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TOTEM AND TABOO REVISITED: awful and fertile rise of new SUPERSTITIONS diAnna Abbiate Fubini è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.

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TOTEM AND TABOO REVISITED: awful and fertile rise of new SUPERSTITIONS

29 novembre 2016 / November 29 2016

(*) continually to be up-graded / con recenti dati. (**) nuovo /new

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Spiegazioni in generale in italiano
Setticismo? Incredulità? Non saranno forse altre forme di autentiche SUPERSTIZIONI??? Scepticism? Disbelief? Are they "science" or facets of another SUPERSTITION?

Questo file/capitolo è - quasi - interamente in Inglese in quanto costituito dall'aver unito insieme due successivi interventi a Congressi internazionali di Antropologia, e dai loro ampliamenti, relative discussioni e aggiornamenti. Benché del tutto in Inglese questo file/capitolo si trova fra le Pagine"ospitate" italiane come discordante conclusione della Parte quinta ad esse dedicata. Questa contraddizione non è casuale: è dovuta alla scelta di convalidare molti degli assunti di questo sito/libro con i contenuti originali di Posters (TOTEM AND TABOO REVISITED. WE  COULD  HAVE WATCHED AT A NEW SUPERSTITION'S BIRTH e BABIES' SLEEPING POSITION)  completati da argomenti ricavati da più approfondite bibliografie e dalle discussioni e precisazioni intercorse durante i Congressi stessi.
Come questo, altri files/capitoli si trovano anche in un altro sito Web Bambini di ieri=adulti di oggi. Adulti di oggi->adulti di domani e nel libro - in inglese - che ne deriva From children of YESTERDAY to adults of TOMORROW
Solo in apparenza gli argomenti trattati nei due siti - questo sugli "abusi" e quello sullo "sviluppo infantile" - sembrano privi di nesso comune, ed invece si tratta in fondo di un insieme di dati coerenti fra di loro , nella sostanza ed ancor più nei propositi e prospettive.
Per maggiori informazioni e delucidazioni converrebbe quindi completare la lettura del presente sito Web/libro con una non distratta lettura dei siti e libri, non uguali fra di loro e completantesi a vicenda, sia per la parte in italiano sia per quella in inglese.

Si diffida dal copiare o usare in altri modi senza esplicito permesso ogni contenuto del sito o anche singole parti.

Le citazioni presentate non indicano necessariamente la nostra piena approvazione.
D'altra parte gli elenchi segnalati non pretendono di essere esaustivi.
Di riscontro ci sono state segnalate maldestre copiature di nostri file citate come di pertinenza di altri siti con i quali NON abbiamo diretti contatti, anzi dei quali non avevamo alcuna notizia.

Nel nostro sito si trattano argomenti molto seri e pericolosi: darli in pasto in modo irresponsabile arbitrariamente modificati e/o tagliati a un pubblico qualunque sotto altre - non sempre altrettanto serie - etichette come fonte originaria, può portare grave danno non solo a noi stessi e a chi viene citato impropriamente, quanto e ben di più a tutta la causa per cui si lavora: ecco da cui la necessità assoluta di Copyright. This site and every inner files are Copyright; more over the ones which subjects are not only serious as much also dangerous: we warn every one to copy and paste without asking ourselves - moreover without quoting our REAL SOURCE - as happened more than once besides also and/or into awkwardlyawkward sites.

Avviso riguardante l'utilizzo del sito / To a better use of the site:
Questo sito e i libri che ne derivano NON sono di INFORMAZIONE, ma si costituiscono come una specie di ENCICLOPEDIE TEMATICHE, in cui vengono presentati e discussi vari argomenti da leggersi e soprattutto da CONSULTARE di volta in volta, in termini conoscitivi e documentali e non semplicemente giornalistici e tanto meno "ad effetto" e/o scandalistici.

A seguito di difficoltà lamentate e relative richieste, l'architettura stessa del sito è stata modificata in funzione di un più agevole orientamento: sdoppiato il file/home si divide ora in secondo file con un nuovo nome - Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin - che riinvia a un differente URL mentre diventa iniziale e fondamentale come file semplificato dove a prima vista compaioni i links indirizzanti sui capitoli interni. Assecondando critiche e richieste man mano vengono aggiunti nuovi o rinnovati files a cui fare riferimento per informarsi su come è stata aggiornata la serie delle correzioni e nuove informazioni. Si consiglia di iniziare dal file Aggiornamenti e indici preposto agli aggiornamenti e di precisazione dei dati "normativi" e di "diffida".
This site and the book do NOT be a fount of notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different subjects:to be read time by time, or better to be CONSULTED even for learning.
Moreover this Web site will always be maintained under speedy and diligently revised construction: it is suitable to begin by the file Aggiornamenti e indici for up-dates and disclaimers.

Provengono da un altro sito - o meglio: da uno dei libri da questo derivati - alcuni file/capitoli di argomento introduttivo ai concetti base della MEDICINA e della CONSAPEVOLEZZA:
Medicina: scienza applicata e multidisciplinare. Emozioni, istinti, ricordi, contraddizioni
Quando la cartella clinica è terapeutica. Dare ai ricordi una seconda vita?
Consapevolezza e memoria secondo capitolo dell'omonimo libro completo che - come pure un altro introduttivo al tema generale - possono venir letti direttamente in rete, e venirne scaricati e stampati dai lettori: Consapevolezza e Memoria e Infanzia:un-mestiere-difficilissimo ancora in bozze incomplete con la relativa Copertina libro Infanzia

Derived from another site one can read and download - Italian - files and also Italian books:
Medicina: scienza applicata e multidisciplinare: Emozioni, istinti, ricordi, contraddizioni
Quando la cartella clinica è terapeutica.Dare ai ricordi una seconda vita?
Consapevolezza e memoria not only as file/chapter but also as complete book
Ma LESIONI ANOMALE e sofferenze mal descrivibili come conseguenze di cause inaspettate possono dar luogo a cascata a successivi e molto gravi "danni iatrogeni" se non a errori giudiziari: assieme agli altri file in cui si pongono questi problemi, anche questo è stato arricchito da importanti precisazioni culminanti in un APPELLO indirizzato ai professionisti della Psichiatria e della Medicina legale.

For book and illustrated indexes: Libro / Book, Pagine guori testo introduttive.To general founding information

L'intero sito è ora pubblicato in un libro enciclopedico - pur privo degli ultimi aggiornamenti -: per copertina, frontespizio e ulteriori spiegazioni vedi file Libro/book. The complete site - even if already at present lacking of the newest up-dates - is ready also as an Encyclopedic book
It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction (Per acquisti on-line / for on-line sale

It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction?
draft of the book cover by Andrzej (Andrew) SudaQuesta rielaborazione del famoso Sonno della ragione di Goyaufficialmente copyright - è resa molto più inquietante dell'originale per essere utilizzata come copertina del libro e spiegata dal Disegnatore Andrzej (Andrew) Suda/ This powerful, more puzzling creative modification of the Goya's Sleep of reason - marked by the official Copyright - here is used as book cover's image,  and explained by the Designer: Andrzej (Andrew) Suda: should look just like many of the events described by the victims: they exist, are bothersome, and we don’t know exactly WHY they  are there but they are there [come molti dei fatti descritti dalle vittime: essi esistono, turbano e noi non riusciamo a conoscere esattamente il PERCHE' ci siano, ma ci sono.]
About the Book This book not only documents the case of Andrzej Suda, it is also filled with documentation from the worlds most influential documented cases of psychological abuse, electronic harassment, organized stalking and mind control. Some cases include Rauni Leena Kilde MD., Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Kathy Sullivan, David Larson, and many others... Please support the truth with the purchase of our book. This will document many technologies and mind control weapons that have been kept hidden from the mainstream public. Over 600 pages of action packed TRUTH!

Dalla presentazione dettagliata del libro It's Abuse NOT Science fiction, e dalla data di pubblicazione - 14 luglio 2005 - molto è cambiato e molti DOCUMENTI sono stati sia sostituiti che aggiunti. In attesa di una completa nuova edizione del volume principale ne viene per ora edito un SUPPLEMENTO INTEGRATIVO UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS. Per molte vittime risulta più facile esporre passate sofferenze per scritto che a voce: la diffusione di questi rivissuti come di nuovi fatti ora è assicurata da questa NUOVA PUBBLICAZIONE: 
un autonomo volume del quale questo file costituisce il capitolo 6.
The book previously published at present needs to be modified.
It's Abuse NOT Science fiction published on July 14 2005 shortly became OUT OF DATE and so required to present also the consequent novelties coming from readers comments, from new deeds and MOSTLY on present-day flash-back discolosures - to note that for some victims it is easier to write than to speakUP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS of It's Abuse NOT Science fiction = Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza for the time being is a supplementary book, supplementary but matching also by itself not only to propose simple improvement, rather to share new particularly important DOCUMENTS: as this file becoming its chapter 6.

Presentation /presentazione

In the web page and connected book Bambini di ieri = adulti di oggi. Adulti di oggi -> adulti di domani a file/chapter corresponds but not mirrors a complementary Italian file (and chapter) Imbroglio è il contrario di sviluppo [= To "embroil / mislead" also even "fraud" notes the contrary of to "develop"]. Two so different sites - both on their Italian and English pages - can notwithstanding confirm acting together the main purposes of the whole works, sites and books. Even apparently so different, they share indirectly similar intents although using different subjects and quotations; both sites and researches are sharing strong messages, with an assortment of data and concepts, checking straight or only alluding, to a rather pessimistic review of human weakness DUPED by stupidity and/or by human wickedness. Both of them have one side that prevails as it is more demonstrative: in this file/chapter the sleeping position is explained more in depth for its absolute stupidity and uselessness, nearing danger, and possibly even causing death. But in sum up the file/chapter of the other site/books -  Imbroglio / sviluppo - embodies an Italian pun not easy translated; it aroused from an Italian controversy regarding far-reaching - although: personal - discussion closely related to the whole subject of this site/books. Thus it should be enlightening to read both web sites, files, books and chapters to better consider their matching denunciation, evidenced from different sides: in many way, strengthened with many quotations, they both deplore human proneness to be DUPED and intimidated instead of being wise and perceptive; they both denounce the commonplace proclivity to prefer as a rule to be deceived and narrowed instead of to choose knowledge, thriving, development. The titles by themselves in sum up introduce a survey of the contrary of a thriving "development / evolution", of triumphant embroils, misleadings, 
ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation
They emphasize the proneness of mankind to be duped and to "develop" and "breed" incoherent superstitions: however so crucial topics are displayed also in the Consciousness and memory file/chapter (as well in the Italian one Consapevolezza e Memoria) where they are also further explained by a different assortment of quotations. But another file should be considered strictly connected with them: as doumentation should be straight pointed out the recently improved file/chapter Delgado & Skinner being its true, broadening and explicative extension.


