IS THAT FEASIBLE TO MANIPULATE HUMAN BRAIN AT DISTANCE?InformationAfter the book published, many files have been up-dated and even a new one has been added: to read in the English transalation the new - compelling - addendum, go to the new file Opinioni o peggio:accuse?/Opinions or accusations?. A very compelling advice regarding the whole management of this work can be read on Links e citazioni su segnali di pericolo. The Petitions: #amnesty, #redcross-redcrescent, #China had recently endorsed into this file.The complete site is ready also as an Encyclopedic book - even if already at present lacking of the newest up-dates. It's Abuse NOT
Science Fiction?
To read a book - a real book on paper, sewn and bound - is easier than reading long files on-line: the Italian scientific and juridical Association against mental, bodily and technological abuses PRINTED this site - with all amount of its informations, quotations, illustrations mostly in English, and with its explanations mostly in Italian only seldom provided with English synopsis - as a NORMAL BOOK. The book is ready to be ACQUIRED at the Printing House Cortina. To order copies the way more directly is to refer at the following addresses: ![]() Corso Marconi 34/a 10125 Torino (ITALY) Phone: 0039 0116507074 / 00390116508665 Fax: 00390116502900
This powerful, more puzzling adaptation of the Goya's Slumber of reason, here is used as book cover's image , so is explained by the Designer: Andrzej Suda:
should look just like many of the events described by the victims: they exist, are bothersome, and we don’t know exactly WHY they are there but they are there… [come molti dei fatti descritti dalle vittime: essi esistono , turbano e noi non riusciamo a conoscere esattamente il PERCHE' ci siano, ma ci sono....]
Internal index:#information, #space based weapons, #references, #new_article, #amnesty, #redcross-redcrescent, #Russian_space, #China, #international, #statistics![]() IS THAT FEASIBLE TO MANIPULATE HUMAN BRAIN AT DISTANCE? Electromagnetic & informational weapons: the remote manipulation of the human brainAlready published as article in the
New Dawn Magazine. Ban of space based weaponsSince 1980 of the past century publications are appearing in the world media describing the feasibility of remote control of the activity of human brain. Certainly the publications on mind control technology in the world mass media are governed by the national security information laws and by the wishes of power elites. While western media mostly talk either about Russian mind control technology or only about western research in this field, the Russian media publications are much more factual. Apparently there are two reasons for this Russian approach. First there was an attempt, in 1991, to use mind control technology during the putsch against Gorbachev and second the Russian Federation seems to be determined to work toward the international ban of the use of this technology. For example in 1994 the Russian weekly Argumenty i Fakty, published an article describing the shooting of a TV series on psychotronic weapons entitled Black Box (according to the article the shooting was soon put to a stop). The weekly describes how the journalist, who volunteered for the experiment, sat down in front of a psychotronic generator and started describing his experiences:I can not see clearly any more. I can not concentrate…something is stifling my brain…". In the next part of the TV shooting the journalist was supposed to be subjected to "coding".This meant that into his brain an activity should be programmed which he would perform when he hears an unusual word connection like "blue camomile". As an example of what he could do the weekly wrote that he could jump out of the window. However the result of this experiment was not published. In contrast to Russian publications the western media do not publish even the information on the development of mind control technology which can be found in the open military documents (in the USA) or documents of European Parliament (in Europe). However even in the USA dissident politicians present initiatives aiming at the ban of mind control technologies. In October 2000, the congressman Denis J. Kucinich introduced in the American Congress a bill, obliging the American president to get engaged in the negotiations aimed at the ban of space based weapons. In this bill the definition of a weapon system includes: any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person)… through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.(12)As in all legislative acts quoted in this article the bill counts with sound, light or electromagnetic stimulation of human brain. Psychotronic weapons remain, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science fiction, since so far none of the published scientific experiments with new psychotronic technologies was presented in the way which would allow for its replication. That it is feasible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either sound or visual, messages is now generally known. This is why in most of the countries the use of such technologies, without consent of the user, is baned. The facts presented in this article suggest that with the development of technology and knowledge of the functioning of human brain new ways of manipulation of human mind keep emerging. One of them is apparently the electromagnetic energy (among published physical concepts soliton waves and non local electron connection lend themselves, as well, for this purpose). Though in the open scientific literature only some 30 experiments were published, supporting this assumption already in 1974, in the USSR, after succesfull testing with military unit in Novosibirsk, the installation Radioson (Radiosleep) was registered with the