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GAME PLANS /Attenzione alle Informazioni fornite da Autori sospetti. diAssociazione italiana,scientifica e giuridica, contro gli abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.

GAME PLANS /Attenzione alle Informazioni fornite da Autori sospetti.

False information sandwiched in between good information: Game plans - perps who publicize MC information.

Indice interno del file / Internal index of this file:
#inizio-sito, #ACCUSED

Motore di ricerca del sito / Site Search Engine

Per una visione panoramica sulle tecnologie "aggressive" e possibilità di difendersene vedi - con beneficio di inventario / look with caution to - MIND-WEAPON
Vedi inoltre la nuova / look at
A questo proposito questo file viene spesso RINNOVATO con aggiunte: metodologica, di precisazioni, con risposte pervenute anche on-line e nuove documentazioni.
A questo file/capitolo va comunque affiancato un altro file stampato anche come capitolo nell'Appendice all'edizione corrente del libro It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction:
Il file prima nominato Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets ora è in rete sdoppiato nelle sue parti italiana a inglese: anzi triplicato perché la parte in italiano, molto ampliata e curata, è stata caricata anche in un pdf anch'esso con il titolo Aggressioni pseudo-misteriose contro bersagli biologici raggiungibile in rete e leggibile come eBook. Furthermore also the English translation of the present file - by now also renewed as style, as placement and improved by new data and consideration - should continually be faced with the English new file renamed Fake-mysterious assaulters against biological targets: on its old bilingual page - Italian and English - and with its previous name Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets  can be read as chapter on the Appendix of the current edition of the book: It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction

Avviso importante riguardante l'utilizzo del sito / To a better use of the site:
Questo sito e i libri che ne derivano NON sono di INFORMAZIONE, ma si costituiscono come una specie di ENCICLOPEDIE TEMATICHE, in cui vengono presentati e discussi vari argomenti da leggersi e soprattutto da CONSULTARE di volta in volta.

A seguito di difficoltà lamentate e relative richieste, l'architettura stessa del sito è stata modificata in funzione di un più agevole orientamento: sdoppiato il file/home si divide ora in secondo file con un nuovo nome - Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin - che riinvia a un differente URL mentre diventa iniziale e fondamentale come file semplificato dove a prima vista compaioni i links indirizzanti sui capitoli interni. Assecondando critiche e richieste man mano vengono aggiunti nuovi o rinnovati files a cui fare riferimento per informarsi su come è stata aggiornata la serie delle correzioni e nuove informazion. Si consiglia di iniziare dal file Aggiornamenti e indici preposto agli aggiornamenti e di precisazione dei dati "normativi" e di "diffida" o più veloce Modificazioni e novità/. Per il libro e gli indici illustrati  del libro e del sito vedi soprattutto:Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin .

This site and the book do NOT be a fount of notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different subjects: one another to be read time by time, or better to be CONSULTED even for learning.
And so this Web site will always be maintained under speedy and diligently revised construction. it is suitable to begin by the fileAGGIORNAMENTI E INDICI for up-dates and disclaimers: more easy: English Up-dates, for book and illustrated indexes: Libro / Book, PAGINE FUORI TESTO INTRODUTTIVE, to general founding information go at Dove cominciare / Where to begin

L'intero sito è ora pubblicato in un libro enciclopedico - pur privo degli ultimi aggiornamenti -: per copertina, frontespizio e ulteriori spiegazioni vedi file Libro/book. The complete site - even if already at present lacking of the newest up-dates - is ready also as an Encyclopedic book: )

Dalla presentazione dettagliata del libro It's Abuse NOT Science fiction, e dalla data di pubblicazione - 14 luglio 2005 - molto è cambiato e molti DOCUMENTI sono stati sia sostituiti che aggiunti. In attesa di una completa nuova edizione del volume principale ne viene per ora edito un SUPPLEMENTO INTEGRATIVO per meglio diffondere i più recenti e IMPORTANTI UP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS. La loro diffusione ora è asicurata da una PUBBLICAZIONE che si costituisce in un autonomo VOLUME.
The book previously published at present needs to be modified.
It's Abuse NOT Science fiction published on July 14 2005 shortly became OUT OF DATE and so required to present also the consequent novelties coming from readers comments, from new deeds and MOSTLY on present-day flash-back discolosuresUP-TO-DATE DOSSIERS of It's Abuse NOT Science fiction = Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienzafor the time being launched as supplementary book, supplementary but matching also by itself not only for propose simple improvement, rather mostly to share some new particular important DOCUMENTS.