Merriam_Webster On line
SUPERSTITION 2 entries found for superstition. Main Entry: su·per·sti·tion.Pronunciation: "sü-p&r-'sti-sh&n Function: noun Etymology: Middle English supersticion, from Middle French, from Latin superstition-, superstitio, from superstit-, superstes standing over (as witness or survivor), from super- + stare to stand --  1 a : a belief or practice resulting from  superstit-, superstes standing over (as witness or survivor), from super- + stare to stand --  1 a : a belief or practice resultingfrom ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation
b : anirrational abject attitude of mindtoward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition
2 : a notion maintained despite evidenceto the contrary
DUPE 3 entries found for dupe
1 dupe Pronunciation: 'düp also 'dyüp Function: noun Etymology: French, from Middle French duppe, probably alteration of huppe hoopoe: one that is easily deceived or cheated: FOOL
2 dupe Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): duped; dup·ing: to make a dupe of - dup·er noun synonyms DUPE, GULL, TRICK, HOAX mean to deceive by underhanded means. DUPE suggests unwariness in the person deluded. GULL stresses credulousness or readiness to be imposed on (as through greed) on the part of the victim. TRICK implies an intent to delude by means of a ruse or fraud but does not always imply a vicious intent. HOAX implies the contriving of an elaborate or adroit imposture in order to deceive. 
3  dupe  Function: noun or verb: DUPLICATE
multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder
[Each personality may alternately inhabit the person's conscious awareness to the exclusion of the others,but one is usually dominant. The various personalities typically differ from one another in outlook, temperament, and body language and give themselves different first names. The condition is generally viewed as resulting from dissociative mental processes—that is, the splitting off from conscious awareness and control of thoughts, feelings, memories, and other mental components in response to situations that are painful, disturbing, or somehow unacceptable to the person experiencing them. Treatment is aimed at integrating the disparate personalities back into a single and unified personality...]
Why are mind-controlled agents, spies, couriers, assassins, better than conscious,
salaried agents/spies?

Human Pleasure Evoked by ESB (Electrical Stimulation of the Brain)

(Also an outraging, resentful file against Huxley's book Brave new world is endorsed into the THE NEW SCIENCE OF PLEASURE moreover against its search and crave to warn the "sacrifice" of motherhood, home, family, freedom, even love in the name of an "universal [artificial] happiness": BRAVE NEW WORLD? A Defence Of Paradise-Engineering (look below some quotes of it)

Brave New World (1932) is one of the most bewitching andinsidious works of literature ever written. An exaggeration? Tragically, no. Brave New World has come to serve as the false symbol for any regime of universal happiness. For sure, Huxley was writing a satirical piece of fiction, notscientific prophecy. Hence to treat his masterpiece as ill-conceived futurology rather than a work of great literature might seem to miss the point. Yet the knee-jerk response of It's Brave New World! to any blueprint for chemically-driven happiness has delayed research into paradise-engineering for all sentient life. So how does Huxley turn a future where we're all notionally happy into the archetypal dystopia? If it's technically feasible, what's wrong with using biotechnology to get rid of mental pain altogether?Brave New World is an unsettling, loveless and even sinister place. This is because Huxley endows his "ideal" society with features calculated to alienate his audience. Typically, reading BNW elicits the very same disturbing feelings in the reader which the society it depicts has notionally vanquished - not a sense of joyful anticipation....Worse, it is suggested that the price of universal happiness will be the sacrifice of the most hallowed shibboleths of our culture: "motherhood", "home", "family", "freedom", even "love". The exchange yields an insipid happiness that's unworthy of the name.Its evocation arouses our unease and distaste....
It is however revealing and should be read the whole page from which came the above excerpt.

(Besides it is instead in sum up encouraging to catch a glimpse on a flankin side of Huxley's tought outlined by his wife - Laura Archera - and by her work in favour of a - from the very beginning - loved and really cared childhood.)

Against Maternal Instinct.


José Delgado was involved in this reasearch. is suggested that the price of universal happiness will be the sacrifice of the most hallowed shibboleths of our culture: MOTHERHOOD, HOME, FAMILY, FREEDOM, even LOVE. The exchange yields an insipid happiness that's unworthy of the name. Its evocation arouses our unease and distaste
Delgado Index
Jose Delgado's Physical Control of the Mind
Chapter 16: Inhibitory Effects in Animals and Man: Look below at figure 25 (Page 173)


Milgram in inglese is suggested that the price of universal happiness will be the sacrifice of the most hallowed shibboleths of our culture: MOTHERHOOD, HOME, FAMILY, FREEDOM, even LOVE. The exchange yields an insipid happiness that's unworthy of the name. Its evocation arouses our unease and distaste.
Delgado Index  Jose Delgado's: Physical Control of the Mind  Chapter 16: Inhibitory Effects in Animals and Man Figure 25 (Page 173)
Above, maternal behavior is tenderly expressed by both mother monkeys, Rose and Olga, who hug, groom, and nurse their babies, Roo and Ole.
Below, radio stimulation of Rose for ten seconds in the mesencephalon evoked a rage response expressed by self-biting and abandoning her baby, Roo. For the next ten minutes Rose has lost all her maternal interest (above), ignoring the appealing calls of Roo who seeks refuge with the other mother. Below, Rose is sucking her foot and still ignoring her  baby.

Science and Supersition

pagina di proprietà dell'Associazione

Hippocratic Oath
I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this contract:
To hold him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents, to be a partner in life with him, and to fulfill his needs when required; to look upon his offspring as equals to my own siblings, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or contract; and that by the set rules, lectures, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to students bound by this contract and having sworn this Oath to the law of medicine, but to no others.
I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them.
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
In purity and according to divine law will I carry out my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, even upon those suffering from stones, but I will leave this to those who are trained in this craft.
Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, whether they are free men or slaves.
Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret, as considering all such things to be private.
So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate.

(460??-377? BC). The first name in the history of medicine is Hippocrates, a physician from the island of Cos in ancient Greece. Known as the “Father of Medicine” Hippocrates has long been associated with the Hippocratic Oath, a body of manuscripts, which sets forth the obligations, ideals, and ethics of physicians. This ethical code is adopted as a guide to conduct by the medical profession through out the ages and still used in the graduation ceremonies of many medical schools.
Merriam_Webster On line
RELIGION: Main Entry: re·li·gion Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back -- more at RELY
1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> 
 b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural
 b (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
TRADITION: Main Entry: tra·di·tion Pronunciation: tr&-'di-sh&n Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English tradicioun, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French tradition, from Latin tradition-, traditio action of handing over, tradition -- more at TREASON
1 : an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or  a social custom)
2 : the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction
3 : cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs, and institutions
4 : characteristic manner, method, or style - tra·di·tion·al  /-'dish-n&l, -'di-sh&-n&l/ adjective
- tra·di·tion·al·ly adverb
MYTH: Main Entry: myth Pronunciation: 'mith Function: noun Etymology: Greek mythos
1 a : a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon 
2 a : a popular belief or tradition that has grown up around something or someone; especially : one embodying the ideals and institutions of a society or segment of society <seduced by the American myth of individualism -- Orde Coombs> 
2 b : an unfounded or false notion
3 : a person or thing having only an imaginary or unverifiable existence
4 : the whole body of myths
FAITH: Main Entry: 1 faith  Pronunciation: 'fAth Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural faiths  /'fAths, sometimes 'fA[th]z/ Etymology: Middle English feith, from Old French feid, foi, from Latin fides; akin to Latin fidere to trust -- more at BIDE
1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTY 
1 b (1) : fidelity to one's promises 
1 b (2) : sincerity of intentions
2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God 
2 a (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
2 b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof
2 (2) : complete trust
3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs synonym see BELIEF
- in faith : without doubt or question : VERILY
FANATIC: Main Entry: fa·nat·ic Pronunciation: f&-'na-tik Variant(s): or fa·nat·i·cal  /-ti-k&l/ Function: adjective Etymology: Latin fanaticus inspired by a deity, frenzied, from fanum temple -- more at FEAST: 
marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion <they're fanatic about politics> - fanatic noun - fa·nat·i·cal·ly  /f&-'na-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb - fa·nat·i·cal·ness  /-k&l-n&s/ noun.
TABOO: Main Entry: 1 ta·boo Variant(s): also ta·bu  /t&-'bü, ta-/ Function: adjective Etymology: Tongan tabu
1 : forbidden to profane use or contact because of what are held to be dangerous supernatural powers
2 a : banned on grounds of morality or taste <the subject is taboo> 
2 b : banned as constituting a risk
Main Entry: 2 taboo Variant(s): also tabu Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural taboos also tabus
1 : a prohibition against touching, saying, or doing something for fear of immediate harm from a supernatural force
2 : a prohibition imposed by social custom or as a protective measure
3 : belief in taboos
TOTEM: Main Entry: to·tem Pronunciation: 'tO-t&m Function: noun Etymology: Ojibwa his totem
1 a : an object (as an animal or plant) serving as the emblem of a family or clan and often as a reminder of its ancestry; also : a usually carved or painted representation of such an object 
1 b : a family or clan identified by a common totemic object
2 : something that serves as an emblem or revered symbol

And then: so why nobody stopped just in time dangerously bizarre occurrences?

Scientific definition of “trial” The Clinical Trials and Informatics Support team provides  statistical and data processing support for all multicentre and some single-centre research projects undertaken by the Programme, as well as technical advice on the design, management, analysis and interpretation of research projects.
TRIAL: Main Entry: 1tri·al Pronunciation: 'trI(-&)l Function: noun Etymology: Anglo-French, from trier to trial
1 a : the action or process of trying or putting to the proof: TEST
1 b : a preliminary contest (as in a sport)
2 : the formal examination before a competent  tribunal of the matter in issue in a civil or criminal cause in order to determine such issue 
3 : a test of faith, patience, or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation; broadly : a source of vexation or annoyance 
4 a : a try out or experiment to test quality, value, or usefulness 
4 b : one of a number of repetitions of an experiment
Tested by self-centered “trials”, claimed as revolutionary certainties, most of the so considered scientific theories are sometimes only introductory, too often self-confirming, “hypothesis”. But, so supported by deceitful trials, mindless "fashions" arouse, passing off as unquestionable - even if after becoming transient - new evidence based discoveries. Thus professionals themselves, intimidated or worshipping their “Masters” even in good faith, forget their skill and mind and - in turn: convinced "brain-washed" - propose these "discoveries" to their clients. Scared and frail “good parents” circularly choose and support the most narrow and rigid doctors who can correspond to their searching a "reassuring" aid. In spite of every real consequence, together doctors and clients, are gratified to put into practice dogmatic "finding" praised as assured "theory". It was told in a professional mailing list that ... doesn’t exist any obligation to give up normal instincts: the parents are free, I repeat FREE, to end every time the experimentation, moreover since in U.S. exists a  strong and strict IRB (Institutional Review Board) - established in 1991 as an independent review board that provides protection for human subjects through the initial and ongoing review of research studies, ensure that research subjects are appropriately informed about the risks and benefits of participating in a research study.
Doctor News
Doctor News
Doctor news