Government Committee on the Matters of Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, described as a method of induction of sleep by means of radio waves. In the report by World Health Association on nonionizing radiation from 1991 we read Many of biological effects observed in animals exposed to ELF fields appear to be associated, either directly or indirectly, with the nervous system….Among the published experiments there are experiments where pulsed microwaves caused the synchronization of isolated neurons with the frequency of pulsing of microwaves - for example a neuron firing at a frequency 0.8 Hz was forced in this way to fire the impulses at a frequency of 1 Hz. As well pulsed microwaves changed the concentration of neurotransmitters in brain (neurotransmitters are a part of the mechanism which causes the firing of neurons in the brain) and reinforced or attenuated the effects of drugs delivered into the brain. The experiment where the main brain frequencies registered by EEG were synchronized with the frequency of microwave pulsing might explain the function of the Russian installation Radioson. Microwaves pulsed in the sleep frequency would cause the synchronization of the brain activity with the sleep frequency and in this way produce the sleep. A report derived from the testing program of the Microwave Research Department at the Walter Reed Army Institute of research states Microwave pulses appear to couple to the central nervous system and produce stimulation similar to electric stimulation unrelated to heat.In a many times replicated experiment microwaves pulsed in an exact frequency caused the efflux of calcium ions from the nerve cells (1,2). Pulsing of microwaves in frequency predominating in the brain at awaked state could, by the same procedure, deny the sleep to a human being. In a many times replicated experiment microwaves pulsed in an exact frequency caused the efflux of calcium ions from the nerve cells. Calcium plays a key role in the firing of neurons and Ross Adey, member of the first scientific team which published this experiment, publically expressed his conviction that this effect of electromagnetic radiation would interfere with concentration on complex tasks (7). Robert Becker, who had share in the discovery of the effect of pulsed fields at the healing of broken bones, published the excerpts from the report from Walter Reed Army Institute testing program. In the first part prompt debilitation effects should have been tested (8). Were not those effects based on the experiment by Ross Adey and others with calcium efflux? British scientist John Evans, working in the same field, wrote that both Ross Adey and Robert Becker lost their positions and research grants and called them free-thinking exiles (6). In 1975, in the USA, a military experiment was published where pulsed microwaves produced, in the brain of a human subject, an audio perception of numbers from 1 to 10 (9). Again the possibility to convince human being that it is mentally ill is obvious. The testing program of American Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, where the experiment took place, counts with prompt auditory stimulation by means of auditory effects and finally aims at behavior controled by stimulation (8). Let us imagine that the words delivered into the brain were transcribed into ultrasound frequencies. Would not then the subject perceive those words as his own thoughts? And could not then his behavior be controled in this way? ,\ The American Air Force 1982 Final Report On Biotechnology Research Requirements For Aeronautical Systems Through the Year 2000 states: …subsequent work should address the possibilities of directing and interrogating mental functioning, using externally applied fields….Several scientists warned that latest advances in neurophysiology could be used for the manipulation of human brain. On June 6, 1992 the Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda published part of a call of several heads of Russian research institutes, universities and medical institutions where they wrote: 20 years ago, when we started working on microwave therapy, we made an agreement that the discoveries in this area we will never use to the detriment of people. The warning of general Kobets, that OMON (Russian antiterrorist police) has got psychotronic weapon goes to prove that the psychotronic weapon has been already produced. If it finds a way into the hands of people with bad intentions, it may be more dangerous than nuclear bomb, since it is capable to stifle the free will of a human being. We address president Yeltsine and democratic organisations of the world with a demand that the use of psychotronic generators in quality of weapons is banned.In June 1995, Michael Persinger, who worked on the American Navy's project of Non-lethal electromagnetic weapons, published, in a scientific magazine, an article where he states: the technical capability to influence directly the major portion of the approximately six billion brains of the human species without mediation through classical sensory modalities by generating neural information within a physical medium within which all members of the species are immersed… is now marginally feasible.In 1998, the French National Bioethics Committee warned that neuroscience is being increasingly recognized as posing potential threat to human rights. In May 1999 the neuroscientists conference, sponsored by the UN, took place in Tokyo. In the declaration we read: Today we have intellectual, physical and financial resources to master the power of the brain itself, and to develop devices to touch the mind and even control or erase consciousness…We wish to profess our hope that such pursuit of knowledge serves peace and welfare.In 1999 the STOA (Scientific and Technological Options Assessment), part of the Directorate General for Research of the European Parliament published the report on Crowd Control Technologies, ordered by them with the OMEGA foundation in British Manchester (23). One of four major subjects of the study are the 2nd generation or "non lethal" technologies: This report evaluates the second generation of 'non-lethal' weapons which are emerging from national military and nuclear weapons laboratories in the United States as part of the Clinton Administration's 'non-lethal' warfare doctrine now adopted in turn by NATO. These devices include weapons using* directed energy beam,*radio frequency, laser and accoustic mechanisms to incapacitate human targets" (24) The report states that *the most controversial *non-lethal- crowd control* technology proposed by the U.S., are so called Radio Frequency or Directed Energy Weapons that can allegedly manipulate human behavior* the greatest concern is with systems which can directly interact with the human nervous system(25).The report also states that perhaps the most powerful developments remain shrouded in secrecy (26). The unavailability of official documents confirming the existence of this technology may be the reason why the OMEGA report is referencing, with respect to mind control technology, the internet publication of the author of this article (27). In an identical approach the internet publication of the directrice of the American human rights and anti mind control organization (CAHRA), Cheryl Welsh, is referenced by joint initiative of Quaker United Nations Office, United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, and Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, with respect to non-lethal weapons (28). On September 25th, 2000 the Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma discussed the addendum to the article 6 of the Federal law On Weapons. In the resolution we read: "The achievements of contemporary science* allow for creation of measured methods of secret, remote influencing on the psyches and physiology of a person or a group of people„ (29). The committee recommended that the addendum be approved.On July 26 the addendum to the article 6 of the Russian Federation law "On Weapons" was approved. It states: "*within the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited the circulation of weapons and other objects the effects of the operation of which are based on the use of electromagnetic, light, thermal, infra-sonic or ultra-sonic radiations* (30).In this way the Russian government made a first step to stand up to its dedication to the ban of mind control technology. In the Doctrine of Informational Security of the Russian Federation, signed by president Putin in September 2000, among the dangers threatening the informational security of Russian Federation, is listed the threat to the constitutional rights and freedoms of people and citizens in the sphere of spiritual life and illegal use of special means affecting individual, group and societal consciousness"(31).Among the major directions of the international cooperation toward the guaranteeing of the informational security is listed the ban of production, dissemination and use of "informational weapons" (32). This should be interpreted as the continuing Russian dedication to the international ban of the means of remote influencing of the activity of human brain. In the above mentioned report, published by the STOA, the originally proposed version of the resolution of the European Parliament is quoted, calling for an international convention for a global ban on all research and development* which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable the manipulation of human beings, including a ban of any actual or possible deployment of such systems.(33)Here the term "actual" might easily mean that such weapons are already deployed. Among the countries with the most advanced military technologies those are the USA which did not present any international initiative demanding the ban of technologies enabling the remote control of human mind. (The original version of the bill by Denis J.Kucinich was changed.) All the same, according to the study published by STOA, the USA are the major promoter of the use of those arms. Non lethal technology was included into NATO military doctrine due to their effort: At the initiative of the USA, within the framework of NATO, a special group was formed, for the perspective use of devices of non-lethal effectsstates the record from the session of the Committe on Security of the Russian State Duma (29). The report published by STOA states: In October 1999 NATO announced a new policy on non-lethal weapons and their place in allied arsenals (34). In 1996 non-lethal tools identified by the U.S. Army included *directed energy systems*" and "radio frequency weapons (35)- those weapons, as was suggested in the STOA report as well, are being associated with the effects on human nervous system. According to the Russian government informational agency FAPSI, in the last 15 years, the U.S. expenses on the development and acquisition of the means of informational war grew four times and at present time they occupy the first place among all military programs (17), (3).Though there are other concepts of informational war than mind control, the unwillingnes of the USA to engage in the negotiations aimed at the ban of the manipulation of human brains might indicate their intent to use those means in internal as well as international affairs. One clear consequence of the continuation of the apparent politics of secrecy surrounding technologies enabling remote control of human brains might be that the governments, who would own such technologies, could use them without having to take