draft of the book cover by Andrzej SudaQuesta rielaborazione del famoso Sonno della ragione di Goya - ufficialmente copyright - è resa molto più inquietante dell'originale per essere utilizzata come copertina del libro e spiegata dal Disegnatore Andrzej (Andrew) Suda/ This powerful, more puzzling creative modification of the Goya's Sleep of reason- marked by the official Copyright - here is used as book cover's image,  and explained by the Designer: Andrzej (Andrew) Suda: should look just like many of the events described by the victims: they exist, are bothersome, and we don’t know exactly WHY they are there but they are there [come molti dei fatti descritti dalle vittime: essi esistono, turbano e noi non riusciamo a conoscere esattamente il PERCHE' ci siano,  ma ci sono...] About the Book This book not only documents the case of Andrzej Suda, it is also filled with documentation from the worlds most influential documented cases of psychological abuse, electronic harassment, organized stalking and mind control. Some cases include Rauni Leena Kilde MD., Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Kathy Sullivan, David Larson, and many others... Please support the truth with the purchase of our book. This will document many technologies and mind control weapons that have been kept hidden from the mainstream public. Over 600 pages of action packed TRUTH

Provengono da un altro sito - o meglio: da uno dei libri da questo derivati - alcune pagine di argomento introdutivo ai concetti base della MEDICINA e della CONSAPEVOLEZZA:  i nuovi volumi possono esser acquistati come veri "libri", ma i relativi COMPLETI pdf possono senza limitazioni venir SCARICATI e stampati a proprie spese dall'utente. / From another site people can make free download of pdf files and also of COMPLETE books - sorry - only in Italian

Consapevolezza e Memoria
Copertina libro Infanzia

File / capitoli - rinnovati
Medicina: scienza applicata e multidisciplinare: Emozioni, istinti, ricordi, contraddizioni
Quando la cartella clinica è terapeutica... Dare ai ricordi una specie di seconda vita?
Consapevolezza e memoria


Avviso importante riguardante l'utilizzo del sito
Segnalazioni o richieste per CASI PRIVATI non debbono avvenire tramite telefonate o incontri personali: possono venir ACCETTATE SOLTANTO se PRECEDUTE da una mail alla del sito, a cui potrà far seguito una descrizione accurata inviata per POSTA normale.
To contact Association's members: please write an E-MAIL to the link
with your request in a SNAIL MAIL letter: then you will receive the full address, where to send your needs' description)

L'intero sito - in data luglio 2005 - è stato pubblicato in un libro enciclopedico dei cui successivi aggiornamenti anche questo file fa parte. Per una lettura facilitata in rete si consiglia di iniziare dal file Aggiornamenti e Indici preposto agli aggiornamenti e di precisazione dei dati "normativi" e di "diffida", o più veloce Modificazioni e novità. (Per copertina, frontespizio e ulteriori spiegazioni vedi file Libro/book: It's Abuse NOT Science Fiction / Gli Abusi mentali, fisici e tecnologici NON sono Fantascienza)
Tutte le pagine di questo sito sono in continua revisione a ampliamento: attuate e da attuarsi anche in base ai consigli ed informazioni pervenuti: ben volentieri verrnno presi in considerazione commenti e/o critiche - anche tecniche - e/o aggiunte opportune.
Con dati diretti e inerenti all'esperienza professionale di chi gestisce l'Associazione via via  nuovi file - destinati ancora ad ampliarsi - vengono messi in rete: così a file/capitoli riguardanti "cose" - come il basilare NUOVISSIME TECNOLOGIE? Advanced Technologies? Technologies Avancées? Spitzentechnologien? - già presenti nel libro in stesure non aggiornate - accompagnano quei nuovi o rinnovati file/capitoli di precisa documentazione di fatti accaduti a carico di "esseri viventi": ESPERIMENTI SU BAMBINE/I e Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici and/or Fake-mysteries on biological targets, che vanno a completare i file Testimonianze e DUBBI, Microchips impiantati nel corpo umano e ...altre sopraffazioni e violazioni e quelli "ospitati": The Guilt-free Soldier, Artist/Designer Andrzej Suda's case e Artist Suda: Presentation Andrzej (Andrew) Suda's DOCUMENTATION / DOCUMENTAZIONE, nonché LarsonReport-Edit.pdf e LarsonReport.htm - in ognuno dei quali vengono dettagliatamente descritti e discussi "obiettivi o fatti lesivi di altissima efficacia".