Epidemiologo, studi sbagliati al 50 p
er cento
La verita' scientifica? Forse non esiste. Le conclusioni raggiunte dalla maggior parte degli studi potrebbero essere sbagliate. Pescando a caso un qualunque lavoro tra quelli pubblicati in letteratura, la probabilita' che concluda il giusto sono inferiori al 50%. A disilludere ricercatori, medici e opinione pubblica sull'affidabilità degli studi scientifici e' l'epidemiologo John Ioannidis, della Scuola di Medicina dell'universita' di Ioannina, in Grecia. In un articolo sulla rivista 'Plos Medicine', l'esperto chiama in causa non solo l'errore umano, ma anche e soprattutto problemi sperimentali e statistici. Limiti il piu' delle volte insuperabili, che inevitabilmente finiscono per compromettere la correttezza dei risultati ottenuti. Secondo Ioannidis, i piu' a rischio di arrivare a conclusioni sbagliate sarebbero gli studi molto piccoli, quelli 'disegnati' male e quelli che producono risultati numerici bassi (il caso, per esempio, di un farmaco efficace solo nel 10% dei pazienti).
Ma lo specialista invita a 'prendere con le pinze' anche i dati degli studi di dimensioni piu' vaste, di quelli ben disegnati e di quelli che lavorano su argomenti particolarmente 'caldi', relativamente ai quali i ricercatori sentono maggiori 'pressioni'. 'Dovremmo accettare il fatto che la maggior parte delle ricerche verra' confutata. Alcune saranno ripetute e confermate', aggiunge Ioannidis, sottolineando che, almeno in campo scientifico, 'replicare un dato ha piu' valore di scoprirlo per la prima volta''. L'esperto avanza dei dubbi sulla correttezza dell'espressione ''statisticamente significativo', ben nota ai lettori di studi scientifici. ''Comunemente - ricorda - un dato viene considerato 'statisticamente significativo' quando esiste solo una probabilita' su 20 che sia unicamente frutto del caso'. Ma questo metodo di calcolo non da' sufficienti garanzie, ''specialmente quando, per esempio, si tratta di collegare una certa malattia al gene che potrebbe esserne il responsabile''.
Molte certezze potrebbero dunque crollare? A rassicurare uomini di laboratorio, clinici e pazienti e' Solomon Snyder, senior editor di 'Pnas' ed esperto di neuroscienze alla Johns Hopkins Medical School di Baltimora, Usa. Quando leggo la letteratura scientifica - osserva l'esperto su 'New Scientist' online - non penso certo di trovarmi di fronte a un manuale'. Non c'e' la pretesa di trovare 'la risposta', bensì 'il desiderio di ottenere nuove idee'.
So why nobody stopped just in time such dangerously bizarre occurrences?
Scientific definition of “trial” The Clinical Trials and Informatics Support team provides  statistical and data processing support for all multicentre and some single-centre research projects undertaken by the Programme, as well as technical advice on the design, management, analysis and interpretation of research projects.
img src="mwol_hdr_home_red_free.gif" lowsrc="mwol_hdr_home_red_free.gif" style="border: 0px solid ; height: 61px; width: 371px;" title="" alt="" hspace="10">
TRIAL: Main Entry: 1tri·al Pronunciation: 'trI(-&)l Function: noun Etymology: Anglo-French, from trier to trial
1 a : the action or process of trying or putting to the proof: TEST
1 b : a preliminary contest (as in a sport)
2 : the formal examination before a competent  tribunal of the matter in issue in a civil or criminal cause in order to determine such issue 
3 : a test of faith, patience, or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation; broadly : a source of vexation or annoyance 
4 a : a try out or experiment to test quality, value, or usefulness
4 b : one of a number of repetitions of an experiment
FASHION: synonyms FASHION, STYLE, MODE, VOGUE, FAD, RAGE, CRAZE mean the usage accepted by those who want to be up-to-date.
FASHION is the most general term and applies to any way of dressing, behaving, writing, or performing that is favored at any one time or place <the current fashion>.
STYLE often implies a distinctive fashion adopted by people of taste <a media baron used to traveling in style>.
MODE suggests the fashion of the moment among those anxious to appear elegant and sophisticated <slim bodies are the mode at this resort>.
VOGUE stresses the wide acceptance of a fashion <short skirts are back in vogue>.
FAD suggests caprice in taking up or in dropping a fashion <last year's fad is over>.
RAGE and CRAZE stress intense enthusiasm in adopting a fad <Cajun food was the rage nearly everywhere for a time> <crossword puzzles once seemed just a passing craze but have lasted>. 
synonym see in addition METHOD

TOTEM AND TABOO revisited: to watch at a new SUPERSTITION'S birth.

congresso Firenze poster: Pucci Violi
Anthropology Congress Poster
When, unlike a yogi, we do not choose our trances, and we are unaware of the types and nature of the pathological trances in our lives, then there are things we are unaware of. What we are unaware of causes more human suffering than the sometimes painful knowledge of the truth. One goal of a robust and magical life is to be as aware as possible of our options. When our unconscious pathological trances cripple our options the result is often disaster and tragedy in our personal lives, our society and in the environment.

What we are unaware of, causes more human suffering than the sometimes painful knowledge of the truth
…: this consideration pertains either to negative re-living past memories or to almost umbearable present difficulties. But in the meantime what knowledge, what truth? People have to keep in view that - unreasonably - more human sufferings often arouse from the incapability to envisage the really impossible foresight of what will happen in the time to come: as is of course the knowledge of an unforeseen good or a painful mischance, or even only from the constant will to throw away unaccepted EMOTIONS. And thus, after having lost the truth, having dissociated themselves from the reality, mindlessly hinting at a global improvement, dimly warning against imaginary threatens and damages...: all this regards NOT only homogeneous, self-restrincting groups, but also cultured people goes on without any obstacle in a similar banalizing and undemonstrative way. A recent book - The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy Building and Rebuilding the Human Brain (by Louis Cozolino) - presents its theories as very promising but with a double-edged meaning, also to be "used" in a double-edged way: as this can explain the possibility to heal even persons who suffered terrible past mishaps, so this can suggest also that the "superstitions' proneness" of humankind's nature can rather easily get too many people brain-washed almost before having realized to hold their own minds.
It seems logical to believe that human beings can follow traditions, or trust on Religions (plural), or are “reason supporters”, or  even - at least in the wealthy world - are pleased to play on changing customs and to promote new FASHIONS, forgetting suddenly the previous ones. Religions could become dogmatic, devotees can behave as fanatics…, but also in the Western affluent and rational world sometimes for some unexpected facts a fashion becomes instead a MYTH, a SUPERSTITION: it is to say something unconscious, utterly dissociated from the real mind, and absolutely more gluing than Religious believing. In the case of health or of children rearing the FUTURE can give great grants and suddenly take them away, can give awful sorrows and effective precautions, but - what is often a worse danger - gets not only a lot of expecting and/or fearful emotions, but to avoid them a lot of … stupid countermeasures.
Spontaneously (or more often fraudulently promoted) static and temporary "novelties" become fashionable. This fashion however is no longer ephemeral, but develops into FAITH and is flaunted and accepted without criticism as "the best". It is defended by conservative borders in every situation and results in absurd obedience - if not longing - to absurd and not fitting drug’s prescriptions and dosages
... (Here it should be said as an example a crucial assignment very broadly forewarn in space and time, a "duty" concerning a basic side of rearing babies: Feed babies only EVERY four hours... is one of typical decrees: so often producing in fact harmful consequences;  but the real grammar set up of such an absurdity was found in a fanciful misunderstanding of the real text proposed - to can be reached in a little, from 1920s years magazine, by O.N.M.I. (Italian National Organization for Motherhood and Childhood): where was written Working women must feed their babies AT  LEAST, [not LESS THAN!], every FOUR hours: without no delay.
Not delayed mixed-up with not less than...: how is it possible that every similar banalizing and undemonstrative idea so validates or confirms itself in self-ingrained circles more often vicious?
Besides: could regard only homogeneous, self-restrincting groups these hinting at a global - bogus - improvement? could this to be guided by - forged - alarms regard only simple if not moronic lay-persons? On the contrary not: everyone can see how everywhere these, even long terms and broad expanded, real superstitions develop into a faith; how do they become transformed into a glue which nobody and nothing can remove: not reason, not feelings, not results, even not - at least finally proclaimed - strong warnings of death danger (as for example the new-born position face down). And - what is more strange - nobody censures and/or rejects them: neither concerned (even if damaged) persons themselves, nor children's parents nor even professionals.

So, often with inconsistent reason, whichever impromptu sharing a "neurotic concern" can become widespread; but also whoever "tricky arrogant" can enter in this so open pathway towards an indirect mind-control. Imposed as a new Totem, every bogus fear thus at first menaces proclaiming - hypothetic - forthcoming damages, and then offers pseudo-guarantees if the "mind-controlled" people follows so established hoaxes or even so accepted swindles.

copyright Pucci Violi
Copyright Pucci Violi

Fear“ believes to keeps safe on building barricades, and then: narrows spaces, knowledge, relationship and understanding.
On return again and again it widens new fearfulness
On return again and again it widens new fearfulness and more and more intrusive dependency: who is easily deceived or cheated: FOOL
Neurosis absorbs anguish as a sponge. It is convenient, it gets as a mighty mummy...

Neurosis is a personal, intimate disorder which affect private freedom and impairs individual concentration and attention; but - as told in this Italian writing - it gets as a sponge helping to absorb anguish... - even if neurosis itself could be a  personal ailment it is more significant since affects a great deal of people: and then, when collective, this lessened existence could become everywhere a fertile ground fitting to foster superstitions. (Taboos are duping prohibitions, but also compelling order - with even more RAGE and CRAZE.)

Thus, doctors’ words are acquired by fearful parents as guarantees against all life’s risks (look instead the main Ippocrates statement: Momentary occurs life, deceptive is knowledge, demanding is discernment; but doctors’ words in turn arise from their teachers’ words passed so often off evidence based realities, mistaking doubtful and self-confirming trials, testing at random more or less casual bizarre ideas. All the time vicious circles renew themselves, and gullible people doesn't notice that too often so-believed “theories” are changeable: and so personal behavior have not to deal with actual truth but only with up-dating “fashions”. As a matter of fact the parents’ weakness and stubborn lack of self-confidence, can be directed in every - also difficult, illogical, even dangerous - direction: it sets to prescribe fixed behaviors on the times, tied even if told "advanced", compelling even if told “permissive”.
Maternal instinct?
Static, temporary “novelties”, ephemeral changing fashions are proclaimed and complied without any criticism for the time being as “the best” - till new arrival -. So it is misleading to set stereotyped appraisals as: old styled families are ideal and perfect, with their typically good fathers and mothers, as during the good old times; but it is as much as incorrect to state that the "new" is  a sure progressive improvement. Modern families and modern way at rearing children? Assured with and more and more reliable systems for children's sake? Up-to-date knowledge and more broadly shared information?


How could such "brain-washing" methods have taken so deep-seated roots? How can a pervasive, indirect "mind-control" be so efficient? Why is it quite impossible to convince even keen persons to avoid it? Nonsensical? And then: why moreover is it so hard to stop everywhere such practices in spite of any warning against? Comparable violations can happen only in Africa and in other countries of the Third World?