into consideration the opinion of the general public. The concept of the democratic world would be, though secretly, disrupted in this way, and in the future the world populations could live in only fake democracy where their own or foreign governments might, by means of secret technologies, shape their opinions. In the State Michigan in the USA, since January 2004, any person producing, delivering, possessing, transporting or using harmfull electronic or electromagnetic device may be sentenced for up to 15 years in prison. Since the same punishment is defined in the law for biological, chemical or radioactive weapons it is a serious question whether the U.S. government does not own electronic and electromagnetic weapons of mass destruction. In the Doctrine of Informational Security of the Russian Federation, signed by president Putin in September 2000, among the dangers threatening the informational security of Russian Federation, is listed the threat to the constitutional rights and freedoms of people and citizens in the sphere of spiritual life… individual, group and societal consciousness" and "illegal use of special means affecting individual, group and societal consciousness". Among the major directions of the international cooperation toward the guaranteeing of the informational security is listed "the ban of production, dissemination and use of 'informational weapon‘ .This should be interpreted as the continuing Russian dedication to the international ban of the means of remote influencing of the activity of human brain. In the above mentioned report, published by the STOA, the originally proposed version of the resolution of the European Parliament is quoted, calling for an international convention for a global ban on all research and development… which seeks to apply knowledge of the chemical, electrical, sound vibration or other functioning of the human brain to the development of weapons which might enable the manipulation of human beings, including a ban of any actual or possible deployment of such systems.Here the term "actual" might easily mean that such weapons are already deployed. Among the countries with the most advanced military technologies those are the USA which did not present any international initiative demanding the ban of technologies enabling the remote control of human mind (the bill by Denis J. Kucinich was first changed and then it was not passed anyway). All the same, according to the study published by STOA, the USA are the major promoter of the use of those arms. It states: In October 1999 NATO announced a new policy on non-lethal weapons and their place in allied arsenals.This might have meant that the USA succeeded to put an end to the European effort to ban mind control weapons since: In 1996 non-lethal tools identified by the U.S. Army included… "directed energy systems "- and - "radio frequency weapons"- those weapons, as was suggested in the STOA report as well, are being associated with the effects on human nervous system. According to the Russian government informational agency FAPSI, in the last 15 years, the U.S. expenses on the development and acquisition of the means of informational war grew four times and at present time they occupy the first place among all military programs. Though there are other concepts of informational war than mind control, the unwillingnes of the USA to engage in the negotiations aimed at the ban of the manipulation of human brains indicates their intent to use those means in internal as well as international affairs. In 1994 the Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College has published a book Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War. Since the national security information is apparently in question, the book does not tell the readers what technology exactly is making this revolution feasible. From the beginning the authors are aware that the use of this technology may run counter to basic moral and political values of the American society and in consequence the revolution in military affairs would require a moral and political revolution to come first. Since it is difficult for them to imagine that the American Society would accept the ethical and political revolution that would deprive the citizen of his privacy, they develop a scenario of events which would lead the American political leaders to back this revolution. Unfortunately the serious doubts which is raising the activity of American Intelligence Community , and especially CIA and FBI, before the 9/11 attacks raise question whether the 9/11 attacks were not just something that fit some broader project of the American politics for the 21st century. In this case the 9/11 attacks could be used as a part of this scenario which needed some justification for the assault on the privacy of U.S. citizens and sovereignty of foreign nations. The scenario is placed into the year 2000 and is based on the situation of growing terrorism, drug trafficking and criminality: The president was thus amenable to the use of the sort of psychotechnology which formed the core of the RMA (revolution in military affairs) in conflict short of war… In the pre-RMA days, psychological operations and psychological warfare were primitive. As they advanced into the electronic and bioelectronic era, it was necessary to rethink our ethical prohibitions on manipulating the minds of enemies (and potential enemies) both international and domestic... Through persistent efforts and very sophisticated domestic ”consciousness raising”, old-fashioned notions of personal privacy and national sovereignty changed… Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database. These were categorized as ”potential” or ”active”, with sophisticated personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each.If