ENGLISH FOREWORD: to a better use of the site
Mental, physical and technological abuses: NOT science fiction.
To rearrange, make known and divulge all the collected material – especially unpublished - in November 2002 the Italian Association, Scientific and Juridical, Against Mental, Physical and Technological Abuses – acronym aisjca-mft – was founded and its mouthpiece Web site was put on the Net; then, in July 2005, the whole Web site – how it looked like at that time – became also an ENCYCLOPEDIC book. But, because of its own statutory nature a Web site – contrary to a printed book – can’t be a “finished” work: in fact it DOES NOT aim at providing purely historical documentation, but at collecting a CONTINUATIVE adjournment about facts and testimonies. Thanks to this dynamism requests and debates concretize into other “facts” and these debates do not remain theoric discussions.  And so, in this years, in conformity with these presuppositions, some files have been greatly modified and others completely created: with new information about facts and authentic texts of testimonies which are still being collected. Then came the impellent necessity to publish in preview this new data as a SUPPLEMENT of the main book, before starting its real second edition not only revised but also even better adjourned. At first it is to be stated that this work does NOT be a mere fount of second hand notices but an ENCYCLOPEDIC gather of different original subjects: one another to be read time by time, or better to be CONSULTED even for learning: to secure this informing aim, the Web site will always be maintained under speedy and diligently revised re-construction, also and perhaps mostly helped by directly - since really time by time people had to lament hindrances on looking through, not only asking to be better orientated. Therefore in other words does again be stated that the aims of this endeavour are NOT to supply facts purely for the sake of curiosity, but to AGITATE against the more evil and sinister workings of human cruelty: within lies not only “theory” but “FACTS” and such conflict sometimes becomes not only "theoretical". As a consequence often – and COINCIDING with concerning events - the whole site and defined files are mishandled if not canceled: also the present file – compiled after the publication of the book It’s Abuse NOT Science fiction – has been damaged more than once, and some other ones can share these harms by the - on purpose maintained - presence of more “frames”; but what could be more disturbing is when the damages violate the text itself in a subtle manner, when to some degree the presumed harmful "deed" impinges the very meaning of phrases or - worse - of precise links or factual dates which send to sure synchronizations - as the only recently perceived presence of an absurd April 31 instead of May 31 on the files NUOVISSIME TECNOLOGIE? Advanced Technologies? Technologies Avancées? Spitzentechnologien? and on Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici and on Fake-mysteries on biological targets.

Depistaggio / Cover-up techiniques
Ci sono molte tecniche atte a depistare le indagini, a seconda della situazione si utilizza quella che si ritiene più idonea. Una tecnica ottima, usata spesso, consiste nel “bruciare” in anticipo una pista investigativa che, se seguita, potrebbe risultare pericolosa.
Questa tecnica consiste nel rivolgersi ad un soggetto "amico", ovvero un depistatore, e chiedergli (o ordinargli se fa parte di una organizzazione gerarchica) di affermare come vere cose assolutamente false. Tra le varie cose che il soggetto afferma una sola è vera, proprio quella che si vuole non sia oggetto di indagine. Poiché il soggetto ha affermato, per la maggior parte, delle cose false, anche la notizia vera è così assolutamente screditata e, nella sostanza, “bruciata.
Detto da un medico legale:
Lo sapevo. Lo sapevo perché da medico legale mi rendo conto quando ci prendono in giro in TV e sui giornali. Tutti quei suicidi in carcere per soffocamento con buste di plastica sono impossibili dal punto di vista di medico legale. Analizzando alcuni dei più importanti casi dal punto di vista medico legale mi sono accorto che ci prendono in giro. E poi sono un appassionato di esoterismo, e quindi i loro simboli e messaggi io li vedo. Vedi? L’esoterismo è un linguaggio. Se non lo conosci è come camminare per strade di una nazione straniera; vedi la gente, vedi le scritte, ma non ti dicono nulla; in certi casi potrebbero sembrarti innocui disegnini. Ma se invece lo conosci allora riesci a leggere oltre la superficie e capire i messaggi profondi che vengono lanciati e gli innocui disegnino diventano frasi precise. Capisci tutto, ma con la maggior parte delle persone non puoi parlare perché ti prendono per matto. E il problema principale, quando capisci il sistema, è continuare a fare la vita di sempre senza impazzire.