Violence in the womb and at birth has always been a concern to members of APPPAH. Ironically, in modern hospital birth, violence and pain have become routine for babies. For most of the 20th century, neither obstetricians nor psychologists have regarded pain as a reality for newborns. Therefore, doctors have not hesitated to expose the baby to a harsh environment at birth, or to introduce painful routines, or painful instruments... Babies protest being jabbed with needles for blood samples and vitamin K shots, don't like to be turned upside down, rushed through space, and handled by different people. Their skin is extremely sensitive and they complain when rubbed and cleaned. We have been making them angry, afraid, defensive, sad, and confused--for the greater part of the century.
origin of violenceThe origins of circumcision are approached by studying the distribution of sexual mutilations on the map of continents and their severity among indigenous cultures. The analysis suggests that Africa is the epicenter for altering the genitalia of both males and females.Frederick Hodges, now a medical history fellow at Oxford, supplies a fascinating history of how involuntary sexual mutilation was institutionalized in the United States. What began as a cure for masturbation, and all the illnesses thought to be caused by onanism, has been lauded and subsequently dismissed as the cure for epilepsy, immoral behavior, cancer, and sexually transmitted diseases. Hodges argues, quite convincingly, that the validity of the current medical justifications do not differ much from the original justifications. He notes, "Whatever incurable disease happens to be the focus of national attention in any given time period will be the disease that circumcision advocates will use as an excuse for circumcision.
Circumcision is part of mainstream American culture, and, despite having its medical credibility essentially decimated, it continues unabated....

Sexual Mutilations: A Human Tragedy
George C. Denniston and Marilyn F. Milos (Eds.) New York: Plenum Publishing, 237 pages, 1997. ISBN=0306455897
A major portion of the book addresses the issue of female genital mutilation as currently practiced inparts of Africa. Berhane Ras-Work, the current president of the Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children, provides a history of the organizational attempts to end the practice of FGM in Africa. Efforts started with general statements from international organizations and are now being implemented by people in the community. Outside interference is shunned and only acts to galvanize opposition. While the prevalence of FGM in Europe is unknown, Italian investigators Amnesty International (°) presented their estimates of the number of genitally mutilated women in their country. Likewise, a representative of Germany's organization (I)NTACT spoke to how her country is responding to this practice.  [(°)Sono almeno 135 milioni, secondo l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, le ragazze e le bambine che hanno subito mutilazioni sessuali e ogni anno se ne aggiungono altri due milioni. Le MGF sono praticate soprattutto in Africa e in alcuni paesi del Medio Oriente (Egitto, Yemen Emirati Arabi). Vi sono anche casi di mutilazioni in alcune parti dell'Asia, nelle Americhe e in Europa - compresa l'Italia - all'interno delle comunità di immigrati.]
WHO study group on female genital mutilation and obstetric outcome. Female genital mutilation and obstetric outcome: WHO collaborative prospective study in six African countries. Lancet 2006 Jun 3;367(9525):1835-41.

Macabre tales of medical arrogance

Maternal instinct??? Experiments on children? Induced on children artificial pregnancy???
How medicine could have succeed to induce artificial pregnancy??? But then: what will have become the babies?little girls pregnant

no need to explain what happened to these EIGHT YEARS old little girls!!! Their bellies showning a six monthes pregnancy? At least a very mandatory NEED to get known how horrific can become scientists's shameless power!
Maternal, parental instinct? Or: children "hired" as human guinea-pigs for atrocious, disfiguring and/or mutilating experiments?

voce bianca: Alessandro MoreschiCastrati were a unique phenomenon in Western musical history, lasting from the late 16th c. to the mid-19th century. The practice of castrating young boys and training them for singing was never approved by the Church but authorities turned a blind eye; only the conquest of the Papal States by Italy in 1870 put an end to the practice. Alessandro Moreschi (1858-1922) entered the Sistine Chapel in 1883 and became conductor of the Choir in 1898. He is the only castrato to have ever been recorded; he retired in 1913.

...un'idea di bellezza canora durata oltre tre Secoli dalla seconda metà del Cinquecento, inizio della Controriforma, agli inizi del Novecento quando Alessandro Moreschi - the "last castrato" come lo battezzarono i pioneristici discografici inglesi venuti [nel] a registrarne la voce era ancora attivo nella Cappella Sistina. Non fu veramente l'ultimo, abbiamo testimonianze di anziani evirati vivi fino ai Sessanta, ma dal 1903 un motu proprio Vaticano decise che non si potevano più accogliere bambini castrati per addestrarli alla professione di cantante. (Vedi Una voce pochissimo fa (di soprato e baritono) La Stampa giovedì 6 gennaio 2005 pag 25 "Cultura e spettacoli"
Il castrato di Simone Bartolini).

Ma se nei secoli scorsi - Novecento compreso - si castravano bambini per mantenerne la voce bianca e così ottenere dei soprani "speciali",  la mutilazione sottocitata - ...un - creduto! - e ampiamente sbandierato successo del COMPORTAMENTISMO è ancora più raccapricciante nella sua quasi "banalità" di situazione "privata", ma esemplifica bene teoria, impostazione e principi del Comportamentismo stesso.

E qui presentiamo questa storia "privata": la storia di un caso singolo, ma non per questo meno significativa di una certa cultura pseudo-scientifica, di un certo modo ufficialmente programmatico di NON-RISPETTARE la Natura e gli esseri umani. / A private case of a pseudo-science  ABUSIVE toal lack of RESPECT:
As Nature Made Him:The Boy Who Was Raised As a Girl  by John Colapinto

Comment from
Once you begin reading As Nature Made Him, a mesmerizing story of amedicaltragedyandits traumatic results, you absolutely won't want to put it down. Following a botched circumcision, a family is convinced to raise their infant son, Bruce, as a girl. They rename the child Brenda and spend the next14 years trying to transform him into a her.Brenda's childhood reads as one filled with anxiety and loneliness, and her fear and confusion are present on nearly every page concerning her early childhood. Much of her pain is caused by Dr. Money, who is presented as a villainous medical man attempting to coerce an unwilling child to submit to numerous unpleasant treatments. Reading over interviews and reports of decisions made by this doctor, it's difficult to contain anger at the widespread results of his insistence that natural-born gender can be altered with little more than willpower and hormone treatments. The attempts of his parents, twin brother, and extended family to assist Brenda to be happily female are touching--the sense is overwhelmingly of a family wanting to do "right" while being terribly mislead as to what "right" is for her. As Brenda makes the decision to live life as a male (at age 14), she takes the name David and begins the process of reversing the effects of estrogen treatments. David's ultimate successful life--a solid marriage, honest and close family relationships, and his bravery in making his childhood public -- bring an uplifting end to his story. Equally fascinating is the latest segment of the longtime nature/nurture controversy, and the interviews of various psychological researchers and practitioners form a larger framework around David's struggle to live as the gender he was meant to be. -- Jill Lightner --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Obedience to Authority by Stanley Milgram

Obbedienza all'autorità. Uno sguardo sperimentale
Milgram Stanley  Editore Einaudi

Difetti di nascita e tempistica concepimento / live births and birth defects

Difetti "GENETICI", "cromosomici"? o difetti "CONGENITI" da cause "ambintali"????
Diagnosi prenatali - occasionali - magari pre-concepimento di coppie "a rischio"? Oppure diagnosi di ECOLOGIA AMBIENTALE sia del microclima familiare che di quello ambientale più vasto?
Carenze o intossicazioni nonché cause infettive? Ma anche quanto può incidere una patologia "gestazionale" da causa "lavorativa"?
Infatti molte frequenti e PROBABILI cause di malformazioni gravi o di difetti - curabili - sono dovute a CARENZE (tipico: di folati), ma anche  alla PRESENZA di inquinanti ambientali: è "di moda" accusare il "personale" fumo di sigaretta attivo - e quindi "colpevolizzarne la madre" - ma non è certo da sottovalutare quello subìto passivamente dalla donna incinta.
Intervista alla genetista Faustina Lalatta (15 giugno 2006) Diagnosi prenatale: nel dubbio...
E' un business per i medici. Le gestanti fanno i test con superficialità e poi non sanno affrontare diagnosi infauste o dubbie. Così il figlio si "disintegra" alla minima anomalia. Annientate da un labbro leporino. Distrutte da un esito dubbio. Un figlio amato, desiderato, cercato, ma che in un baleno si disintegra, diventa un nulla.
Ecco i guasti provocati da una diagnosi prenatale di massa, effettuata in modo sconsiderato, senza preparare le gestanti a ciò cui vanno incontro... .
Faustina Lalatta sa di cosa parla: è responsabile del Servizio di genetica medica della Clinica Mangiagalli di Milano, una sorta di tribunale di ultima istanza a cui si rivolgono le donne che hanno ricevuto una diagnosi infausta oppure dubbia e, in genere, prima di programmare l’aborto desiderano una consulenza di alto livello. Secondo la Lalatta, la diffusione di massa della diagnosi prenatale – vi ricorre l’88 per cento delle gestanti, secondo l’Istat (vedi articolo a parte). Questo desta molte perplessità, sia per le conseguenze eugenetiche che se ne possono trarre, sia perché vari studiosi si domandano se l’accesso a questo esame genetico a tappeto sia realmente libero o frutto di un certo clima culturale. A lanciare l’allarme sono stati nel 2008 alcuni studiosi francesi sulla rivista “Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy”, giungendo a risultati sconfortanti:
È difficile per le pazienti esercitare la loro scelta autonoma riguardo i test suddetti.
Troppe di loro (82 per cento) considerano questi test un obbligo.

Fa eco a questo un altro studio, questa volta greco (di Kleanthi Gourounti nel 2008) in cui si conclude ch
 molte donne mancano di informazione – ha cambiato la mentalità delle persone: la sindrome di Down è diventata una disabilità "evitabile", chi ne è portatore è "un tragico errore" e anche un difetto curabile come il labbro leporino "una tremenda disgrazia".

Bianchi F, Calzolari E, Ciulli L, Cordier S, Gualandi F, Pierini A, Mossey P.
Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del CNR, Pisa
The combined birth prevalence of cleft palate [CP] and cleft lip with or without cleft palate [CL(P)] in Europe is approximately one in 700 with characteristic regional variations. Orofacial clefting (OC) is therefore now one of the most frequent congenital anomalies, with a higher birth prevalence that Down's Syndrome or Neural Tube defects, but still lower than cardiovascular malformation. Babies with OC require a multidisciplinary medical approach, surgery and rehabilitative treatments over time. This means an important effort in terms of social organization as well as economical costs for the health care system. In Italy, the health care costs for approximately 800 children born with orofacial clefting per year has been estimated at around 150 billion Lire (80 million Euros). The etiology of OC is complex and heterogeneous both for isolated and associated defects; causes linked to environment, genetics and gene-environment interaction are known, although there is still a lot to do, especially in clarifying the role of genetics in producing susceptibility to the environment.
Agrichemicals in surface water and birth defects in the United States.
Winchester PD, Huskins J, Ying J.
Section of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis
, IN, USA.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate if live births conceived in months when surface water agrichemicals are highest are at greater risk for birth defects.
METHODS: Monthly concentrations during 1996-2002 of nitrates, atrazine and other pesticides were calculated using United States Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment data. Monthly United States birth defect rates were calculated for live births from 1996 to 2002 using United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention natality data sets. Birth defect rates by month of last menstrual period (LMP) were then compared to pesticide/nitrate means using logistical regression models.
RESULTS: Mean concentrations of agrichemicals were highest in April-July. Total birth defects, and eleven of 22 birth defect subcategories, were more likely to occur in live births with LMPs between April and July. A significant association was found between the season of elevated agrichemicals and birth defects. CONCLUSION: Elevated concentrations of agrichemicals in surface water in April-July coincided with higher risk of birth defects in live births with LMPs April-July. While a causal link between agrichemicals and birth defects cannot be proven from this study an association might provide clues to common factors shared by both variables.

Maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy and the risk of having a child with cleft lip/palate. The significant trend in the dose-response relationship strongly suggests the association of smoking tobacco and this common congenital deformity. These results emphasize the public health risks associated with smoking during pregnancy. To prevent this devastating craniofacial anomaly, educational initiatives should be considered that will alert expectant mothers to the association between smoking during pregnancy and the occurrence of cleft lip/palate.
PMID: 10697150 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

Difetti di nascita e tempistica concepimento
Uno studio pubblicato sulla rivista scientifica Acta Paediatrica evidenzia un tasso di difetti alla nascita maggiore nei bambini nati da donne che hanno concepito in primavera o in estate. L'aumento del rischio è stato collegato con il maggiore uso di pesticidi in agricoltura. Concepire un bambino in primavera o in estate è sempre stato considerato un bel periodo: ci si sente più vivi e con la voglia di stare insieme. In più, partorire presumibilmente in inverno rende la cosa più attraente anche solo per il fatto di non soffrire il caldo eccessivo durante il parto. A rompere l'incantesimo ci hanno pensato, ancora una volta, ricercatori americani che hanno pubblicato sulla rivista medica Acta Paediatrica i risultati di un nuovo studio che evidenzia come il tasso di difetti alla nascita siano maggiori nelle donne che hanno concepito in primavera o in estate. Il lungo e articolato studio ha analizzato i dati di ben 30,1 milioni di nascite negli Stati Uniti, tra il 1996 e il 2002. Dai dati è emersa una decisa associazione tra l'aumento del numero di difetti di nascita nei bambini e le donne il cui ultimo periodo mestruale prima della gravidanza si è verificato nei mesi di aprile, maggio, giugno o luglio. L'aumento del rischio è stato collegato con l'uso maggiore di pesticidi in agricoltura. Pesticidi che, inevitabilmente, vengono in qualche modo a contatto con le future madri: che sia con il cibo, che sia con l'acqua, ma anche per mezzo dell'aria. Il collegamento tra il mese dell'ultima mestruazione e gli alti livelli di difetti congeniti riscontrati è risultato statisticamente significativo nella misura del 50% rispetto alla 22 categorie di difetti congeniti inclusi nella banca dati del CDC (Centro per il Controllo delle Malattie), tra cui vi sono la spina bifida, il labbro leporino e la sindrome di Down.
I difetti congeniti, che colpiscono il 3% dei neonati negli Stati Uniti, sono una delle principali cause di morte infantile. Quello che più ci preoccupa è sapere che se i pesticidi stanno contribuendo a questo rischio, allora i nostri sospetti sono corretti. In questo caso potremmo essere in grado di invertire o modificare i fattori che sono causa di queste malattie ha dichiarato il dottor Paolo Winchester, professore presso la Facoltà di Medicina dell'Indiana University e coordinatore dello studio.

Amniocentesi o eugenetica? /AMNIOCENTESIS OR EUGENICS?

Da dieci anni c’è una anarchia totale per cui la donna insegue l’idea di sicurezza, di tranquillità, di figlio sano, con i medici che accondiscendono a tutto in nome del guadagno. Le donne fanno il triplo test e poi anche l’amnio, con l’idea che ogni esame si "rafforzi" con l’altro. Non è così, ma l’illusione di essere "molto controllate" porta a un aumento delle aspettative sul figlio, a un sogno di perfezione che nessuno può garantire». E se il figlio poi non è perfetto, cosa succede?
La donna si dispera, sente che le è capitata una disgrazia insopportabile. È come se quel figlio che un attimo prima era amato e desiderato, venisse annientato di colpo. Di quel figlio a lungo sognato, immaginato, a un tratto non vedevano nient’altro che il suo problema. Il figlio ne esce distrutto, prima
ancora di nascere. Ecco, questo è il tragico della diagnosi prenatale.
Eugenetica: Hitler

Cure ai nati molto pretermine, il documento del gruppo di esperti riuniti dal Ministro Livia Turco
Sempre più i sopravvissuti all'aborto "terapeutico"?

In questo caso la decisione di interrompere la gravidanza non è la conseguenza di una pseudo-diagnosi dovuta ad amniocentesi, ma da una semplice ecografia: è però comunque un'occasione opportuna per porre severamente il problema.
DOPPIA "presa in giro": eugenetica e accanimento terapeutico.
A REDOUBLED TRICKERY: Eugenics and Therapeutic Obstinacy - over-treatment.

Proprio in data 8 marzo 2007 - Giornata in onore della Donna - una notizia, peraltro prevedibile, giunge in forma ufficiale ad esempio esposta sinteticamente in Televideo:

VIVO DOPO ABORTO, OSPEDALI:NESSUN ERRORE Un bimbo è nato vivo durante l'interruzione di gravidanza al V mese alla quale la mamma si era sottoposta dopo che le era stato diagnosticato una grave malformazione al feto. Il piccolo è in incubatrice all'ospedale pediatrico Meyer di Firenze, in condizioni gravi. (*) Non c'è stato alcun errore nè nella refertazione ecografica, nè nella comunicazione alla coppia hanno detto i direttori dell'azienda ospedaliera Careggi e del Dipartimento Materno infantile aggiungendo che è stata rispettata la legge 194 e la libera volontà di una donna. La regolarità della procedura adottata è stata riscontrata dalla commissione incaricata della verifica.
(Il decesso è avvenuto dopo sei giorni: in altri termini l'agonia medicalizzata è durata sei giorni.)
A poignant case of Therapeutic Abortion for - only presumed - fetal malformation: resulting instead in birth of a living immature baby; and then resulting in an appalling show of over-treatment.
The final outcome was a weekly lasting agony.

· Mother wanted procedure after fears of abnormality
· Law requires resuscitation if foetus shows signs of life
John Hooper in Rome Thursday March 8, 2007 The Guardian
A baby was struggling for life in an intensive care unit in Florence yesterday after being resuscitated following an attempted abortion at 22 weeks' gestation because of indications of abnormalities which turned out to be false. The baby's mother, who has not been identified, was admitted to hospital for a late abortion at the end of last week after being told her child might have abnormalities. The child showed signs of life after the procedure and, under Italian law, doctors were obliged to try to save it.

Sono esami che comportano un rischio di perdite fetali di compreso tra l'1 e il 2% - dice Basevi -. Stabilire invece prima, con il test combinato, chi è a rischio, riduce il numero di interventi diagnostici invasivi, dei nati con sindrome di Down ed ha la stessa quantità di falsi positivi e negativi dell'amniocentesi e villocentesi. È lo stesso approccio sperimentato in altri Paesi.

(20 dicembre 2010)
La situazione attuale - Oggi amniocentesi e villocentesi sono a carico del Ssn per le donne dai 35 anni in su. "Questi però sono esami che comportano un rischio di perdite fetali di compreso tra l'1 e il 2% - dice Basevi -. Stabilire invece prima, con il test combinato, chi è a rischio, riduce il numero di interventi diagnostici invasivi, dei nati con sindrome di Down ed ha la stessa quantità di falsi positivi e negativi dell'amniocentesi e villocentesi. È lo stesso approccio sperimentato in altri Paesi, come la Danimarca, dove la valutazione del rischio fatta con test combinato ha dimezzato il numero di nati con sindrome di Down". Il prossimo passo, conclude l'esperto, è che questi esami vengano inseriti nei nuovi Lea e vengano offerti gratuitamente non solo per le donne con più di 35 anni.
Commenti di madri:
beh....a me non sembra una cattiva idea.... neanche a me, anche se credo lo facciano soprattutto per risparmiare.
AMNIOCENTESIS (or... EUGENICS?): Amniocentesis is a diagnostic procedure performed by inserting a hollow needle through the abdominal wall into the uterus and withdrawing a small amount of fluid from the sac surrounding the fetus. Amniocentesis can be used to diagnose a large number of genetic and chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus. In addition, it is helpful in the diagnosis of the severity of Rh incompatibility, lung maturity, and neural tube defects (such as spina bifida). There is a slight chance of infection or injury to the fetus. There is even a smaller chance of miscarriage.(Abortion - spontaneous) This test is typically performed when a problem is suspected, so the benefits outweigh the risk.
To have amniocentesis is a surely invasive - and even expensive - harming practice for both: mother (having abdomen adhesions for ever) and child (risking to have feet, legs, genitals... damaged,  or rather: all the more, to die in miscarriage!). But moreover what is the result of this "safety-making" (???) screening? An EUGENIC  "not abortion" but induced premature birth to eliminate - perhaps still living - "not eugenic" baby!
(Still living? to eliminate or perhaps otherwise to spread a bold show of medical arrogance?
 Sport-like records to attain and challenge?
MIAMI, Florida (AP) -- A premature baby that doctors say spent less time in the womb than any other surviving infant is to be released from a Florida hospital Tuesday. Amillia Sonja Taylor was just 9 1/2 inches long and weighed less than 10 ounces when she was born October 24. She was delivered 21 weeks and six days after conception. Full-term births come after 37 to 40 weeks.)

It is important to remember that abnormal test result cannot exclude every possible problem with the baby. Not all birth defects can be detected by these tests ... Amniocentesis usually is done in the SECOND TRIMESTER. Some medical centers offer early amniocentesis, done between 11 and 14 weeks after the last menstrual period. However, early amniocentesis is considered experimental and recent studies suggest that it is riskier than second-trimester amniocentesis...

Paradigmatiche vicende italiane:

Distrofia incurabile? Feti non-eugenetici da eliminare inesorabilmente???
Sono stati pubblicati su PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) i risultati di una sperimentazione condotta presso i laboratori dell’Istituto Scientifico Universitario San Raffaele, dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, dell’Università di Milano-Bicocca, dell’Università di Pavia, dell’Istituto Medea e del Centro Ricerche Nicox. La ricerca ha indagato gli effetti di una nuova molecola - HCT 1026 (nitroflurbiprofene) - su due modelli animali di distrofia muscolare. I dettagli dello studio italiano: il nitroflurbiprofene, oggetto anche di altri studi per il trattamento della demenza di Alzheimer, chimicamente è un antinfiammatorio non steroideo cui è stata aggiunta la capacità di fungere da donatore di gruppi NO. Il nitrossido, deficitario nei pazienti distrofici, è fondamentale per il metabolismo e la rigenerazione dei muscoli.

O al contrario: "figli" che DEVONO nascere malgrado tutto ??? E' "egoismo parentale" o "istinto materno" da assecondare costi quello che costi ??? O invece ci troviamo di fronte a un altro subdolo aspetto dell'istinto materno da DISTRUGGERE ???