the right to privacy of American citizens has been cut down and sovereignty of Iraq destroyed, is there any reason to fear that even the continuation of this scenario will be implemented in the years or decades to come? In the first place the trickle of the information on mind control technology in the western mass media has been reduced substantially after the 9/11 attacks. In the second place there are indications that those means are being actually used. In December 17-23, 2001 issue of the U.S. army weekly Defense News was published an article Israel Fields Means To Suppress Palestinian Violence where Ben-Israel, outgoing chief of military research and development for the Israeli Ministry of Defense said his directorate explored different scientific and phenomenological fields - including mind control - in an attempt to contain and deter terrorist activity.Though he said that they were using mind control methods, many of which were developed by military and security agencies of the former Soviet Union it is rather realistic to believe that he said so in order to not disclose the existence of the American mind control technology, which they probably used. On June 6, 1992 the Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda published the results of the measurement of densities of radiofrequency radiation in 10 appartments in Moscow, where the families complained that their psychic activity and physical shape are being manipulated by electromagnetic radiation. In all ten appartments intensive, directed electromagnetic radiation was found.When in 1991 Komsomoskaya Pravda published the story of a former lieutenant colonel of the Soviet KGB, who complained of the same problems, the newspaper received more than 400 letters from people with similar experiences. Since out of ten above mentioned families only one wrote a letter to Komsomolskaya Pravda there is a strong possibility that there are perhaps ten times more such people in Russia. On July 11,1991, the Russian newspaper Express-Megalopolis wrote that Russian deputy Juri Vlasov had received 2000 such complaints. Cheryl Welsh, the directrice of an American organisation Mind Justice, engaged in the defence of people complaining of manipulation of their nervous system by technical means, claims that she has received more than 2000 letters describing such experiences and asking for help. Third in place as for the number of complaints is Japan with 134 such people and in Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Great Brittain, Germany and France the number of complaining people varies between 10 and 50. In the rest of the world the numbers are negligible. However on three English speaking Intertnet lists dedicated to mind control the number of Americans claiming that they fell victims to mind control experimentation has risen by 104 since June 2004 till the end of that year and this should be perceived as a threat by the world general public. In 2003 the Russian weekly Argumenty i Fakty wrote: Without any doubt there exist technologies of physical and psychical oppression of human being… but there is no chance to receive information on this subject from the first hand since it is most highly classified.According to the article in Komsomolskaya Pravda from June 6, 1992 the subject of effects of microwave radiation on human behavioral functions (creation of biorobots) was placed on the List of Information Banned from Publication in the year 1990 in Russia. It is clear that for as long as those weapons remain classified they can be used without obligation to take into consideration the fact that their use is in conflict with the constitutions of democratic states and for as long as the world mass media do not publish the existence of mind control technology the governments do not need to ask their citizens for a permission to use it. In this way a system of parallel democracy might be created where to some people the rights are denied which are guaranteed to others and for some time the scenario fo U.S. Army Strategic Studies Institute could be implememted in this way. The concept of the democratic world thus remains corrupted for as long as the ban proposed by the European parliament and Russia is not negotiated and enacted in national legislations around the world in a verifiable manner. But this would, in the first place, require teh willingness of the U.S. power elites to participate in this effort. This apparently can not be expected before there is achieved transparency of the American political scene, where national security information law prevails more and more against democracy and is used even against unofficial investigations of the events preceding the 9/11 attacks. For as long as the USA do not intend to participate in the international ban of the remote manipulation of human brains, other countries, like Russian Federation, are obliged to continue in the arms race with respect to mind control technology and maintain the policy of its classification Mojmir BabacekInternational Movement for the Ban of the Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Technical Means) REFERENCES1) Handbook of Biological Effects of Electromadnetic Fields, 1996, CRC Press Inc., 0-8493-0641-8/96, - pg. 117, 119, 474- 485, 542-551, 565 at the top and third and last paragraph.2) World Health Organization report on non-ionizing radiation from 1991, pg. 143 and 207-208 3) V. Lopatin, V Cygankov: Psichotronnoje oruiie i bezopasnost Rossii, SINTEG, Russian Federation, Moscow, ISBN 5-89638-006-2-A5-2000-30, list of the publications of the publishing house you will find at the address 4) G. Gurtovoj, I. Vinokurov: Psychotronnaja vojna, ot mytov k realijam, Russsian Federation, Moscow, Mysteries, 1993, ISBN 5-86422-098-1 5) With greatest likelihood as well