See also comments below on how to handle accused perp information
From: xxxxxxx
Subject: Game plans - perps who publicize MC information
Date sent:  Sat, 18 May 2002 19:00:14
Hi -
One of the most perplexing questions for me are the mind control authors, who have done an apparently good job of publicizing the older, MKULTRA style mind control techniques, yet are perpetrators according to MKULTRA victims.  Why, if they are perps, would they go to so much trouble to actually publish information about MK techniques, instead of covering up?
Here is a response from MKULTRA survivor xxx  xxxx
Her lengthy answer may help us to be more discerning as we pick
our way through the mind control informational mine field:
------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 19:33:06 -0400
From: xxxx
To: xxxx

I've figured out the following patterns, with the input of other victimized survivors who are sick and tired of being revictimized and tricked and used:

#1, by perps making themselves the experts on mind control, people will be dependent on them for information instead of looking for other, more valid sources of information.

#2, by being experts, especially when claiming to be under attack by the bad guys, they make survivors feel sorry for them, make them feel like they're on the same side.  Then the survivors will go to them for help andinformation.  This gives the perps the grand opportunity to reaccess survivors via their previously installed programming and then either mess them up royally or gain their trust and get them to give the perps all theirdocumentation and memories so that the CIA, etal can then go through THEIR records and destroy anything that can connect the survivors in any remaining way to them.  It's also a way to monitor those of us who are breaking programming, to see if further intervention needs to be done to get us back under control or to silence us - sometimes by suggestions of suiciding.
This is what Mark Phillips did to me and to Brice Taylor.

#3, said perps in sheeps' clothing also use some revictimized survivors (I call them trained seals, no offense intended) to promote the perps and thereby get other survivors to trust and come to them. After all, if theoutspoken survivor says the perp is safe and legit, other survivors are a lot more likely to risk divulging personal information to the perps.

#4, said perps also are able to control what information goes out to the public by being "the" experts on mind-control, etc. They not only can make sure what is NOT said by all agreeing not to bring up those particular subjects, but they can also make the survivor community look psychotic, paranoid, etc. by pandering tainted information to militia/Patriot/anti-NWO/White Supremacist groups in books and personal appearances. Walter Bowart, Ted Gunderson, Mark Phillips and several others do this on a regular basis. By making us look looney or paranoid or conspiracy nuts since THOSE extremist groups believe us, noone else will take us seriously. It's perhaps the most effective tool to-date to keep us disbelieved.

#4, Mark Phillips once bragged to me that their disinformation is a deliberate combination of something like 95% truth, with 5% unrecognized lies slipped in. He said this is the most effective form of disinformation.This is why these experts appear to be very, very credible.They are, except for that 5% bullshit that most people won't realize they've swallowed. And how are we to know what is the truth and what is lies, since they are the experts and we don't know any better? This is why I refuse to
read their materials anymore.  It messes me up too much and discredits me when I then parrot what they've said and written.  That is also part of the reason why they do this - to discredit anyone who quotes them.

#5, by making themselves to be the experts, we survivors get lazy and depend on them to speak out for us.  It's unfortunately very easy to do. Depending on them to speak out for us effectively silences us, unless we are being used as their trained seals, in which case we can say whatever want, as long as it's the disinfo THEY channel through us.  This is what has been done to Cisco Wheeler, Cathy O'Brien, Brice Taylor, Arizona W. and others, including me in the past.

#6, by making themselves the experts and then making public claims that mind-control survivors' methodically implanted screen memories (EG: UFO abductions, heads of states being morphed giant lizard alien creatures, Illuminati ruling the world, etc.) are reality, the perps are deliberately
reinforcing unreality programming in the minds of many, many unfortunate survivors who have not remembered enough yet to know that it was all a damnable con game designed to keep them so terrified or hopeless that they'll never believe they can truly be free.  This is, to me, the most despicable thing these perps are doing - IN CONCERT now - to individual mind-control survivors, and to the survivor community at large.  I hope they fry in hell for this.

#7, being an expert on mind-control is a fairly good source of money if they play it right. Conference appearances, book sales, etc.  Mark Phillips told me that Walter Bowart made over a million dollars in the 70's because the CIA bought all of his books. And his revised version was being sold for about $100 a pop, a ludicrous price for a book that frankly is full of disinfo.

#8, I think some of these perps have a personal vested interest in regaining control of former victims, to keep us from remembering what they've done to us in the past.  If they can get to us before we remember them, as MarkPhillips did to me, then they can ensure that regardless of what else we may remember from then on, we will not remember their abuses since they now pose as heroes.  It's too amental/emotional clash that effectively keeps the abuse memories suppressed.   Only by spending time away from their control, can the older memories surface and us recognize who and what they really are.

#9, I've heard several times that some of these men are taking advantag of the mental programming of some survivors they're using as trained seals - particularly those women who have sexual/prostitution programming. At least one, a pedophile has also accessed the children of a survivor. Thank God, that survivor figured it out.