Esperimenti preliminari in vista della FECONDAZIONE ASSISTITA ???

little girls pregnant

Come fosse una normale passeggiat di famiglia in riva al mare: non occorrono spiegazioni, ma soltanto far CONOSCERE! A otto anni ed al sesto mese di gravidanza!

Altre assurdità? Gravi incongruenze? Incongruenze o persino imposture?
 Commento amaro di un fatto paradigmatico di imperante incoerenza:
Televideo 21/12/2006 12:53 WELBY, UNA VITA TRA LOTTA E SOFFERENZA
Si è conclusa la lunga sofferenza di Piergiorgio Welby. Nato a Roma nel 1945, era stato colpito dalla distrofia muscolare progressiva quando aveva 20 anni. Dal 1997,la sua sopravvivenza era assicurata da un respiratore automatico. Welby, nel settembre scorso lacia un appello al presidente Napolitano chiedendo di poter morire con dignità. Sul caso si accende un dibattito che divide le coscienze.Intanto si rivolge la Tribunale di Roma per ottenere l'interruzione delle cure,ma il ricorso è ritenuto inammissibile. Di ieri,infine,il parere del Consiglio Superiore di Sanità che non ha ritenuto accanimento terapeutico le cure che lo tenevano in vita.

Se negli anni in cui era nato Welby - e così pure Tullio Regge - ci fosse stata la possibilità diagnostica dell'amniocentesi, questi due casi di
DISTROFIA MUSCOLARE sarebbero stati NON abortiti ma uccisi in quanto l'eliminazione tardiva di un feto potenzialmente VITALE non è propriamente la stessa cosa dell'aborto di un embrione.
E su questo tema NESSUNO ufficialmente - e neanche la Chiesa - ha qualcosa da ridire: anzi questa manovra cruenta di diagnostica altamente invasiva  - nonché costosa e sempre con sequele per entrambi mamma e bambino - il cui UNICO scopo è quello EUGENETICO o EUTANASICO (!) viene ampiamente caldeggiata con metodi di subdola ... "sobillazione", inneggianti ad una superstiziosa pseudo-fiducia, per lo più viene creduta una manovra "protettiva come fosse una .... vaccinazione.

What to say for an Italian occurrence regarding the forbidden possibility to stop unbearable extreme medical cares - artificial respiratory implement - to a sixty years old person ailing for MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY: just for one of the - few - congenital illnesses "avoided" - or better to be "killed" - applying the ill-timed miscarriage "required" by the amniocentesis' report?
Italian Poet Dies With Help From a Doctor By IAN FISHER Published: December 22, 2006
With the legal fight to be allowed to end his own life undecided, Piergiorgio Welby died Wednesday after a doctor sedated him and removed the respirator that was keeping him alive.
(Death and Dying,Medicine and Health,Doctors,Politics and Government,Italy,Rome (Italy),Roman Catholic Church,Welby) ROME, Dec. 21
Piergiorgio Welby, who had eloquently begged Italy’s leaders to let him end his life legally, died late Wednesday after a doctor sedated him and removed the respirator that had kept him alive for nine years. But Mr. Welby, 60 years old, an advocate of euthanasia who had muscular dystrophy for 40 years, died without the legal clarity he had hoped to achieve. His decision to be removed from the respirator seemed to be a final challenge, which was quickly taken up in this Roman Catholic country with a deep institutional opposition to euthanasia. Hours after his death was announced, Thursday, conservative lawmakers demanded the arrest of the doctor.


Another example, very milder, very simpler, apparently harmless, surely not expensive is the hint for a - strange - required unchanging sleeping babies' position: the worldwide and  long-lasting fashion (outspread for more than twenty years) to put babies face-down. The most during the '70s - '80s years almost EVERY baby had to be put - or better: ordered to be put - to sleep face down, it is to say in an unnatural, uneasy position. Apparently harmless, this compelling doctors' intimation has to be nevertheless considered critically and not as a banality; it is hence a so absurd "required" custom to give the impression to come even only from a bad joke. But since it is NOT a joke,  then: what was it? a trial? Was it a trial to reach the aim to rear blinded babies? Was rather a TRIAL to recognize how much is credulous and PRONE to suggestions to whole people worldwide?
posizione patognomonica
Vedi René Spitz: IL PRIMO ANNO  DI VITA. Studio psicanalitico sllo sviluppo delle relazioni oggettuali. Armando Editore (traduzione C.Masina e V.Volterra Capogrossi): Deprivazione emotiva parziale (depressione anaclitica). Figura 14: Posizione patognomonica. / In his book - First Year  of Life: A Psychoanalytic Study of Normal and Deviant Development of Object Relations Ren Spitz considered this position typical of the anaclitic depression when he applied this term to the behavior of infants separated from "good" mothers for extended periods of time in hospital. After three months of separation from mother displays of distress in the infants studied would be replaced by vacant unresponsiveness.

PRONE POSITION to be imposed
? The endeavor to keep in view this fact is twofold:
  1. a description, an anthropological and even ergonomic description, concerning one, this strange one, of the various ways how to manage babies’ sleep: the why and how and exactly when and by whom this strange idea could arise and become so worldwide spread. To lie prone? However this enough already warning situation displays another more “absurd” fact,  a new more weird query arousing from: how is it possible that a quite new, not traditional at all, an even strange custom as “face-down babies”, could become an ineffaceable myth, something as a ruthless superstition?
  2. But here it should be added another consideration and example, regarding how all facts can be chained beyond the times, encircling generations and - true or artificial - knowledge. An Anthropologist - i.e. a scientist not a whoever commonplace uninformed person - said that he would have been compliant to doctor’s prescription.
  3.  Instead a doctor considered - at least - APPALLING such assertion, and answered that a liable doctor should NEVER  take the responsibility (and so: culpability) to instigate some one to do something doubtful for his own feelings: deming that a serious competence has to prescribe only what can propose logic choices, or rather: the choices better fitting to this precise situation and liking.
A similar problem is more incisive when the subject regards new-borns and future "new" persons, maternal and parental instincts and their possibilities to accomplish: the more fitting task is instead to encourage to observe - or rather: to hint to observe - the personal preferences and well-being of just that baby.
The final chapter on Domestic chores. Ergonomy and psychology  of a TRUE work  is entitled Children of YESTERDAY = today's  adults. Today's adults -> adults of TOMORROW, and thus hints at the true essential reader to whom this book is addressed.  The present adults were new-borns and babies, and so their to upbringing could have been more or less hindered. In turn this happened according to how were behaving and guiding their bringer up, and how they - parents, or whichever raiser - were more or less free and self-sufficient, more or less relying on natural instincts and child’s needs. Weak and ready to be influenced parents are prone to be DUPED by "magic", "myths" or true of fake “professionals”: they in turn, more or less self-centered and wise or passive believers, are prone to follow their “chiefs” and their “blatant theories”.
2) So, if  “babies” are really to be considered as “new-persons”, the second and indeed more momentous purpose of this argument notifies that how-to-manage them implies how would become these further new-grown-ups; mostly it should pointed out that there are two main ways to rear babies, or better: not “babies” but NEW PERSONS, it is to say to model the new generation.
open to futureopen to future

To receive


Once open to future, to wait-and-see behavior - markedly for the first ages of life - the whole organism is thriving towards to receive, the inner worldbefore birth, be recognized and reorganized as perceptions. This reorganized to receive is a source, the main source, of well being and - more - to I exist-feeling, the main source of growing intellectually by greedy curiosity, source in turn of developmental skills, and capability of resilience.

Thus to receive is therefore a way, the master way for every one in every situation to become keen, serious, able hence to care for, and conversely the way to be at best warning and cautious (which is the exact contrary to be paranoid suspicious). Following the baby's teaching, also adults - parents and in any case care-givers - should again and again learn to master ever better their aptitude to receive: enhanced by the increased attention to be careful for THIS particular baby, for his/her particular needs and wishes at any moment. And then this effort to become more understanding deserves to have an improved way open, broad, assuring freedom and , above all, fitting to change; to follow children's passages trains to open forthcoming experiences not only towards the changing baby and his/her changeable world, rather worthy to be fitting to every developmental childhood's stage or complex, even to recover the own missed or damaged ones.
. (and the whole development) is continuously molded by seeings, tasting, smellings, a plenty of sensations, an invasion of every kind of feelings... which can already, perhaps

Prone - Body Position and Disposition of Will

It is not a contradiction if from time to time the face-down position is for all ages once in a while a chosen position, but mostly as a “sad” position: sadness itself tends towards gloom, people tend to restrict for better to cry, to hind mourning till hopeless depression (the anaclitic depression proposed by R.Spitz; see picture above) and at least belly against the bed gives relief to abdominal pain, or... allows for secret masturbation. But indeed prone has two meanings: a body position - face-down - and a disposition of will - to be subdued. But this can perhaps be an explanation on how and why this other face of rearing children trends are so widely expanded. As the typical, traditional use of rearing babies, perhaps this forced body posture comes from an almost calculated aim, deliberately aiming at closing and taming: what can experience a constantly constricted face-down baby? How to look around? what relish gets to smell always only one’s own odor if not stench? How can enjoy the “to receive” a contracted baby, with his face - mouth, nose, eyes, skin - flattened on his pillow?
Then the endorsement of a so not traditional, strange, uneasy, unnatural position seems to be chosen indeed as a way to deprive the new people of the whole knowledge of the world: children prevented to smell, to look, to play with hands and legs will be conformed to be more dependent. How can skills flourish in their fair times under so reduced limits? In sum up: was this really a trial? was this a trial to reach the aim to rear blinded babies? Babies who from their first beginning of life have not to look after, to look out, to look up, to beware, to watch, and so to mind and to take care? To rear babies - and then future adults - who instead must, until birth time, only look up to the person who care them, it is to say who tames and so subdues? But this way, which strives to close the new persons, uncovers as well how is manageable their whole environment - i.e. parents and their trusted professionals, media makers and their listeners, governance and the governed peoples... - to stay into strict, unreasonable borders.
Was this rather a TRIAL to recognize how much is credulous and PRONE to suggestions the whole people worldwide, no matter if either professionals or normal babies’ relatives? Why parents obeyed so diligently to this so strange assignment? Why nobody asked why "never in past Millennia" newborns and babies were put in this so uneasy - and logically dangerous - position?
Was this a hazardous (or perhaps evil) trial to know how <"font-family: garamond;">EASY is to switch off wisdom and professional skills, as well to castrate off the natural parental instincts? And after all and even: was this a trial, a EBM - evidence based medicine - a medical trial to detect how many babies could or couldn't die for sudden suffocation? And then: WHY many obstetricians and pediatricians, if not
ALL of them, even in '90s years, prescribed harshly to put the infants to sleep face down?
Nonsensical or belonging to the "possible absurd" which goes beyond and ridicules our "reasonable theories", or instead something "logical" with an inner disguised program?

Introduction à l'étude de la Médicine Experimentale Il faut garder sa liberte' d'esprit et croire que DANS LA NATURE L'ABSURDE SUIVANT NOS THEORIES N'EST PAS TOUJOURS IMPOSSIBLE
(Claude Bernard)

Searching steadfastly when and by whom raised as “evidence based trial” the face down position, there was none, none at all wise answer. But a clamorous statistic data come to light: how many and how much worldwide adults are credulous and not responsible, are weak and fearful; how frail is the wisdom of professionals and how are lacking parental instincts.  Hence: was it the real task of a reserved, disguised trial?