the Russian daily TRUD, which has organized the search for the documents, Moscow, between August 1991 and end of 1992 6) John Evans: Mind, Body and Electromagnetism, the Burlington Press, Cambridge, 1992, ISBN 1874498008, str.139 7) Robert Becker: Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, William Morrow and comp., New York, 1985, pg. 287 8) Robert Becker: Cross Currents, the Startling Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on your Health, 1991, Bloomsburry Publishing, London, Great Brittain, ISBN 0-7475-0761-9, pg. 304, Robert Becker refers to Bioelectromagnetics Society Newsletter, January and February 1989 9) Don R. Justesen, 1975, Microwaves and Behavior, American Psychologist, March 1975, pg. 391 - 401 10) Dr. Nick Begich and Jeane Maning: Angels Don't Play This HAARP, Advances in Tesla Technology, Earthpulse Press, 1995, ISBN 0-9648812--0-9, pg. 169 11) see at the bottom of the page the Bio of Principal Investigator. 12) M. A. Persinger: On the Possibility of Directly Lacessing Every Human Brain byElectromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorythms, Perception and Motor Skills, June1995,, sv. 80, str. 791-799 13) Nature, vol.391, 22.1.1998,str.316, Advances in Neurosciences May Threaten Human Rights. 14) Internet reference at the site of the United Nations University and Institute of Advanced Studies in Tokyo does not work any more, to verify the information it is necessary to find the document from the 1999 UN sponsored conference of neuroscientists in Tokyo, you may inquire at the address 15) at Plenary sessions, scroll down to Reports by A4 number ˆclick, choose 1999 and fill in 005 to A4 16) and search for Space Preservation Act then click at H.R.2977 17) Russian daily Segodnya, 11. February, 2000, Andrei Soldatov: Vsadniki psychotronitscheskovo apokalypsa (Riders of Psychotronic Apokalypse) 18) See ref. 3), pg. 107 19) See ref. 3) pg. 97 20) See ref. 3), pg. 107 21) See ref. 3), pg. 108 22) See ref. 3) pg. 13 23) (choose publications and Crowd Control Technologies) 24) see ref. 23 pg. XIX or 25 25) see ref. 23 pg. LIII or 69 26) see ref.23 pg.XLVII or 63, as well pg.VII-VIII or7-8,pg.XIX or 25, pg.XLV or 61 27) see ref. 19) pg. LIII or 69, note 354 28) : CAHRA and Cheryl Welsh are listed at the page 24 29) Document sent by Moscow Committee of Ecology of Dwellings. Telephone: Russian Federation, Zelenograd, 531-6411, Emilia Tschirkova, directrice. 30) Search , there "poisk" (search) and search for gosudarstvennaja duma (State Duma) (it is necessary to type in Russian alphabet), at the page which appears choose informacionnyj kanal gosudarstvennoj dumy (Informational Channel of the Russian State Duma), there federalnyje zakony podpisanyje prezidentom RF (Federal laws signed by president of the Russian Federation), choose year 2001 and search 26 ijulja, c. N 103-F3 (July 26, 2001, number N 103-F3), O vnesenii dopolnenija v statju 6 federalnogo zakona ob oruiii (addendum to the article 6 of the Federal law on weapons) 31) Search and then (type in Russian alphabet) gosudarstvennaja duma, next informacionnyj kanal gosudarstvennoj dumy (informational channel of the State Duma), next search by use of "poisk" (search) Doktrina informacionnoj bezopasnosti Rossii, Doctrine of the Informational Security of the Russian Federation) there see pg. 3 Vidy informacionnych ugroz bezopasnosti Rossijskkoj federacii (Types of Threats to the Informational Security of the Russian Federation) 32) See ref. 31, pg. 19, Meidunarodnoje sotrudnicestvo Rossijskoj Federacii v oblasti obespecenija informacionnoj bezopasnoti (International Cooperation of the Russian Federation in Assuring the Informational Security). 33) See ref.23, pg. XVII or 33 34) See ref.23, pg. XLV or 61 35) See ref.23 pg. XLVI or 62 26)
New Article
is now commonly
uderstood that information and other new technologies… are creating a
dynamic that may threaten America's ability to exercise its
dominant military power. Potential rivals, such as China are anxious to
exploit those transformational technologies broadly, while adversaries
like Iran, Iraq and North Korea are rushing to develop ballistic
missiles and nuclear weapons… [13].
Does this mean that the threat of
nuclear war is passing into history and will be replaced by
"information war" in possible
future major conflicts? land-based,
sea-based or space-based systems using radiation,
electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser or other energies directed
at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of
information war, mood managment or mind control of such persons or
populations [4].
The existence of the electromagnetic mind control
technology is confirmed in the Conclusion of the Committee on
Security of the Russian State Duma [3]. As well in the Russian
Federation the experiment with mass manipulation by microwave radiation
was published [5]. Psychotronic
weapon introduced in the Dennis J.
Kucinich's bill is described as a torsion
fields technology in the
book Psychotronic
Weapon and the Security of Russia by Vladimir
Lopatin [6] (a politician, who worked on Committees on Security in
Russian Federal Republic, State Duma of the Russian Federation and the
Interparliamentary Assembly of the Union of Independent States). Torsion fields is possibly a false
term used because of the
National Security Information concerns as well as scalar fields used
by military scientists in the USA. Scientific
publications on torsion
and scalar
fields are regularly available to readers and
contain scientific mystifications. However the book on microleptonic
fields. Microleptonic
Conception by A. F. Okhatrin and V. Yu. Tatur,
referenced in the bibliography of the book by V. Lopatin, is subject to
the National Security Information law in the Russian Federation. (A. F.
