Consapevolezza e memoria
Medicina: scienza applicata e multidisciplinare: Emozioni, istinti, ricordi, contraddizioni

libri scaricabili in rete / pdf of complete books
Infanzia:un-mestiere_difficilissimo Copertina libro Infanzia
Consapevolezza e Memoria

Integrity di Peacock Media

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As every other file of this site, the review of links does continually checked.

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