But if who observes this condescending even grateful acceptance of similar oddities should get filled with indignation, besides these data get a more wide general insight with more preoccupying sorrow if not horror: just a so unconditional worldwide surrender towards weird, intrusive orders keeps a warning and points out a great threat, since it could allude to how for a dictatorship is easy and without any effort to make everyone convinced willing to do everything, everyday, everywhere! At present people must notice that - meanwhile - the "ex-face-down babies" are really developed as a bulk of not very pleasant youngsters. Damaged babies versus damaged teens? This fact could be assumed with caution as result of an hypothetic sleeping position trial. Statistics should be always read with not contaminated data, also if surely studies should be carried out, since such a compliance on regard of so strange “sleeping position" leads to flagrant parents’ weakness. proneness to praise temporary “novelties”, ephemeral changing fashions as true revelations: in sum up ascertains a dispossession of parenthood's sensibility. At the same time this acquiescence anyhow prescribes borders, determines preconceived behavior and so from many sides endangers the whole existence of the children and of the whole family's ambiance.

And then: why is it so hard to stop such practices in spite of any warning against?

Seldom a family member defies the "order" and so gives rise to quarrels, but surely the whole problem became more a  FAITH or even a Myth then an human order that must be obeyed.
Finally I feel  less alien. When  my daughter was  a baby and I ran  her about i n  a push-car, I was  ever putting  her belly-up since I was feeling that  so she  was happier; and when she was falling asleep I left  her to stay in her preferred position. Instead, when my mother looked at me, always was with terrorized  eyes, and, as soon  as I didn't  watch, always she was suddenly putting the baby face-down.
(These words belong to a mail from a young father, dating 1996: after almost SIX years from the beginning of the SIDS: Back to Sleep Campaign)
  1. It has to be explained why this compelling “fashion” - the obliged face-down, prone position - should scientifically be refused.
  2. But here has to be added an Anthropological consideration and put on the critical Anthropological problem: why in spite of almost ten years of warnings, the prone position lasted so longtime as a MYTH?
  3. Here below - as in the Congress Poster - articles and also excerpts of private exchange of mails should be presented to disentangle the consequences of the "face-down sleeping position", apparently looking as a banal directive instead evolving in a very serious and distressing problem: the bulk increase of Sudden Infants Death Syndrome (SIDS)
This isn't exactly new for 1998 since the Back to Sleep campaign has been going strong throughout 1997. Most new parents have now heard that infants should be placed on their backs to sleep; however, other care givers including daycare centers, baby-sitters, and even grandmothers may not have heard of this. 1997 saw a dramatic drop in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) almost entirely due to the Back to Sleep campaign. The Second Lady, Tipper Gore, announced that this campaign is now entering a second phase to help further drop the incidence of SIDS. The American Association of Retired Persons has agreed to help with getting the word out about putting babies to sleep on their backs. Additionally,television and other media will be helping out as well.1998 should see an increased awareness (and not just withnew parents) about the benefits of putting babies on their backs to sleep.

Examples of Different types of SUIDCENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL REPORT ON SIDS October 11, 1996
.Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - United States, 1983-1994 SIDS - United States - Continued Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is "the sudden death of an infant under 1 year of age which remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation, including performance of a complete autopsy,examination of the death scene, and review of the clinical history". Although SIDS is a diagnosis of exclusion and of unknown etiology, it is the leading cause of postneonatal mortality in the United States, accounting for approximately one-third of all such deaths. This report analyzes age, race, and region-specific trends for SIDS in the United States during 1983-1994 (the latest year for which final data are available) and indicates that annual rates of SIDS DECLINED more than three times faster during 1990-1994 than during 1983-1989. Data about deaths attributed to SIDS and data about autopsy rates are from U.S.public-use mortality data tapes compiled by CDC and include infants (aged <365 days) who were born to U.S. residents and died from SIDS (listed as the underlying cause of death) (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision [ICD-9], code 798.0). Death rates were estimated as the number of these deaths divided by the number of live-born infants during the same period; data about live-born infants are from publishednatality statistics. To characterize SIDS trends, annual data were combined so that the rate of SIDS for 1983-1989 could be compared with the rate for 1990-1994; these periods were selected for comparison because of the implementation during the 1990s of efforts that potentially influenced diagnosis and reporting of SIDS(e.g., increased awareness among healthcare providers about risk factors for SIDS,revision of the definition of SIDS, and initiation of national SIDS prevention efforts).For the first time since 1980, in 1994, SIDS declined from the second to the third leading cause of infant mortality. In addition, preliminary mortality data for 1995 indicate that the SIDS rate declined 18.3% from 1994, representing the largest annual percentage decline since 1983 and suggesting that the higher rate of decline observed during 1990-1994 is continuing. This trend may reflect changes in the prevalence of known risk factors and/or changes in the diagnosis of SIDS. Many of the riskfactors for SIDS identified during the 1980s(e.g., low birthweight, young maternal age, and poor socioeconomic status) are not readily amenable to intervention. However, a strong association between the infant prone sleeping position and SIDS had been established by 1990.
*** During 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics began recommending that parents place infants on their back or side to sleep, and during 1994,the national Back to Sleep campaign began promoting the nonprone sleeping position as well as other modifiable risk factors (e.g.,breastfeeding was encouraged and exposure to tobacco smoke andoverheating was discouraged).
*** Studies in other countries indicated that SIDS rates declined approximately 50% concurrent with DCREASES in the prevalence of PRONE sleeping.
*** In the United States during 1992-1995, the SIDS rate declined 30% concurrent with a decrease in the prevalence of prone sleeping from 78% in 1992 to 43% in 1994.
*** Although the prevalence of breastfeeding did not change substantially during the study period, birth certificate data indicate that during 1989-1994, the prevalence of cigarette smoking during pregnancy declined by approximately 25% (from 19.5% to 14.6%).
Continued occurrence of related diagnoses such as suffocation (ICD-9 code 913) and other ill-defined conditions(ICD-9 codes 780-797 and 799) INCREASED from 1983-1989 to 1990- 1994 (28.8% and 29.2%, respectively), but these diagnoses combined comprise <1% of all infant deaths. The Back to Sleep campaign should continue to publicize risk factors for SIDS and ensure that prevention messages reach all segments of the population, [emphasis ours] especially those at high risk for SIDS.
Note: This is the precise goal of the ChildSecure SIDS Project 2000, however our focus is on many more risk factors than just prone sleeping position. -Ed.In addition, widespread implementation of the recently published national guidelines for death scene investigation of sudden, unexplained infant  deaths should help standardize the investigation of these deaths and improve the accuracy of SIDS diagnoses.
Un’arma in più contro la SIDS
Il successo della campagna “Back to Sleep”, che negli Stati Uniti ha ridotto l’incidenza della sindrome della morte improvvisa del lattante (SIDS), inizia a far proseliti anche in Italia: molti studi epidemiologici hanno portato all’identificazione di norme comportamentali grazie alle quali il rischio può e
mode / fashions
ssere significativamente ridotto. E laddove queste regole sono state diffuse all’opinione pubblica, è il caso della campagna “Back to sleep”, l’incidenza si è drasticamente ridotta. Fino al 60%. Questo significa che in Italia, con una natalità attestata intorno ai 500000 neonati all’anno e una mortalità per SIDS che si presume possa aggirarsi intorno ai 300 lattanti l’anno, sarebbe possibile salvare la vita di circa 150 bambini ogni anno. Le raccomandazioni sono essenzialmente cinque. Innanzitutto fare dormire il bambino sulla schiena. La regola ormai assodata, è stata identificata nel 1988, quando l’adozione della posizione prona, non solo era di uso comune, ma addirittura raccomandata per evitare che un neonato potesse inalare il rigurgito e il vomito. La seconda regola è quella di evitare l’ipertermia, che significa tenere il neonato al fresco, senza coprirlo troppo e senza avvolgerlo stretto nelle coperte. Terza regola consolidata è quella di astenersi dal fumo in gravidanza e in presenza del bambino. Queste sono le regole ormai acquisite anche a livello di comportamenti pratici.
Marco Malagutti Conferenza stampa,L’informazione per combattere la SIDS. Milano, 14 febbraio Hoffman HJ et al. Use of a dummy (pacifier) during sleep and risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS): population based case-control study. BMJ 2006;332:18-22
Comments - Malloy MH. Comment in JAMA. 1999 Mar 17;281(11):983-4: JAMA. 1998 Jul 22-29;280(4):373-4 JAMA. 1999 Mar 17;281(11):983-4
Factors associated with the transition to nonprone sleep positions of infants in the United States: the National Infant Sleep Position Study. Willinger M, Hoffman HJ, Wu KT, Hou JR, Kessler RC, Ward SL, Keens TG, Corwin MJ. Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch, Center for Research for Mothers and Children, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-7510, USA.
CONTEXT: Studies have demonstrated strong associations between the prone sleep position (on the stomach) and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Health Information & Media
SIDS: Back to Sleep Campaign Safe Sleep for Your Baby: Reduce the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS: Back to Sleep Campaign
The Back to Sleep campaign is suitably named for its recommendation to place healthy babies on their backs to sleep. Placing babies on their backs to sleep reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as "crib death." This campaign has been successful in promoting infant back sleeping to parents, family members, child care providers, health professionals, and all other caregivers of infants. This campaign is sponsored by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the SIDS Alliance, and the Association of SIDS and Infant Mortality Programs. The Back to Sleep campaign provides a variety of publications on the importance of placing babies on their backs to sleep to help reduce the risk of SIDS. Most are available both for order and viewing on line.

Babies should sleep on their back ! ! ! Gerber,Tipper Cereal box message:  Put babies to sleep face up.Baby food giant Gerber will soon put a simple, lifesaving message on its cereal boxes: Put babies to sleep on their backs.

Fleming, Gilbert, Azaz, Berry, Rudd, Stewart, and Hall,1990. Interaction between bedding and sleeping position in the sudden infant death syndrome: a population based case control study.
British Medical Journal (July 14, 1990), volume 301(6743), pages 85-89.
(e molti altri / and many others)
Guntheroth and Spiers, 1992. Sleeping prone and the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Journal of the American Medical Association (May 6, 1992), volume 267(17), pages 2359-2362.