#10, some of these perps are on a huge power trip and can't stand not having tranced-out victims to control. They are such social misfits that to have normal relationships is probably literally an impossibility for them.

#11, some of these recycled perps are absolutely terrified that they will beremembered and be slammed in prison . By promoting themselves as good guys and heroes, and by getting enough of a following, they hope to have enough people vouching for them that prosecution may be impossible. In other words, they are covering their butts at a frantic pace. This is notdissimilar to pedophiles who suddenly have powerful religious conversions and become staunch church supporters when they realize their victims are starting to wake up.

There's probably more reasons why these perps are now posing as good-guy experts on mind control, but this is what I can think of right away. Thanks for asking; it was a good mental exercise for me.  You're welcome to pass my response on to whomever. I'm going to forward this to others, but will delete your name.  What I've shared above, I've experienced to some degreemyself with more than one of these shame-ridden men. I am hoping fervently that this will not happen again, but realize I may never be immune to their charms

Back to top of this document

Question: How do I handle information which has been spoken by, or published in a document or book written by, someone accused of being a perpetrator?

xxx's Answer:

First of all, to take an accusation seriously, the accuser should be someone in a position to know. In the email above, xxx went through some of the worst MKULTRA activity imaginable, so I regard her as someone in a position to know. (Always keep in mind that in the covert mind control "game", no one can ever know anything to 100% certainty.)

Once that is established, anything the accused writes or says I take note of, but always keep the information labelled as "tentative". If I use such information, I label it as tentative and explain why.

I use their information for personal insight, but I do not use it to support publicity or persuasion work. I may use it in discussion with other victims, but again, always labelled as potentially false.

If there is a particularly useful piece of information from an accused perpetrator, I will try to verify it through other sources, and will not use it in publicity or persuasion work. "Persuasion" work by the way can include things like persuading family members, police, or doctors that you are facing a real attack and that you are not delusional. Remember that what Kathleen Sullivan has implied above is that perps who publish love to plant "discreditation time bombs", that is false information sandwiched in between good information, for their use at the worst possible time.

Finally, it's good to train yourself to simply regard information published by accused perps as tentative. Don't go beyond that, and worry gravely about everything anyone says or writes. Do respect the potential risk, but don't respect the risk so much you effectively hide under your bed.


Per concludere... / accomplishment
 Presentazione e indice ragionato: come cominciare / Preamble: how to begin
   Pseudo-misteri e coinvolgimenti biologici / Fake-mysteries on biological targets

Opinioni o peggio: accuse?
Opinion or accusation?
Libro / Book
Segnalazioni di Allarme: Internazionali
Microchips impiantati nel corpo umano e altre sopraffazioni e violazioni
Mr. Andrzej Suda's case (also present in style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">Artist Suda: Presentation
Basilare è quanto si trova raccolto in / gathered on
Andrzej (Andrew) Suda's DOCUMENTATION / DOCUMENTAZIONE e nella racolta di immagini originali/ also on suda.fotodoc the original images' folder
Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons: Dr. Reinhard Munzert

PDF files

Armi ad Energia diretta

Caso Suda: file originale
STUPRI-DI-GUERRA: i figli dell'odio

Nota: i file in pdf potranno essere duplicati o riprodotti su supporti elettronici, cartacei o di qualsiasi altro tipo e distribuiti liberamente, a DUE CONDIZIONI.
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Note: the file or the above-named files can be either duplicated or reproduced on electronic supports, paper or any other form and can be freely circulated under two conditions:
1) Whatever the support employed, the books must be reproduced INTEGRAL and COMPLETE both in their text and in their graphics; every change, omission or integration  of any sort cause the loss of permission to duplicate and automatically turn into legal  OFFENCES provided for by the law in protection of copyright.
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Derivano da un altro sito - o meglio: da uno dei libri da questo derivati - alcune pagine di argomento introdutivo ai concetti base della MEDICINA e della CONSAPEVOLEZZAi nuovi volumi possono esser acquistati come veri "libri", ma i relativi COMPLETI pdf possono senza limitazioni venir SCARICATI e stampati a proprie spese dall'utente. / From another site people can make free download of pdf files and also of COMPLETE books - sorry - only in Italian
capitoli in pdf scaricabili/ pdf chapters
Quando la cartella clinica è terapeutica.Dare ai ricordi una seconda vita? Consapevolezza e memoria

Medicina: scienza applicata e multidisciplinare: Emozioni, istinti, ricordi, contraddizioni

libri scaricabili in rete / pdf of complete books

Integrity di Peacock Media

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