Okhatrin was the first Russian scientist to be approached by Russian
journalists when they started their search for Russian mind control
technology in 1990. He told them that microleptonic fields can act on
human nervous system, impair human health or kill human beings
[2]). In 1991 a respected Russian scientist Victor Sedlecki published a
statement in the Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda
that psychotronic
biogenerators are mass produced in the Soviet Union and were used
during the failed coup d'etat against Gorbachov [7]. In the article
with the interview with A. F. Okhatrin the microleptonic field is
described as biofield as well [2] so the biogenerators are probably microleptonic generators. As well,
while concepts of torsion and
scalar fields are extremely divergent in their theoretical postulates,
concept of microleptonic fields appears to be identical with the
concept of subatomic
particle beams named also in the bill by Dennis
PETITION to the:
Ladies and Gentlemen land-based,
sea-based and space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic,
psychotronic, sonic, laser or other energies directed at individual
persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war,
mood management or mind control of such persons or populations
( and search for the Bill number h.r. 2977). In the conclusion of the Committee on Security of the Russian State Duma the existence of electromagnetic mind control technology is confirmed. Psychotronic weapons mentioned in the Dennis J. Kucinich's bill and described in the (attached) book by Vladimir Lopatin (a Russian politician who worked on Committees on security in Russian Republic, Russian State Duma and parliament of the Union of Independent States) as torsion fields technology ( - concise English contents, pg. 27 - 37 - the information war is discussed as well). After some research we assume that torsion fields is a false term used because of the National Security Information concerns as well as scalar fields used by military scientists in the USA - however we found out that the book on leptonic fields: Microleptonic Conception by A. F. Okhatrin and V. Yu. Tatur, referenced in the bibliography of the book by V. Lopatin is subject to the National Security Information law in the Russian Federation. (A. F. Okhatrin was the first Russian scientist to be approached by Russian journalists when they started their search for Russian mind control technology in 1990.) The concept of leptonic fields may be identical with the concept of subatomic particle beams named in the bill proposed by Dennis J. Kucinich in the USA. Among known new physical concepts the non-local electron connection and soliton waves could be used for the manipulation of human brain activity as well and with the miniaturisation and development of nanotechnology the use of implants comes into question as a very probable technology to be used for the same purpose. We are presenting you, in the
evidence that electromagnetic technology enabling remote control of
human nervous system is subject to National Security Information
law in the United States of America and that technologies enabling
access to human brain are subject to the National Security Information
in the Russian Federation as well. Under such condition
the mass media
and world general public can not get engaged in the ban of the use
of of those means. Clearly the ownership of such means of
control creates opportunity for any government which owns them to
use them
against individuals without giving them any chance of legal
defense and leaving them with a strong probability to be treated in
mental hospitals. In this way the concept of democracy and the
of the democratic world is being corrupt. In
the past the individual could face risks and pressures with
preservation of his own identity. His body could be tortured, his
thoughts and desires could be challenged by bribes, by emotions, and by
public opinion, and his behavior could be influenced by environmental
circumstances, but he allways had the privilige of deciding his own
fate, of dying for an ideal without changing his mind…New neurological
technology, however, has a refined efficiency. The individual is
defenseless against dicrect manipulation of the brain…
(Jose Delgado,
1969, neurophysiologist at the Yale University, from the book Physical
Control of the Mind, Toward a Psychocivilized Society). Could
not you understand from this text, which is now 36 years old,
with technologies providing acces to mind and brain
advancing in great strides in the past decades, that perhaps the
statutes of your organisation are not up to date with the technological
advances of this world?. Amnesty
International's mission is to undertake
research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of
the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and
expression, and freedom from discrimination…
As well we read in your
statutes that the functions
of the International Executive Committee
are to take international decisions on behalf of AMNESTY
INTERNATIONAL…to make any necessary adjustments to the Integrated
Strategic Plan and other decisions of the International Council…"
and "to ensure compliance with the Statute.