Prevalence of Face-Down and Face-Into-Bedding Deaths In terms of rebreathing, the supine, face-up scenario, even when the nose and mouth are covered... - In a case-control series, Carpenter and Shaddick (10) showed that the face-down posture significantly increased risk of sudden death (p <0.01).... 1/5 to 1/2 of SIDS occurs in a posture that makes rebreathing possible - face down, with nose and mouth into bedding. For the U.S.A., the results have... 71% Tue, 27 Jul 2004 12:40:05 GMT To:

And here some excerpts of private mails:
I know - but I hope to receive more and more exact information about - the "trial" which "obliged" in the '80 years to put the infants to sleep face down. A demential trial!!! But before to quote the sources, I WISH TO UNDERLINE THAT NEVER CAME INTO ANYONE’S HEAD A SO WEIRD DEED AS TO PUT NEW BORNS FACE DOWN. THE MAIN CAUSE OF MY DISMAY IS JUST THIS: THE UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDERLY ACCEPTANCE OF A SIMILAR ODDITY
At least in Italy - almost in 2000s years - I saw till now often babies sleeping on their stomach, and I heard that many obstetrics and pediatricians prescribe to do so (!!!) instead of the growing statistics which show a very larger amount of deaths in this position. What to do? How share these data worldwide in a more powerful way?
Until now I go on seeing baby carriages with babies “compressed” face-down. Statistics regarding death rate from this an “experiment”? an esperiment at the real meaning: a “worldwide trial”?) are very eloquent. Any way this position at least is very damaging for the mental health since frustrating curiosity, attention, at least hindering to watch the external world...: thus seriously disturbing far-reaching elation for which babies are from birth LONGING FOR. (This is very evident on observing babies, but such a LOSS is also noticeable in memories recalled as TRAUMATIC: for example: “cradles with curtains” re-lived as something as nightmare.). But if mental health is important, the LIFE itself is the most! Look at links above, together with a wide bibliography of books and articles regarding this (remarkable) increase of death rate.

Below the answer written by the SIDS Network and by important clinicians of the Johns Hopkins Children's Center
I would be happy to try to provide more information. However, I don't really understand the question. I am not aware of any 'trial' in the 1980's which 'obliged' anyone to put infants to sleep in the prone position. As far as I am aware, there never was any scientific basis for this practice. As you apparently know, now there is a great deal of scientific data indicating that the prone (face down) position is associated with the highest risk of SIDS. (Answer by a professor of the Johns Hopkins Children's Center Pediatric Pulmonary Division,)
From xxx@xxx Sun Jan 25 20:04:40 1998
Subject: SIDS is practically nonexistent in nonindustrialized countries
I am really interested in this work, and I am interested in this International Conference on SIDS as my area of specialization in anthropology is biological and evolutionary anthropology as you know. And SIDS is a fascinating cultural and evolutionary phenomenon that I have studied in some detail in my graduate work, and I can tell you briefly that SIDS is practically nonexistent in those nonindustrialized countries and even almost nonexistent in industrialized countries where the newborn infant sleeps in the same bed with its mother. The highest rates of SIDS are in the USA and other industrialized European countries (and Japan) where the newborn infant is "required" to learn how to sleep by itself in a bed separate from the parent's bed or as most often the case in another room. Several famous evolutionary anthropologist have theorized that an infant's respiratory system is really too fragile too sleep apart from the mother after birth as human newborns are born in such a altricial state (as opposed to precocial state where an animal take take care of itself immediately after birth) that they need the contact with their mother to establish a regular circadian and respiratory cycle. Thus, in those countries where infants immediately sleep apart from their mothers the rates of SIDS are much higher than in those countries where mothers sleep with their newborns and breast feed on demand. We evolved over millions of years as primates and then as "human" primates sleeping with our mothers as newborns. And so the politicians outlawed the practice of mothers sleeping with their children, and after the passage of laws forbidding co-sleeping with infants the myth also began that claimed that mothers who did sleep with their infants were at risk of sleeping too deeply and rolling over and smothering their infants. This is a myth as there is no evidence from either clinical studies that had mothers sleeping with their newborns in the laboratory or from countries where co-sleeping still occurs that the accidental suffocation of infants in bed with mothers is a problem. In fact they found that both mother and newborn establish a complementary sleeping cycle, and both newborn and mother sleep more deeply when sleeping together!

Another side if this question coming however from a "scientific" approach to this subject:
A controversial approach to lowering SIDS rates is co-sleeping. Although a 2005 policy statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics on sleep environment and the risk of SIDS condemned all co-sleeping and bedsharing as unsafe, empirical data[2] has suggested that almost all SIDS deaths in adult beds occur when other prevention methods, such as placing the infant on his back, are not used.A 2005 study states that "sleeping with an attentive, unimpaired mother is not only safe but biologically sound" (McKenna JJ, McDade T. Why babies should never sleep alone: a review of the co-sleeping controversy in relation to SIDS, bedsharing and breast feeding. Paediatr Respir Rev 2005;6:134–52. PMID 15911459). The practice of solitary sleep for infants leads, among other things, to an absence of exogenous stimuli that influence breathing, cardiovascular function, and sleep architecture in the sleeping infant. Sleep and waking states and state transitions are apparently produced by suites of state regulatory mechanisms that function as a dynamical system. Modeling of dynamical systems has demonstrated that they are organized, or “tweaked” by episodic, irregular inputs. Some investigators (Mosko et al., 1993; McKenna, 1996) have argued that cosleeping provides infants with stimuli that organize their immature systems and thereby buffer them from risk for regulatory failures in sleep over a developmentally vulnerable postnatal period.

The very concerned conclusion is to be absolutely filled with indignation!
The presumed “trial” (?) ended already from long time, officially uproariously rejected on '90s: notwithstanding - even if perhaps factually blocked elsewhere - in Italy it ran on still after 2000 year. Endorsing "flaming" debates about experiments and trials of EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE an Italian psychiatric mailing list argued on validation of medical techniques also discussing point to point to an article on the matter of babies’ sleeping position. Some mails for better knowledge on this subject received only unmindful answers even from significant worldwide sites and organizations: any way from this Italian professional mailing list came nothing at all as comparison. Children DEAD for an absurd trial? parents obliged to give up their normal parental instincts? Oddities given as “scientific”? and gullible people as supporters? And to repeat: CHILDREN DEAD! and not only - but also - children placed in a very uncomfortable position, children who can't look around? No answer, no feed-back, or rather: this topic - and related correspondents - became for the whoòe mailing list something as an "out" field.

Ed ecco discusse - quanto meno "bizzarre" - opinioni pseudo-scientifiche:
Sonno in posizione supina nel neonato porta a ritardi motori (vedi recuperato il 19 dic 2006 07:43:38 GM)
L'incidenza della morte improvvisa neonatale è calata in modo sostanziale da quando è stato raccomandato che i neonati dormano supini, ma sembra che questa posizione possa portare ad un lieve rallentamento nelle prime fasi dello sviluppo motorio. La differenza, che comunque è lieve, potrebbe essere minimizzata ponendo il neonato in posizione prona quando è sveglio. La raccomandazione per la posizione supina durante il sonno nei neonati, comunque, va assolutamente rispettata. I medici dovrebbero essere consapevoli del modo in cui la posizione influenzi lo sviluppo motorio nelle sue prime fasi onde prevenire ulteriori inutili visite per l'investigazione del ritardo motorio.
Per di più, come per l'alimentazione e per qualsiasi altro elemento basilare nell'interazione tra le generazioni, anche in campi che dovrebbero attenre alla soggettività, all'espressione di sé se non alla libertà intervengono pesanti intrusioni di compensazioni fasulle altrui, di recuperi indiretti, se non di vere susperstizioni e docili "addomesticamenti" che al limite trasformano genitori "normali" in indiretti aguzzini. Messi in magnifica caricaturale evidenza nel film di Visconti: Bellissima dilagano miti rancorosi di aspettative di riscatto sociale di seconda genrazione, di accesso dei figli a posizioni di celebrità e successo; ma anche a partire da ben meno e da ben prima una pressione devastante del mondo adulto tende a disorganizzare la solenne regolarità del "mondo bambino": vi imperano miti superstiziosi di pseudo-salute dimostrata da un corpo che assecondi la moda vigente, trasformano in ansie di prestazione le normali differenze dello sviluppo motorio - Lasst mir Zeit è il titolo in tedesco quasi una parola d'ordine di tutta l'impostazione di Emmi Pikler - fino ad arrivare ad - orribili! - paradossi come l'accettazione di un maggior rischio di MORTE (!) pur di "evitare" un ipotetico e abbastanza lieve rallentamento nelle prime fasi dello sviluppo motorio.

Furthermore as with feeding and any other basic element of interraction between the generations, unwelcome attention and psedo-altruistic interference as well as real superstition and seemingly innocuous "taming" occurs to interfere with self-expression,  if not liberty, and also occurs in fields which should be less subjective: turning "normal" parents into indirect slave-drivers. Anna Magnani's playing of the "stage-mother" in Visconti's film Bellissima magnificently caricatures the desire to ensure celebrity and success for one's children but also to a lesser extent explores the devastating pressure of the adult world which disturbs the solemn regularity of childhood: superstitious myths of pseudo-health are imposed by the body of current thinking which make any normal differences in motor development a source of anxiety - arriving at the point of a horrible paradox such as the acceptance of a greater risk of DEATH(!) in order to "avoid" a hypothetical and albeit slight slowing in the first phases of motor development.
Lasst mir Zeit = Allow me MY time being the German title of Emmi Pikler's work is appropriate to remember here.
At an - horrible - sample of fake scientific mentality, think and state comportamentists that airway protective behaviors may be acquired through the mechanism of operant conditioning (learning)? Or furthermore such "scientists" do prefer higher-quality performances instead to ... at least living and healthy children and opportune development? In opposition to what stated already from the German title of Emmi Pikler's main book Lasst mir Zeit =Allow me MY time - they do prefer and teach a gross motor development (Denver Development Scale), even preferring to have more babies died but many (?) till birth "advanced" in such a grosser motor development? What strange 'scientists' are these who assert without any shame that protective behaviors have to be learnt through the mechanism of operant conditioning (learning) ???
Dorota A. Paluszynska, MD, Kathleen A. Harris and Bradley T. Thach, MD.  From the Edward Mallinckrodt Department of Pediatrics, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri.
The same hightening of death rate happens on another trial: the TeenScreen
TeenScreen was established in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1997. According to a 2003 Tulsa World newspaper article,  Mike Brose, executive director of the Mental Health Association in Tulsa, stated:
 - To the best of my knowledge, this is the highest number of youth suicides we've ever had during the school year -- a number we find very frightening.
Psychiatrists are even coming forth saying TeenScreen is unworkable. Nathaniel Lehrman says:
- The claim by the director of the TeenScreen Program that her program would significantly reduce suicides is unsupported by the data. Indeed, such screenings would probably cause more harm than good. It is impossible, on cursory examination, or on the basis of the Program's brief written screening test, to detect suicidality or 'mental illness', however we define it.

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To notify our whole work's general approach read the apposite file Opinion or accusation?. But there are to carefully consider many files where this method shows its real, direct application when regarding persons - or worse - children: a wide share of - in progress - FIRST HAND testimonies on ESPERIMENTI SU BAMBINE/I, in part also quoted on /testim.htm, /warn-internat.htm, /guilt-free.htm and moreover on Testimonianze del 'Caso Belga?... e non solo

Any way "things" for a long-established times can "speak" more "sincerely", loud and bright then persons' talks and writings and persons' memory:
to be read together with Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets

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e il pdf Caso Suda: file originale also with the gathered original illustrations; as well on the files: LarsonReport-Edit pdf and LarsonReport.htm

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La legge regionale contro l'elettrochoc
Delgado e Skinner
Psychocivilization and its discontents
Stupri di guerra: i figli dell'odio
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