Therefore we
strongly believe that, according to your statutes, your organisation is
capable to defend human rights even in the changing modern world.
are aware that having no evidence you can not take direct action on
anyone's behalf (unless you get engaged in the research of
methods of detecting the signals used for the remote manipulation of
human brain). Attached we are mailing you the article from the American
publication Defense News asserting that those technologies were
used by
Israelis against Palestinians. As well there are rumors that microwave
mind control technology is being actually used in Iraq (see Microwaving Iraq
In any event your decision, in your capacity
as the most respected organisation in the world defending human rights,
to pay attention to this kind of human rights abuse would create a new
world climate. We would greatly appreciate if you published a document
criticizing present situation in the world where you would call for
enactment of laws, around the world, prohibiting remote manipulation of
human nervous system by technical means in a verifiable manner. This
would require organisation of governments' laboratories capable to
detect the mind control signals aimed at individual
citizens of
states (and foreigners coming to those states from abroad and asking
for verification of their claims) as well as at whole populations.
Those laboratories should publish their findings in case that they
would detect signals capable to influence the activity of human brain
and their source. In the legislation of all states around the world the
penalties should be set for the use of technology enabling remote
control of human brain's functioning. those
people who control them are deadly
serious and intend to use them, if we don't stop the weaponization of
(see the atttached article from Berkeley Daily Planet
InternationalWe strongly recommend that the governments which truly care for human freedom, human rights organisations, mass media and the United Nations become aware of those facts and take the appropriate action. According to Russian newspapers and some Russian politicians about thirty countries in the present world are involved in mind control research aiming at the possibility to control human being at distance by means of manipulation of its nervous system by physical fields (in some cases the use of implants have been proved).The survey of people complaining of manipulation of their nervous system (below) proves that such people may be found in twenty, technologically advanced, countries of the world (the countries which are not presented in the statistics have no complaints of nervous system manipulation on internet discussions lists or by regular mail). What is striking is the fact that the countries which are best known for mind control research - the Russian Federation and the USA have as well the highest numbers of people claiming manipulation of their nervous system. The number of such complaints in Japan is also alarming. We strongly recommend that the governments which truly care for human freedom, human rights organisations, mass media and the United Nations become aware of those facts and take the appropriate action.
E il più importante e riassuntivo: ![]()
--------------- of inhabitants ---------claiming that they ---------------------------------------------are victims of mind --------------------------------------------- control experimentation Australia ------------20 ----------------------10----------------------------- Belgium --------------10------------------------- 1---------------------------- Brazil -------------- 174-------------------------- 0---------------------------- Bulgaria -------------- 7.5------------------------ 0---------------------------- Canada --------------25------------------------- 25---------------------------- China------------- 1281--------------------------- 7--------------------------- Czech Republic ---10--------------------------- 3--------------------------- Denmark -------------5.4--------------------------0--------------------------- Estonia ---------------1.4--------------------------0--------------------------- Finland ---------------5.2--------------------------3-------------------------- France --------------60---------------------------50-------------------------- Germany -----------82---------------------------23-------------------------- Greece -------------10.6---------------------------0-------------------------- Hungary -----------10------------------------------0--------------------------- India ------------1050-------------------------------1-------------------------- Ireland --------------3.9-----------------------------0-------------------------- Italy ----------------58-------------------------------7 (the count of visits of website dedicated to this problem in one day ) Japan -------------127----------------------------138-------------------------- Kazakhstan -------16.8-----------------------------0-------------------------- Korea South------48.6-----------------------------1------------------------- Mexico -----------104------------------------------1------------------------- Netherlands -------16------------------------------8-------------------------- New Zealand--------4------------------------------2------------------------ Norway--------------4.5----------------------------1------------------------- Peru-----------------29------------------------------0------------------------- Philippines --------86------------------------------0------------------------- Poland -------------38------------------------------3------------------------ Portugal------------10------------------------------0------------------------ Russia-------------144---------------------------400 (according to the Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda there might be much more: Komsomolskaya Pravda, June 6, 1992, V. Umnov, Kupite Ustroistvo dlia Slezki za sosediami) Slovenia-------------2-------------------------------2----------------------- South Africa------42-------------------------------0----------------------- Spain --------------40-------------------------------3----------------------- Sweden--------------9------------------------------4----------------------- Switzerland --------7.4-----------------------------3---------------------- Taiwan ------------22-------------------------------1---------------------- Thailand---------- 64-------------------------------1---------------------- Turkey ------------69-------------------------------1---------------------- United Kingdom 60------------------------------31 United States ---293----------------------------595 Venezuela------- 25--------------------------------0------------------------ Vietnam----------82--------------------------------0------------------------
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